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Chapter 89 Brother Feng, what are you going to do?

Chapter 89 Brother Feng, what are you going to do?
Inside the Tongarm Gate, today's news about Lin Feng, Ye Hailan, and Zi Xun'er spread like a storm.

The impact was far greater than that time when Elder Feng led him to suppress Tian Xingyun.

Ye Hailan defeated Qiu Wushuang easily, and Zi Xun'er seemed to have a secret with Lin Feng that he had to tell. There were even rumors that Zi Xun'er fell in love with Lin Feng...

All of a sudden Lin Feng became a man of the hour in the entire Tongarm Sect.

A few days after entering the door, a disciple whose cultivation base was at the early stage of the Spirit Martial Realm was favored by the saintesses of the three sects. This was simply big news, and of course he had an unclear relationship with Lin Qingxuan and Ye Hailan.

Numerous disciples were almost heartbroken by Lin Feng, and there were so many suitors of these three.

"Oh my god, what did I see, Ye Hailan, Lin Qingxuan and Zi Xun'er all entered Lin Feng's room!"

"What kind of charm does this guy have, to be able to enjoy the blessing of being equal to others!"


Lin Feng and the others didn't know anything about the gossip and rumors outside in the wing room.

At this moment, Zi Xun'er and Ye Hailan were sitting opposite to him, and standing beside him was Lin Qingxuan who hurried over.

Lin Qingxuan seemed quite depressed at the moment, with tears rolling in her eyes, she stood behind Lin Feng without saying a word.

"Give me what you promised..." Ye Hailan asked first, it seemed that the exquisite Lingshi was very attractive to her.

Lin Feng nodded, and there were ten top-quality spirit stones on the table in his right hand, and he asked casually, "Can you tell me how many top-quality spirit stones you need?"

Ye Hailan's eyes flickered and he immediately put away the top-quality spirit stones, and teased Lin Feng softly, "At the beginning you said you didn't have any top-quality spirit stones, but now it seems that there are quite a few more..."

Lin Feng touched his nose in embarrassment, but did not answer, but Ye Hailan said with a wry smile: "Don't worry, I won't ask you to snatch it, even if you have dozens of such exquisite spirit stones, it's nothing to me. A drop in the bucket."

Peerless spirit stones are almost impossible to come by, Ye Hailan only thought that Lin Feng was lucky to get some inheritance in Scarlet Blood City.

Lin Feng stared at Ye Hailan for a while, then said quietly: "What if I have a few thousand, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands?"

"Hundreds of thousands? You are a stone on the side of the road. If you really have hundreds of thousands of stones for me, I can do anything for you, no matter what..." Ye Hailan laughed out loud and shook her head No longer speaking, obviously did not believe Lin Feng's words at all.

Lin Feng didn't say anything, just smiled and stopped talking.

On the other side, Zi Xun'er's eyes were straightened, and she said in a daze, "Is this a top-notch spirit stone? A dozen or so top-quality spirit stones!"

Zi Xun'er felt incredible when she heard it, and stared at Lin Feng with weird eyes. The stock of the entire Tongarm Sect of peerless spirit stones is probably less than a few hundred, but Lin Feng made more than a dozen of them like this!
Standing behind Lin Feng, Lin Qingxuan wrinkled her nose and said, "Brother Feng gave me a dozen or twenty of them back then, but my master took them away..."

Zi Xun'er heard the hostility in Qingxuan's words, her face suddenly turned cold, and said: "What is your identity, dare to talk to me like that!"

Lin Feng frowned slightly, stared at Zi Xun'er, and said lightly: "She is my woman, I don't think there is anything inappropriate to talk to you like this."

Zi Xun'er's face turned blue and red alternately, but she could only give up with a yell.

Seeing this scene, Ye Hailan's eyes also had a strange look. Zi Xun'er, a saint of the Three Sects, actually obeyed Lin Feng's words, and dared not say a word... What kind of ability does Lin Feng have?
Ye Hailan shook his head, put away the exquisite spirit stone, and said lightly: "I think you are only at the first level of the Lingwu Realm now, and you will be on the final stage with Tian Xingyun in a month. This kind of strength is not enough ...But if you are willing to give me all your remaining spirit stones, I can help you solve this matter."

Perhaps in Ye Hailan's eyes, there were not a few spirit stones left in Lin Feng's hands.

Lin Feng shook his head and said lightly, "One month is enough."

Ye Hailan stopped talking, turned around and was about to open the door to go out, but suddenly stopped and said, "Which two maids were on your bed last time? Be a man, you should concentrate..."


Lin Feng was speechless for a while, this Ye Hailan was simply looking for trouble on purpose.

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Hailan stepped out of the room, Qingxuan looked at him with an aggrieved face behind Lin Feng, and even Zi Xun'er's purple eyes showed a trace of wariness.

"Brother Feng, is what she said true?" Lin Qingxuan asked aggrievedly with tears in her eyes.

Lin Feng didn't know how to explain it for a while, so he could only smile wryly: "It's not what you think, I'll explain it to you later, and now let's settle the matter of the three saintesses."

Qingxuan nodded obediently, trusting Lin Feng very much.

"Zi Xun'er, you and I have no grievances, your current fate is just your own doing." Lin Feng stared at Zi Xun'er and said.

Qingxuan at the side also noticed that the so-called saintesses of the three sects seemed to be controlled by Lin Feng in every way.

Zi Xun'er was silent for a while, and finally said in a deep voice: "As long as you give me freedom, I can give you whatever you want..."

Lin Feng shook his head and replied, "I can't do it, at least not now."

"But you can rest assured that I won't do those things that both people and gods are angry with you. You just continue to be your three saintesses, but when I need you, you'd better not play tricks. Believe me, I only want me alone." If you think about it, you will die with me." A cold light flashed in Lin Feng's eyes.

He also had some concerns about Zi Xun'er. This person had a very high status. If he really persuaded someone of suzerain level to come, Lin Feng might be in danger for his life.

Zi Xun'er was silent for a while, and finally looked at Lin Feng and said, "Is this true?"

Seeing Lin Feng nodding, she stood up feebly, opened the door and left... She knew that this was the best result.

With Lin Feng's control over her body, she has almost no ability to resist, even if Lin Feng completely treats him as a pet pawn, she has nothing to do.

Lin Feng did not stop Zi Xun'er from leaving, he knew that with his current strength, keeping Zi Xun'er by his side would only be counterproductive.

After Zi Xun'er left, Lin Feng heard Qing Xuan's faint choking voice behind him...

Lin Feng's heart suddenly softened, and he quickly turned around and hugged Lin Qingxuan in his arms.

Feeling the aura of Lin Feng's body, Lin Qingxuan immediately held him tightly, and whispered: "Brother Feng, are they all prettier than me?"

Lin Feng couldn't help laughing, and patted Lin Qingxuan's upturned part heavily, and said, "What are you thinking, little girl? Don't worry, you will definitely be my first woman!"

Qingxuan was blushed by Lin Feng's bold action, before she could react, she saw Lin Feng picked her up and threw her on the bed...

"Ah, Brother Feng, what are you going to do..."

(End of this chapter)

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