WeChat Red Packet Group

Chapter 79 Two Wonderful Flowers

Chapter 79 Five Strange Flowers
Boom, boom.

As Lin Feng approached, the sound of hammering in the hall became more and more clear.

While performing Yan Tianmu, Lin Feng silently recited the hammer-like martial arts in his mind, and saw the white light flickering in the hall, confirming again that it was correct, Lin Feng slowly stepped into the Artifact Refining Hall.

The size of the Artifact Refining Hall is similar to the size of the Library Pavilion, but it is more concise. There are only four huge stoves cast in the four corners. There are red patterns carved on the stoves, and the patterns are like snakes. At the intersection, there are several shining spirit stones.

The stove leans against the corner of the wall in a triangular shape, leaving a space of more than ten meters in the middle, which looks like a cave when viewed from above. There are only three or four people standing in the space of more than ten meters between each stove and the wall.

Each of these people is big and round, muscular all over, and their dark skin seems to be full of strength. Every time the hammer falls, sparks will be scattered, mixed with the symphony of metal, making Lin Feng's eardrums hurt.

There are four stoves in the four corners, and four display racks stand against the wall. On them are knives, guns, sticks, axes, hooks... and so on. There are all kinds of weapons.

Disciples kept handing over their badges and using their contribution points to exchange for weapons.

"Good saber, mortal rank nine... It didn't cost me so many contribution points!"

"This gun is made of black iron, engraved with the Thunder Formation, it is already a second-rank spiritual weapon... It's a pity that I can't afford it!"


Lin Feng walked slowly among the crowd, and heard the noisy voices of many children, but his eyes looked through the crowds to the most remote corner on the left front.

This is where the white light of Yan Tianmu is located.

Lin Feng's eyes were fixed, his eyes passed through the crowd, passed through the fireplace built against the corner, and saw a blackened book under the four-legged seat... This book was actually used to light the chair legs!
The books were black and yellow, and there were even traces of burnt parts.

Through Yan Tianmu, Lin Feng finally saw the words on the first page clearly - the refining and hammering method, grade: none.

Lin Feng couldn't help laughing in astonishment when he saw these words, and even felt that there was something wrong with Yan Tianmu, this vulgar book of refining and hammering can also be regarded as a hammer martial art?

You must know that what Lin Feng was thinking silently at the time was the hammer martial arts above the third rank of the spiritual rank. It stands to reason that this book should at least be a hammer martial arts of the third rank of the spiritual rank, rather than the so-called "smelting hammer method" and Even the grade has not been identified.

Just this name made Lin Feng complain endlessly.

But thinking that Lin Feng had already reached only a few tens of meters away from the stove in the corner, he simply quickened his pace a bit, as if he wanted to ask a few questions and leave, but he didn't hold much hope.

However, the closer he got, the weirder his expression became, and he seemed a little speechless.

Following his gaze, he saw that the weapons on the display rack extending from here to the walls on both sides were scattered, even some were pitted and dull——

Even if it is such a half-baked one, there are only dozens of them at first glance.

In contrast, there are thousands of stoves on the wall display racks of the other three stoves, and the difference can be seen at a glance.

"Junior brother, have you just entered the door? Don't look... Choose a weapon in front, there are no weapons for you here." A disciple who was nearly thirty years old saw Lin Feng looking at the left corner of the wall. Go casually reminded.

Lin Feng clasped his fists and asked, "Why is there such a difference between this place and the other three places? This kind of refining efficiency can still be found here in the refining hall, doesn't the sect care..."

There are only four refining furnaces in the entire Artifact Refining Hall, so it is a bit strange to abolish one.

Seeing that Lin Feng was quite polite, he turned sideways and said in a low voice, "Originally, this was the place of Mr. Xu, but Mr. Xu has been away for three years and has not come back. Now this position has been given to him for five years." Apprentices take care of it... I think most of the weapons that surpassed the sixth level of the spiritual rank were mostly in the hands of Xu Lao."

"At that time, Mr. Xu was the first brother of the Artifact Refining Hall, but it was all a few years ago. Among his five apprentices, one was more shameless than the other, and the other was more lustful... Tsk tsk, I don't know how he was at the time. Elder Xu has taken a fancy to them."

The man's voice became lower and lower, as if he was afraid of being heard by others.

Lin Feng laughed dumbfounded when he heard this, and was about to give up and go forward to ask. He wanted to find a way to earn contribution points as soon as possible to exchange for the Wangjie Hammer-like martial arts in Zangshu Pavilion.

It's just that before he moved his feet, the voice of the enthusiastic disciple explaining to him stopped abruptly, and his whole body trembled.

I don't know when there were five people standing beside Lin Feng...

Lin Feng's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring.

These five people appeared within a few meters of his body, but he didn't notice it at all, which was enough to see that the strength of these five people was by no means ordinary people.

"I seem to have heard someone say that I'm handsome! Is it you?" A thick-haired, thick-browed man said quietly, his voice extremely narcissistic.

"Obviously you are saying that I am handsome, third child, you should stop being narcissistic, otherwise sister Xiyuan won't go to the garden with me." A handsome young man beside the big man held a feather fan and said lightly like a peach blossom, as if A suave and suave son-in-law.

"Why do I feel that this kid is speaking ill of us!"

"I'm handsome, you mean me!"

"Say me!"


The five surrounded Lin Feng and the disciple and quarreled endlessly, as if they had forgotten about them.

Lin Feng was completely stunned. Are these five people idiots?
Seeing that several people were arguing and about to fight, the disciples around Lin Feng didn't dare to show their anger, and their faces were bitter.

"Stop arguing! Order soldiers, order generals, who is ordered, who is it—ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I saw that the thick-browed guy with an inch head and thick brows started playing the game of counting soldiers and generals from himself.

Seeing the last word and his finger fell on the person in front of him, he abruptly pulled out two tone words, and then moved his finger back twice to point at himself.

Then he said with satisfaction: "Did you see that I am still the most handsome--stop arguing, this is God's will."

"Well, it's the boss again! Why does God's will fall on you every time, it's abominable!"

"It seems that you are the most handsome again this time, when will I be the boss..."

"Ah, why isn't it me..."

However, several people actually agreed with such an obvious cheating behavior, and cried out in pain, and the disciples around stayed away from them, staring at Lin Feng and the two with a bit of pity.

After they calmed down, Lin Feng understood what was going on with the pity in everyone's eyes. He saw that the disciple in front of him had already been picked up by five people and thrown out like a stone towards the entrance of the main hall. ...and disappeared from Lin Feng's sight in the blink of an eye.

I am afraid that this flight will at least lead to a half-death, and I am afraid that flying ten thousand meters is indispensable.

Before Lin Feng could react, he felt that there were a pair of big hands on his legs, shoulders, waist and abdomen, and even... on his buttocks!
 If there is a local tyrant to give a reward~ Come and give me a reward, I will try my best to add an update!

(End of this chapter)

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