Peerless Killing God

Chapter 3 The first battle in another world!

Chapter 3 The first battle in another world!
In the dark forest with dense trees and leaves, there are many figures, the leader of which is a bald man with a hideous scar on his face, which was left by Long Feng before.

It was also because of this that Long Feng was seriously injured, and finally survived. Now Long Feng, who had changed his soul, met the bald man again.

"It's you kid! You're not dead yet!" shouted angrily.The butcher looked ferociously at Long Feng who was slowly walking out of the cave.

Hearing this, Long Feng glanced at the butcher without the slightest emotion and said with a slight twitch: "I've already died once, this time I'm taking my life."

"Really? That's the case, this time I must make your life worse than death." With a mocking smile on his face, the butcher sneered indifferently. You must know that he is a strong man in the middle stage of the Xuanling Realm, even if the other party breaks through to the Xuanling Realm. In the early stage of the spiritual realm, he would not be his opponent.

What's more, there are dozens of his subordinates here, plus his younger brother Tu Ze has a cultivation level at the early stage of the Xuanling Realm, last time he let Long Feng escape carelessly, this time the other party can't fly even with wings, and he is sure to die.

"Boss, why do you need to make a move? I'll just deal with this kid." Behind the butcher Tu Ze, a muscular man said with a smirk. Long Feng in the late stage of the Huangling Realm was able to catch him.

"Okay, Han Shuo, go ahead, remember not to beat him to death, just to disable him, I want this kid to die." Hearing this, the butcher didn't stop him. Seeing Long Feng's reassuring appearance, he also wanted to send Personally try the other party's strength, even if someone recommends himself, he is naturally happy to do so.

"Hey, okay!" Hearing this, Han Shuo clenched his strong fists and looked at Long Feng with pity.

Looking at Han Shuo who was walking towards him slowly, the corners of Long Feng's mouth rose slightly, and he also stepped forward. He clenched his right hand into a fist, and his inner strength was circulating in it. Dahe, the attack comes out with great momentum, but it is restrained in it, condensing a little bit of spiritual energy in the whole body to double the strength, and then burst out with dark energy, which is like restraining the inner strength and then bursting out.

"Boy, die!" Han Shuo yelled angrily when he was still a few meters away from Longfeng. The khaki-colored spiritual energy on his fist was circulating. Looking at Longfeng who was getting closer and closer, Han Shuo showed a crippled look on his face. With a cold smile, his fist the size of a sandbag slammed towards Long Feng's chest.

Sensing the terrifying power of the opponent's fist, Long Fengxu narrowed his eyes, moved his right foot back a small step, and raised his right fist upwards.

"Death!" The word "death" came out, and Han Shuo's huge fist mixed with khaki-colored spiritual energy was less than a few centimeters away from Long Feng's chest. He slanted, his chest brushed against the opponent's fist, and at this moment, the right fist that was already full of inner strength quickly and fiercely smashed towards Han Shuo's head.

Under Han Shuo's terrified and pale face, Long Feng's fist made a sound of piercing the air, leaving the shadow of the fist in the void, and it suddenly hit his head.

"Boom!!!" In an instant, Han Shuo's head was torn apart like an exploding watermelon, and his brain was mixed with plasma.

In less than a second, Han Shuo, who was at the peak of the Huangling Realm, died tragically. His head was blown off by Long Feng. Seeing this scene, the butcher's face suddenly sank slightly, and his subordinates looked at Long Feng with all eyes. It has changed, and there is no longer the arrogant look before.

But Long Feng who smashed Han Mo's head with his fist didn't show any expression on his face, it seemed that what he killed was not a human, but a beast, and he didn't even blink his eyelids.

"The first one! Who will die next!" A bloody fist wiped Han Shuo's clothes, and finally Han Shuo's headless body, which was still standing, fell to the ground slowly, while Long Feng's indifferent words The faces of the butcher's subordinates changed slightly again, and there was a trace of fear in the eyes of the pupils.

At this moment, the butcher who was glanced by Long Feng also felt an inexplicable fear. This feeling was like being stared at by an ancient beast. He asked himself that he had killed many people, but he was able to kill people like Long Feng without any emotion. He couldn't do it no matter what, Long Feng at this moment was like a peerless killer who had killed countless people.

"Arrogant boy! Let me meet you for a while!" Hearing this, Tu Ze roared angrily, raised the machete in his hand, and strong spiritual energy rolled out from his body, and the machete, which was originally one meter long, was completely It was like being pulled out, and the blade reached a full two meters. It was obvious that Tu Ze had attached his spiritual energy to the machete.

Hearing that Tu Ze, who was full of anger, came to kill with a machete, Long Feng's expression was cold, a dark red flashed in his pitch-black eyes, a soaring evil spirit surged from his body, his feet stomped on the ground, and his palms emptied Jiang tore off a branch, and he actually planned to use the branch to fight Tu Ze's machete.

Seeing that Long Feng was fighting with him with a branch, Tu Ze suddenly laughed angrily, and a look of contempt suddenly appeared on his rough face.

Seeing the opponent's look of contempt, Long Feng remained expressionless, and sneered in his heart. The spiritual energy in his body flowed through the meridians of his two thighs and injected into the soles of his feet. With his combat experience, Long Feng knew how to face Tu Ze's toughness. A fierce warrior can only restrain his opponent with softness, and four or two strokes of a thousand catties. Naturally, his body is more elegant and faster than his opponent.

