WeChat Red Packet Group

Chapter 81 The Sadness of Empress Qingluan

Chapter 81 The Sadness of Empress Qingluan
The sky is getting late, and under the night, the entire Tongarm Gate is bathed in starlight, which is extraordinary.

Lin Feng looked on the map of Tongbimen for a while but couldn't find the so-called Yunwu Tianchi, so he had to go back to the wing room.

Just when Ye Hailan came back, he glanced at him from a distance, then stopped when he was about to enter the room, and said, "What kind of formation did you use in my room a while ago..."

As soon as Lin Feng heard it, he immediately said righteously: "What kind of formation? There is absolutely no such thing! Besides, I have never learned any kind of formation!"

Just as Lin Feng finished speaking, Yan Tianmu faintly started to activate by itself, and his gaze fell to Ye Hailan's neck pendant involuntarily. Lin Feng secretly closed his right eye in secret.

Fortunately, after hearing Lin Feng's words, Ye Hailan nodded slightly and walked into the room.

"It's strange, the pendant on Ye Hailan's neck can activate Yan Tianmu automatically, I'm afraid the grade is too high..." Lin Feng was a little surprised, and then returned to the room.

Although Ye Hailan's talent is extremely high, her cultivation base is unfathomable and extremely mysterious, but she is only the daughter of the city lord of Scarlet Blood City, and it is really puzzling that there is something on her that is far above the king's rank.

Sitting upright on the bed, Lin Feng performed the Nine Suns Illusory Heaven Kungfu, which was created by the Nine Suns God King himself.

The Nine Suns Illusory Heaven Kung Fu has nine levels in total. According to the introduction of the kung fu, if you practice it to the Great Perfection, you can directly reach the Golden Immortal Realm.

The Lingwu realm is just the entry realm of practicing this skill. Each level evolves into a round of scorching sun in the sea of ​​qi, and when the nine suns rise together, they can directly reach the other side and step into the realm of spiritual journey!
When Lin Feng was practicing, the sea of ​​qi was constantly surging, and a round of scorching sun slowly rose from the vision of the sea of ​​qi.


An hour or two passed in a blink of an eye, and just as Lin Feng was contemplating it carefully, a vibration came from his right arm.

"Hey, the Nine Suns Illusory Heaven Art is of a very high rank, but even though I have obtained the Sea of ​​Qi of the Xuangui, the speed of cultivation is still extremely slow due to the limitation of my aptitude. If there is a way to change my aptitude, it would be great. Can rely on pills to pile up..."

Interrupted by the sudden vibration, Lin Feng was not angry, but stopped his practice. With a flash of light, the iPhone appeared in his hand.

I saw that the group had already chatted impressively, and the shock just now was that Empress Qingluan came @Everyone.

Then the next row of emojis that were about to cry, swiped the screen directly!

There are more than 50...

"Sister Qingluan saw you frowning at the Jinpeng Demon King's banquet, but what's on your mind..." Nine Suns God King appeared first and asked.

"I think Sister Qingluan is lacking a husband. Sister Qingluan, you are now in charge of the No. 30 second destiny, so why do you have to suffer so much!" Hehuan prodigy opened his mouth to persuade him to find a man.

Lin Feng couldn't help being speechless, this acacia magical power is simply the type of person who spoils children. Back then, his sleepy rope and elixir were all filthy.

"The child prodigy also knows that I was born in the realm of the Goddess, and I must not have contact with men in this life... Today, I can't help but think of a sad thing when I watch the son of the Jinpeng Demon King."

"Empress, don't be sad, just tell me, we have so many destiny sages in charge of destiny, is there anything else that can stump us?!" Peerless Danjun also had two cheering emojis at the end.

"You guys don't know, but I actually have a daughter... When I was in charge of the destiny, I followed the rules of heaven and earth and transformed it with flesh and blood. But when she was only one month old, I was so annoyed that I handed her over. A believer in the Goddess Territory, and then that believer failed at the time of crossing the catastrophe..."

"My child was also involved in the turbulence of time and space."

