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Chapter 87 Ye Hailan's Careful Thoughts

Chapter 87 Ye Hailan's Careful Thoughts

Zi Xun'er, the saintess of the three sects, appeared in front of everyone riding a sword with Lin Feng at this moment, causing an uproar immediately!

On the main peak of Wanjian Sect, there was even more noise!

"Who is that man? How could he be so close to Zi Xun'er!"

"Is Zi Xun'er going to Tongbimen? Could it be because of this man..."

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, Zi Xun'er is so arrogant, how could she choose such an ordinary disciple?"

Many elders on the arm door started, followed by Lin Feng and Zi Xun'er and descended from the peak.

At this moment, the entire Tongbimen mountain peak is almost filled with water, and everyone wants to rush up the mountain to see Zi Xun'er's beauty.

Zi Xun'er has always been aloof and self-reliant, and has almost never set foot through the Tongarm Gate. Such a close contact is really rare.

Not long after the crowd stopped, they saw a man volleying up from the main peak of Wanjian Sect. His figure was handsome, but his face was rather ugly. He landed straight not far from Lin Feng and Zi Xun'er.

The moment this person landed, the disciples of the Tongbi Sect all around dispersed one after another, with a hint of fear in the depths of their eyes.

"It's Qiu Wushuang, why is he here..."

"You don't know that, Qiu Wushuang already asked Sect Master Wanjian to propose marriage a few days ago, and wants to become a Taoist couple with Zi Xun'er!"

"There is such a thing? Qiu Wushuang is the direct disciple of the Wanjian Sect Master, and it is rumored that he will be able to take charge of the Wanjian Sect in the future, so he is worthy of Zi Xun'er."

Everyone spoke highly of Qiu Wushuang.

Lin Feng stood aside and nodded slightly. Qiu Wushuang seemed to be only [-] years old but possessed the spiritual realm, which was enough to show his talent and strength.

As if sensing Lin Feng's gaze, Qiu Wushuang looked at him head-on, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng immediately frowned. He and Qiu Wushuang had never met before, but this person had murderous intentions towards him!
Why is this?

Lin Feng was very puzzled.

"Junior Sister Zi Xun'er, have you considered clearly what Master said?" Qiu Wushuang came back to his senses and asked Zi Xun'er softly.

Zi Xun'er's purple eyes flickered, and a look of disgust flashed in her eyes, she said in a deep voice: "I have already rejected it the first time, so why do you think about it?"

Qiu Wushuang was not angry when he heard the words. Instead, he nodded and looked at Lin Feng again, and said indifferently, "Bring me the Ziyu Town Dzi Bead."

Qiu Wushuang stared at Lin Feng condescendingly as if talking about some trivial matter.

At this moment, Lin Feng suddenly realized that Qiu Wushuang was the driving force behind ordering Lin Qingyun to destroy the Presbyterian Hall that day, and his goal was the Purple Jade Town Dzi Bead!

Seeing that Qiu Wushuang was pointing at Lin Feng, many elders of the Tongbi Sect frowned slightly, as if they had no intention of stopping him.

When Tian Xingyun saw this scene in the distance, the corner of his mouth showed a look of watching the show, but his smile froze on his face, and he exclaimed: "Who killed my master!"

The elders looked at each other helplessly, and finally said: "This matter is extremely complicated, let's discuss it in detail when the suzerain returns... Tian Xingyun, you step back."

Tian Xingyun was inexplicably shocked, but he didn't dare to disobey the elders' wishes, so he had to stand aside.

Qiu Wushuang stared at Tian Xingyun twice, then turned around and said to Lin Feng again: "Give me Lin Qingyun's Purple Jade Town Dzi Bead."

He said this simply, as if the Ziyu Town Dzi Bead itself belonged to him.

Lin Feng sneered twice and said, "Ziyu Town Dzi Bead is the property of my Lin family's old hall, not to mention whether it belongs to Lin Qingyun or not. Now that Lin Qingyun is dead, what right do you have to get it?"

