Peerless Killing God

Chapter 21 36 Strategies!

Chapter 21 36 Strategies!

Night came quietly, more than [-] soldiers in the barracks were still training crazily, while Long Feng and ten commanders were sitting in the tents of the Chinese army barracks.

A map with the names of cities and fortresses drawn with countless lines on the camp tent appeared in front of the ten commanders, and tonight Long Feng was going to train these ten commanders, he wanted to train these ten commanders into real generals After all, he can't explain everything personally, and sometimes they have to know how to deal with some decisions.

"Tonight, I will tell you about the 36 tactics of war. The so-called 36 tactics of war are to use tricks and tricks to ensure that your side will win the final victory and minimize losses. For this reason, you can use any means." No kind words came out of Long Feng's mouth. , he tapped the Bone Fortress with his palm and continued.

"For example, in the battle last night, I used the first of the 36 strategies to deceive the sky. The so-called cheating is to use other means to confuse and deceive the opponent again and again, so that the enemy is angry and mentally broken. Analyze the battlefield situation and launch a fatal blow at the most critical moment."

Hearing this, the ten commanders nodded thoughtfully, recalling that Long Feng asked them to dig traps, release and stockpile rolling stones, and lay fire oil on the road, wasn't all of these just to confuse the other party and make them The opponent lost his correct judgment, and finally the four hundred soldiers who had been in ambush for a long time surrounded and strangled the opponent.

"It seems that you all understand, very good, then I will tell you about the second of the 36 strategies to encircle Wei and save Zhao. We may be able to use this strategy in the near future." Everyone looked thoughtfully. Looking at it, Long Feng nodded and continued to explain the second of the 36 strategies to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

"Besieging Wei and saving Zhao, I can give you an analogy. For example, Hulaoguan is surrounded by Liang Guo's 200 million army regiments, and our 1 people are in the bone burial fortress. So what should we do?"

"Damn, that's needless to say, of course I'm going back to save the boss, can't we just watch?" Pang Xiong said loudly when he heard the words, and everyone nodded in agreement after hearing the words.

"You all agree?" With a sneer, Long Feng looked at the other nine people.Hearing this, everyone looked puzzled, didn't they?
"Extremely stupid, reckless behavior! Don't say that we have 1 people here, even if a legion leader kills 10 people, it is not enough to bite the opponent's teeth. A 200 million army is afraid that a round of arrows will rain, and our 1 people will become bones It's gone." His face suddenly darkened, and Long Feng immediately cursed.

"That's right!" Hearing this, Pang Xiong scratched the back of his head and said with a smile, the others nodded in agreement when they heard the words. Just like what Long Feng said, 1 people can't do anything against an army of 200 million. effect.

"There are 200 million Liang Guo troops here. Let me ask you how many soldiers there are in Liang Guo?" Long Feng said, pointing his finger at Tianmen City of Liang Guo and Tian Liang City of Liang Guo's capital.

"Hiss!" Seeing what Long Feng was pointing at, everyone present gasped. At this moment, they suddenly realized that two million soldiers of Liang State was already the limit of Liang State's military power. All the troops have been dispatched, and Tianmen City, the border gate of Liang State, and Tianliang City, the capital of the country, will be empty.

Thinking of this, they all looked at their lord with a little horror. If this is the case, then their [-] soldiers can even go straight to Huanglong to destroy Daliang Kingdom. I am afraid that Daliang Kingdom would never dream of a big wind The [-]-strong team from China will surprise from the border where they are fighting.

"Very well, it seems that you are not stupid and hopeless. That's right, this is to encircle Wei and save Zhao. If our 1 people are used properly, we can go straight to Tianliang City, the capital of Liang State. At that time, the battle ahead will be so dangerous no matter what. Advantage, they all have to retreat, if they don’t withdraw, the Kingdom of Liang will perish!”

He punched heavily on the icon of Liang Guo's capital, Long Feng's face was slightly gloomy, this is a crazy plan.If it succeeds, it's okay, but if it fails, then his 1 people may not survive much, but with the current war situation and Li Hao's targeting of him, this strategy must be implemented.

It's just that Long Feng is 30% sure of this plan, because as he said, Liang Guo has no soldiers to use.For this war, Liang Guo even dispatched all the [-] imperial guards guarding the capital, with the purpose of fighting against Dugu Aotian's [-] undefeated army.

Naturally, Long Feng would not foolishly lead 1 people to the territory of Liang State. If the 200 million troops retreated, wouldn't his [-] people be torn apart? The third plan was to secretly plot old positions, but he didn't say much about it.

Time passed slowly, and daylight came. On the military academy field, tens of thousands of soldiers were training with crazy devils under the leadership of ten commanders, centurion commanders and thousand commanders, and in front of them was Long Feng who was running with a square halberd on his shoulders. .

Compared to the quietness of the Bone Fortress, Yuxuecheng, Hulaoguan, Fengfengcheng, and even the courts were boiling. The appearance of Long Feng made them see that a new military genius general was about to be born.

