WeChat Red Packet Group

Chapter 69 The Rampant Drug Boy

Chapter 69 The Rampant Drug Boy

The cold morning sun shone on Lin Feng's face, and a young boy kicked him in the stomach in front of his eyes.

Lin Feng raised his hand and punched out.

Lin Feng has no fear at all against such a close distance with physical force!

The young man's complexion changed suddenly, as if he had kicked a mountain, he was about to fly upside down, only to see the Elder Feng behind him with a random swipe of his right hand and picked him up.

"Presumptuous, you two just pretend that I don't exist!" Elder Feng's face suddenly turned ugly, and he shouted in a deep voice.

The other disciples all around kept silent and shook their heads while staring at Lin Feng.

Through Yan Tianmu, he clearly saw that Elder Feng only took two steps towards the peak, and the bloody light between his brows became a little thicker.

"Fairy Cloud Grass? If you climb to the top of the mountain today, there will be a bloody disaster!" Seeing that the old man was not a bad person, Lin Feng reminded casually.

Everyone was shocked when they heard Lin Feng's words. How dare this guy curse Elder Feng?
The young man who was kicked away by Lin Feng also knelt on the ground, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, and his voice was indeed slightly crying: "Elder Feng, I think this person is deliberately blocking your way. At that time, the fairy cloud grass will probably be gone..."

As soon as he heard the elder Xianyuncao, his expression became anxious, he stared at Lin Feng and shouted: "Don't talk nonsense, back away quickly!"

As he said this, Elder Feng lost all his aura and shook Lin Feng tens of meters away. Fortunately, he didn't have any intention of hurting others.

It is another realm of spiritual path!
After repelling Lin Feng, the elder Feng hurriedly walked towards the main peak, but the young man behind him smiled sinisterly like Lin Feng.

Lin Feng could use his feet to figure it out now. This guy is probably one of Tian Xingyun's subordinates, deliberately finding fault with him to provoke someone he shouldn't have offended. I'm afraid this guy will add fuel to Elder Feng's face in the future, sow dissension, and make trouble for himself .

"Dare to curse Elder Feng, it looks like you've come to the end of your life!" The young man stared at Lin Feng like an idiot.

Originally, he planned to think of more ways to make Lin Feng anger Elder Feng, but now it saves him a lot of trouble.

Hearing the word 'curse' in the young man's words, that Elder Feng's face also darkened, and he gave Lin Feng a hard look. Just as he was about to speak, he saw a figure from the crowd rushing out, holding Lin Feng behind him, and facing Feng Feng. The elder clasped his fists and said, "Elder Feng, don't want to be as knowledgeable as Junior Brother Lin. He just entered the sect yesterday, and he didn't know many rules. He offended you. Yun is here to apologize to you for Junior Brother."


Elder Feng also seemed to be very anxious. Seeing Yunzheng approaching, he flicked his sleeves and strode towards the peak.

"Boy, be careful, don't think that you will be safe and sound after becoming a five-star seedling." The young man sneered twice and ran to the peak after Elder Feng.

After seeing Elder Feng left, everyone moved as if they were amnesty, but they all looked at Lin Feng with pity, and someone even reminded in a low voice: "You should find a way to avoid it, although Elder Feng is not It's bad, but he's focused on the elixirs, so he's very likely to be swayed by his medicine boy, and I'm afraid that Elder Feng will personally kill you..."

Lin Feng couldn't help frowning, how could a drug boy be so rampant?
Yun Zheng, who was beside him, also turned around and cast a serious expression on his square face with Chinese characters, "Junior Brother Lin Feng, did you not read the rules I gave you yesterday, it is clear on it I said between the same sect, you should be humble and friendly..."

"...Why are you here?" Lin Feng was speechless for a while, as soon as Yun Zheng appeared, it would be another day of restlessness.

"Yesterday you said, see you tomorrow! I also agreed, so today I woke up early and came to you." Yun Zheng nodded and said.

Lin Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but finally he had to nod his head, pointing to the library pavilion in the distance and said, "Then let's go in and have a look together."

As soon as the two of them walked into the Library Pavilion, there was a ray of light on the peak behind them that soared into the sky, and it was the Elder Feng who was in the spiritual realm.

After entering the Sutra Pavilion, Lin Feng walked straight to the fifth floor, but Yun Zheng whispered something in his ear, mostly telling him to apologize to Elder Feng or something.

It turns out that this elder is the only alchemist in the Lingtu Realm of the Tongbi Sect, who can refine the ninth-grade spiritual elixir, and it is said that he is now preparing to refine a king-level elixir, which has a very high status in the sect , even Hai Wuya has to give him three points.

And the young man next to him, named Yuan Er, was just an ordinary disciple of the sect, and his strength was not strong. To be trusted by Elder Feng.

Elder Feng personally shot and killed a fairy seedling because of offending him.

This person is very good at breaking through discord, few people in the Tongbi Sect would dare to provoke...

"I'm looking for a hammer-like martial arts book, the higher the grade the better, please help me go there and have a look." Lin Feng said with a wry smile seeing Yunzheng nagging in his ear all the time.

Yun Zheng nodded solemnly, then looked for the other side.

"Although this guy is dull, his strength is probably stronger than Tian Xingyun's, especially this kind of character, although he is a bit stupid, he is also a rare good person..." Lin Feng couldn't help but feel emotional when he saw Yunzheng flipping through the books very seriously. .

As strong as Tian Xingyun is, he is domineering and domineering in the sect, while Yun Zheng's cultivation level is even higher than Tian Xingyun's, but he is kind and happy with others, which is really a huge contrast.

Seeing that Yun was going away, Yan Tianmu suddenly appeared in Lin Feng's right eye, and immediately a layer of purple halo appeared in his eyes.

"Hammer martial arts, spiritual level!" Lin Feng muttered silently in his heart, his eyes quickly scanning the bookshelves.

I saw that the space he saw with his right eye seemed to be covered with a layer of purple brilliance, and things like silk threads filled the whole space, and immediately the obstacles where his eyes went quickly became blurred and finally transparent. Only five books There is a dazzling white light on the pan.

There was a smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth. This Yan Tianmu is really very practical. There may be nearly ten thousand books on the entire fifth floor, but he easily found what he wanted with only a dozen or so breaths.

Soon, Lin Feng took the Wuben book in his hand and began to read it.

As he flipped through the pages, his brows slowly frowned. These martial arts are actually the highest and only the second rank of the spiritual rank...

Martial skills are divided into different ranks. If he has cultivated a martial skill of the second rank of the spiritual rank today, he will definitely be limited in battles in the future.

Yunzheng saw Lin Feng sighing while holding the martial arts without books, so he walked up, flipped through the martial arts in front of Lin Feng, and said in surprise: "In a blink of an eye, you actually found five copies? This hammer-type martial arts user is extremely powerful. Few, I’m afraid we’ll have to go to at least the seventh floor to find someone above the sixth level of spiritual rank.”

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Yun Zheng's words, and he looked up to the sixth floor.

(End of this chapter)

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