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Chapter 85 Killing with a knife!

Chapter 85 Killing with a knife!
Many elders from the Spiritual Path Realm arrived one after another.

Zi Xun'er had already stood on the flying sword at this moment, she got rid of the embarrassment just now, but the blush and beauty on her face still did not dissipate.

Lin Feng was not polite, he put away Jiaolong and stood behind her.

Zi Xun'er's flying sword was already delicate, but now the distance between the two of them was quite ambiguous, Zi Xun'er subconsciously moved forward, with an angry look on her face, but thinking of what Lin Feng did just now, she couldn't help Dare to speak out.

"Zi Xun'er, who dared to attack you just now!" An elder wearing Wan Jianmen's costume stared at Lin Feng with a frown and asked in a deep voice.

"Elders, let's go down first..." Zi Xun'er blushed at the moment, as a saintess of the three sects, she had never been so close to a man before, and she could even feel Lin Feng's hot breath.

Dozens of elders from the three sects stared at Lin Feng and Zi Xun'er in amazement. The two stood in a rather ambiguous position at the moment, making everyone's faces a little gloomy.

Everyone landed on the ground one after another, Zi Xun'er also put away the flying sword, and subconsciously distanced herself from Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, but you provoked Zi Xun'er?" An elder from Tongbimen recognized Lin Feng and asked with a frown.

Zi Xun'er is the saintess of the three sects. Although she belongs to the Wanjian Sect, she also occupies a very important position in Tongbi Sect and Fenxiang Valley. If Lin Feng provokes Zi Xun'er, he will inevitably be punished.

Lin Feng looked helpless when he heard the words, spread his hands and said: "Elder, don't blame me, it was Zi Xun'er who said that I was tall, handsome, and suave, and insisted on catching up with me, and what did he say that he wanted to be me?" My confidante..."

Everyone who Lin Feng said was stunned for a while, and there was a sense of helplessness in his words.

As soon as his voice fell, the elders headed by Wan Jianzong suddenly became angry, and shouted violently: "Presumptuous! Zi Xun'er is a saintess of the three sects, how dare you slander me like this!"

There are 10 people under the three sects. I don't know how many people regard Zi Xun'er as the lover of their dreams. Zi Xun'er is the pride of Wan Jian Zong. Lin Feng's words are a heinous crime to them.

Among the elders of the Tongbi sect, Xingyun's master also sneered and stood up immediately, and said in a deep voice: "Zi Xun'er is a saintess of the three sects, how dare you be so frivolous, I think at least you have to pull out your tongue, As a punishment!"

When this person's voice fell, many elders of Wan Jianzong nodded immediately, and said in a cold voice: "Since you are a disciple of the Tongarm sect, you should quickly kneel down and be tortured!"

The elders of Fenxiang Valley also seconded one by one, staring at Lin Feng coldly.

The other elders of the Tongbi Sect glanced at each other, then stared at Tian Xingyun's master, frowning deeply.

Lin Feng is also a five-star seedling, and the punishment for just getting started is too heavy, but Master Tian Xingyun doesn't intend to protect his disciples at all, and even has the intention of avenging his own personal revenge. .

"Everyone, don't get angry. Lin Feng just started out and doesn't understand many rules." The elders of the Tongbi sect finally shook their heads and excused Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, you should quickly apologize to Zi Xun'er and the elders of Wan Jianzong. !"

Just because of Master Tian Xingyun's words, Lin Feng became the target of public criticism, but in front of the many spiritual elders, Lin Feng's face remained unchanged, staring at the silent Zi Xun'er and said indifferently: "The parties have not yet Speaking of which, your conclusions are too early, right? What do you think, this saintess of the three sects..."

Lin Feng's voice was quite playful, but his eyes were as cold as knives, staring at Zi Xun'er.

There was a flash of struggle in Zi Xun'er's purple eyes, and when she looked up at Lin Feng, she felt that her soul was stabbed like a knife, and a trembling feeling came from the depths of her mind.

At this moment, she really realized that if Lin Feng wanted to kill her, it was just a thought.

"The elders misunderstood. What Lin Feng said is correct. I hit him off right away, and I fell in love with him... That's why I chased after him!" The younger dozens of elders couldn't help being lost in thought for a while.

When many elders came to their senses, they stared at Lin Feng and Zi Xun'er for a long while with weird faces. They couldn't believe it. He actually hit it off with such an ordinary disciple of Tongbimen.

Master Tian Xingyun's complexion suddenly turned ugly. Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to make Lin Feng suffer, but he didn't expect that Zi Xun'er really fell in love with Lin Feng...

"Zi Xun'er, if you have any difficulties, you can tell them, I will definitely not indulge my disciples!"

Tian Xingyun's master was a little unwilling, and even spoke out again.

After saying this, the faces of the other elders of the Tongbi Sect suddenly darkened, and they said in a low voice: "Elder Sun, don't forget your identity..."

Lin Feng saw this scene with a sneer, and looked at Zi Xun'er beside him with a thought.

Zi Xun'er's whole body trembled subconsciously, and her body walked forward involuntarily. This feeling was like being manipulated by someone as a puppet on a string. It was extremely uncomfortable!

Zi Xun'er walked slowly in front of Elder Sun step by step, the distance between the two was very tight, Elder Sun was not at all prepared for Zi Xun'er's approach, and even thought that she wanted to tell him about Lin Feng's fault in person.

It's a pity that just as he moved his face closer, he saw Zi Xun'er's right hand stabbing towards his chest and abdomen with a long sword with lightning speed!
The scene changed so suddenly that everyone didn't even have time to react. No one thought that Zi Xun'er would violently attack the elders of Tongbimen!
Tian Xingyun's master felt chills all over his body in an instant, and a chill swept his whole body. At this moment, he was less than half a meter away from Zi Xun'er, and the sword pierced into his clothes in an instant. Through his flesh and blood...

"do not want!"

Many elders screamed in unison, but at this moment none of them had a chance to stop the blow.

I saw that Elder Sun was dripping with blood between his chest and abdomen, and when there was no time left, a stream of flames appeared around him out of thin air, mighty and mighty, exuding a terrifying coercion!
This is to use the stream of flames to cross the sea of ​​air and reach the other shore. There is boundless power in this flame, and the strength of Elder Sun's late stage spiritual path is enough to easily suppress the fledgling Zi Xun'er.

Zi Xun'er's stabbing sword stopped abruptly.

In less than one breath, Elder Sun flew hundreds of meters in the air.

His eyes were full of horror, if he was a bit slower in reacting, I'm afraid he would have to confess here today.

"Zi Xun'er, are you crazy? You actually want to kill me!" Elder Sun's voice was a little crazy, blood was flowing across his chest and abdomen, and the mighty stream of flames as he spoke turned into substance to suppress Zi Xun'er. go.

In anger, he actually wanted to suppress Zi Xun'er!
Standing below, Lin Feng showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and saw that dozens of elders in front of him moved together to stop Zi Xun'er behind him, staring at Elder Sun in the sky with gloomy faces.

(End of this chapter)

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