WeChat Red Packet Group

Chapter 51 Rainy Night

Chapter 51 Rainy Night
The silver armored man galloped forward, holding the green wood token.

Followed by the mighty troops of the City Lord's Mansion, the leader is a woman... Ye Hailan!

The elders of Fenxiangmen and Tongbimen frowned slightly when they saw the person coming.

If it is said that in Scarlet Blood City, the only one who can stop today's events is the City Lord's Mansion. In Scarlet Blood City, the Ye Family of the City Lord's Mansion has almost no less strength than the three great immortal sects!
The leaders of the two sects were just about to speak, but suddenly there was thunder and lightning in the sky, dark clouds covered the sky, all the moonlight was covered, and it rained heavily in an instant!

This rain came too fast and too weird!

A thunderbolt appeared out of thin air, followed by the sound of thunder, all the lights of the seven stars in the sky were covered, and a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, hitting the star formation!

"Is this God's will? I haven't seen dark clouds just now, but now it's raining heavily..."

"The array is scattered and quickly enter the Lin family!"

The rain kept falling, and even brought out bursts of blood in the Lin family. The purple awns and starlight giant sword above the sky shocked everyone.

Following an order, the elders of Fenxiangmen and Tongbimen rushed towards the Lin family with two teams of troops.

And the members of the Sun family and the Li family had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush in...

"Miss, the three major sects are acting together in this matter, we should not participate." Manager Yun stood beside Ye Hailan and said in a deep voice.

Ye Hailan stood in the rain but didn't touch any water. All the rainwater turned into clouds of mist as soon as it approached her, making her even more dusty. Even a light veil covering her face could not hide the holiness like a blooming white lotus. temperament.

"As I said, I owe him a favor, and today I helped him break the siege of the Lin family." Ye Hailan's voice was like the sound of nature, but it was as indifferent as ice.

Director Yun shook his head and said, "Miss, at this moment, Lin Feng may have already become a dead bone in Wanlin Yunhai, so why bother..."

But he knew that if he said this, he didn't say it. He had been with Ye Hailan for many years and knew her temperament very well, so what she said would definitely be done.

When his voice fell, he waved his hands and led everyone into the Lin family.

The gatekeepers of the Lin family were terrified. The cultivation of such three groups of people was so good that they couldn't even raise the slightest thought of resistance.

The three groups of people headed towards the beast cave at an extremely fast speed...

Outside the animal den, the Supreme Elder and his group resisted the beast tide with great strength, but at this moment, the Supreme Elder vomited blood, and his whole body was in tatters, only the purple bead in his hand continued to radiate light to resist the beast tide.

"How could there be lightning, thunder, and dark clouds all of a sudden in good weather? The formation was destroyed, but fortunately, the matter has come to an end!" Lin Qingyun's long sword flashed in his hand, and he wanted to forcibly snatch the Purple Jade Town Dzi Bead.

"The Lin family is in danger!"

The first elder was heartbroken, he held the Purple Jade Town Dzi Bead in his hand, and when Lin Qingyun was about to attack the elder hall, he had a chance to kill Lin Qingyun, but he couldn't bear it, and now he made a big mistake.

The three major sects gathered in the Lin family, and they were already powerless...

Seeing that nothing could be violated, he threw the purple pearl viciously into the dark clouds of thunder and lightning that day.

Seeing this scene, Lin Qingyun's expression suddenly changed. Behind him, two disciples of Wanjianmen, who were like Changhong, were soaring into the sky with secret treasures in their hands, and they wanted to stop Zizhuzi!

The two followed Zizhu into the dark clouds.

Lin Qingyun, who was far away, still saw that bright color disappear suddenly, as if being held by someone, immediately relaxed his heart, and laughed loudly.

However, before his voice fell, he heard an extremely loud shout.

The sound was like thunder rolling in the clouds, mixed with the sound of rain falling into everyone's ears...

Immediately afterwards, the two figures fell straight down and hit the ground hard, no one knew whether they were alive or dead!

Lin Qingyun stared at the sky, his complexion became gloomy, his smile disappeared instantly, and he shouted to the sky in a deep voice: "I don't know if it's that expert who came and wanted to give Wan Jianmen some face!"

At this moment, not only Lin Qingyun, but also the members of the three major immortal sects who came one after another couldn't help frowning and looked up to the sky. Looking at the thunderclouds all over the sky, everyone unconsciously felt that there was an expert descending from the sky.

This rain is really too weird, and I am afraid it has something to do with this person!
They guessed right, but they also guessed wrong...

The one who came was not a big man, but a rather embarrassed young man, who was none other than Lin Feng.

Holding the purple light bead in his hand, Lin Feng swooped down from the air like a cannonball, and bombarded the ground heavily!
For a time, dozens of gaps were cracked on the ground, and countless small cracks spread out like spider webs, with a full depression several meters deep.

This scene really made the corners of everyone's eyes twitch fiercely. With such a big impact, how high did this guy fall from?And just like that, nothing happened!
"Who are you, please return this thing to its original owner!" Lin Qingyun frowned and looked at Lin Feng, and said in a deep voice.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding Lin family children all stared at him strangely, and the third master Lin walked up to him and whispered: "Nephew, he is Lin Feng..."

Lin Qingyun's body froze suddenly, and his expression turned cold.

"Seal all these monsters with formations!" Just as Lin Feng and Lin Qingyun were confronting each other, the troops of the City Lord's Mansion rushed over and rushed towards the beast tide immediately.

Lin Feng saw Ye Hailan from a distance, looked around immediately, his eyes were slightly cold, he hugged her deeply, and said lightly: "You should handle your own affairs, Miss Ye's kindness is appreciated."

When Lin Feng said this, the crowd panicked, and their eyes were wide open. Once thousands of mortal monsters rushed to kill, fleeing around in the Lin family would be a serious problem for the Lin family, but he actually refused the help of the city lord's mansion!

I saw Lin Feng glanced at Lin Qingyun fiercely with his eyes like knives, pointed at the broken arm and stump on the ground, and said coldly: "We will settle this account later..." After finishing speaking, he turned towards thousands of monsters all by himself. go.

Behind Lin Qingyun, the disciple of Wanling Yunhai suddenly smiled and said: "Lin Qingyun, this is the opponent they say can be compared with you? I think you are just an ignorant child!"

"Does he think he is at the Spirit Path Realm or the King Realm? It's ridiculous that he wants to repel the beast tide by himself."

Manager Yun beside Ye Hailan in the distance couldn't help but frowned deeply when he saw this scene, and said in a low voice: "Miss, do you want to make a move? Did this person break his brain just now, so that he will be torn to pieces in the past?" of……"

Ye Hailan's glazed eyes moved slightly, staring at Lin Feng from a distance, and finally shook his head, signaling the people of the City Lord's Mansion not to move.

The three major families, and even the three immortal sects all watched this scene speechlessly, just staring at Lin Feng walking towards the beast tide that had just left Ziyu Town's Tianzhu.

"Lin Feng, follow the people of the City Lord's Mansion and leave the Lin family. Lin Qingyun will definitely not let you go today. Only if you live can the Lin family recover in the future! Don't do anything stupid..."

Lin Feng passed by the side of the First Supreme Elder and helped him up, shook his head and said: "Today, I will completely eliminate the gangsters of the Lin family..."

(End of this chapter)

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