Peerless Killing God

Chapter 203 It's not the same!

Chapter 203 It's not the same!

But Long Feng didn't dare to be too impulsive now, after all Yanwang Mountain was still in the other party's sanctuary, if there was any disturbance, the owner of the sanctuary would probably find out the next moment, and that would really be a waste of money.

Now Long Feng was attached to the vegetation and followed the golden robed old man. If he wanted to tear his face, he would have to wait for him to rescue other people!

Following the figure of the golden-robed old man, Long Feng soon came to the place he had only been to once. It was originally the dungeon where the Tianmingzong held prisoners, but after the Palace of the Underworld took over the Tianmingzong, there was no prisoner there. people.

But now there was a shrill, painful and heart-piercing scream, and when Long Feng used his soul to explore the situation inside, his body trembled slightly.

Dozens of death guards were imprisoned here, and these death guards were already inhuman, most of them had their heads and bodies left, and the blood on their bodies was slowly drained to death in pain.

"Treat them well! And I am very satisfied with your performance! So your little life is saved!" Looking at the group of death guards who were screaming in pain and pain, the golden robe old man nodded in satisfaction, and then casually The ten death guards whose cultivation was sealed in their hands were thrown to those cruel officials.

When the cruel officials heard the words, they immediately nodded and wiped the sweat from their foreheads, and then smiled apologetically, feeling relieved that their little lives were saved.

"You are very satisfied! I am very dissatisfied!" Suddenly a voice that was cold enough to freeze Jiuyou slowly sounded, and the old man in the golden robe suddenly changed his expression and shouted loudly: "Who?"

As the voice fell, the space in front of the golden-robed old man suddenly twisted. Under his deadly gaze, a young man in a black robe with black hair dancing wildly and with a cold smile on his mouth slowly appeared in his eyes.

"The person who wants your life..." Long Feng just glanced at the golden robed old man, and then turned around expressionlessly.

Long Feng's emotionless voice sounded next to his ears, and the golden robed old man suddenly felt that his vision became more and more blurred, and he vaguely saw a headless body standing in front of him.

"Looking at the figure... so familiar..." And this was the last thought of the golden robed old man, but he didn't know that the moment Long Feng appeared, his head had already been severed by Long Feng with the phantom dagger.

And Long Feng walked towards those death guards with heavy and slow steps. The terrified cruel officials along the way had no time to scream and their bodies had turned into blood mist!
When Long Feng came in front of Pang Xiong's body that was left with a stick, Pang Xiong seemed to have sensed it, and opened his blood-stained eyelids with great difficulty. The corners of his mouth twitched, as if trying to show a happy smile.

"Go to sleep, just get some sleep!" Stretching out an extremely strong force of life, Long Feng's voice sounded beside his ear, and Pang Xiong immediately felt that his eyelids were very heavy. Totally asleep.

"Old Mu, is there any way to make them recover?" Long Feng said with a deep expression as he looked at Elder Mu who suddenly appeared.

"Master, if you want them to recover, I'm afraid you have to use the vitality spring water in the clan, but for these people, the vitality spring water is useless." The old man glanced at everyone, and Mu Lao replied slowly road.

Hearing Mu Lao's words, Long Feng's expression softened a little.It's just that when his eyes fell on those very miserable death guards who had no breath of death, the coldness in his eyes became colder and colder.

Above the void of Yanwang Mountain, Ye Hentian, who had closed his eyes and rested, suddenly opened them, a dazzling light flickered past, and then an extremely cold voice came out of his mouth: "You are finally here, old man You will never be reborn!"

After the words were finished, he waved his palm, and the spirit of Murong Hai, whose aura was extremely sluggish, appeared on his palm. Now Murong Hai's spirit had already become completely transparent, as if it might dissipate at any time.

"Photograph!" Feeling the increasingly terrifying aura of the void, looking at the Death God Guards all over the place, Long Feng immediately took all the Death God Guards into his own small world, temporarily relying on the vitality of the Wood Soul Sword. Lively nourish them.

Ingesting all Death God Guards into his own small world, Long Feng's figure instantly disappeared in place, and on Yanwang Mountain, Long Feng's figure appeared in vain. The scene we are in is no longer Yanwang Mountain.

Finally, when Long Feng took all the members of the Hades Hall into his own small world, the terrifying aura above the void instantly overwhelmed him, and Long Feng, who was standing on the square outside the Hades Hall, raised his head and looked at the place calmly. A terrifying lineup floating above the void.

There are more than 300 strong people in the spirit realm, several semi-holy powerhouses, and one powerhouse in the holy spirit realm!This is enough to compare with the terrifying lineup of Tian Mingzong coming to Yan Wang Mountain again.

"Aurora Pavilion!" Looking at the owner of the Aurora Pavilion who had met in the Forbidden Forest above the void, Long Feng finally understood why the other party came.

"You have finally appeared! This old man wants to cut you into pieces and never reincarnate!" Looking at Long Feng standing on the square, Ye Hentian's cold words darkened the entire void, and the hatred of killing his son was unshakable. !
"Your thinking coincides with mine!" Hearing this, Long Feng also raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and when he finished speaking, a chilling intent filled the void of the square!

