Peerless Killing God

Chapter 204 Life and death are up to me!

Chapter 204 Life and death are up to me!
"Four Holy Spirit Realm powerhouses!" Hearing this, Long Feng also looked solemn, and slowly took a breath. It seemed that he was going to use all his strength today.This Aurora Pavilion is indeed a thousand-year-old overlord force, and the gap between the two sides is almost the same as the thousand-year-old force Zhanmeng Academy.

"Father, Elder Xue, Great Elder! The three strong men of the Mu Clan will be handed over to you, and I will personally chop that scorpion into pieces!" Looking at Long Feng below with a ferocious expression, Ye Hentian's eyes were shining. color.

"Master!" Hearing the other party's words, the three elders all said solemnly. Now the other party's lineup is much more luxurious than theirs. There are four strong holy spirits, and they only have three.

"It's okay, this is my grudge with him! What's more, today I want to see the methods of the strong in the Holy Spirit realm!" The three elders looked solemn, but Long Feng shook his head slightly to stop it.Now that he has broken through to the semi-holy realm, and the small world has become perfect, coupled with various means and cards, he may not be Ye Hentian's opponent!
Hearing Long Feng's words, the three elders seemed to have thought of something, and without hesitation, their figure immediately turned into a blue light and escaped into the endless void.

Seeing this scene, Ye Qiutian and the Supreme Elder and First Elder of Aurora Pavilion did not hesitate to flee into the void, they believed that before their battle was over, the battle here was over.

After all, Ye Hentian was a peerless saint who was at the peak of the early stage of the Holy Spirit Realm, and he could barely reach the middle stage of the Holy Spirit Realm, and with his strength, it was a breeze to deal with Long Feng who had just stepped into the Semi-Saint Realm.

However, the ensuing battle was beyond the imagination of a few of them, and even the Aurora Pavilion was seriously injured after this battle, and finally disappeared on the stage of history.

Above the void, Ye Hentian watched the three Mu clan powerhouses around Long Feng leave, with cruel smiles on their ferocious faces, and the powerhouses of the Aurora Pavilion behind him also slowly encircled them. There was no possibility of Long Feng escaping.

Looking at the strong men descending from the void to form a siege, Long Feng's mouth curled up into a sneering cold smile. Today, Yan Wang Mountain is the place where these people are buried!
Yan Wangshan, he had prepared a huge meeting gift for Tianmingzong back then. It's a pity that it was not used at the beginning, but it's not too late now!
"Life and death in Liangyi! Nine turns of life and death! Life and death are up to me! The power of death, all things wither!" At this moment, Long Feng's eyes were as black as ink, and his whole body was wrapped in a terrifying and dead force of death. There is still some distance between the powerful men in Longfeng, but many of them feel like they are going to die soon.

Following the crazily released death power from Long Feng's body, as he waved his palm, the one hundred and eight formation stones buried in Yanwang Mountain shone with the light of death. dark.

A stream of black dead energy filled with death rolled out from all parts of Hades, and the originally lush and lush Yanwang Mountain became dead silent in an instant, all the flowers, plants and trees all withered in an instant, and many auroras above the void At this moment, the complexions of the spirit-level powerhouses and half-saint powerhouses in the pavilion changed drastically, and a stream of dead gray air appeared on their faces.

At this moment, those powerful Spiritual Realm masters with poor cultivation only felt that they were facing death so close for the first time, especially when the black air flow became more and more terrifying, they could no longer hold on.

"This is the way! You all back away!" Feeling the strong power of death filling the world, Ye Hentian's expression changed slightly and he shouted angrily, because under the terrifying power of death, even the Holy Spirit He even felt a sense of threat even if he was a strong man.

"Array?" Hearing this, the pupils of the powerhouses in the Aurora Pavilion froze suddenly. At this moment, they all seemed to smell a crisis of death.

"If you think that relying on the formation can be safe, then you are very wrong!" I saw Ye Hentian waved his palm, dazzling auroras flickered across the void, and the rolling death force condensed by Longfeng Under the aurora, it dissipated as quickly as a mouse meeting a cat.

Seeing that the power of death dissipated quickly, Long Feng's expression remained unchanged. Although the Liangyi Formation of Life and Death can control life and death, it can even kill the strong in the Holy Spirit Realm.But the premise is that the Liangyi Life and Death Formation must be complete.

Long Feng's two life and death formations are just a shortened version, it's okay to deal with the strong in the spirit realm, but it's not enough to face the strong in the holy spirit realm. Of course, Long Feng may have no way to do it before, but now it's different up.

"Life and death transformation!" Faintly watching the strong men in the Aurora Pavilion above the void gradually retreat, Long Feng did not stop, but his eyes fell on Ye Hentian who was like a round of white moon, and suddenly there was a gleam between his brows. The ultimate face flashed past.

