Peerless Killing God

Chapter 205 Ye Hentian's Death!

Chapter 205 Ye Hentian's Death!
"The old man said that you will never be reborn! Let your soul fly away now!" Ye Hentian's soul laughed ferociously, and an extreme white light flashed above the soul.It seemed that this aurora was going to penetrate Long Feng's sea of ​​consciousness and obliterate his soul.

It's just that when Ye Hentian was about to use this aurora to destroy Long Feng, a cold snort of thunder suddenly sounded like nine heavens above.


Under this cold snort, Ye Hentian's spirit suddenly trembled, and the whole originally solid spirit dissipated and became illusory a lot!

"Who?" shouted in horror, Ye Hentian's spirit was trembling crazily at this moment, and the originally blood-red eyes were full of horror at this moment.

"Your fate is up to me!" Suddenly a cold and heartless voice sounded, Long Feng's brain space fluctuated slightly, and Ye Hentian's spirit disappeared instantly.

Inside the sword body of the Heavenly Soul Sword, Ye Hentian looked at the somewhat illusory black figure in front of him in horror and shouted in horror: "How is it possible? How could you be here? How could you have this boundless and terrifying soul? Power?"

Facing Ye Hentian's three questions, the black figure didn't answer, but suddenly opened his mouth and sucked it in. Ye Hentian's soul disappeared into the black figure's mouth without any resistance.

"The time is running out!" A deep and misty voice sounded, and then the black figure seemed to have never appeared, leaving only the eternal Heavenly Soul Sword standing in Longfeng's Soul Consciousness Sea.

In the outside world, Long Feng was already impatient, and his mind was running the life-and-death formation quickly. When his palm was raised and dropped, a death sword condensed with pure death power would fall from the void, and immediately a strong man from the Aurora Pavilion would be captured. To life fall.

And because of this, he didn't realize what happened in his own sea of ​​consciousness, otherwise he would really feel what it means to shudder, maybe he was just a pawn from beginning to end, a pawn to be manipulated by others.

It's just that Long Feng didn't seem to notice all of this. Under his rapid operation of the Liangyi Life and Death Formation, those remaining Aurora Pavilion powerhouses who were trapped by the life and death formation fell down from the void one by one with ashen faces and stiff bodies. .

Finally, when the last semi-holy strong man of Aurora Pavilion fell from the void with a gray expression on his face, the entire Yanwang Mountain fell into silence.

"The power of life! Endless life." When the last strong man who was full of anger also died quietly, the aura on Long Feng's body changed quietly, and the aura full of vitality flowed out, and the life and death battle was reversed. The power of death in the entire void instantly turned into the power of vitality, and the withered flowers and trees were revived with vitality again in an instant.

"Is this the moment of life and death!" Looking at the revived flowers, plants and trees, Long Feng's eyes flickered. At this moment, he suddenly felt that his understanding of the power of life and death was a little deeper.

Of course, flowers, plants and trees can be recovered, but people can't live no matter what. The entire Yanwang Mountain is lying in a mess of stiff corpses of the Aurora Pavilion powerhouse, and the owner of this corpse was a respected person who was all-powerful before his death. A strong person in the spiritual realm is as powerless as an ant in front of the complete Liangyi life and death formation!
Taking a deep breath, Long Feng's expression suddenly changed. He still remembered that Ye Hentian's troubles had not been resolved, but when Long Feng's spirit returned to his sea of ​​consciousness, he found that there was no trace of Ye Hentian's spirit in his sea of ​​consciousness.

As if Ye Hentian's soul had never arrived here, only the Heavenly Soul Sword stood quietly in the center of his sea of ​​consciousness, exuding a faint soul power that continued to grow his soul.

"Strange? What's going on here?" Frowning slightly, Long Feng felt a little strange and uneasy about Ye Hentian's sudden disappearance.

Pulling back from the world in his mind to the reality, Long Feng glanced around and found that at the bottom of the pile of corpses, Ye Hentian's radiant body was lying quietly on the ground, but there was no aura of spirit. , look like a living dead!

Seeing this weird scene, Long Feng frowned again, what's going on?Could it be that something happened just now that he doesn't know about?
But when Long Feng was still bowing his head in thought, suddenly there was a wave of void above his head, and the space shattered. The situation of Mu Lao and three people is not very good.

Although the cultivation base and strength of the three of them are similar to each other, but in the endless turbulent space, the three of them cannot use any other power, but the three powerhouses in the Aurora Pavilion are different, they can easily attract Space streamers, and once these streamers fall on the bodies of Mu Lao and the three of them, the power of the sanctuary of the three will lose a lot, and the situation of Mu Lao and the three of them will become more and more bad.

Seeing that Elder Lin and Elder Sen were in a bit of a panic except for Mr. Mu, with blood overflowing from the corners of their mouths, Long Feng knew that this was not the time to think about it!With a swipe of the palm, the Liangyi Life and Death Formation was in motion again, and the phantom shadows of the towering trees transformed by the Mupo sword spread all over the sky, and then with a wave of Long Feng's palm, the three strands and their rich life force passed through it like three green torrents. The broken space is injected into the turbulent flow of space.

