Peerless Killing God

Chapter 20 Soldiers never tire of cheating!

Chapter 20 Soldiers never tire of cheating!

"Ten commanders and centurion commanders follow me to kill! Others fall into rocks!" With a wave of the palm, a huge rolling stone fell from the soldier's hands from the top of the city tower, and the screams under the city gate suddenly resounded.

"Kill!" With a loud shout, Fang Tianhalberd swept out from Long Feng's hand, and a centurion of the Liang Kingdom who had just shown his head was cut off by the waist before he could react.

"Roar! Die!" With a roar, the red-eyed Lu Hu, who was already crazy, slashed towards Longfeng with a shocking knife in his hand.

"Om!" The chopping knife pierced through the air, and the space oscillated, making an ear-piercing sound of piercing the air.

Sensing this terrifying blow, Long Feng's face froze, the Fang Tianji in his hand danced suddenly, and he shouted in his heart: "All attacks are invincible!"

The afterimage of the halberd appeared, and an invincible aura emerged from Fang Tian's halberd. Long Feng, carrying the halberd with lightning speed, turned into a cold light and pierced through the air. At this time, Long Feng was so fast and powerful. Qiang is not weaker than Lu Hu who has been cultivated in the Earth Spirit Realm.

"Double slash! Die!" Lu Hu's face suddenly darkened, and Lu Hu's spiritual energy surged all over his body, and the slashing knife in his hand also slashed out with terrifying power.

"Clang! Boom!" There was a huge collision sound, Fang Tianji and Zhan Dao slashed together in the air, the spiritual energy scattered, and the terrifying impact of power caused Long Feng and Lu Hu to fly backwards.

"Pfft!!!" The sole of his foot stepped on the ground suddenly, Long Feng spat out a mouthful of blood, and the Fangtian Halberd in his hand buzzed. At this moment, Long Feng felt that his arms were about to explode, and his internal organs were even more violent It oscillates endlessly.

"Slash again!" However, the strength in Lu Hu's body, which has the cultivation of the Earth Spirit Realm, is not comparable to that of Long Feng. After resisting the blow, he just let out a breath, and the chopping knife in his hand slashed with terrifying power again.

"Happy! Come again!" Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, Long Feng's face was full of excitement, the Fang Tianhalber in his hand buzzed again, and fiery gazes radiated from his pitch-black eyes.

"The fourth form of the ancient halberd technique! The shadow of the halberd spins!" Fang Tian raised his halberd slightly, and Long Feng stared fixedly at the flying Lu Hu.

"Chi!!" Just as Lu Hu arrived in front of Long Feng with terrifying power, the Fang Tian Halberd in Long Feng's hand thrust out in vain, and nine halberd points appeared out of thin air.

"Hmph! It's all a trick!" With an angry snort, Lu Hu slashed down frantically, trying to use his unmatched strength to directly slash Long Feng under the knife.

Looking at Lu Hu who was slashing down desperately, Long Feng's face remained unchanged, the space ring in his hand flashed, and a shield with a tall shield appeared directly in his left hand. With a twist of the ground, Fang Tianji spun and flew backwards.

"Dang!" Finally, the moment Fang Tianji suddenly spun and flew backwards, the machete in Lu Hu's hand slashed down, and the shield in Long Feng's left hand lifted up and collided with each other.

"Pfft!" This time, the all-out blow from the Earth Spirit Realm powerhouse made the fine iron meteorite shield sag and shattered all around. Long Feng only felt that his left side was hit hard, and he vomited blood and flew backwards.


When Long Feng flew out backwards, Lu Hu's pupils stared at Long Feng and opened his mouth. The light in his pupils gradually dissipated, and the blood-stained Fang Tianhalberd protruded from his chest. The huge Fang Tianji was inserted upside down in Lu Hu's back.

"Plop!" There was a sound of collision with the ground, and Long Feng hit the ground heavily, only feeling that his eyes were darkened, and a mouthful of blood spewed out again from his chest.

Although Lu Hu was killed with a desperate fight, Long Feng was also seriously injured at this time, his internal organs were all damaged, and he lost consciousness on the left side of his body.

"Happy!" However, after suffering such a serious injury, Long Feng just laughed out loud. He forcibly endured the trauma in his body, struggled to stand up from the ground, and then picked up the spear beside him with his right hand that could only move. The spiritual energy of the body is running.

This time, thanks to Long Feng's precautions, he released the Sanling Pill in the water source first, and because of this, Lu Rover just now had only about [-]% of his spirit energy left, and after the last blow, he was even more full of spirit energy. The strength was empty, so he couldn't condense the spirit armor to withstand Long Feng's halberd shadow spin kill blow.

As the battle dragged on, the effects of the Sanling Pill soon came out. Although the number of centurions and ten commanders on Longfeng's side was not as large as that of Lu Rover's men, due to the rapid consumption of the opponent's spiritual energy, the advantage gradually faded away. Tilt to Longfeng's side.

When the spiritual energy of both parties is exhausted, compared with the durability, the centurion and tenth commander who have been trained by the devil are obviously more durable.

There was a fight on the tower, and the [-] soldiers who had been ambushing outside for a long time, under the leadership of the four centurions, surrounded the soldiers under the tower of the Bone Fortress, and then began a frantic close combat.