As the two got closer and closer, Tu Ze let out an angry roar, and the muscles in his arms swelled. The terrifying force actually caused the space to vibrate the moment the machete was swung.

His face sank, and he watched the opponent slash down with the machete that brought a strong wind, and the spirit power surged under Long Feng's feet, and his figure suddenly became several times faster than before. The moment the opponent slashed, his figure avoided He opened the opponent's machete, and the branch in his hand quickly pierced the opponent's eyes.

"Hmph!" Seeing that Long Feng dodged his own attack and instead stabbed him, Tu Ze snorted coldly, and quickly drew back the machete and stood in front of him.

Seeing the opponent's machete standing in front of him, the spiritual energy in Long Feng's hand suddenly poured into the branch, and then the branch stabbed obliquely towards the opponent's right eye at a tricky angle.

Seeing that Long Feng dared to attack without knowing his life or death, Tu Ze's face turned cold in vain, and he swung the machete down to cut off Long Feng's branches.

When Tu Ze's machete swung down, a cold smile appeared on the corner of Long Feng's mouth, the branch in his hand trembled suddenly, and a dark energy surged out, the moment the other party cut off the branch, the front half of the branch stabbed out quickly, At a distance of less than half a meter, the half of the tree branch mixed with terrifying internal energy cut through the void, and stabbed the opponent's right eye at the moment when Tu Ze had no ability to react.

"Ah!!!" Tu Ze screamed suddenly when he was hit by the great pain, but the next moment Tu Ze's screams stopped abruptly, and the half branch in Long Feng's right hand pierced through directly at the moment of Tu Ze's screams Tu Ze's brow pierced through the back of the opponent's head.

One move, just one move, in less than a blink of an eye, Tu Ze, who had the strength of the early stage of the Xuanling Realm, died, but Long Feng used a branch to kill Tu Ze. This scene fell in the eyes of the butcher and his subordinates. They all felt cold all over.

Regarding the strength of his younger brother Tu Ze, Tu Fu knows better than anyone else, even if he wanted to kill Tu Ze in the middle stage of the Xuanling Realm, he would have to pay a huge price, but Long Feng killed Tu Ze lightly, it seemed that he did not There is no difficulty in expending any power.

Although the butcher was very angry and hated Long Feng for killing his younger brother, but at this moment he was really timid, and he was no longer as arrogant as before. Can be realized by the other party.

"Boss, get out! He's not a human, he's a devil!" At this moment, one of the butcher's subordinates tremblingly said, looking at Long Feng, who was expressionless and slowly walking towards them like a god of death, they were terrified. I got scared.

"Withdraw!" Hearing this, the butcher with an extremely ugly face gritted his teeth, waved his hand, turned around and led his men to evacuate. Facing the terrifying Long Feng with strange strength and killing intent, he didn't have the guts to fight him anymore. Find another Beiming family's team, maybe they can come back to seek revenge on Long Feng.

Looking at the fleeing butchers, Long Feng did not chase them down, but picked up the machete in Tu Ze's hand, and then returned to the cave after disposing of the bodies of Tu Ze and Han Shuo.

In the cave, Long Ling'er, who was originally a heart full of anxiety, and her pretty face was full of worry, when she heard the footsteps outside, she tightened her expression and shouted softly, "Who?"

"Ling'er, it's Big Brother!" Standing the machete beside the cave, Long Feng lit the torch and said with a smile on his face.

"Brother Long Feng, it's great that you're fine!" Seeing that it was her elder brother, Long Ling'er suddenly smiled, and immediately ran to Long Feng and hugged Long Feng tightly, fearing that the other party would disappear.

Sensing Ling'er's slightly trembling delicate body in his arms, Long Feng showed a pity look in his eyes, stroked the other's fragrant shoulder with his big hand slightly and said: "Ling'er, this place is not safe anymore, let's change places."

"Oh! Listen to big brother." Hearing this, Long Ling'er nodded obediently. It can be said that after the Long family was wiped out, Long Feng became Long Ling'er's only reliance, not only for safety, but also for his safety. Spiritual dependence.How can I say that Long Ling'er is just a 15-year-old girl, if Long Feng hadn't woken up last time, I'm afraid Long Ling'er's heart would collapse and she would go crazy.

"Let's go, little girl, you haven't eaten all day. I'll go get some food to satisfy your hunger later." Picking up the machete, Long Feng looked at the back of the forest with cold eyes, and then led Long Ling'er towards the forest. Walk deep into the dangerous cloud and mist mountains.

Long Feng knew that only in this way could he better avoid the opponent's pursuit. Naturally, as the king of killers, he would not just sit and wait for death. If he had the chance, he would change from an inconspicuous prey to a terrifying one. hunter.

When the night was completely dark, some monster beasts that had been sleeping during the day in the Yunwu Mountains came out to look for food at night. Naturally, there were continuous roars of monster beasts one after another, and there were also screams of human warriors in the distance. Obviously, Those warriors were treated as food by monsters.

In a tree hole that can accommodate four or five people, Long Ling'er and Long Feng were hiding here. They found a few edible spirit fruits to satisfy their hunger, and then they found this place to hide.

The Yunwu Mountains under the night were much more dangerous than during the day, and Long Feng, with Long Ling'er, who was only in the middle of the Yellow Spirit Realm, naturally didn't dare to rush in, the only way to hide temporarily was the safest.

(End of this chapter)

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