Peerless Killing God

Chapter 206 After the Great War!

Chapter 206 After the Great War!

Yan Wang Mountain, following Long Feng's move to cut the universe, the whole space is like a broken mirror, but also shattered are hundreds of peaks near Yan Wang Mountain and Long Feng's huge golden body!

After Shi Bubaijin used [-]% of the power in the small world to cast Qiankun again, this blow has reached an unparalleled level of terror.

Looking at the space outside the turbulent flow of space being shattered inch by inch, the Great Elder of Aurora Pavilion, the Supreme Elder and Elder Lin Laosen who were fighting were all dead at this moment.Because they could feel that if they let that terrifying blow fall on them, the four of them might be reduced to dust in the sky without any resistance.

As for Ye Choutian, who stopped Mu Lao with a crazy face, his withered palm couldn't help trembling slightly at the moment, and Canglong's face showed a look of shock. The younger generation would actually display this ability to destroy the world!Even he felt the chilling blow of terror.

"Withdraw!" Looking at the blow that seemed to tear apart the void inch by inch, the Great Elder and the Supreme Elder of the Aurora Pavilion looked at each other in shock!Now they can't care about anything else.Once that terrifying power erupts, even if they are lucky enough to survive with their cultivation base and strength, their end will be extremely miserable!

As the two turned into an aurora and escaped, Elder Lin and Elder Sen didn't go to intercept them, because even they felt very uneasy under the terrifying force that was about to erupt!
"Hurry up... go!" Just when the two elders didn't know what to do, Mu Lao's voice suddenly sounded with a trace of fear and deep, with one hand on each of them, his figure disappeared in an instant in the turbulent flow of space. middle.As for Ye Choutian at this moment, he had already moved away from the turbulent space of Yanwang Mountain, but at this moment he had a terrified expression on his face!

"What? Breaking the rules of heaven and earth and still trying to escape?" Suddenly a faint and cold voice sounded in the endless chaotic space, and Ye Qiutian, who was rapidly crossing the turbulent space, froze, and his body couldn't help trembling!
Looking up suddenly, he suddenly found that at some point in front of him a figure with black and white robes and black and white long flowing hair was quietly floating in the turbulent space, as if the other party had been waiting for him here for a long time.

"Who are you?!" Looking at the black and white figure in front of him, Ye Qiutian seemed to think of something, his eyes widened and he shouted in horror!
Hearing Ye Choutian's terrified cry, the black and white figure suddenly turned around and his unremarkable eyes fell on Ye Choutian's body, and a faint voice slowly sounded in the turbulent flow of the silent space: "Old man! Against the sky!"

After the words fell, the former's slender palm slowly stretched out and waved in the void, Ye Choutian's figure instantly disappeared in place and he didn't know where he went!
"Ning!" Slowly raised his head, Ni Cangtian's plain eyes seemed to fall through the many spaces on the fragmented Hades Mountain Range, and he whispered the word Ning, and then a miraculous scene was discovered, Long Feng's all-out blow was about to meet When Ye Choutian's avatars collided and exploded together, they were completely frozen in the void.

It seems that the space and time of that piece of time and space have solidified at this moment, and the space is still fragmented like pieces of broken mirrors, but it has solidified just like this, like a beautiful scene under the brush of a master artist.

However, this weird scene is not a painting, but a scene that actually happened in reality!Just when time and space stagnated, Ni Cangtian's figure floated above the void, slowly walking towards Long Feng's terrifying force that could destroy the world.

With a slight wave of his slender palm, the power condensed by Ye Qiutian's avatar turned into nothingness in the void, and then Ni Cangtian's palm was pressed again, and the huge power condensed by Long Feng's devastating blow Escape directly into the broken space.

After that, the void fluctuated slightly, and the originally fragmented space returned to its previous appearance in an instant, and the void fell into silence again, only the earth that was fragmented and molten from the center of the earth and dozens of peaks that turned into powder and fluttered in the wind proved There has been a terrifying battle here before!
I don't know how long it took, the space suddenly fluctuated. It turned out that the three elders of the Mu clan escaped from the chaotic void. Looking at the earth gushing out of the lava, the expressions of the three of them all changed slightly, and the huge spirit swept away from the earth. However, when they felt an extremely weak breath, they all looked happy at the moment.

As the figures flickered, the three of them fell from the void, and when they came to the place where the faint breath was, the expressions of the three of them froze. The Long Feng in front of them could still be called a person, and there was only one person left alive. The next pair of golden skeletons.

