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Chapter 68 Perspective?

Chapter 68 Perspective?

Inside the house, Lin Feng was overjoyed.

He never expected that 'Lian Yijian' would give him something!

"This Yan Tianmu was created when I was not yet in charge of the way of heaven. It can be used to predict fate and deduce good or bad luck, to search for treasures and acupoints, to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages! But now I am so confused, if you like, I will give it to you." Lian Yijian made a handshake expression.

Lin Feng was so excited, he directly sent out a funny expression.

Immediately, he came back with a big red envelope after practicing a sword, not only that, but also a series of laughing expressions.

You have received the red envelope of Lian Yijian and obtained Yan Tianmu!

"Thank you, friend Daoist!"

Lin Feng, who was originally lying on the bed, really didn't feel any sleepiness now.

I saw that there was one more thing in the cloud space at this moment.

Yan Tianmu, Dapeng against feathers, thousand-year-old mysterious tortoise remnant soul, spirit beast flood dragon, amethyst mine vein, little demon sisters, trapped god rope, beast circle!

As soon as Lin Feng thought about it, Yan Tianmu took it out from the cloud space!

Standing in the void, with purple awns scattered all around, there seem to be countless tentacles, exuding a mysterious and unpredictable aura.

This Yan Tianmu turned out to be a purple eyeball, and there seemed to be countless lines in it. Lin Feng stepped forward with a shock, and saw that the entire eyeball was actually outlined by a series of regular inscriptions, and there was no substance at all...

"This thing has been around for thousands of years, and now I am in charge of the Dao of Heaven. It's a pity to eat it without taste and discard it. It's a good relationship to give it to a fellow Taoist apprentice. It's still comfortable for my eyes!"

With a move of Lin Feng's right hand, the purple awns swayed, and a striped road struck his right eye from Yan Tianmu like a spider web!

Lin Feng's right eye turned purple at an extremely fast speed, and the things he saw gradually changed...

His right eye was closed suddenly, and when he opened it suddenly after a while, there was a real gaze shooting out.

Rays of rays of light radiated from his right eye, and there was even bursts of terrifying coercion, making one's heart palpitate.

Ye Hailan, who was separated from him by the wall, opened his eyes suddenly, staring at the wall between the two of them, and murmured, "How many secrets does this guy have, what is this terrible breath..."

If she wasn't taking a bath at this moment, I'm afraid she must have rushed up.

However, before she finished speaking, the forceful aura disappeared, and Lin Feng was standing in front of the bed as if nothing had happened.

In his right eye, if you look closely, you can find countless purple lines flowing alternately...

"Is this Yan Tianmu? It seems that there is no difference." Lin Feng blinked, seeing that there was no change in the surroundings, and said to himself.

Just when he was holding his mobile phone sideways to reply to the message, his body suddenly became stiff, and his eyes were fixed on the wall, only to see a blurry image slowly appearing, and the wall made of bluestone gradually disappeared from his eyes. disappear……


Lin Feng's mobile phone slipped from his hand, and he was stunned. After the wall disappeared, Ye Hailan's figure appeared in his eyes, and he could see everything at a glance.

The long hair poured down on the bathtub like a waterfall, and the water with his right hand was captivating. The rising water vapor made it impossible for Lin Feng to see Ye Hailan's face clearly, but this hazy feeling made her look like an unborn fairy...

At the 45th angle, through the water mist, Lin Feng could vaguely see two patches of white snow, and unknowingly, a long stream of blood flowed out from the tip of his nose.

And under her collarbone, a piercing gleam between the white Moxue was extremely eye-catching, and the image was actually engraved in Lin Feng's mind like its essence.


On the other side, Ye Hailan's hands froze suddenly, listening to the white skin on her neck, she frowned suddenly, and looked towards the partition wall where Lin Feng was!

This look, the sharp gaze was as real as it was, making Lin Feng's scalp tingle suddenly.

Before he even had time to look at Ye Hailan's face, he turned his head sideways...

"Let me see what you look like!" Lin Feng thought to himself, resisting the oppressive force to look back, but when he looked again, Ye Hailan's figure was already blurred, and he saw streaks of aura continuously falling on the wall.

"Have you found me? What kind of cultivation has Ye Hailan achieved? Why is his perception so sensitive?" Lin Feng muttered to himself, Yan Tianmu blinked, and his skin care remained as before, and the bluestone wall appeared again.

"This Yan Tianmu should have taken a fancy to the piece of jade on her neck. It has never been an extraordinary thing, but it's a pity that I can't get it at all." Lin Feng smiled wryly.


Just as Lin Feng was muttering to himself, the mobile phone on the ground vibrated again.

@Next door old king.

"Fellow Daoist, what about you? How can you dive after receiving a red envelope? It's not kind! Lonely~"

Lin Feng picked up the phone, smiled, and asked, "Tell me about the specific function of Yan Tianmu, so I can tell my disciples."

"Okay, let's talk in the dark today! This thing was refined when I was promoted to immortal..."

Sunrise and sunset.

It turned out that Lin Feng chatted all night. It was really lonely to practice this sword. In the end, Lin Feng found an excuse to withdraw, and this guy was in the group again @ others, talking to himself non-stop: life is so lonely Snow!
"The effect of this thing can be called against the sky, but although the mind deduces all things, the most important thing is that once it encounters an item above the fairy treasure, it will automatically detect and manifest..." Lin Feng was a little excited. As soon as the sky became bright, he got up and walked towards the arm. Go to the Library Pavilion.

This Yan Tianmu came at a good time, with this object, finding the martial arts that suits him must be within reach!
When Lin Feng was excited, he bumped into a person head-on.

Fortunately, Lin Feng's physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people, but the person who collided with him was unlucky, and the whole person fell over and rolled two or three meters, and almost fell down the steps.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, not because he was bumped by this person, but because this person unexpectedly fired three bursts of internal energy into his body when he bumped into him.

"Who is so short-sighted? Can you afford to delay Elder Feng's affairs..." The man who fell on the ground just stood up, and shouted at Lin Feng. As he spoke, a conspiratorial smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There were a few passing by to watch the fun, but when they heard the word Elder Feng, they immediately bowed their hands behind this person respectfully and left in a hurry.

"Okay, don't waste your time here, it's time to collect the Immortal Cloud Grass!"

Before Lin Feng could speak, the white-bearded old man in front seemed to be very eager, and spoke first. Lin Feng heard the sound and looked over, Yan Tianmu flashed, and saw the blood gleaming between the old man's seal.

Yan Tianmu can measure good and bad, look for dragons and caves, and deduce destiny!
Lin Feng immediately remembered what Lian Yijian said, but before he could think about it, he was interrupted by a shout.

"Did you hear Elder Wufeng's words, get out of here!" The young boy stepped forward and kicked Lin Feng as he said that.

Lin Feng frowned. At this time, he was still wearing the badge of the five-star fairy seedling. This person seemed to be deliberately relying on the power of the elder to make trouble for him.

(End of this chapter)

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