Then, under Ye Hentian's dignified gaze, a big tree full of vitality appeared behind Long Feng. The phantom of this big tree was too huge, and as soon as it appeared, it enveloped the entire Yanwang Mountain.

The moment the towering tree appeared, Long Feng waved his palm in the void, and the sky shook. The towering tree above his head instantly became as black as ink, and the terrifying power of death filled the sky. Discoloration dark as ink.

Long Feng actually forcibly borrowed the vitality of the Wood Soul Sword and transformed it into the power of death that is enough to turn a land of thousands of miles into a hell of death!And at the moment when this terrifying force of death appeared, the void of Yanwang Mountain had already been shrouded in it.

At this moment, there is only death between heaven and earth.The Dao of the Liangyi Formation of Life and Death ruled life and death. Although what Long Feng had arranged was not a complete formation of the Liangyi Formation of Life and Death, with the help of the Wood Soul Sword, the formation of the Liangyi Formation of Life and Death was no less than a complete formation.

The power of death spread all over the Yanwang Mountain, and it turned into a world of death, a darkness, and Ye Hentian in the void changed his expression greatly when Long Feng transformed the vigorous vitality into the terrifying power of death.

However, those Spiritual Realm powerhouses in the Aurora Pavilion were not so lucky, and they were instantly submerged in the world of death. Immediately, their faces were ashen and pale, and they slowly closed their eyes, and their bodies began to emerge from the void. Falling weakly towards the bottom of Yanwang Mountain.

Dead silence, between the heaven and the earth at this moment, it seems that only death is the liberation.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of powerful people in the spiritual realm died silently.And this is the horror of the formation. At this moment, above the void, the remaining Aurora Pavilion powerhouses are trembling all over, and all kinds of power are operating on their bodies to resist the power of death around them.

On the other side, Ye Hentian's expression was gloomy like a coming storm!He never thought that the formation controlled by Long Feng would suddenly become so terrifying. In the center of the power of death, even he felt a great crisis!
Looking at Ye Hentian with an ugly face in the void, the corners of Long Feng's pitch-black mouth moved slightly but did not make a sound. Now his body has become a complete body of death. So, I am afraid that he will really die in the next moment.

"Death...death...!" Voices of death spit out from Long Feng's mouth, and the power of death that filled the world instantly formed black chains of death that swept across the world, and as long as they were touched by these chains of death, As if the spirits of the Aurora Pavilion were captivated by the King of Hades, they fell from the void with no breath in their bodies.

As more and more Aurora Pavilion powerhouses died, the power of death became more and more terrifying. In the end, even Long Feng himself felt that he could not control this terrifying power of death.

"Death..." The sound of death shook the void, the terrifying power of death mixed with billowing pitch-black life-threatening death energy wrapped a strong man named Aurora Pavilion, and those strong men wrapped by the power of death would use various A force to resist the deadly force of death.However, in the face of the boundless power of death, their own strength was completely powerless, and soon one after another stiff corpses continued to fall from the void.

"Zhuzi! This is what you forced me to do!" Seeing the death of the strong men in Aurora Pavilion one by one, Ye Hentian's expression became extremely ugly, but he was also afraid of the power of death that could threaten him, so he could only go crazy once!

"Light is everywhere! The soul turns into an aurora!" Ye Hentian looked down at the body of Long Feng, who was covered with death power, with blood-red eyes. Ye Hentian's figure stood still in the void, and then his soul unexpectedly came out of his body. It turned into a streak of aurora, cut through the void, and injected directly into the center of Long Feng's eyebrows.

Facing Ye Hentian's soul that had turned into an aurora, Long Feng, who was constantly operating the Liangyi Life and Death Formation, had no way to stop it.The power of death is only aimed at the living body, but Ye Hentian's soul can largely be immune to the power of death!

When Ye Hentian's soul turned into an aurora and poured into Long Feng's brows and into his sea of ​​consciousness, Long Feng's expression changed drastically for the first time. He never thought that Ye Hentian was also so crazy towards him. No, I'm afraid both of them will die together.

In Long Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, Ye Hentian's expression changed as soon as Ye Hentian's spirit came in, because he realized that Long Feng's spirit power was no less than his, which made Ye Hentian's original plan to directly destroy Longfeng's spirit All of a sudden it was empty!
On the other side, Long Feng couldn't care about Ye Hentian in his sea of ​​consciousness, because if he stopped the operation of the Liangyi Life and Death Formation, then he would face an extremely fatal backlash from the Liangyi Life and Death Formation!At that time, I'm afraid that even if he has the Heavenly Soul Sword to protect his soul, he may lose his wits in an instant.

"Haha! No matter how evil your talent is! Today you are still bound to die, because God wants you to die!" In Long Feng's mind, Ye Hentian seemed to think of something, then he looked up to the sky and laughed, his expression ferocious and crazy!
(End of this chapter)

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