"A strong man is approaching, let's go first!" It seemed that he sensed several powerful auras coming from the space fluctuations, Mu Lao's expression changed slightly, and he carefully held Long Feng, who had turned into a golden skeleton, in his palm, and then three The human figure turned into a blue light and disappeared into the distance of the sky.

When the three of them left for a stick of incense, the space suddenly fluctuated violently, and more than a dozen figures instantly appeared on the void of Yanwang Mountain.

Looking at the spewing molten earth from the fragmented core of the earth and the dozens of mountain peaks flattened, the owners of these figures who arrived all took a deep breath, and a look of horror flashed across their faces.

And the owners of these figures naturally include the suzerain of the Jisha Sect, the old man Zisha, the master of the Tianjianmen, Jian Xiaotian, the master of the Liuyu Temple, Emperor Haotian, the head of the Long Family, Long Zhan, and the head of the Zhanmeng Academy, Cang. Ming and so on all the strong stood up again.

It's just that these strong men looked at the scene on Hades like the doomsday with shocking expressions on their faces, because of the terrifying degree of destruction, they didn't dare to confidently say that they could cause such a scene with a single blow with all their strength, even three times. The four of them may not be able to make a shot together, unless all the people present can make such a terrifying destructive force if they make a shot together.

And Cang Ming, who is proficient in the power of space, looks extremely solemn at this moment, because he can feel through the space fluctuations that the previous battle here is probably far more terrifying than everyone imagined.

"Principal Cang Ming, can you feel something from the space fluctuations?" After careful observation, everyone who had found nothing at the moment turned their eyes on Cang Ming, who was the most proficient in the power of space among them.

Hearing everyone's inquiries, Cang Ming straightened his expression and said slowly in a dignified tone: "There was indeed a shocking battle that took place before, and through the fluctuations in space, at least there are at least seven or more Holy Spirit Realm experts." A fierce battle ensued.”

Hearing this, everyone's expression suddenly changed, more than seven strong people in the Holy Spirit Realm?Where did so many powerful people in the Holy Spirit Realm come from?

"Looking at the fluctuations in the spatial aura left by four of them, it should belong to the powerhouse of the Aurora Pavilion in the Southern Continent! It's just that the other three auras full of vitality can't be guessed to be the powerhouse of that force!" Shaking his head, Cang Ming said with some surprise, because under his spiritual perception, there is something wrong with the space in this area.

"Could it be..." As if thinking of something, Cang Ming's body couldn't help but tremble slightly, his face became a little cloudy and uncertain.

Seeing Cang Ming's expression as if he had seen a ghost, everyone was also stunned and immediately asked: "Principal Cang Ming, did you find something?"

"Well, the old man did find some unusual places. I think everyone has felt the power of destroying the world before, but now this power has disappeared out of thin air, but the space barrier here is still very stable. Then only A possibility!"

"Principal Cangming, could it be... the law of time and space?" Hearing Cangming's words, Jian Xiaotian exclaimed.

"That's right, it's the law of time and space! Only the mighty use the law of time and space to imprison this piece of time and space, and then forcefully send that force that can destroy the world into the turbulent flow of space." Nodding solemnly, Cang Ming's words made the corners of everyone's mouths twitch slightly.

The law of time and space is a mysterious power that can only be used by the powerhouses of a higher level than them. It is said that existences in the life and death realm or higher realms can use this heaven-defying law to imprison time and space.

And in that imprisoned time and space, unless they are of the same level or stronger than that person, otherwise, in that imprisoned time and space, the strong in the Holy Spirit realm are pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered, and they may even die when they die. Neither is clear.

Thinking of this, everyone felt uncomfortable. If there was a powerful man with a life-death state or a higher level of cultivation who had appeared here or even made a move, would this be a warning or a hint to them?
"This aura... Could it be... I hope the old man thinks too much." Ignoring the ugly-looking people, Cang Ming's expression slightly changed again when he was constantly perceiving space fluctuations.

In that familiar aura, he clearly felt the faint aura of the Heavenly Soul Sword, and the only person in the world who could own the Heavenly Soul Sword was Long Feng.

Thinking of the young man obsessed with love, Cang Ming couldn't help shaking his head slightly, how is this possible?He is very clear about the age of the other party, he is only in his early twenties, if this age can display such destructive power, I am afraid no one will dare to believe and imagine it.

