Chapter 57
The sun rises.

The Scarlet Blood City was bathed in golden sunlight. A silver-feathered goshawk more than ten meters in size on the city wall neighed endlessly, then flew high into the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Fenxiangmen was very angry this time, unexpectedly the genius left just after dawn, haha..."

"That's right, that talented young man from the Lin family, and Ye Hailan, who was moving forward from the Scarlet Blood City, chose our Tongarm door at the same time. This is simply a great joy!"

"I'm afraid I will have two more fairy seedlings this time!"


In Chixue City, the names of Lin Feng and Ye Hailan spread like a storm. The two chose to enter the Tongarm Gate at the same time, which made all the Tongarm Gate people overjoyed. Several elders of the Tongarm Gate even passed the news back to the Zongmen overnight. .

After Lin Qingshan was abolished and Lin Qingyun was killed, the Lin family gradually returned to calm.

The entire Lin family looked up to Lin Feng, and the younger generation even regarded Lin Feng as the goal of struggle within the same family.

The first elder of the elder hall was finally pushed to the throne of Patriarch by Lin Feng.

In the main hall of the Lin family, many elders of the elder hall sit upright in the meeting hall.

"Boss, do you want to tell Lin Feng about Fu Yu..." a Supreme Elder asked casually.

"I have my own decision on this matter, but now that Ziyu Town's Tianzhu has been taken away by Ye Hailan, what should we do if something happens to the animal cave in the future? If we can't keep monsters in captivity, the gap between us and the other two families will soon be widened! "

"Then...the monster Lin Feng is already dealing with it."

The First Supreme Elder raised his eyebrows and shook his head. It is easy to suppress thousands of monsters, but it is difficult to build a beast den in a short period of time. There are also a series of security measures, which are even more complicated. It is too difficult to control this group of monsters for a long time.

"You should go and have a look, that boy Lin Feng is getting more and more difficult for us to understand."

With a suspicious look on his face, the Supreme Elder brought many people from the elder hall to the vicinity of the beast den. The devastated place has not yet recovered.

Lin Feng was standing on the other side of the long crack in the ground, among thousands of monsters.

I saw streaks of brilliance flowing above his head, Zixia rolling!
A series of complex inscriptions spanned nearly [-] meters, covering the sky and the sun, thousands of monsters crawling on the ground, and he threw their bodies like hills...

"Lin...Lin Feng, what kind of formation is this?" The first elder elder asked Lin Feng in disbelief, his eyes almost popping out.

The way of formations has always been obscure, and there are very few people in Scarlet Blood City who are proficient in formations, and there are almost no formations that can trap thousands of monsters for a long time.

"This is the soul-locking formation of spirit beasts. This formation has the effect of imprisoning pregnancy. I will hand over the manipulation method to you later. As long as they do not exceed the level of spirit beasts, they can manipulate the formation to kill at will..."

As he spoke, Lin Feng jumped out and landed beside the elder Taishang. He moved his hands out of thin air, and saw thousands of monsters in the formation constantly changing their positions, and finally one of them was separated into a separate one in front of the formation. An area was then bombarded by thunder and lightning out of thin air, and finally the corpse was pushed out of the formation.

Everyone watching this scene was stunned, with this formation, these thousands of monsters are like domestic pigs waiting to be slaughtered!
It's just that they didn't know that although this formation was arranged by the two little demons, it cost more than 100 exquisite spirit stones...

"There are these things." Lin Feng took off the storage bag from his waist and handed it to the Supreme Elder.

The First Supreme Elder took the storage bag, his breathing became heavy, he quickly put the storage bag away with a flick of his right hand, and then said solemnly: "Lin Feng, do you know the value of these things? You will enter the through-arm gate from now on. Maybe these things are more useful to you, so you just leave it to me..."

The storage bag contains nine layers of elixir that Lin Feng brought out from Wanlin Yunhai. These things can be said to be invaluable, enough to restore the Lin family to the past and improve their strength to a higher level.

Lin Feng shook his head and said lightly: "These things are of no use to me. I have already taken what I need, but I have many things to ask you elders."

The First Supreme Elder frowned slightly, finally shook his head, and waved his hands to signal everyone to back down. He stretched out his hand and pulled Lin Feng to walk along the bluestone path under his feet.

"I can only tell you that your father is not in the region where the three major sects are located, not even in this western region..." The elder Taishang's voice was low, but Lin Feng's expression changed when he heard it.

Scarlet Blood City belongs to the western border of the Shenwu Continent. According to the words of the elder Taishang, then his father Lin Fuyu must have left the land of the Western Frontier and headed for the center of the Shenwu Continent.

"Thinking of how amazing and brilliant your father was back then, if it wasn't for your father, my Lin family wouldn't have the status I have in Scarlet Blood City today. He was just like you today. His vision has long been out of the three sects. When he entered the Realm of Spiritual Path, he left Scarlet Blood City, and left this land of West Frontier..."

"Your father was very similar to you at the time, and his talent was terrifying! As soon as he entered the spiritual path, he became famous in the three major immortal sects, but the first time he came back, it was only a month after he left. If he was not seriously injured, we would even think he They haven’t even left the land of the western frontier at all.”

"It has been five years since he left for the second time and came back again. When he came back, he took you with him when he was just born. This time he finally stopped leaving and took over the position of Patriarch. I couldn't see your father at that time. After that, he never left Scarlet Blood City."


As the Supreme Elder spoke, Lin Feng listened quietly, and soon the bluestone path came to an end, Lin Feng heaved a sigh of relief, and finally cupped his fists and said, "I understand."

Say it.

Lin Feng then walked towards the gate of Lin's house. Looking at Lin Feng's retreating back, the Supreme Elder murmured: "It is enough to know these things with your current cultivation level, other things are not good things for you..."

On the quaint city wall, figures flickered.

Lin Feng walked slowly, and many elders of the Tongarm Gate greeted him with beaming faces, and the flying monsters had already lined up.

In the end, everyone stepped on the back of the flying monster, and then rushed to the sky, heading towards the east of the Red Blood City...

Perhaps because of the special treatment given by the elders of Tongbimen, Lin Feng and Ye Hailan were on the same goshawk monster.

The two took each side, the cold wind was fierce, and the white clothes fluttered.

"Didn't you say at the time that you should never choose the Open Arm Gate? Why did you follow me to join the Open Arm Gate instead?" Lin Feng asked casually.

Ye Hailan's eyes were like stars, and Lin Feng couldn't help but want to bend down to take a few glances at the faintly visible face under the veil, wanting to know what kind of peerless appearance such a perfect woman had.

"Because I want to give you back a favor..." Ye Hailan's voice was ethereal, and she glanced at Lin Feng faintly.

"It's like I'm going to die if I enter the Tongarm Gate. Can you still predict?" Lin Feng smiled.

Before Lin Feng could finish his sentence, he saw Ye Hailan's Qianqian jade hand beating with aura, and he swallowed his saliva immediately, swallowing the words that came to his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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