Peerless Killing God

Chapter 2 Rebirth from Another World!

Chapter 2 Rebirth from Another World!

The Qiankun Continent and the Yunwu Mountains are full of dangers, monsters and beasts are everywhere, and it is also a place of human treasures.Elixirs, demon crystals, ores, and spiritual veins are all enviable things.

Similarly, life is the least valuable thing here, and killings continue, and some fugitives will also flee here to avoid hunting.

At this time, in a secret dark cave in the Yunwu Mountains, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl in yellow clothes shed tears like pearls. In front of her, a young man in black robe lay quietly on the ground and lost his breath.

It was obvious that the young man in black robe had been dead for some time, but when the girl in yellow clothes didn't pay attention, suddenly a tiny space crack appeared in vain, and a ray of light silently injected into the eyebrow of the man in black robe.

Just as the girl was crying, the young man in black robe suddenly sat up, and there was a look of panic on the pretty face of the girl in yellow clothes, pear blossom with rain.

"Brother Longfeng?'re not dead?" Suddenly, the girl in yellow clothes burst into tears and laughed.Meimou stared closely at the black-robed youth.

At this time, the young man in black robe didn't react at all, his eyes were empty, without a trace of vitality, and his pretty face was full of blank expressions, as if he had lost his soul.

At this moment, Long Feng's heart was wrapped in a huge shock. He traveled through. At the moment when countless grenades exploded, he thought he was going to die, but he never thought that his soul would be taken away by a burst of light, and then he traveled to On this young man with the same name and surname as him.

Rao Yi felt that Long Feng's tenacious will was inconceivable, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Long Feng's eyes gradually became brighter.

When he came back to his senses, looking at the girl in yellow clothes who burst into tears and smiled, the bitterness on the corner of Long Feng's mouth turned into helplessness. This girl was called Long Ling'er, who was his righteous sister, and he was the adopted son adopted by the head of the Long family. Long Ling'er is a childhood sweetheart, and he has always taken care of each other as the other's big brother.

"Little...little...sister!" Opening his mouth, Long Feng still spoke. Although it was hoarse, it was still quite clear.

"Brother Long Feng, that's great, you're fine at last." Seeing that Long Feng actually spoke, a beautiful smile finally appeared on Long Ling'er's pretty face, which can be described as a smile full of spring.

"En!" Nodding his head, Long Feng still replied a little stiffly, and now he still hasn't recovered from the shock, even though he knows that he has time-traveled, he still doesn't believe it.

After being silent for a while, Long Feng, who slowly absorbed all his memories, let out a breath. It turned out that the world he passed through was called Qiankun Continent.

Among them are some peerless powerhouses that can only exist in mythology. These peerless powerhouses shattered the mountains and rivers with a wave of their hands, and the world changed color and blood flowed into rivers in a rage.

And the Long family where Long Feng belongs is one of the three major families in Lingcheng, but the current Long family has been destroyed by the Beiming family and the Xie Mingzong, and all the masters in the family have been slaughtered, and he and Long Ling'er was also desperately protected before fleeing to the Yunwu Mountains, but in the end their guard elders were all dead, and in the end Long Feng, who was seriously injured, also lost his life.

After accepting these memories, Long Feng murmured expressionlessly: "I have to avenge this revenge!"

"But now my strength is too weak." Frowning, Long Feng thought helplessly that in this world of martial arts, there is a strict hierarchy.Yellow Spirit Realm, Profound Spirit Realm, Earth Spirit Realm, Heaven Spirit Realm, Venerable Spirit Realm...

Today's Long Feng is only at the late stage of the Huangling Realm, and the head of the Beiming family is a strong man in the Earth Spirit Realm. It is just a matter of waving such a strong man to destroy him. As for the more powerful Xie Mingzong Possessing the legendary Heavenly Spirit Realm powerhouse, it is undoubtedly a fool's dream for him to take revenge now. The most important thing is that he and Long Ling'er are still being hunted down by the Beiming family.

