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Chapter 52 1 Roar 4 Fangs!

Chapter 52 Surprise the Quartet with a Roar!

In Scarlet Blood City, the sky was full of dark clouds, and the rain stopped suddenly the moment Lin Feng appeared.

Powerful people from all directions gathered in the Lin family.

Lin Feng suddenly became the center of attention, but most of them looked at him like an idiot.

Only Ye Hailan's beautiful eyes with a veil of light gauze stared at Lin Feng's back with a slightly suspicious expression.

"This person really thinks that he can suppress the tide of thousands of beasts by himself? It's ridiculous..."

"With his ability, I'm afraid he can't even use the Ziyu Town Dzi Bead. What can he use to defend against monsters?"

All kinds of sarcasm sounded, looking at Lin Feng's back and pointing, stronger than the first elder, he could only suppress the beast tide with secret treasures, but Lin Feng wanted to fight the beast tide with his own strength.

Seeing Lin Feng stepping forward, everyone in the elder hall was full of worry, and the first elder kept shaking his head and sighing.

Lin Feng stepped forward alone, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. Thousands of monsters roared in front of him, bringing bloody gusts of wind!
Many monsters saw Lin Feng as if they saw a piece of fat.

There was a monster beast rushing from all sides, densely packed... They were obliterated by the beast tide in an instant.

"Haha, is this dead? This is the first time I've seen someone pretending to be B with life!"

"The whole person disappeared in just a blink of an eye. I'm afraid there are not even bones left. It's ridiculous that such a guy can still be compared with Senior Brother Qingyun!"

"This is simply sending you to death..."

Lin Feng's figure was lost in the tide of beasts, and the people who had been scornful of him suddenly burst into laughter, and the sound of ridicule was endless, and they laughed backwards and forwards.

Lin Qingyun even waved his hands in disdain, pointed to the elders on the stage and said, "This is the person you want to support vigorously? It's foolish to compete with me for a high ground!"

On the other side, Ye Hailan raised her eyebrows slightly, obviously she did not expect this to happen.

"Don't talk too soon!"

At this moment, there was a shout from the beast crowd, and dozens of monster beasts were thrown away like bursting stones.

Lin Feng stood in the center of the monster, exuding red gold all over his body, like an ancient god of war bathing in divine light!

Everyone could even clearly see monsters biting him one by one, but unfortunately, not even a trace of blood flowed out, and even the teeth of one of the giant-toothed silver wolves were broken!

The three major families couldn't help but gasp when they saw this scene, and they couldn't help being shocked. At this moment, everyone discovered that Lin Feng had already condensed his sea of ​​energy, and became a thoroughly strong man of the Spiritual Martial Realm!
"What kind of physique is this? Even monsters of the [-]th rank of mortal rank can't break through his defense! Even the spirit martial state can't do it!"

"The color of the whole body is red gold, just like the gods in ancient legends!"

"He has only stepped into the Spirit Martial Realm after only a few months of cultivation, and he has condensed the sea of ​​energy. Such a talent is terrifying!"

In Scarlet Blood City, the three major families were shocked, and it was only a few months since Lin Feng appeared in their sights, and he had stepped into the realm of spiritual martial arts, which was really unimaginable.

Lin Qingyun frowned when he saw that Lin Feng was intact and able to handle the beast tide, and said in a deep voice, "That's it? Are you going to kill thousands of monsters with one punch..."

Before he could finish his words, Lin Feng had killed dozens of monsters at this moment, and finally these monsters also felt fearful, and even scattered and rushed towards the exhausted elders around them.

Many even rushed directly towards the protected children of the main line.


At this moment, I saw Lin Feng's chest rising and falling like a bellows, and the red gold color in his dantian rapidly swelled like the sun rising.

Immediately afterwards, he yelled violently and opened his lips suddenly!

A shocking thunder rolled away, causing a boundless wave of anger. Everyone from the three major families and even the three major immortal sects couldn't help but take a few steps back. What's more, blood dripped from their eyes, nose and ears, and they fell to the ground and passed out. .

