WeChat Red Packet Group

Chapter 92 The Difficulty of Hammer Technique

Chapter 92 The Difficulty of Hammer Technique
There are a total of 10 rooms in the training room, which can be said to be very popular among the [-] people.

The cost of cultivation in each room is extremely high, not only must the contribution points be achieved, but also a lot of spiritual stones must be prepared to open the formations in the training room.

In the upper training room, Lin Feng stood in the center and looked around.

In the room of more than ten meters in size, there is nothing but a stone bed enough for one person to sit on. A faint black light glows on the surrounding walls, which makes it possible to see clearly in the small and sealed space.

"How to practice martial arts in such a small space..." Lin Feng couldn't help frowning.

Although he thought so in his heart, Lin Feng still put the waist card into the groove on the wall casually.

As soon as the waist card entered the groove, a striped road flashed around it, and two large characters were displayed in the center of the north side of the door: five days.

The moment he put the waist card in, Lin Feng also saw another place beside the groove, and threw a superb spirit stone into it.

With the entry of the exquisite spirit stone, the entire room suddenly glowed with black light, and the originally dark room suddenly looked like daylight under the scorching sun, and a striped road above the entire room flickered at a speed visible to the naked eye, like long snakes constantly scurrying ...

Under the glare of the sun, Lin Feng's eyes were subconsciously closed and then opened, followed by a look of shock on his face.

I saw that the surrounding space was as vast as a grassland, endless at a glance.

"The formation in this first-class training room is so mysterious, but I don't know what the scene is in the room left by the ancestor in the center..." Lin Feng muttered to himself, and then he took out the refining and hammering method he had just obtained, There is also the Nine Steps Stepping on the Sky Jue obtained in the Library Pavilion.

Lin Feng knew very well that martial arts were his weakness, and it was imperative to take a break from physical martial arts and combat skills.

The magical effect of the training room on the other side also gave him a chance to breathe. The badges of the five people are enough for him to practice here for about ten days. According to the time flow rate of one to ten, Lin Feng will have a hundred days. .

Lin Feng was not in a hurry to practice, but removed all the side branches of the refining tool, and the remaining sneering at the hammer method was only 81 moves.

"There are 81 moves in total, and every nine moves is a chain. There are nine sets of chain skills in this hammering technique..." Lin Feng soon discovered the strangeness in the hammering technique.

The first set of chain skills, the name is also very simple, falling star hammer.

The core is the word hammer, which is the first move of Lin Feng when he saw this martial skill for the first time. The nine moves in total are hammering from top to bottom, and the nine hammering are all used to forge metal when refining weapons .

Lin Feng was not greedy, he took out the giant hammer casually, and started to practice.

This giant hammer is still very dark and simple, but as Lin Feng stepped into the spiritual realm, it can also be changed in size at will, and can be swung like an arm, but he knows that he probably hasn't figured out the mystery of this hammer.

Hammering the body over the shoulders, after the rain falls, the heart is slashed upwards from the bottom...

Twisting the hips, turning sideways, the spiritual power flows from the sea of ​​qi to the left knee, protects the waist, and then hammers out with all the strength of the whole body!

With one blow of the hammer, gusts of wind were blown up, and the red-gold light immediately scattered in the space!
However, there was almost no change in the scene of the hammer falling. A simple and simple hammer strike still failed to achieve the desired trajectory, which was almost [-] degrees off from what Lin Feng had in mind!
Come again!

Lin Feng knew very well that he was very gifted in martial arts, the more difficult it was to practice this hammering method, the higher the quality was!
When Lin Feng struck out with the second hammer, the void in front of him was distorted, the surrounding light beams flickered continuously, and a figure slowly gathered.

As soon as the figure appeared, he said casually: "The practitioners are of extremely strong physical fitness. When practicing the weapon refining and hammering method, the left knee can be half a step inward..."

"Spiritual power comes out of the dantian and returns through the right arm. When swinging the hammer, it needs to gather at the waist and move the feet!"


Lin Feng stared at the old man in front of him in disbelief, and he felt that what he said was like enlightenment for the cultivation of the refining and hammering technique, and there was almost no deviation!

Lin Feng's eyes were fixed, and seeing the phantom with dull eyes, he knew in his heart that this was the spiritual imprint left by the formation.

This is the special function of the superior training room, as long as the martial arts practiced here have been recorded here, there will be a spiritual imprint left by the exclusive elder to assist in the cultivation...

If Lin Feng's guess is correct, this old man is probably the five wonderful masters of the Artifact Refining Hall.

On the one hand, Lin Feng marveled at the wonder of the journey with the formation inscription, and on the other hand, he constantly adjusted his posture, use of spiritual power, walking route, etc...

A day passed in a blink of an eye, and Lin Feng swung tens of thousands of times. Under the guidance of phantom, he continued to improve his posture and movements every time, and tried his best every time!

Even though he raised the power of Qi and blood to be comparable to ancient monsters in the Mortal Martial Realm, he almost lost his strength more than ten times in one day!
At this moment, his right arm was shaking so much that he couldn't even lift the giant hammer!
"This refining and hammering method is unpredictable. There are so many ways in a seemingly simple hammering. If there is a slight mistake, it will make a huge difference..." Lin Feng was quite awed by the hammering method at this moment.

Lin Feng recalled that it only took five days to practice Shadow Killing to reach the Dacheng level, but now he was so exhausted that he only practiced the first form of the 81 moves.

The difficulty is evident.

Lin Feng dragged his tired body but did not choose to rest, but sat cross-legged on the ground, and then pieces of superb spiritual stones from his right hand spread out to cover his surroundings, and the rich spiritual energy filled the entire training room in an instant!
Waves of refreshing breath spread out...

The three great immortal sects are established on the spiritual veins, so it can be seen that the richness of spiritual energy is the foundation of cultivation. This way of practice can naturally increase the speed of cultivation.

Lin Feng couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of his mouth, and couldn't help but think what Ye Hailan's expression would be if he saw that he took out more than 200 superb spirit stones for cultivation at one time...

As Lin Feng closed his eyes, the vision of the sea of ​​qi appeared, and immediately the scorching sun rose slowly, and the aura that was almost condensed into water droplets around him seemed to be drawn to his dantian continuously.

Outside the practice room, three or four people were discussing fiercely in front of the door of the practice room where Lin Feng was.

"Brother, I think Elder Gongsun's suggestion is acceptable. This person is only at the first level of the Spiritual Martial Realm. It doesn't matter if this person is a five-star fairy seedling, but he is just a brat..."

"That's right, we only grabbed a thousand contribution points this day. If we want to practice martial arts to a great degree in the superior training room, we will have to work for half a month, and we will offend many people. If Elder Gongsun gives advice, there will be nothing left." With a lot of effort, you can also make friends with Tian Xingyun!"

(End of this chapter)

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