"Brother Long Feng, what's the matter with you? Don't scare Ling'er, okay?" At this moment, Long Ling'er, who had seen Long Feng not moving at all, said in a panic, but the panic she showed as a beauty embryo The appearance makes people want to take good care of her even more.

"Hehe, it's okay, I was thinking about something just now." Hearing this, Long Feng smiled slightly and said, Long Feng will naturally not give up revenge just because the opponent is strong, you must know that he is the ace special soldier and the king of the world's number one killer, Still an ancient warrior.

By the way, ancient warriors, thinking of this, Long Feng's eyes suddenly brightened. In China, spiritual power is scarce, and ancient warriors can only go to the deep mountains and old forests to absorb a pitiful and undetectable small amount of spiritual power. Naturally, Long Feng is no exception, but this universe The intensity of the mainland's spiritual energy is simply extremely rich, which is simply a wonderland to Long Feng before.

"Little sister, take a break first, I'll practice!" Looking at Long Ling'er whose eyes were red from crying and face haggard, Long Feng, who had integrated his memory, said with some pity.

"Oh!" Hearing Long Feng's concerned words.There was a trace of a smile in Long Ling'er's agile eyes, she nodded obediently, and then found a clean place in the cave to rest cross-legged.

Long Ling'er is only fifteen or sixteen years old, her skin is better than snow, and she is extremely beautiful. When she grows up, she will be a peerless beauty who will cause trouble. Thinking of this, Long Feng has a headache. I am afraid that there will be no Beiming Family and Xie Mingzong in the future. The threat of his troubles is also indispensable.

"Hunyuan Yiqijue!" This is the ancient martial art practiced by Long Feng in Huaxia, and it is the treasure of ancient Taoism. Yuan Yijue, Long Feng can become the world's number one killer who is frightened by countless people.

The Hunyuan One Qi Jue is divided into nine levels. The first level is to run the meridians of the whole body to form a cyclone at the dantian, and this cyclone will continuously absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

Naturally, Long Feng, who had practice experience, quickly opened up the eight extraordinary meridians all over his body, and the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth quickly poured into the dantian from Ren Du's second meridian, and finally formed a cyclone like a whirlpool.

When the cyclone appeared, Long Feng had an inconceivable expression on his face. It was so simple and without any pain. He thought that he had suffered a lot in order to form the cyclone. He not only had to endure the pain of broken meridians, but also faced death at any time. However, there is no trace of pain or difficulty in this Qiankun Continent.

"As expected of the world of martial arts!" Nodding his head, Long Feng quickly calmed down. Perhaps it was because Long Feng was originally a cultivator, and the seven meridians and eight meridians were opened up early, so he was so easy to practice. The first level of Yuan Yi Qi Jue.

The cyclone formed in the first stage of the Hunyuan Qijue actually has no attack power, but the role of the cyclone is more important than the attack, because the cyclone will automatically run and absorb the spiritual energy of the world all the time, and its endurance will naturally be greatly enhanced in battle, and The speed of cultivation will also increase a lot.

"Turn!" Forming a cyclone, Long Feng began to practice Hunyuan Yijue immediately, and with the exercise, the cyclone in his dantian suddenly turned, and in an instant, a spiritual vortex formed in Longfeng's dantian, like a whale Swallowing seawater usually swallows all the surrounding spirit energy into the body.

In an instant, Long Feng's face turned red, because there was too much spiritual energy pouring in all of a sudden, he actually felt like he was exploding.

It's just that he sensed that his cultivation base seemed to break through to the Xuanling Realm, Long Feng gritted his teeth, with a crazy expression on his face, the Hunyuan Yijue was still operating, and the whirlwind crazily rotated to quickly compress the spiritual energy that had been swallowed into his body stand up.

