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Chapter 56 Don't Enter the Arm Gate

Chapter 56 Don't Enter the Arm Gate

The Lin family, one of the three major families in Scarlet Blood City, shone brightly like the scorching sun, and then quickly returned to calm.

The struggle between the entire branch of the Lin family and the main line, which triggered the participation of the three major sects in the battle of the Scarlet Blood City family, came to an end with Lin Feng's kick. From the beginning to the end, no outsider participated.

Lin Qingshan has completely become a useless person...

As he said, this is the Lin family's own business, and no outsiders need to intervene.

However, at this moment, the faces of the elders headed by Fenxiangmen and Tongbimen were full of fiery colors, and their eyes were even more fiery, as if seeing rare treasures, they turned into rainbows and rushed out of the crowd one by one, falling straight in front of Lin Feng !

"Lin Feng, if you join my Fenxiangmen, my Xianzong will treat you as ten core disciples!"

"Core disciple? Hmph, I am willing to seal you as a fairy seedling in the Tongarm Sect. From now on, you will have a share of all the resources of the sect!"


Lin Feng was stunned for a while, but saw Ye Hailan walking towards him.

In the distance, the Elder Wanjianmen and many disciples were quite embarrassed by Jiaolong's subordinates, each of them was seriously injured, and looking at Lin Feng from a distance, his eyes were full of ferocious resentment.

"Elder, what should we do? This Lin Feng's cultivation base is too weird, and that dragon! But if we can't bring back the Ziyu Town Dzi Bead that Senior Brother Qiu wants, then we're afraid..." Several Wanjianmen disciples were full. His face was pale and his voice trembled.

Elder Wan Jianmen at the side couldn't help but tremble when he heard the words Senior Brother Qiu, and his eyes showed a faint look of fear.

After a long silence, he said in a deep voice: "Go back to the sect first, we will push everything to Lin Qingyun. If Lin Feng wants to enter the three great immortal sects, things will be much easier..."

After speaking, everyone nodded, and then exited the Lin family at a very fast speed.

On the other hand, the people from Fenxiangmen and Tongarmmen were arguing so loudly that they all blushed and had thick necks.

There was a smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, but he didn't speak. With a move of his right hand, the dragon and monster rose into the sky and disappeared into the night.

Immediately, he turned his head and walked towards Ye Hailan. If Lin Feng was afraid of the only person on the field, it was Ye Hailan in front of him...

"Miss Xie Ye came to the rescue today, you and I are clear." Lin Feng stared at Ye Hailan for a second, only to feel a strange fragrance rushing towards his face, which made people feel restless.

Ye Hailan laughed lightly, and said flatly: "I said that if I owe you a favor, then I owe you a favor. Today's Lin family's matter is resolved by you yourself and has nothing to do with me. In the future, the favor will still be returned to you..."

Ye Hailan's voice didn't seem to have the slightest emotion, and there was an aura that strangers should not enter.

On the contrary, Lin Feng suddenly laughed, and said casually: "If you want to return my favor, then take off this veil and let me see what an incomparable face you have."


As soon as Lin Feng's voice fell, Manager Yun at the side suddenly became furious, with terrifying coercion radiating from his body, he yelled at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng chuckled, and the golden light flowed in his dantian, immediately dissipating the coercion, just about to speak, but saw Ye Hailan walking towards him on lotus steps.

The unique fragrance rushed into Lin Feng's nose, looking at the tall figure, Lin Feng couldn't help being fascinated by the dusty temperament.

In a blink of an eye, the two were separated by less than two fingers. Lin Feng could even feel the warm breath behind the light veil, and he even heard Ye Hailan's faint laughter.

"If you want to see my face, let's talk about it when you can take my slap..." Ye Hailan lifted his arm slightly, and his slender fingers slowly landed on Lin Feng's shoulder, and then slowly melted down , fell on his chest.

Lin Feng never thought that Ye Hailan, who is so beautiful in the world, would make such a light move on him.

However, before his lower abdomen became hot, Ye Hailan saw a fluorescent light appear, and then felt a mighty force appear out of thin air!
Lin Feng's eyes were blurred, and the Chijin Linghai in his dantian seemed to be suppressed and unable to move. The next moment, his whole body flew out like a cannonball...

Houses were knocked into dust and dust flew up, and Lin Feng flew more than several thousand meters.

The original noisy quarrel between the elders of Fenxiangmen and Tongbimen also stopped abruptly, and they stared at Ye Hailan in a daze.

Everyone in the three major families swallowed hard and felt their lips dry. Today, Lin Feng's abnormality has exceeded their cognition, and now it seems that Ye Hailan, who has not made a move, seems to be even more abnormal!
"Lin Feng, I'm about to set up the Tongarm Gate. I think the Qianjin of the City Lord's Mansion is not bad, so I will let you Fenxiang Gate!"

"You can't treat me as an idiot. If Ye Hailan is willing to enter the three major sects, I am afraid that the master of the Tongarm sect will welcome you personally!"


The leading elders of the two major sects quarreled again, and everyone heard something about it, that is, Ye Hailan seemed to have been favored by a force far stronger than the three major sects, but he rejected it.

In addition, Ye Hailan's talent seems to be terrifyingly high, and even the three great immortal sects attach great importance to her.

puff puff.

It was at this time that Lin Feng ran out from the pile of stones with a dark face, and saw a storage bag thrown towards him not far away.

Lin Feng subconsciously caught it, and immediately his face turned darker, drooping completely, this is his fucking storage bag!

"I will borrow this thing for a while, but if you give it to me, I will owe you another favor..." Ye Hailan's eyes danced, even though the light veil covered her face, Lin Feng could fully feel her chuckling .

Before Lin Feng could speak, Ye Hailan added: "I usually owe no favors to others."

"Okay, you'd better return the first favor quickly." Lin Feng's eyes twitched, and the Ziyu Town Dzi Bead is obviously a great secret treasure, and he wouldn't just give it away with just a few words, "And The way you borrow things is very special..."

"Hehehe." Ye Hailan moved her lotus arms lightly, covered her cheeks with a white gauze skirt, and let out a laugh like the sound of nature, "The three major immortal sects first choose Wanjianzong, followed by Fenxiang Valley. Don't enter the Tongbi Gate."

Lin Feng didn't know what Ye Hailan's words said. He stared at the two great immortal sects in the distance for a while, then paused and said, "Then I will choose... the Tongarm Gate!"

Lin Feng dragged his voice on purpose, which was quite teasing, but the Tongbimen was indeed his choice, after all, Lin Qingxuan was a child of the Tongbimen.


Ye Hailan was still talking about something, but saw the elder of the Tongbi Gate rushing towards him with a red face, and said excitedly: "Lin Feng, as long as you enter my Tongbi Gate, I will apply to the Suzerain for the position of Xianmiao for you!".

"It's time for me to leave Scarlet Blood City too, Tongarm Gate... let's go to Tongarm Gate, it's interesting."

Countless pairs of eyes fell on her body, and immediately stared at Lin Feng strangely. The daughter of the city lord, the number one mysterious figure in Scarlet Blood City, unexpectedly chose to join the three great immortal sects today, which made everyone feel like She felt like she was dreaming, and she seemed to have chosen Tongbimen because of Lin Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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