Chapter 91

As the sun rose in the east, there was a message from the Tongarm Gate that swept the entire sect!
Elder Gongsun, who is number one in the art of warfare and has never accepted an apprentice, unexpectedly accepted Tian Xingyun's apprenticeship...

Tian Xingyun himself has a good reputation in the Tongbi Sect, and now he is worshiped under the name of Elder Gongsun who is the number one in warfare, which makes him have the same status in the Tongbi Sect for a while.

As Lin Feng was walking on the road, the people around him were discussing noisyly, and sometimes someone would look at him with pity.

After what happened in the past two days, almost everyone who has some strength on the main peak recognizes Lin Feng, and also knows the agreement between him and Tian Xingyun, the agreement on the decisive battle platform after a leap.

Many people are jealous of Lin Feng's relationship with Zi Xun'er, Ye Hailan and others. Now that the sky is in full swing, everyone is optimistic about the show.

Even along the way Lin Feng walked, many people discussed in private, thinking that he is just a little boy who eats soft food...

This made Lin Feng couldn't help but smile wryly, although he was a bit of a girl, but he couldn't say anything about the boy, right?
"Junior Brother Lin Feng, I was just about to find you..." Lin Feng had just walked not far from the practice room when he bumped into Yun Zheng head-on.

Yun Zheng's face was full of seriousness.

"What is Senior Brother Yun looking for from me?" Lin Feng saluted and edited.

Although he felt that Yun Zheng was a bit rigid, he admired him very much, and he was very grateful that Yun Zheng took good care of him.

"Tian Xingyun has worshiped under Elder Gongsun, do you know?" Yunzheng asked with a frown, seemingly worried.

Lin Feng nodded, but didn't say anything.

Seeing Lin Feng's indifferent expression, Yunzheng's face became more and more anxious, and he quickly said: "Elder Gongsun is known as the number one in warfare, Tian Xingyun completed his apprenticeship early this morning, and almost everyone in the Tongbi Sect doesn't know Elder Gongsun The promise made to him..."

"Oh? What promise..." Lin Feng asked back.

"Let Tian Xingyun reach the ninth level of the Spiritual Martial Realm within one month, and achieve great success in martial arts and warfare!"

Lin Feng was also quite surprised when he heard that, Tian Xingyun himself had the body of ancient flames, and his strength was around the seventh level of the Spiritual Martial Realm. If he was allowed to reach the ninth level of the Spiritual Martial Realm in a month, and his martial arts and tactics reached great success, I'm afraid he would become Through-arm door No.1!
"I just went to see Elder Gongsun to resolve the conflict between you and Tian Xingyun, but it's a pity..." Yun Zheng said helplessly.

Lin Feng couldn't help being shocked when he heard the words, he and Yunzheng had just met by chance, and Yunzheng treated him so sincerely, this character really made him admire.

"Senior Brother Yunzheng, don't worry, I have my own concerns about this matter, there is no way I can reconcile with Tian Xingyun, a battle in a month's time is inevitable..." Lin Feng shook his head and said, he was going to the training room go.

Seeing Lin Feng walking towards the practice room, Yun Zheng immediately shouted: "Junior brother, the elder in charge of the practice room is Elder Gongsun, and fighting is not prohibited in the practice room. With your current cultivation base, I'm afraid you will suffer a lot."

Yun Zheng's reminder made Lin Feng frowned slightly, the practice room was actually in charge of Elder Gongsun, but after hesitating for a moment, Lin Feng still headed towards the practice room.

There is no other reason, if you want to have the strength to defeat Tian Xingyun within a month, you must reach the middle stage of Lingwu Realm, or even higher.

To reach the third floor of the Spiritual Martial Realm in just one month, and even the sixth floor of the Spiritual Martial Realm, you must borrow this training room...

Lin Feng was unique in the detailed explanation of the sect that Yun Zheng gave him some time ago. There are a total of [-] training rooms in the training room, which are divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower.

Among them, there are 33 training rooms of upper, middle and lower levels.

The array in the lower room can slow down the flow of time, so that one day can be used as two days.

There are also 33 middle-grade rooms, and one day is regarded as five days, and in it, formations can be used to simulate battles and hone combat skills, which is extremely mysterious.

As for the top-grade room, not only does the time flow rate reach [-]:[-], but also the inner array imprints many phantoms left by the elders in the through-arm door. You can practice with them, and the effect can be called heaven-defying.

There are 99 rooms in the upper, middle and lower bows. It is said that the 99th room in the center of the training room is the best training room. It was built by the ancestor of the sect himself, and the other [-] training rooms are all imitations like Qianxingshi. it was built.

To be honest, Lin Feng was quite looking forward to the strange effects in this training room.

Seeing that Lin Feng's speed did not slow down, he entered the hall where the training room was located.

"Junior brother Lin Feng has just entered the sect not long ago, I definitely can't let him fight Tian Xingyun a month later..." Yun Zheng finally had to shake his head and leave with a sigh, muttering in his mouth.

Like other places such as Zangshu Pavilion, the practice room is located in a hall on the fourth peak below the main peak.

It's just that the main hall here is not a boxy isolation, but a huge circular square, and the surrounding walls are extremely smooth and very bright, as if polished by a piece of iron.

Just as Lin Feng stepped into the main hall, there were two rooms on the left and right sides in front of him. The room was about ten meters long and wide, and no taller than two people.

Each room is pitch black, with patterns all over it, and each pattern is an inscription!
Lin Feng walked forward curiously, and suddenly realized that the closer the rooms are to the central area, the more complicated the inscriptions on them are. The entire square is arranged in a 360-degree manner from the inside to the outside, almost like a gossip. There are fewer and fewer inner rooms, and the one in the center must be the so-called ultimate training room.

Many disciples looked around vigilantly in front of the lower training room, waiting in front of the training room.

Just as Lin Feng took a few steps forward, he immediately felt more than a dozen vigilant eyes looking at him with hostility. The 33 lower-level training rooms were surrounded by dozens of people. Once a room was vacant, someone would fight...

Lin Feng didn't care, and walked straight towards the upper-class training room. With the badges of those guys in the Artifact Refining Hall, he was enough to practice in the upper-class room for at least ten days!

As Lin Feng walked towards the center of the square, the room became more and more compact.

If you want to practice in the upper-level room, you need not only the contribution points of the sect, but also a lot of spiritual stones, so the number of people is far less than that in the lower-level training room.

Lin Feng quickly found a superior training room with the door wide open, and strode forward to enter it.

After entering the room, the door behind Lin Feng closed with a bang.

"Isn't that person just a disciple who just entered the training room a few days ago, and he actually entered the upper training room?" Three or four people who had been wandering around the middle-grade training room saw Lin Feng enter the training room, and one of them shouted.

"This is a mistake, otherwise we might be able to make a lot of money..." Several people were quite regretful in their words. They thought that Lin Feng was just looking casually, but they didn't expect that Lin Feng went directly to the superior training room.

There are a total of [-] rooms in the training room, but the Tongarm Gate has nearly [-] disciples, so fighting is allowed by default in the training room, and things like snatching waist cards happen from time to time.

As they talked, they saw a rickety old man slowly approaching from a distance, and his eyes suddenly fell on the training room where Lin Feng was.

"Meet Elder Gongsun!"

"Meet Elder Gongsun!"


When these three or four people saw the old man, their expressions changed immediately, and they saluted respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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