This sound is like the roar of a beast king, shocking all directions.

Many Spirit Martial Realms were full of aura, their complexions changed drastically, and they stared blankly ahead.

Even the elders of the three great immortal sects opened their eyes wide, as if they wanted to see through Lin Feng...

This loud roar was suddenly uttered by Lin Feng. It's hard to imagine how ordinary people can emit such arrogance!

"This...here, is this guy really a human? Could it be the illusion of a monster?"

"Here are the human races of the Spiritual Martial Realm, they are simply ancient spirit beasts, really scary!"

"Look at those monsters on the ground!"


When everyone heard the sound and looked at it, their minds suddenly roared continuously. If there was a thunderstorm falling, the horde of thousands of beasts was actually suppressed.

All the mortal monsters were crawling on the ground trembling, roaring continuously, Lin Feng stood proudly like the king among the monsters!
Such a scene was so shocking that it made people feel like they were dreaming.

A human race, with a loud roar, shocked thousands of monsters! !

Lin Feng, on the other hand, had a cold face, his eyes were murderous, and his right foot suddenly fell to the ground. The red golden aura rushed into the ground like a sharp sword, and a crack thousands of meters long and more than ten meters wide ran from his feet to the ground. The distance is torn apart!
Directly isolate the monsters from the Lin family, forming a natural moat.

Those thousands of monsters rushed back one by one, curled up like mice in the ruins of the original beast den, not daring to get close to the crack left by Lin Feng's foot.

At this moment, both the three great families and the three great immortal sects were all stunned and speechless. They just felt that what they saw and heard was too incredible to express in words, and they didn't even know what expression to use to face the scene at this moment.

Before the iron cavalry of the city lord's mansion, Ye Hailan stared at Lin Feng with beautiful eyes like jade, and murmured: "The young generation of Red Blood City unexpectedly produced such a talented person..."

"Miss, this is the first time I've heard you praise someone in so many years." Manager Yun stared at Ye Hailan with a strange expression on his face.

Ye Hailan didn't answer, and looked back at Lin Feng from afar with his face back to normal.

Lin Feng turned around slowly and walked towards Lin Qingyun.

Word by word, he said coldly: "Today, no less than a hundred people from the main line of the Lin family died, including old and weak, women and children. Today I will cut you a thousand swords to comfort their spirits in heaven!"

"Be careful, Feng Da flashed his tongue! A group of moths from the Lin family will die if they die. You are not dead, Wan Ling Yunhai, but the heavens specially asked me to torture you to death to avenge my brother!" Lin Qingyun's face was watery and gloomy. Like the dark clouds in the sky, the spiritual energy bursts out from his body, and the sea of ​​energy is like a tide!

"Qingyun, there are quite a lot of weird things about this kid, don't be arrogant! Today I want to see who can touch you..."

Behind Lin Qingyun, many elders of Wanjianmen stood up and stopped Lin Qingyun's actions. Immediately afterwards, the disciples of Wanjianmen who were shocked by Lin Feng also stood up under the leadership of many elders, and said lightly: "Today we will send him Hacked to death with random knives, so what!"

The people around secretly said that they were shameless, but they couldn't help but stare at Lin Feng and shook their heads. Each of these Wanjianmen elders has the cultivation base of the late Lingwu Realm. Unless the two forces of Fenxiangmen and Tongarmmen are willing to take action, today's No one can save him.

Lin Qingyun, who was about to fight Lin Feng, saw the aura slowly dissipating from his body at this scene, a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said lightly: "Indeed, no matter how strong you are, today you will only have a dead end!"

Group challenge?

Lin Feng stared at the dark clouds in the sky, his eyes were full of disdain, without any fear.

"Miss, do you want to make a move?" Manager Yun frowned slightly and asked Ye Hailan in a deep voice.

"Wait a little longer...you don't realize that the rain today is too weird." As she spoke, she even looked at the gloomy sky like Lin Feng.

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(End of this chapter)

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