It can be said that everyone in the barracks is now discussing Long Feng, and even some young soldiers who have just entered the barracks have expressions of admiration when they talk about Long Feng. Although they have never seen Long Feng before, Long Feng's deeds made them obsessed.

Making meritorious deeds is not the greatest aspiration of a soldier in his life, and Long Feng has already reached the front of most soldiers, and they believe that this general star is destined to shine even brighter in the future.

The days of peace are always short. After the devil's training lasted for eight days, Long Feng, who didn't expect the increase in the number of people to cause food problems, murmured helplessly with a wry smile: "Unexpectedly, I would also hug grass and beat rabbits."

The food in the Bone Burial Fortress was enough to feed a hundred of them for a year, but now it has almost bottomed out. The ration of 1 people is simply an astronomical figure. Therefore, before the war comes, Long Feng has to lead his men to raid a beam. country's grain depot.

Cangyang is a grain warehouse in Liang State that is the closest to the Bone Fortress in Liang State. The grain warehouse inside can provide food for millions of people for a week. Don't worry about eating and drinking.

The Cangyang Grain Depot has a city defense that is not weaker than that of the Bone Fortress. Two thousand-man brigades are stationed there, and there are two stronghold fortresses on the left and right sides of the Cangyang Granary. Each of the two fortresses has more than [-] people.

It can be said that if there is a disturbance in the Cangyang Granary Depot, then the two fortresses on the left and right will all be mobilized. When the time comes, a front and back attack will be enough for those who attacked the Cangyang Granary Depot to drink a pot.

With his right hand, he tapped the fortresses on the left and right sides of Cangyang, and suddenly Long Feng paused his palm, and his eyes suddenly fell on the dense forest outside the fortresses on the left and right sides of the Cangyang grain depot.

"Looks like it's going to be a play hard to get!" The corner of his mouth slightly curled up, revealing a mysterious smile, Long Feng picked up a red pen and put an X on the place marked by Cangyang Grain Depot on the map.

It was just dawn on the second day, but [-] soldiers were standing upright on the field of the military academy. At this time, each of them was holding a spear in his hand, holding a shield, wearing black armor, and carrying a bow and a bow on his back. arrow.

Eight days of devil training made this group of soldiers truly become masters of tigers and wolves. Each of them had sharp eyes like knives, and their strong and tall bodies were full of explosive power.

On the second day after Long Feng became the commander of the regiment, Dugu Aotian, the commander of the three armies, personally issued an order to reward Long Feng's [-] soldiers each with a set of standard equipment of the undefeated army. Long Feng used four earth-level monster cores to exchange for the equipment of a hundred-man team.

And wearing the standard equipment of the Invincible Legion, the [-] recruits who have undergone eight days of devil training are now no weaker than the ordinary soldiers of the true ace legion.Even better in some other respects.

What they lack is only real bloody battles. During bloody battles, Long Feng believes that they will grow faster. Soldiers are not real soldiers if they don't experience real bloody battles. The evil spirit of a soldier is enough to frighten some timid people.

Although Long Feng had never really seen the fighting posture of the Undefeated Legion, of course Long Feng believed that if the sergeants of the [-] Undefeated Legion stood together, the soaring aura might be enough to scare even some experts in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

"Let's go!" On the sweaty horse, Long Feng looked handsome and majestic in golden scale armor. With a wave of his right hand, he lifted the horse's rope with his left hand and rushed out of the Bone Fortress first. The thousands and centurions who were also riding sweaty horses followed Behind Long Feng, the roar of neat steps resounded in the sky of the Bone Fortress.

After leaving the Bone Fortress, after a long-distance raid for a day, finally came to a dense forest not far from the Cangyang Grain Depot when the sky was getting dark. , the vegetation will be extremely lush, and this will play a hidden role for the army.

"All ten of you come over here." Looking up at the sky, he asked all the soldiers to rest and get ready for the night's battle, while Long Feng asked the ten commanders to come before him,

"Pang Xiong, Yu Yuan, Le Fei, Xia Houba, you four are now leading 4000 people to lurk for me in the left fortress less than half an hour away from the left side of the Cangyang Granary. Pang Xiong and Yu Yuan let everyone lurk here In the dense forest, Le Fei Xiahouba and you let everyone hide in the dense forest closest to the left fortress." Taking out the map, Long Feng pointed at the two dense forests in the left fortress and ordered.

"Obey my lord!" Hearing this, the four of Pang Xiong expressed their understanding.

After instructing the other four commanders in the same way, Long Feng nodded and said, "Very well, I will feign an attack in the middle of the night, and you should lie in ambush at the forts on the left and right sides. Make dumplings for me front and back, and take down the left and right fortresses."

"Understood sir, you just wait for the news of the brothers' victory." Hearing this, Pang Xiong patted his chest and laughed loudly. After getting along for more than a month, they gradually lost the distance with Long Feng. Just kidding, because they know that although Long Feng looks strict on the outside, he has his own principles and is also easy to get along with.

(End of this chapter)

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