However, the facts were just as Cang Ming thought, but the price Long Feng paid was far beyond what he could have imagined in order to perform that trick.

On a towering tree in the vast cloud and mist mountains, a temporary wooden house is located on the trunk, and a dark green figure is sitting quietly on the trunk with closed eyes, and on a big tree not far away is a Another dark green figure was on guard.Once a monster enters here by mistake, it will be killed by the opponent's thunder method immediately.

And in that wooden house, Mu Lao's skinny body remained motionless, rich vitality continuously rushed from his withered palms towards Long Feng who was lying on the wooden bed.

It has been three days since the battle at Yan Wang Mountain, Long Feng, who was originally a golden skeleton, has been recovering under the vigorous vitality of Mu Lao and the small world inside his body, Long Feng.

The so-called bones and flesh, resurrection from the dead miraculously happened to Long Feng, but now his aura has become extremely unstable. After performing the Slashing Universe, all the power in his body dissipated, even the Lingfu in his dantian All in pieces.

If Long Feng hadn't integrated the Wooden Soul Sword into his small world before, thus using the power of the Wooden Soul Sword to protect the small world, the small world he worked so hard to condense would have dissipated long ago.

Withdrawing his withered palm, Mu Lao looked at Long Feng, who was in a slump on the wooden bed, sighed and shook his head slightly. The price paid for that blow was too high, even Long Feng didn't expect to use that strike It's like burning jade and stone together.

If Ni Cangtian hadn't appeared at the last moment, I'm afraid there would have been no such person as Long Feng in the world.

Slashing the universe is to use all of one's own power to cut through the universe, and the price paid is naturally unimaginable for ordinary people.

I don't know the years in the mountains, and several days later, on the wooden bed, Long Feng, whose breath gradually stabilized, suddenly opened his eyes, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

His cultivation base was completely abolished, no, half of it was abolished, because Long Feng's spirit was still at its peak state, but he couldn't feel any trace of spiritual energy in his body. Self-isolated into a long recovery period.

Feeling his empty dantian with his soul, Long Feng could only smile wryly at the moment, everything now seems to have to start from scratch.

But he didn't feel lost or decadent, because he didn't have the idea of ​​survival in that blow, but now that he can survive, then everything is not important.What's more, three years ago, he was never a waste. Back then, he could cultivate to the semi-holy state in three years, let alone the current self.

Long Feng is very confident, even within three years, he can return to his peak state, and even surpass his previous self. Of course, the current self can only start from scratch.

Seeing Long Feng with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were still deep and bright, Mu Lao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Old Mu, what happened after I performed Heaven Slash? Why did I survive?" Looking at Elder Mu in front of him, Long Feng said with some doubts.Logically speaking, the terrifying force that erupted after performing Heaven Slash was enough to tear him apart, but he was not torn apart. Could it be that someone else intervened?

Hearing Long Feng's doubts and inquiries, Mu Lao frowned and pondered for a while, then replied: "At that time, after the master released the blow that could destroy the world, the old slave thought he could not resist it, but it was right there. At the critical moment, an extremely terrifying aura suddenly appeared from the turbulent space, and the person I was fighting with fled immediately, and the old servant fled immediately with Lin Hesen, regardless of other things, and only came back afterward."

"Extremely terrifying aura?" Hearing Mu Lao's words, Long Feng's expression froze there. It is already enough to rank among the top three existences, and now even he actually said that the breath is extremely terrifying.

"I'm afraid that master's blow should have shocked the strong in the life and death realm!" Seeing that Long Feng's expression was a little uncertain, Mu Lao said directly.

Hearing this, Long Feng could only let out a sigh of relief and secretly lamented his fate, although he didn't know why the mysterious life-death expert saved him at the last moment.

"Hehe, Mu Lao, I'm fine. You don't have to be so nervous. By the way, protect me a bit. I'll gather a little strength first. Otherwise, with the strength of my body, I'm afraid I won't be able to walk." Smiling, Feeling a force supporting him, Long Feng knew it was Mu Lao's masterpiece.

But this is a helpless thing, after all, the weight of his naked body with the fusion of the Golden Soul Sword has reached an astonishing tens of millions of catties, if Mu Lao doesn't use his strength to protect him, I'm afraid he can directly fall into the underground world with his own weight go.

But now this is also the most troublesome thing for Long Feng. Before he had a high level of cultivation, it was easy to master his body.But now he is a mortal without the slightest spiritual power. Although a casual punch is enough to punch a million people, he also needs to be able to lift himself up.Now his focus is to adapt to the current self.

