Chapter 67

Inside the through-arm door, it was already dark.

Lin Feng walked out of Tongarm Library Pavilion with a displeased expression.

"The first five levels of martial arts are many, the highest is no more than the seventh rank of spiritual rank, and the most important martial arts of the hammer is even rarer. There may be tens of thousands of books in these five levels. When will we find them..." Lin Feng shook his head and sighed. Seeing that it was getting late, he walked towards his residence.

However, he was not without gains, and he also held two small books in his hands, but they were not about martial arts, but detailed explanations of various cultivation realms.

"Shengjun, you are finally back. We have prepared clean water and we can take a bath at any time. The door of this room has also been repaired..." Lin Feng was welcomed in by the big demon and the little demon just after he appeared. One right, so enthusiastic.

Lin Feng looked around with a wry smile, and saw the doors of the houses all around opened wide, staring straight at the big demon and the little demon.

The people who can live here are probably immortal seedlings with high status, even if their vision is not low, but the big monsters and little monsters have no intention of covering up at all. The charm of their every move is simply to seduce people to commit crimes.


Lin Feng closed the door, and smiled wryly at the big demon and the little demon, "You two will cause trouble for me sooner or later..."

"Why did the Holy Monarch say that? It's better for the two of us to help you bathe and change your clothes at this moment when the sun is setting." The little demon was about to take off Lin Feng's clothes with his right hand.

Lin Feng hurriedly dodged, if these two beauties gave him a bath, they might really have something to do.

Ye Hailan lives next to him, if she hears something again, it will be impossible to clean up by jumping into the Yellow River.

"Although it is said that polygamy is allowed on this continent, but..." Lin Feng's face was tangled, and the big demon and the little demon were taken into the cloud space with a flash of light in his hands. God knows how painful it is to face two beauties.

Clothes come off.

Lin Feng soaked himself in the bathtub, and the mobile phone appeared in his hand with the pattern on his arm.

"I haven't looked at the WeChat group for so many days. I don't know what these guys are talking about, maybe I can catch a leak?" Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and lay down in the scattered and manifested hot water with great enjoyment.

This comfortable feeling even gave Lin Feng the illusion that he was taking a bath and playing with his mobile phone at home, and habitually clicked on the WeChat chat group.

With the red mark on the chat group, a smile appeared on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, and he knew that these guys had attracted a lot of groups.

After opening it, what came in was three red envelopes...

Lin Feng quickly clicked on it, and as expected, all of them had been robbed.

But immediately Lin Feng was completely shocked, and his right finger kept sliding upwards.

The pictures of red envelopes kept skipping, Lin Feng even thought his phone was stuck.

But soon he discovered that these guys have been refining and sending out thousands of red envelopes for a few days, and there are not even a few words in them...

"Damn it!! It's a big loss, are these guys crazy?" Lin Feng was suddenly heartbroken.

In the past, although he cared a lot about the red envelopes, he didn't care about them. There was no other reason. It would be useless if he couldn't get more red envelopes. These guys are all experienced in snatching red envelopes. portion.

"If I knew it, I wouldn't have blocked it. Otherwise, how could I grab two or three of the more than 1000 red envelopes? If I'm lucky, I can grab more than a dozen. It's not against the sky!" It was closed, and I vowed to pay attention to all red envelope movements of the masses in the future.

Before many red envelopes, Lin Feng finally saw what these guys said.

It turned out that the Jinpeng Demon King gave birth to a second child, and it was twins!

This guy was overjoyed and sent a huge red envelope. Of course, when Lin Feng clicked on it at the moment, it was empty, only a few heartless words: Sorry, the red envelope has been snatched.

As for what he posted, Lin Feng didn't know.

I only know that everyone will continue to congratulate, and finally return the gift in the form of red envelopes...

Lin Feng was so bored, he was rather unwilling to order the red envelopes one by one, but it was a pity that all these red envelopes were snatched.

"Is there anyone else? Life is really lonely like snow..." Seeing that no one was bubbling in the group, Lin Feng was about to put away his phone when the phone suddenly moved and a WeChat message came out.

Lin Feng was lying in the water, feeling relaxed, so he casually replied, "Why are you lamenting so much, Fellow Daoist?"

This person's head is a long purple awn sword, and his nickname is: Lian Yijian.

This aroused Lin Feng's interest. All of these guys' names are amazing, but he, the old king next door, is an accident. Now this nickname of "Lian Yijian" is quite strange.

"Hey, there are actually people there. Didn't Fellow Daoist go to the Ten Thousand Worlds Banquet held by the Jinpeng Demon King?" Lian Yijian made two surprised expressions, and then he seemed to be very regretful and said: " If it wasn't for Yan Tianmu discovering a treasure in Jieyun on the way, he wouldn't miss it if he wasted time..."

When Lin Feng heard it, his eyes lit up immediately, and he asked, "I don't know what treasure is it that makes fellow daoists miss such important things?"

"Fellow Daoist, don't make fun of me. What treasures are there? It's just a dilapidated small world! Although this thing is rare, but now I'm in charge of the Dao of Heaven. Why do I need this thing?"

Broken Small World! ?

When Lin Feng heard that he almost slipped and fell into the water basin, his eyes lit up.

This guy was also very childlike, and even posted more than a dozen crying emojis.

"It's really not worth wasting time for such a thing, but didn't I go there too? Recently, one of my apprentices has been making noise and wants a broken world to play with. Unfortunately, I haven't had time to find it for him." Lin Feng swallowed. Swallowing saliva, lips a little dry.

"Oh, fellow daoist didn't say it earlier! I was so angry that I smashed that small world into pieces."


Lin Feng was so angry that he spat out his blood, and his mobile phone fell into the basin. What kind of broken small world sounds great, if he can really get one, wouldn't it be against the heavens?It's a pity that it was smashed into pieces by this guy, broken...

Lin Feng quickly picked up the phone, wiped it dry, and replied with a smile: "Forget it, fellow daoist, take care... I'd better go find the Broken Small World."

The psychological gap was too great, and the water was cold, Lin Feng had no intention of chatting anymore.

Just as the phone was put away, he got up and put on his clothes. Before he lay on the bed, his right arm shook again.

"Fellow Daoist, it's really hard to find that dilapidated little world hidden in the boundary cloud! How about this, I'll give you this cheating Tianmu, and you'll be able to grab it when the time comes, and you should spare some time for us to chat, these guys I'm all gone, I'm so bored now!"

Lin Feng read the message and sat up.

"Very good, very good!"

(End of this chapter)

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