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Chapter 88: Qiu Wushuang's Conspiracy

Chapter 88: Qiu Wushuang's Conspiracy
More than a dozen peerless spirit stones!
Lin Feng knew that this thing was very attractive to Ye Hailan.

The reason seems to be the so-called spirit-breaking body in Ye Hailan, of course Lin Feng is just guessing.

"it is good!"

Ye Hailan didn't hesitate at all, a bright light appeared in his eyes, and immediately disappeared in front of tens of thousands of people, even dozens of Lingtujing elders, and appeared in front of Qiu Wushuang the next moment!

Its speed has reached an unimaginable level...

Bang bang bang!
Qiu Wushuang's figure was thrown away suddenly, and Ye Hailan was like a white phantom, with fluorescent lights flickering all over her body, and Qiu Wushuang was blasted into the sky abruptly by him.

The stars twinkled in the sky, and Qiu Wushuang's screams could be heard endlessly.

There was a thousand-meter gully between Tongbimen and the main peak of Wanjianzong, but Qiu Wushuang was blasted back to Wanjianzong from the sky by Ye Hailan!
Lin Feng stood where he was, with the same expression as the countless people around him, they were all stunned!

Even the dozens of elders of Tongarm Gate stared at Ye Hailan in horror...

Qiu Wushuang was at the Spiritual Path Realm, and the strongest young generation among the three sects had no power to fight back, so he was forced back to the Wanjian sect just like that!

When everyone was surprised, Ye Hailan's figure had already appeared in front of them, staring at Lin Feng with a pair of beautiful eyes, unexpectedly somewhat expectant.

Such a look is simply unbelievable in the eyes of everyone.

Even Zi Xun'er couldn't help but stare at Lin Feng for a long while, just a few words could make Ye Hailan repel Qiu Wushuang for him!
"Ye...Ye Hailan actually has the strength to crush Qiu Wushuang, and he really deserves to be the best fairy seedling of the Nine Stars!" The elder of the Tongbimen exclaimed.

"From then on, the three young generation's most powerful people actually appeared in my Tongarm Gate!"

Countless disciples present were shocked, and for the first time had a new understanding of Ye Hailan's strength.

But there is a question in everyone's mind, that is, what exactly did Lin Feng say to make people like Ye Hailan repel Qiu Wushuang for him!
Not only that, but at this moment it seems that Zi Xun'er came to the Tongbi Gate because of him.

What kind of charm does a disciple at the early stage of the Lingwu Realm have to make Elder Feng suppress Tian Xingyun for him, make Ye Hailan repel Qiu Wushuang for him, and let Zi Xun'er come to the Tongbi Gate for him...

Such questions filled the minds of almost everyone present.

Countless gazes noticed Lin Feng, and Lin Feng laughed in surprise. He was quite uncomfortable with these hot gazes, and said helplessly: "If you elders have nothing to do, I will leave first..."

Dozens of elders of Tongbimen nodded blankly and watched Lin Feng walking down the mountain.

Tian Xingyun's eyes were dull, and he even had a trace of fear in his heart. According to this situation, even if he beat Lin Feng on the final stage a month later, so what?
I'm afraid Ye Hailan could crush him to death with one finger, not to mention Elder Feng, a person with a very high status.

Lin Feng walked slowly down the mountain, and everyone couldn't help but make way for him, their eyes were full of envy and jealousy, and they saw Zi Xun'er and Ye Hailan behind him walking closely behind him.

The three saintesses and a Nine Star Immortal Miao who could crush Qiu Wushuang all seemed to obey him, which made everyone feel unbelievable.

"Let's go away, everyone. What kind of monsters did I recruit this time? We can only wait for the suzerain to come back." An elder from the Tongbimen murmured as he stared at the backs of Lin Feng and the other three. Said.

"The suzerain hasn't come back for such a long time, is it really planning to restart the first latent star stone refined by the ancestor?"

The elders also left the main peak one after another as they said that, many disciples of the Tongbi Sect felt that what happened today was like a fairy tale.

They were discussing noisyly with each other, but they also left one after another.

Only Tian Xingyun stood there blankly, and now his master was killed for no reason, and after seeing the relationship between Lin Feng, Ye Hailan and Zi Xun'er, he even appeared timid.

In his heart, he is sure of winning the decisive battle with Lin Feng, but even if he wins Lin Feng, can he really survive in the hands of these people?
Gradually all the crowd on the main peak dispersed, and a piercing killing intent enveloped him, causing him to shiver uncontrollably, and only then came back to his senses.

At some point, Qiu Wushuang stood in front of him again.

It's just that Qiu Wushuang's mouth has blood stains at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes seem to be full of boundless killing intent, which is enough to make him tremble with fear!

"I heard that you knelt down in front of Lin Feng a few days ago, you want to take revenge..." Qiu Wushuang seemed to see through what Tian Xingyun was thinking.

There was a wry smile on the corner of Tian Xingyun's mouth, but what Qiu Wushuang said next shocked him.

"You've heard of Elder Gongsun who is the number one fighter in the Tongbi sect!" Qiu Wushuang said coldly.

Elder Gongsun is known as the most powerful elder under the suzerain in the Tongbi sect. His cultivation is Tongxuan, and he is No.1 under the suzerain!
If he really had his help, even Elder Feng wouldn't dare to touch him!
Sky Xingyun should no longer worry about the future!

But after the surprise, he frowned, "Qiu Wushuang, you are a disciple of Wan Jianzong, how could Elder Gongsun listen to you..."

However, at the moment when his voice fell, a cold wind blew, and a stooped old man appeared beside him. This man was as old as a tortoise, his face was covered with old spots, and there were countless wrinkles. He appeared beside him with a walking stick. , respectfully said: "Master Wushuang."

"Elder Gongsun, who is the number one fighter in my Tongarm sect, actually obeys you, Qiu Wushuang, you..." A very bold idea suddenly appeared in Tian Xingyun's mind.

Qiu Wushuang has a very high status in Wanjianzong, and he is the successor of the suzerain. He is very likely to take over Wanjianzong in the future. Now he has placed a dark chess in the Tongarm Gate, and his heart is clearly revealed!
"You are right. In the future, the Tongarm Gate will definitely be annexed by my Wan Jianzong. Now is the time for you to stand in line. If you agree, I will let Elder Gongsun train you with all my strength, and you just let go and kill Lin Feng. And the Purple Jade Town Dzi Bead in his hand must be delivered to me!" Qiu Wushuang said coldly.

Then Qiu Wushuang paused and said: "When the time comes, Lin Qingxuan will be yours, and I can even reward Zi Xun'er to you, and I will definitely make Ye Hailan pay for what she did today!"

Tian Xingyun's heart was moved, and there was no sign of struggle on his face, but he just knelt down on one knee and said coldly: "As long as I can kill Lin Feng, I will definitely follow Senior Brother Qiu!"

"Master Wushuang, you'd better go back to Wanjianzong first, I'm enough here... That girl and kid will pay the price for your shame today." Elder Gongsun didn't raise his head, and whispered road.

Qiu Wushuang nodded. After all, he was not a child of the Tongbi Sect, so he left the Tongbi Sect soon.

Staring at Elder Gongsun, Tian Xingyun's face was full of joy, and said: "Elder Gongsun, don't worry, I will let Lin Feng die in front of everyone on the final battle stage in a month's time!"

(End of this chapter)

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