The battle lasted from dark to dawn, the raging fire outside the Bone Fortress was gradually extinguished, and blood-wrapped corpses were everywhere on the towers and gates.

At this time, hundreds of soldiers fell to the ground exhausted, even the top ten centurions looked tired at this time.

It's just that when they saw that Long Feng, who was the most injured, consumed the most, and persisted the longest, smiled helplessly when he was cultivating cross-legged to absorb spiritual energy.

"Break!" Long Feng suddenly opened his eyes, a gleam of light flashed across his body, and the spiritual energy in his body surged out all of a sudden, his black hair fluttered without wind, and an aura that was several times stronger than before emanated from the dragon. Feng swept out.

"My lord has broken through again, we have to work hard too!" Looking at Long Feng who had broken through to the late stage of the Profound Spirit Realm, the centurion present gave a wry smile and looked at each other.

How long did it take, in less than a month, from the early stage of the Xuanling Realm to the late stage of the Xuanling Realm, and in the middle stage of the Xuanling Realm, he even fought desperately to kill Lu Hu, who was in the Earth Spirit Realm. This record and the speed of cultivation are probably in the world of martial arts It's also hard to see.

And under Long Feng's training, they quickly broke through to the current early stage of the Xuanling Realm. After the bloody battle last night, they also had a vague feeling that they were about to break through to the middle stage of the Xuanling Realm.

"Clean up the battlefield! Count the casualties! Hua Xin writes the battle report!" Waking up from his training, Long Feng issued a new round of orders, and soon the soldiers got busy.

After a busy day, in the Battle of the Bone Fortress, the casualties of both sides were finally counted. The 8000rd Corps of the Bloody Battle Corps led by Liang Guo Luhu, together with the nine commanders of the Corps, including [-] people were all killed, and more than a thousand people became prisoners. Everyone on Longfeng's side was injured, but less than a hundred people actually died.

When the battle report of the Bone Fortress was sent back to the camp of the Chinese army in Yuxue City, the entire Bloody Legion erupted. One thousand new recruits fought against the Third Corps of Liang Guo, which is known as the elite Bloody Battle Corps. An incredible victory, and the death toll on the side was less than a hundred.

As soon as this news came out, it can be said that the whole world was shocked. Long Feng's name spread all over the entire military camp, and even the commanders of several major armies and the commander of the three armies, Dugu Bubai, were alarmed. The momentum of Liang Guo's next battle.

"Haha! Good boy, his grandma is really embarrassing for me! It's just that with this battle, you're probably going to be the commander of the army like me." In the barracks, looking at the battle report in his hand, Meng Ku couldn't help grinning. Laughing, he never thought that Long Feng could do this.

He was secretly worried before, but now it seems that Long Feng's words are a good opportunity to use military skills, and he was right, but he doesn't know what kind of problems that Uncle Li Hao will bring to Long Feng.

But inside the Chinese army tent, the atmosphere was not as good as outside. At this time, Li Hao and Li Yue, who had been demoted to ordinary soldiers, all had ugly faces, especially Li Jin, who had a hideous face.

"Hmph! Unexpectedly, you still have some skills, but you can't escape the end of death." With a cold snort, Li Hao, the regiment commander, pinched the battle report with a sneer on his face. Aren't you a high military exploit? Well, I will give you a regiment commander. But you have to garrison the Bone Fortress, and then I will see how your 1 people can fight against Liang Guo's forward army of one million.

Soon, when Long Feng asked Pang Xiong to escort more than a thousand Liang Guo prisoners to Yuxue City, everyone was excited again, and when the military achievements were confirmed, Li Hao actually gave Long Feng various praises decisively, and finally Promote him to be the commander of the [-]th Corps of the Bloody Legion.

After handing over the captives, the excited Pang Xiong returned to the Bone Fortress with nine thousand newly recruited soldiers and letters of commission.

In the barracks, Long Feng was not overjoyed at the news of becoming the head of the regiment. Instead, he frowned. It seemed that a new plan was about to be made.

This time, when the order was issued, except for Long Feng who became the commander of the regiment, the rest of the centurions all became commanders of thousands, the commanders of ten became commanders of hundreds, the former ordinary soldiers became commanders of ten, and the new soldiers became commanders of ten. Start a new devil training led by each of them.

In the military tent, Long Feng frowned and stared at the map. Below him sat ten excited Pang Xiong and others in new armor.

"Why, you are very happy to be promoted? I remember that tomorrow seems to be a trial day. Now the new soldiers have not been trained much, but the last three tomorrow, including the three commanders, will be punished."

As soon as Long Feng finished speaking, everyone's joyful expression suddenly collapsed, and they walked out of the military tent with a smile on their face, which was uglier than crying, and then all kinds of curses continued to ring out.

"Playing with me to kill someone with a borrowed knife!" After everyone left, Long Feng looked at the map and sneered, how could he not know Li Hao's plan, but it's a pity that Li Hao hit the wrong person.

For some reason, Long Feng, the ace of the special forces, had studied all kinds of 36 tactics and so on, but Li Hao was a little too young to play with him to kill with a borrowed knife.

(End of this chapter)

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