Chapter 86
A stream of flames dances like a spirit snake, covering the sky and the sun.

Even the three major sects can clearly see such a vision, and everyone has guessed which elder of the Spirit Path Realm made the move...

Standing behind Zi Xun'er, Lin Feng looked at dozens of elders in front of him attacking Elder Sun at the same time, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and was a little surprised by Zi Xun'er's status in his heart.

Being able to make the three great immortal sects give up their prejudices and take action to protect her, suppressing Elder Sun is enough to see her importance.

The power of dozens of people spread out, and Elder Sun also stopped in the air for a while, feeling cold in his heart, secretly thinking that he was stunned by Zi Xun'er's sudden attack. Never die!

"Everyone, don't get excited, you have also seen that Zi Xun'er suddenly killed me just now, I was just protecting myself..." Elder Sun had a gloomy expression but could only compromise.

"Elder Sun, don't be impulsive for now, Zi Xun'er must have misunderstood you..."

Dozens of elders breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately looked at Zi Xun'er with puzzled faces.

Seeing Zi Xun'er and Lin Feng standing side by side, standing on the same spot, seeing everyone watching, she said softly: "I was wrong about this matter, Zi Xun'er is willing to apologize to the elder."

Saying that, Zi Xun'er walked towards Elder Sun.

Only then did everyone nod their heads and let out a long breath, but they never noticed the struggle and fear deep in Zi Xun'er's eyes.

She was watching her body movements like a bystander, and she couldn't even stop her from speaking. This feeling made her hands and feet cold...

Zi Xun'er stood in front of Elder Sun again, bending over to make a song.

Although Elder Sun was angry in his heart, he could only cup his fists in return, and said bluntly: "The saint's words are serious..."

He knew that he was only an elder in the middle stage of the spiritual journey, and Zi Xun'er was a saint conferred by the three sect masters, so he could only smash his teeth and swallow this bitterness.

It's just that he never expected that at the moment he returned the gift, a long sword appeared in Zi Xun'er's right hand again.


The blood gushed out, and a blood line appeared on his neck the moment he bent down.

Elder Sun's hands that were originally returning the gift were frozen in the air, and his eyes were full of disbelief.


Plop, Elder Sun was lying in a pool of blood before the words fell.

Elder Sun never thought until his death that Zi Xun'er would sneak up on him again, and in front of so many Spiritual Path Elders!
Dozens of elders stood on the spot blankly, they were only a few steps away from Zi Xun'er and Elder Sun, just watching Zi Xun'er sneak attack and kill Elder Sun with a sword...

The scene fell silent for a moment, and no one thought that Zi Xun'er would sneak up on Elder Sun again after the first sneak attack.

"Zi Xun'er, you...why on earth is this? Elder Sun doesn't seem to provoke you." The elders of the Tongbi Sect couldn't help asking in a deep voice when they saw the elders of their own sect died like this.

Even the many elders of Wanjianmen have some embarrassing faces. Although Zi Xun'er belongs to Wanjianmen, it is really unreasonable to kill the elders of Tongbimen in such a sneak attack.

"Zi Xun'er, what's wrong with you?" Elder Wan Jianmen asked at the same time.

The fear in Zi Xun'er's eyes grew stronger, and the jade hand holding the long sword couldn't help trembling. The corner of her eyes glanced at the forgotten Lin Feng not far away.

At this moment, she really had control over her body. She took a deep breath and said calmly, "I'm fine, elders. This Elder Sun has a grudge against me. If he kills me, he will kill him. Don't ask any more questions."

Zi Xun'er's voice returned to the original cold and arrogant, Zi Xun'er flickered without any explanation, as if she had done a trivial thing.

Lin Feng stood not far away with a faint smile on his lips. At this moment, he didn't deliberately order Zi Xun'er, but Zi Xun'er obviously knew the current situation.

Dozens of elders looked at Elder Sun who died on the ground speechless for a while, quite at a loss as to what to do.

In the end, Elder Wan Jianmen was the first to break the silence: "Let's leave this matter to the suzerain..."

All the elders looked at each other and finally nodded. Zi Xun'er had a special status, even if she killed Elder Sun without any grudges, she would not be severely punished by the suzerain.

Everyone guessed in their hearts that Elder Sun must have angered Zi Xun'er, otherwise how could Zi Xun'er, who has always been arrogant, would sneak up on him again and again and take his life.

The elders of the Tongbimen all had ugly faces. What happened today is too unbelievable.

Elder Sun's status was high or low, so he died like this and returned to the sect without some trouble.

"Zi Xun'er, follow us back to the sect." The elders headed by Wan Jianzong were also quite helpless.

Zi Xun'er shook her head, and said lightly: "I want to go with Lin Feng to Tongarm Gate..."

As soon as these words came out, even the elders of the Arm Gate were startled, and many elders of Fenxianggu and Wanjianzong also had strange expressions.

"Did I hear you right, you want to go to Tongarm Gate with this kid?"

"Could it be that Zi Xun'er really fell in love with this fellow Tongbimen, no wonder he attacked Elder Sun... Could it be because of this kid?"


All the elders of the Spiritual Path Realm were not calm at all at this moment, and only then did they realize that standing next to them was Lin Feng, whom they had been ignoring all along.

Lin Feng coughed twice, smiled awkwardly, spread his hands and said, "I will follow what the Holy Maiden says."

The elders of the Tongbi sect stared at each other. Could it be that the always lonely saintesses of the three sects were really captured by a disciple of their Tongbi sect.

"Very good, very good, let's go!" There was a gleam of joy in the eyes of many elders of Tongbimen.

The faces of the many elders of Wanjianmen and the elders of Fenxianggu suddenly became ugly, and they could only watch helplessly as the elders of Tongbimen led the two of them away.

Many elders of the Tongarm Sect were in front, and Zi Xun'er walked with the sword again. Lin Feng jumped and stood behind Zi Xun'er without hesitation. Flying, lightly touching Lin Feng's cheeks...

"Why, you don't want to kill me? Tell me what you have to say." Lin Feng asked rather jokingly.

Zi Xun'er's face was flushed, she shook her lower lip slightly, her body twisted unnaturally, but she didn't dare to break free, and said: "I think we need to have a good talk, what exactly are you going to do to get rid of the magic on me... ..."

"Then let's sit down and have a good talk. If you kill Elder Sun, you and I will be settled." Lin Feng said lightly.

Soon everyone stepped into the land of the three sects, and at this moment, the edges of many mountain peaks were almost full of people.

Countless fiery gazes looked at Zi Xun'er, and immediately she exclaimed in shock, who could step on the same sword with the always domineering saintesses of the three sects, so close? !
(End of this chapter)

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