A strong person in the Xuanling Realm can turn gas into liquid, and can release his spirit energy. His strength is several times stronger than that of a strong person in the Yellow Spiritual Realm. Even a strong person in the Xuanling Realm who has just advanced can withstand the attacks of five late-stage Huangling Realm experts. attack.

At this time, Long Feng's originally handsome face became completely ferocious, his veins popped out, and his face was flushed red. If he continued, he might face the danger of exploding.

It's just that Long Feng is the kind of ruthless person who is more ruthless to himself than to the enemy, not to mention he died once.Although he has traveled through time, his personality will not change. Even in the face of the crisis of exploding, he still gritted his teeth and continued without even humming, let alone showing any so-called fear.

Finally, under Long Feng's frenzied devouring, a drop of translucent white psychic liquid finally appeared in the extremely compressed cyclone. With the appearance of the psychic liquid, those majestic spiritual powers that were originally enough to explode Long Feng's body seemed to be found. The outlets were compressed into drops of white spirit liquid.

When these elixir circulated from the dantian, flowed through the eight extraordinary meridians and finally flowed to the whole body, Long Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief and broke through, breaking through from the Huangling Realm to the Xuanling Realm. Now these psychic liquids are nourishing his body and strengthening him. meridians and flesh and bones.

"Pfft!!!" The fist was swung out, and the spiritual energy burst out, leaving circles of energy in the space, and then left a fist mark half a meter deep on the rock of the cave wall.

Seeing this scene, Long Feng nodded in satisfaction. After breaking through to the Profound Spirit Realm, the force of his punch would be around several thousand catties, and the power of his spiritual energy was also impressive.

"Beiming family!" A bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and a murderous intent flickered in Long Feng's eyes. He wanted to let the people of Beiming's family know that they would face endless nightmares next.

When Long Feng woke up from practicing, the sky had completely dimmed, and the cave was even darker. It is more suitable for him than the day, because he is a killer walking in the dark!
Looking at Long Ling'er who also woke up from the rest, a smile appeared on Long Feng's originally indifferent face. After accepting Long Feng's memory, Long Feng had truly taken care of Long Ling'er as his little sister. .

"Brother Long Feng, have you broken through to the Profound Spirit Realm?" Sensing that Long Feng's aura is much more terrifying than before, Long Ling'er said happily with a crescent-like smile on her pretty face.

"That's right, if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed, right?" Smiling, Long Feng did not show his fangs in front of Long Ling'er, but appeared with the gentle face of a big brother.

"Well, if parents know that you have made a breakthrough, they will be so happy." Hearing this.Long Ling'er's originally joyful expression dimmed. Thinking of the tragic death of his father and mother, Long Ling'er's beautiful eyes immediately became foggy.

"Don't worry, I will make them pay for their parents' enmity!" Long Feng said coldly, his lips moving.

"Brothers, there is a cave here. I don't know if the remnants of the Long family are hiding in it. Let's go in and have a look. It is said that the young lady of the Long family, Long Ling'er, was born beautiful. If we meet, hehe." Just when Long Feng wanted to comfort Long Ling'er, a man's voice sounded from outside the cave. Hearing this, Long Feng's expression darkened. He knew that the minions of the Beiming family had come to him.

"Little sister, you stay here, no matter what happens outside, you are not allowed to go out, do you understand?" There was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, and the bloodthirsty light flashed in Long Feng's eyes, someone came so soon Did you die?

"Oh, Ling'er will listen to elder brother, but elder brother must promise Linger to be good." Hearing this, although Long Ling'er had a worried look on her pretty face, she still nodded her head heavily.

Hearing this, Long Feng showed a smile on his face and said: "Okay, big brother promises that Ling'er will be fine."

After finishing speaking, Long Feng stood up suddenly without any hesitation, and walked towards the outside of the cave with strong steps. The moon was dark and the wind was high and the murderous night was high. Tonight was destined to be a bloody night.

(End of this chapter)

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