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Chapter 95 The Temptation of the Elixir

Chapter 95 The Temptation of the Elixir
Yun Zheng and Lin Feng headed straight for the pill hall.

Yun Zheng was quite surprised that Lin Feng defeated three disciples of the fourth level of the Lingwu Realm with three moves in the training room, but even so, he still tried his best to dissuade Lin Feng from fighting with Tian Xingyun.

"The front convenience is the pill hall, and it is also the busiest place in the entire Tongarm Gate every day..."

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't take his reminder to heart at all, Yun Zheng didn't say any more, and pointed forward.

Lin Feng followed his fingers to look over, and was suddenly terrified. This place is the seventh peak below the main peak. At this moment, there is a sea of ​​people in front of him!
There are more than a hundred alchemy elders in the pill hall, and they produce no less than thousands of pills every day, most of which are spirit-rank pills. All disciples can exchange for pills according to their contribution points, depending on the grade of pills. The contribution points are also very different.

With [-] disciples of the Tongbi Sect, the daily exchange of pills almost never stops.

One way of cultivation is one's talent, and the other is medicine pill.

If you want to increase the speed of promotion in the same realm, pills are essential...

After bringing Lin Feng to the alchemy hall, Yun Zheng left, and Lin Feng couldn't help laughing looking at Yun Zheng's back.

Lin Feng walked straight into the pill hall without hesitation.

Entering the elixir hall, Lin Feng felt a rush of medicinal fragrance. Rows of elixir rooms were neatly arranged around the hall, and many medicine boys were busy working in it.

There is a long queue in front of each alchemy room.

Lin Feng quickly walked through the crowd, and found the pill room with the word 'Feng' written on it.

Elder Feng's alchemy room is located in the center of the main hall, so it can be seen that its status is extraordinary. There are not many people queuing here, but Lin Feng soon discovered something strange, that is, everyone in the line had a fairy seedling badge on their waist .

Everyone had a natural expression of arrogance on their faces.

Lin Feng didn't want to break the rules, so he stood at the back of the crowd...

After half an hour, Lin Feng finally arrived at the door.

"Please also inform Elder Feng that Lin Feng is asking to see you!" Lin Feng stood at Dan Fang's door, taking out the token that Elder Feng gave him as he spoke.

The drug boy immediately stopped his movements when he heard the words, and said to Lin Feng: "Senior Brother Lin Feng just reported it directly, why are you still queuing up, just go in and pick whatever you want..."

"It's okay."

There was a smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, and he secretly thought that the elder Feng was indeed not a person who broke his promise.

"Elder Feng has already ordered you down, as long as you come here, you can take three of all the pills in the whole pill hall at will." The Yaotong spoke very respectfully.

The people who were originally lined up behind Lin Feng couldn't help but stare at Lin Feng when they heard Yaotong's words. They randomly selected three pills in the entire alchemy hall. This is simply a great benefit!
"Senior brother Lin can tell you what you want, and I can recommend three kinds of pills for you. Of course, what I recommend is the pill with the highest and best effect that you asked for, and it will never let you suffer..." That medicine Tong obviously knew that Lin Feng had an unusual relationship with Elder Feng, and his words were full of flattery.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the dozen or so seedlings lining up at the back were quite envious. What is the status of Elder Feng? Although these medicine boys are not high in cultivation, they are all proud and arrogant. They have never had a good face towards these fairy seedlings. .

Lin Feng thought for a while and said, "I want to improve my cultivation, the sooner the better!"

The drug boy thought for a while and said: "Just wait here for a while, if Brother Lin Feng is new to me, I'll go get it for you."

Lin Feng nodded. After Yuan Er's incident, the drug boy must not dare to coax him casually.

Speaking of which, the drug boy actually threw the remaining dozen or so seedlings at the door and left the pharmacy.


This can make more than a dozen fairy seedlings very angry, but there is nothing they can do.

This wait lasted for two hours, and the faces of Xian Miao queuing up were so gloomy that they almost dripped water.

At this moment, the shaking head came towards Lin Feng with three medicine bottles in his hand.

"These three bottles are all sub-king elixir, and each one is priceless. It is the most precious elixir in the entire alchemy hall! Please keep it away..."

Lin Feng showed joy, took the medicine bottle away with a movement of his hand, left the alchemy hall without the slightest hesitation, and walked straight towards the training room.

Three sub-king elixir!
According to Lin Feng, the sub-king elixir is already the highest elixir that can be refined by the Tongbi Sect at the moment, and its value can be seen.

After Lin Feng left, many people in the rear exclaimed, the second king rank pill was priceless, every time except for the Zongmen rewards, few people talked with them with contribution points, but Lin Feng took three directly!

The eyes of more than a dozen fairy seedlings who were originally lined up in the same place were a little red.

After Lin Feng left, he walked straight towards the training room, but he found that there were more than ten people following him far away...

"Brother, are you sure what Elder Hou Yaotong said is true, that this person has a sub-king rank elixir?" one of them asked in disbelief.

"It's absolutely true, and there seems to be more than one! It's just that this person is a five-star fairy seedling, and no one will notice this matter."

"Brother, he seems to be heading towards the training room, God help me too!"


Just as Lin Feng stepped into the training room, more than a dozen people followed closely behind.

"Fighting is not prohibited in the training room. If we snatch him away, we won't be punished by the sect rules! If he really has a king-rank pill, it's worth taking a risk..." Greed flashed in the eyes of the leader.

Under the temptation of the sub-king elixir, the eyes of these people were almost red.

Little did they know that there were three teams of people following behind them, among which several were Xianmiao who lined up behind Lin Feng at that time.

Apparently the three sub-king elixir also attracted their attention, even their greed...

As soon as Lin Feng entered the training room, his brows immediately frowned. After roughly calculating the contribution points he had snatched, the combined contribution points of the three people were only enough to carry the intermediate training room for ten days.

"It seems like this is the only way to go. Let's practice for ten days first..." Although Lin Feng was more inclined towards the upper training room, he didn't have any extra time to find a way to get contribution points at the moment.

But just as he was about to look for the medium training room, there was a sound of piercing through the air behind him.

Subconsciously, Lin Feng turned sideways to hide, and saw a shadow of a fist landed on the door of the training room in front of him, obviously trying to prevent him from entering the training room.

The eyes of more than a dozen people behind him were full of greed, staring at him as if they were staring at a piece of spiritual stone.

"Hand over the things..." the leader said coldly, "Don't let us do it ourselves!"

Lin Feng waved his right hand with a giant hammer and appeared in his hand, but his eyes slowly fell on the badges on the waists of these people, and then asked lightly: "How many contribution points can you get together with more than ten people?"

(End of this chapter)

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