Many disciples from the Tongbi Gate stared at Lin Feng with strange expressions, then shook their heads, secretly thinking that Lin Feng's newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

It's fine to provoke Tian Xingyun, but now he provokes Qiu Wushuang, an even more terrifying existence.

"I'll give you one last chance, shall I give it or not?" Qiu Wushuang said again with the coldness in his eyes.

"Here, I want your life, will you give it to me? It was you who instigated Lin Qingyun and caused countless deaths and injuries to my Lin family, and now you still have the face to ask for things from my Lin family. What a joke!" Lin Feng was furious, thinking of the day The Lin family was full of dead and injured, so they wished they could kill this person now.

It's just that he knows that the gap between him and Qiu Wushuang at this moment is simply one sky and one earth.

Lin Feng's words almost roared out, and Zi Xun'er in front of him couldn't help but look sideways, secretly thinking that Lin Feng might be the first person who dared to talk to Qiu Wushuang like this.

The disciples of the Tongarm Sect all around gasped and lit up, staring at Lin Feng with idiotic eyes.

Among the three great immortal sects, the disciple with the highest status should be the saintess of the three sects, Zi Xun'er.

But if strength is the criterion, then it is Qiu Wushuang!
The strongest members of the Tongbi Sect, including Tian Xingyun, would not dare to speak like this in front of Qiu Wushuang...

Qiu Wushuang showed a faint smile, just about to speak, but saw a beautiful figure in the sky landed beside Lin Feng, staring at him from a distance, and the voice of nature came from under the veil, and said lightly: " Is this what you want?"

A strange fragrance spread among the crowd, and the moment Ye Hailan appeared, everyone around was in a state of mind, as if everything around them lost their light.

Even Zi Xun'er beside him couldn't help frowning, and there was an inexplicable hostility in his eyes.

Ye Hailan didn't show her true face, but she was as beautiful as Zi Xun'er...

A purple jade bead appeared in Ye Hailan's hand, and Qiu Wushuang was taken aback by this scene. He didn't expect that the Ziyu Town Dzi Bead was no longer in Lin Feng's hands, but in Ye Hailan's.

Qiu Wushuang nodded subconsciously, not knowing what Ye Hailan meant.

There was a hint of narrowness in Ye Hailan's eyes, and he turned around and handed the Ziyu Town Dzi Bead into Lin Feng's hands, and said, "I'll give you something..."

"..." Lin Feng didn't know what Ye Hailan meant by this, and subconsciously took the Ziyu Town Dzi Bead.

Then I saw Ye Hailan leaning slightly towards Lin Feng's shoulder, whispering in his ear: "Now you have not only offended Tian Xingyun, but also Qiu Wushuang, are you planning to pay back the favor I owe you?"

Lin Feng was speechless for a while, he could almost hear what Ye Hailan said, this is to forcibly help him to gain hatred.

"Why, can you help me kill both of them?" Lin Feng said speechlessly.

"Why not, but we will have nothing to do with each other from now on." Ye Hailan said calmly.

Lin Feng smiled wryly, but was quite shocked in his heart, not to mention Tian Xingyun's strength, this Qiu Wushuang is really a strong person in the spiritual path, and he is also a disciple of the suzerain, yet Ye Hailan dares to praise Haikou.

"That's not necessary, I think your favor seems to be hard to come by! But if you help me blow Qiu Wushuang out of the through-arm door and help me vent my anger, I can give you more than a dozen superb spirit stones..." Lin Feng Play with the taste in the eyes.

As soon as these words came out, Ye Hailan's delicate body was shocked, and the eyes sparkled. Only the two of them heard these words.

Although the people around didn't know what the two of them were going to say, they only felt that the relationship between the two of them was not shallow, and they whispered ambiguously.

Almost everyone looked at Lin Feng strangely. Lin Qingxuan's boyfriend actually had an inexplicable relationship with Zi Xun'er and Ye Hailan, two peerless beauties...

(End of this chapter)

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