"Very good! Very arrogant, no wonder you dared to kill my son!" Hearing this, Ye Hentian's expression was cold and ugly, and he grabbed Murong Hai's illusory soul with his palm, and he grabbed him and said coldly: "It must be this You know people!"

"What?" Hearing this, Long Feng's eyes fluctuated slightly, and he said calmly with the same tone.

"Where is my son's body? I'll trade him for it!" His eyes fell on Long Feng's body, and Ye Hentian's hands tightly grasped Murong Hai's soul.

Hearing Ye Hentian's words, Long Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and with a movement of his mind, Ye Langtian's still intact body in the small world suddenly appeared in front of Long Feng.

Looking at his son's wide-eyed eyes and disbelieving expression on his face, Ye Hentian's body trembled slightly, and the murderous intent on his body made the strong men in the Aurora Pavilion tremble slightly behind him!
"Okay! Very good!" Ye Hentian's palm, whose eyes were blood red for a moment, grabbed it suddenly, and Murong Hai's illusory soul turned into a ray of light and flew towards Long Feng, while Ye Langtian's body in front of Long Feng was the same. It turned into a ray of light and disappeared in place.

"Great Elder, I have troubled you!" Long Feng said apologetically, looking at Murong Hai whose spirit had weakened to the extreme.

"Hall Master! You shouldn't have come back!" Hearing this, Murong Hai just smiled wryly, he knew his own situation now, and no one would be able to recover from the traumatized soul.

Hearing this, Long Feng shook his head slightly and did not speak again. With a thought, the Heavenly Soul Sword in his mind trembled slightly, and then a pure soul power surged from the center of Long Feng's eyebrows and suddenly poured into Murong Hai's illusory soul .

"This is..." Suddenly feeling that his divine soul power received an extremely pure soul power, Murong Hai's face was full of surprise.He can fully feel that under this pure soul power, not only his soul can be completely restored, but even surpass his original self.

"Hehe, First Elder, you go and rest first, I will avenge your revenge!" After the words fell, Long Feng waved his palm, and Murong Hai's spirit disappeared instantly on the spot.

"How arrogant! This old man wants to see what you use for revenge!" The icy murderous voice full of anger made the void tremble suddenly, and the aurora on Ye Hentian's body was frightening enough to obliterate a strong person in the spiritual realm. The space is completely distorted.

"Then I'll ask you to open your eyes and take a good look!" Now that the two sides are in a life-and-death battle, Long Feng will not be polite at all. With a movement of his divine sense, Lin Laosen's figure in the small world instantly appeared in front of him in front of you.

As soon as Lin Lao and Sen Lao appeared, Ye Hentian's expression suddenly changed and he said in a cold voice: "Mu Clan strong!"

To Ye Hentian's shout, Elder Lin and Elder Sen did not respond at all, but respectfully said to Long Feng: "Master, what are you calling us for?"

"Of course it's murder! Everyone who came to attack Yama Mountain today, don't even think about leaving!" Long Feng said coldly, looking at the scattered experts in the Aurora Pavilion above the void, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Do you think you can do whatever you want by relying on the two strong Holy Spirit Realms of the Mu clan? Today, the old man tells you to die!" After the words fell, Ye Hentian swiped his palm in the void, creating a space crack, and then A ray of light flickered through it.

Then, less than a moment later, the power of the space at the crack in the space fluctuated suddenly, a dazzling light flashed, and an old man with white robes and white hair slowly emerged above the void.

And after this person passed, the space fluctuation behind him moved slightly again, and two figures flickered out of it again.

"Greetings to the old Pavilion Master! Supreme Elder! Great Elder!" Seeing the appearance of the three figures, all the powerhouses in Aurora Pavilion immediately bowed and shouted respectfully.

Hearing what they said, Long Feng's expression sank slightly. The four strong men in the Holy Spirit Realm, and the leader's aura was as introverted as an ordinary old man, but Long Feng knew that the more this was the case, the more terrifying the other party's cultivation would be.

"Father! He was the one who killed Lang'er!" Seeing his father appearing, Ye Hentian said a little cautiously.

Hearing Ye Hentian's words, the white-haired and white-robed old man suddenly cast his eyes on Long Feng who was on the square below, and suddenly it seemed as if a ray of heavenly power was pressing down on Long Feng from above the nine heavens. Blood spurted out, and the ground under his feet was split into pieces.

With just one glance, Long Feng was seriously injured!The strength of this old man is terrifying!And just as Long Feng spewed out a mouthful of blood, Mu Lao's figure who had been lurking in the dark suddenly appeared, his withered palm grasped the void, and the terrifying heavenly power in front of Long Feng instantly dissipated.Then Mu Lao's aura also suddenly reached its peak, no less than Tian Wei's terrifying coercion that distorted the entire void as if it was about to shatter!
"Mu Clan powerhouse!" A hoarse voice sounded, and Ye Qiutian's expressionless gaze fluctuated slightly!
"Master, this person is terrifying. I'm afraid his cultivation level is not lower than that of this old slave. You have to be more careful later!" Mu Lao's lips moved slightly, and he said with a solemn expression.

(End of this chapter)

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