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Chapter 80 Five tables and chairs?

Chapter 80 Five tables and chairs?

On the display racks on the four walls of the Artifact Refining Hall, countless weapons shone coldly.

The disciple who kindly reminded Lin Feng had already turned into a streamer and flew out...

Around Lin Feng, five people yelled softly at the same time, and immediately they were about to throw Lin Feng out, as if they were powerful enough to lift the mountain and surpass the world.

Lin Feng's face was darkened, and his whole body was filled with anger, almost pouring all his strength into his feet.


The ground was sunken several centimeters due to the huge pressure.

"Oops, my waist!"

"Why is this guy so heavy..."


The five weirdos immediately let go and screamed one by one, the scene was quite funny, Lin Feng slowly turned his head, his whole face darkened, and his eyes were fixed on his butt.

I saw that the five big and three thick men were still holding on to it!

"Hey, misunderstood... Misunderstood!" Seeing Lin Feng looking over, the big man immediately laughed and clapped his hands.

Several people winked at each other and gathered together, bent over and started chatting, but they ignored Lin Feng directly.

Lin Feng was really speechless, he really didn't know how these five strange works could have such a status in the Artifact Refining Hall, but seeing that the five people ignored him, he was not polite, and strode directly towards the back of the stove, then I want to take out that book of refining and hammering to have a look.

Now that I have come here, there is no reason not to read this book.

Lin Feng was extremely fast, and the next moment he stood in the space of more than ten meters between the stove and the strong general, threw away the broken chair beside him, and picked up some broken books on the ground...

Although some of the corners of the books were burnt, they were preserved intact, and they were as dry as firewood.

Refining hammer method.

Grade: None.

Lin Feng turned to the first page casually, and there was a picture and rows of densely packed annotations and slogans all over it.

In just four or five breaths, Lin Feng memorized the first page completely, and immediately frowned. This is completely a book of refining techniques, how can it be regarded as a hammer martial art...

Could it be that Yan Tianmu really made a mistake?

Lin Feng shook his head endlessly. Seeing that the five people were still bending over and chattering, Lin Feng casually took a hammer above the stove in his hand, and let the hammer fall down in his heart according to the detailed explanation on the first page.

Lin Feng used this hammer very casually, because the move mentioned on the first page was to tilt the giant hammer behind his back, and hit the sword embryo from the upper right rear.

The falling hammer is like the wind, and its momentum is like fire... The emphasis is on the word 'swing'!

A detailed explanation of hundreds of words flashed in Lin Feng's mind, and according to the introduction on the first page, Lin Feng constantly adjusted the black iron hammer in his hand to fall towards the dark and hot sword embryo!

With this hammer, Lin Feng almost exhausted all his strength, and swung the huge hammer in a big circle from the rear obliquely.

Originally, Lin Feng thought that he could do this simple hammering at will, but when the giant hammer fell to the back and almost touched his waist, there was a tearing pain in his whole arm, which made him gasp.

Lin Feng's heart was ruthless, and a wave of stubbornness came up, the muscles all over his body twitched, and he pulled up the giant hammer heavily...


Although the giant hammer was lifted, it had already deviated from the route. The blow that was supposed to hit the sword embryo from the back through the right shoulder slipped out from the elbow.

The hammer fell on the sword embryo, and there was a piercing symphony.

I saw that the whole sword embryo flew up, then bounced on the table and finally fell to the ground.

Lin Feng's eyes burst out with brilliance. According to the first page of the refining and hammering method, his strike has not even reached the threshold...

With Lin Feng's sky-defying talent in martial arts training, he couldn't even do such a simple swing of a hammer. This refining and hammering method is inherently extraordinary!
Lin Feng couldn't wait to put down the hammer in his hand, and turned to the second page of the book.

At this moment, his surroundings suddenly darkened, and he saw five figures surrounding him, less than a few centimeters away from him. Seeing these men so close to him, Lin Feng couldn't help feeling chills.

"Little boy, don't think that you are a five-star seedling, so we really dare not throw you out..." The young master Pian Pian holding a feather fan said softly.

"Damn it, you threw my chair there!" The burly, inch-headed man snatched the book on refining and hammering from Lin Feng's hand, and ran towards the chair thrown away by Lin Feng.

cough cough.

Lin Feng coughed a few times, clasped his fists at each of the five people, and then said sincerely: "Five brothers, can you lend me this book of refining and hammering techniques for two days, I will definitely reward you!"

As Lin Feng said, five spiritual herbs appeared in a flash of his right hand, all of which were not low in grade.

All these things were obtained by him in the sea of ​​clouds, and all the low-level ones were left in the Lin family, and all the things in his hands were good things.

"You want this broken book? I'll just give it to you, but how can you use these five things to support the legs of the chair!" The big man stared at Lin Feng and shouted viciously.


Lin Feng was stunned for a long while, his head almost short-circuited, this is an elixir above five spiritual ranks, he secretly said to five people that he couldn't take it with common sense.

"So... I'll send five of you, five brand new chairs, as long as you bring me this book to read for two days." Lin Feng said hastily.

The big man's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he stretched out his right hand to hand the book to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng stretched out his hand to catch it.

However, he was stopped in the air by a feather fan...

"Five chairs is like taking that old guy's manuscript away, no!"

"That's right, third brother, you are so big, why is your brain so hard to use, and second brother is smarter!"

"Boss, you are so right. Besides being handsome, the third child has no brains!"

The few people talked to each other, and Lin Feng was in a fog. He took a deep breath and asked, "If you have any requests, just tell me. I will do it as long as I can."

Hearing Lin Feng's answer, the five people's eyes lit up immediately, they looked at each other, and shouted in unison: "We still need five more tables!"

"...What? Five tables..." Lin Feng almost thought he had heard it wrong, but he realized it immediately and immediately agreed.

These five are really wonderful!Five elixir plants don't even need five tables and chairs!

The big inch-headed man called the third child happily handed the book to Lin Feng again, but it was a pity that Lin Feng still didn't receive it this time.

"Third brother, you are an idiot. If you give it to him now, what should he do if he turns his back on it?" The second child who held a lupine fan like a boy with a boyish face stopped him again.

"..." Lin Feng suddenly had the urge to strangle this guy to death.

"In this way, you go to Yunwu Tianchi first, and help us get five tables and five chairs, and then we will give these things to you!" The second child said quietly, and for some reason there was a hint of lewdness in his eyes, which made Lin Feng A chill.

"Okay! You wait, I'll go back when I go." Lin Feng saw that the eyes of these five big men were all squinting, he couldn't help his chrysanthemum tightening, trembling, and quickly agreed to come down and run outside the Artifact Refining Hall.

"Yeah yeah, we'll have the tables and chairs used by the three saintesses soon, it is said that he would sit on them to meditate and eat after every bath..."

After Lin Feng left, the five strange creatures cheered for joy, and Ha Lazi almost fell to the ground.

Unfortunately, in Lin Feng's mind, Yunwu Tianchi might just be the name of a place, and he was only responsible for moving a few benches from this place...

(End of this chapter)

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