The appearance of three vitality-filled forces of life immediately stabilized the unfavorable situation, and the three of Mu Lao immediately knew that the battle on Longfeng's side had ended ahead of schedule!

On the other side, Ye Choutian, the old pavilion master of Aurora Pavilion!Supreme Elder Xue Li!As well as the Great Elder Ye Kan, their expressions suddenly changed. The eyes of the three of them seemed to see everything in Yama Mountain through many spaces.

When the three of them saw the powerhouses in the Aurora Pavilion all over the Yan Wang Mountain, their expressions were as ugly as they were. Ye Choutian, who had been expressionless before, was completely twisted into the face of the Canglong at this moment.

Because under the perception of his majestic spirit power, the spirit in his son's body of the living dead has completely disappeared.


It was as if the terrifying roar of a monstrous beast sounded from Ye Choutian's mouth, and his white hair danced wildly at this moment, and the terrifying aura tearing apart the heaven and earth on his body stopped the turbulent flow of the chaotic space!

A line of blood and tears slowly overflowed from a pair of eyes that had become completely inhuman, and the entire withered face was completely distorted and ferocious, very scary.

"Dead! Die..." A hoarse voice sounded, and through the space barrier, Long Feng could feel the endless murderous intent and hostility on the opponent at this moment!

Feeling the endless murderous intent on Ye Choutian's body, Long Feng's eyes froze slightly.This is the cruelty of the world of martial arts, either he kills others or he is killed by others, if one day his son and grandson are killed, I am afraid he will be even crazier than Ye Qiutian.

"Not good! Master be careful!" Suddenly Mu Lao yelled in the turbulent space, and saw Ye Qiutian turned into two white lights, one rushed towards Mu Lao, and the other rushed out of the turbulent space.

"Incarnation outside the body!" When the terrifying breath fell from the endless void, Long Feng's pupils shrank suddenly, and under the terrifying breath, the entire square was torn apart, and the entire Yanwang Mountain was trembling.

"Aurora Slash!" The incarnation outside the body was formed by the Aurora that condensed [-]% of Ye Choutian's power. Not only that, in order to be able to kill Long Feng, he even used the Aurora Pavilion's heaven-level martial skill Aurora Slash.

As Ye Choutian's external avatar performed the Aurora Slash, his external avatar immediately turned into an aurora. With the appearance of that aurora, the entire sky immediately became completely dark. At this moment, even the sun's light could not shine down at all. It seemed that everything was absorbed by the aurora piercing the sky.

Watching the void shatter quickly like glass under the terrifying aurora, Long Feng's expression was incomparably dignified, and Fang Tianhalberd flashed out as soon as he stretched out his palm!

"It seems that we can only fight!" Looking at the terrifying aurora that can destroy thousands of miles around!The golden light in Long Feng's eyes shone!
"The Undefeated Golden Body!" Shouted loudly, Long Feng's body suddenly shone with golden light, and his whole body stood upright like a golden God of War. After a while, his golden body was as big as Yan Wangshan!
At this moment, Long Feng's strength is already enough to compete with ordinary strong people in the Holy Spirit Realm, but facing the peak of the Holy Spirit Realm, Ye Qiutian's Aurora Slash with [-]% of the strength outside his body may not be enough to resist!

Feeling the power in his body that could lift the sky and crack the earth, Long Feng took a deep breath!The Fang Tianhalber in his hand was slowly lifted up, and at this moment he had drawn as much as [-]% of the infinite power in the small world in his body!

When the continuous power in the small world condensed around Long Feng's body, at this moment the world of the big world trembled suddenly, as if the whole world was trembling for this power that could truly destroy the world!
The meridians in the body circulated according to the kung fu route of Qian Kun Jue, and the buzzing and trembling sound of Fang Tianji in Long Feng's palm continued to resound!
"Zhan Qiankun!" The three words "Zhan Qiankun" were lightly uttered in his mouth, and the condensed power of the small world around Long Feng was shaking like boiling water at this moment!
Immediately, under the shock of that terrifying force, the entire Yama mountain turned into flat ground, and the entire mountain turned into nothingness!
"Chop!" Finally, when the Fang Tianhalber in Long Feng's hand swung out, the world turned pale!The earth and the sky roared and trembled wildly at this moment!

There was a crackling sound, and after Long Feng's blow, the entire space of Yanwang Mountain was actually shattered, and the mountains with a radius of hundreds of miles were shattered on a large scale at this moment, as if the end of the world was approaching.

And once Long Feng unleashed this terrifying power!The complexions of the experts in the Holy Spirit Realm within the territory of the Dragon Empire suddenly changed, and then one after another disappeared in place in an instant!
"Nonsense! It's that old man who blatantly violated the contract! This power is enough to break the balance of the big world. If one can't handle it well! I'm afraid..." Sensing the drastic change in the power of heaven and earth, Cang Ming, the dean of Zhanmeng Academy, suddenly changed his expression !

The space fluctuated slightly, and Cang Ming's figure disappeared directly into Zhanmeng Academy!And like Cang Ming, there were also many hermits who had changed their expressions drastically.

You must know that there is an express agreement between the strong people in the Holy Spirit Realm, and the battle between each other must not break out in the big world. Once the balance of the big world is disrupted, the consequences are absolutely unbearable for humans!
(End of this chapter)

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