WeChat Red Packet Group

Chapter 94 A Pile of Scrap Iron

Chapter 94

Training room.

The giant hammer in Lin Feng's hand flicked out, it was very huge and even more glaring with a golden light on it, which immediately attracted the attention of the people around.

Such a calm and clumsy weapon is rarely used.


There was a deafening sound, and Lin Feng swung the giant hammer in the air like a gust of wind.

While swinging his right hand, he saw Hammer Shadow streaking across his right side like a windmill...

The huge hammer fell head-on on the first man who charged at him.

The long knife in the man's hand is also like a storm, and the shadow of the knife is wrong!
After the loud noise, it was as if the person had been struck by lightning, the ground under his feet was cracked layer by layer, the whole person was spread out on the ground, blood gushing out of his mouth unstoppably, and the long knife in his hand was thrown directly, hitting On the wall of the practice room not far behind, there was a clanging sound!

This scene made the people around suddenly gasp. It has not been a day or two for the repelled person to snatch contribution points in the training room. The one-handed Rain Saber Technique has almost reached a great level of cultivation, and the cultivation base is even in the Spirit Martial Realm On the fourth floor, they were beaten into such a state with one blow!

After this blow, almost all the people who were not in the training room for four weeks came over...

The other two were also obviously startled by this scene. Their original tendency to rush forward suddenly stagnated, but the two of them reacted extremely quickly and did not retreat, and then attacked here.

The people around nodded secretly. At this time, Lin Feng had just dropped his hammer, and it was the time when the old strength was not yet regenerated. It is obviously a very smart way to attack again now.

But soon everyone found out that the speed of the giant hammer in Lin Feng's hand did not decrease but increased after one blow. The hammer body was almost close to the ground and crossed a semicircle, and it rushed to his shoulder again strangely, and it spun and fell with another blow!
The red golden light on the giant hammer did not decrease but increased, and the speed became faster again, leaving only a circular light curtain in front of everyone...

A hammer fell on the blades of the two men who attacked again almost immediately after.

Klang Keng!

The ear-piercing sound of the metal symphony reappeared, and the menacing two people opposite Lin Feng suddenly retreated a few steps, their right hands trembling non-stop.

Eyes full of fear...

The people around were even more sharp-eyed and exclaimed loudly: "Look, the blades in their hands are already flattened!"

Immediately, everyone's eyes fell on the weapons in their hands, only to find that their right arms were covered with blood, and the blades in their hands were almost completely curled up!
Elder Gongsun in the distance frowned tightly watching this scene, Tian Xingyun, who was going to stop Yunzheng, also stopped and stared at Lin Feng...

But before everyone could react, Lin Feng struck again with the third hammer!
With this blow, everyone even felt the pain on their faces from the strong wind. Every time Lin Feng struck, there was almost no pause.

One hammer after another, one hammer is stronger than one hammer!
Lin Feng hammered three times in a row, but it gave people the illusion of a torrential flood, one wave after another, as if it was endless, and one couldn't help but wonder if there would be a fourth or fifth hammer after the three hammers... Will it continue to grow like this!
The hairs on the two of them stood erect at this moment, they only felt that Lin Feng's third hammer had overwhelming coercion, making them overwhelmed...

The two were directly knocked into the air, their mouths were full of blood, and the two long knives in their hands were subconsciously blocked in front of them and dropped to the ground.

"The next time someone uses you as a saber, keep your eyes bright. If it weren't for the sect's rules, your weapons would be scrapped today!" Lin Feng said coldly, losing all his momentum.

The faces of the three lying on the ground were as pale as paper, and they looked at Lin Feng with fear in their eyes.

The people watching from all around also kept silent and exchanged pleasantries. Looking at the three long knives on the ground, they couldn't help swallowing, only to see that the three weapons that were originally showing their coldness were like scrap iron at this moment, and the weapon of the leader was just a scroll blade, and the two people behind were hit twice in a row, and the weapons were covered with rows of horizontal lines, and the original long blade was almost rolled into an iron ring...

This simply made everyone feel incredible.

On the other side, Tian Xingyun stood on the spot with a gloomy face. He planned to see Lin Feng deflated, but now Lin Feng managed to defeat three people at the fourth level of the Spiritual Martial Realm with three moves!
Although these four were just ordinary disciples, and in his eyes, they were nothing more than chickens and dogs, but it also made him very angry.

Lin Feng looked at Tian Xingyun playfully, without saying a word, he walked straight to the three people who fell on the ground, and said: "You bother me like this and waste my time, shouldn't you offer some compensation?"

Since the Zongmen didn't limit their fights here, Lin Feng naturally wouldn't pretend to be aloof. Now is the time when he needs to contribute.

If it wasn't for the restrictions of the rules here, if he forcibly withdrew his force in the third blow, the two of them might not have been seriously injured.

The three of them knew each other well, nodded again and again, and threw the three jade plaques to Lin Feng, obviously they also admitted their failure.

Lin Feng took the three people's contribution points into his waist card, and then strode away. Before leaving, he stared at Tian Xingyun and said indifferently: "Next time you send someone to make trouble, send someone with more contribution points..."

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng shook his sleeves and left, Tian Xingyun stood where he was, if Elder Gongsun hadn't stopped him, he might have been unable to bear the touch.

"It seems that we have underestimated this kid. The martial arts in his hands are quite powerful. It seems that he was left behind by that sleazy old man in the Artifact Refining Hall... But it will take nearly ten years to cultivate this martial skill to a higher level. I'm afraid this person has only practiced the first three moves, and he hasn't even finished the first chain skill, so it's nothing to worry about." Elder Gongsun said thoughtfully, staring at the three scrap irons on the ground.

Seeing Yun Zheng and Lin Feng leaving at the door, Tian Xingyun could only snort coldly, and asked in disbelief, "What kind of martial skill is this, that it can hit other people's weapons like this..."

"It's normal. He practiced the hammering method used to refine weapons. It would be strange if he couldn't even break a weapon. But don't worry. Although he deliberately concealed his cultivation just now, he can't even reach the second level of the Spiritual Martial Realm at most." Layer, now there are less than 20 days before your duel, what kind of waves can he make..."

"Let's go. Even if he uses the practice room for more than 20 days, he may only be able to get started. By then, you will have almost reached the ninth level of the Spirit Martial Realm, or even Dzogchen. This person is nothing to worry about."

Tian Xingyun nodded, secretly said that Elder Gongsun is worthy of being the elder with the best combat skills. In just three moves, he can see where Lin Feng learned his martial arts, and he also has a way to restrain himself.

Even though Lin Feng was very powerful this time, it made the elder Gongsun completely relieved.

And Tian Xingyun will continue to retreat under his guidance, but I am afraid that his purpose of teaching Tian Xingyun in this way is not just to defeat Lin Feng...

On the other hand, when Lin Feng saw Yun Zheng, he immediately knew the reason why Tian Xingyun didn't make a move at that time, and he couldn't help feeling a little grateful in his heart.

The two walked towards the pill hall one by one.

Lin Feng could remember clearly that when Elder Feng promised that he could take three pills at will from the pill hall...

 Thank you user—(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭? ~'s reward, become the first apprentice~~
(End of this chapter)

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