Lin Feng was speechless for a while, this Empress Qingluan is also okay, she made a daughter out of thin air and gave it to others, and was caught in the crack of time and space!
Seeing that everyone has no intention of giving out red envelopes, although they are a little curious about the matter, they still plan to get up tomorrow morning to read it.

Lin put the phone away casually, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The next day.

Just as Lin Feng opened his sleepy eyes, he lay on the bed and took out his phone casually, roughly looking at everyone's chat records from yesterday.

"This Empress Qingluan is really crazy. Her daughter just fell into the crack of time and space. Now she sees that Jinpeng Demon King's son is cute and wants to get it back..." Lin Feng couldn't laugh or cry.

Immediately, he casually clicked on the red envelope below, and there was nothing else in the red envelope, just illusory images sent out in groups.

A baby cries in the cradle...

"That's enough, you're not kidding me by posting a picture of a baby after more than ten years!" Lin Feng was speechless, put away his phone and turned over to get up.

But he remembered who this Empress Qingluan was, wasn't she the one who snatched 'Maria Ozawa' when he gave out the red envelopes.

According to the chat records, Empress Qingluan belonged to the Goddess Territory and thought that she could not touch men in this life. Lin Feng couldn't help thinking evilly of the scene when she saw a blockbuster movie...

"Let's go to Yunwu Tianchi to get some tables and chairs, and we must get the Hundred Alchemy Hammering Technique!" Lin Feng stretched his waist and went out.

Strange to say, Lin Feng asked a few people on the way two or three floors below the main peak, and when he heard about Yunwu Tianchi, he immediately stared at him with disdain, and then flung his sleeves away...which made him very depressed.

Lin Feng went down more than ten floors in a row, carefully checking the map marks on each floor, until the No.12 floor, Lin Feng could almost see the foot of the mountain before giving up completely, secretly thinking that those five guys were not really playing tricks. His.

"Brother, are you looking for somewhere? I wonder if I can help you..." Just when Lin Feng was at a loss, an ordinary disciple behind him asked respectfully.

Lin Feng replied casually: "Where is the Yunwu Tianchi, why can't I find it?"

As soon as the disciple heard the word Yunwu Tianchi, he looked at Lin Feng with surprise in his eyes, and the expression on his face was also quite exciting, and asked: "Senior brother, why are you going to Yuwu Tianchi..."

"Just find a few tables and chairs, why are there any taboos there?" Lin Feng frowned slightly, and then he felt that the matter might not be so simple, but thinking of those strange appearances, Lin Feng couldn't imagine that they would deliberately trick him.

Seeing Lin Feng frowning, the disciple became more respectful, and said in fear: "The Yunwu Tianchi is not in the Tongbi Gate, nor does it belong to the three great immortal sects. Brother, you can go directly twenty miles to the southeast by flying an eagle."

After this person finished speaking, Lin Feng suddenly realized, no wonder he couldn't find it after searching for a long time, it turns out that this Yunwu Tianchi is no longer Tongarm Sect.

After knowing the location, an elixir appeared in Lin Feng's hand and handed it to this person.

"Thank you, senior brother! Thank you, senior brother!!" The man was overjoyed, thanked him repeatedly, and put away the elixir in his hand.

People passing by couldn't help but look sideways, with envious looks on their faces. This elixir is a spiritual rank, and ordinary disciples like them may have to spend two months of accumulated contribution points to get it.

Lin Feng smiled without saying a word, turned around and walked towards the peak. This person is probably so enthusiastic because he saw his fairy waist badge.

Seeing Lin Feng leave, the envious people around hurriedly approached the person just now, and said with a little jealousy: "You are so lucky to get a elixir with just a few words!"

"Yeah, some of these fairy seedlings have weird temperaments, and we dare not approach them. I didn't expect you to meet a generous one. But fortunately, you didn't ask just now. What else can you do when you go to Yunwu Tianchi? Who doesn't know about the three sects?" , but I only hope that he is the one who can come back alive..."

As they talked, they looked at Lin Feng's back and couldn't help showing ambiguous smiles, with wonderful expressions on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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