Slightly closing his eyes, the operation route of Hunyuan Yijue sounded in his mind. Long Feng took a deep breath, the meridians in his body were agitated slightly, and with the operation of Hunyuan Yijue, Long Feng's soul could He could clearly feel that the spirit energy between heaven and earth was crazily pouring out of his body.

In just a moment, under Mu Lao's sluggish gaze, the spiritual energy condensed around Long Feng's body actually showed a feeling of liquid flow.

At this moment, the thick and extraordinary eight meridians in Long Feng's body were like flooded rivers, and the extremely rich spiritual energy gathered and poured into his dantian without any power.

The moment the cyclone in Longfeng's dantian formed, Longfeng's aura instantly reached the peak of the Huangling Realm from scratch. Waves of spiritual power storms frantically gathered on this big tree and injected into Long Feng's body.

As for Mu Lao and the other three, they have already been preparing for battle, and any monsters that appear in their sights will be unlucky. Under the tyrannical methods of the three holy spirits, every time they raise their hands at will, there will be an earth-level, heaven-level or even respectable beast. Tier wailed and fell to the ground dead.

But as the number of monsters died more and more, those monsters who had opened their wisdom also knew that there was an existence they could not provoke, so in the end, the number of monsters became less and less.

On the wooden bed, Long Feng had become a huge vortex crazily devouring the endless spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and as soon as these spiritual energy entered Long Feng's body, they would pour into his dantian, but most of the spiritual energy All Yuanli was swallowed up by Long Feng's small world, and only a small part remained for Long Feng.

However, relying on this small portion of spiritual energy, Long Feng's aura skyrocketed in a very short period of time, peaking at the peak of the Yellow Spirit Realm, the early stage of the Profound Spirit Realm, the middle and late stages... the peak.

In less than an hour, Long Feng's aura broke through to the peak of the Xuanling Realm in one fell swoop, and judging by the momentum, Long Feng might be about to step into the Earth Spiritual Realm in one fell swoop.

Sure enough, when the cyclone in his body continued to condense and compress, a golden pill emerged in his dantian. With the appearance of this golden pill, Long Feng's aura also stepped into the earth spirit realm.

But even so, Long Feng still didn't feel a pause, and was still continuously absorbing the continuous spiritual energy.

It has to be said that there is a reason why Long Feng was able to break through so quickly. After all, he is now recovering his cultivation, not re-cultivation. After all, he does not have the barriers of those realms.

Therefore, as long as he has enough spiritual energy, he can continue to break through until he recovers his full cultivation. Of course, if he wants to recover to the semi-holy state, I am afraid that Long Feng will spend a lot of time.

In this way, under such crazy engulfment and recovery, time passed silently for five days, until the sky and earth in the area of ​​Yunwu Mountains could no longer absorb a trace of spiritual energy, Long Feng stopped. Crazy move in the eyes of countless people.

"Phew! The Heavenly Spirit Realm is at its peak, and it's just one step away from breaking through to the Venerable Spirit Realm!" With a light breath, a smile flashed across Long Feng's face. After recovering from nothing to the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, he is only one step away from the Venerable Spirit Realm.

It's just that all the spiritual energy in this area for thousands of miles has been completely absorbed by Long Feng. Of course, if such a huge force is completely absorbed by Long Feng, Long Feng may have already broken through to the Venerable Spirit Realm. All this is only because of the small world in the new dantian Zhongling Mansion.

After Long Feng forcibly drew [-]% of the small world's strength from the last battle, the small world took the lead in Long Feng's recovery to a state of full strength.

"Half a month has passed by the calculation!" Long Feng's eyes flickered as he looked at the green and misty mountains, but the matter was not over yet.

Not to mention the end of his revenge, he didn't even reach the beginning. The five major forces, plus the Aurora Pavilion, he remembered all of these forces in detail.

Who made Long Feng the kind of person who would repay the kindness of a drop of water but who was extremely vengeful, the five major forces and the Aurora Pavilion could never imagine that he had really offended someone he shouldn't have offended.

"We're not in a hurry for the five major forces, but we have to go to the Aurora Pavilion!" A frenzied gaze flashed in Long Feng's eyes, and the black robe on Long Feng's body fluttered without wind.

It is said that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, but Long Feng is not a gentleman, he is a killer, and he is also a king who must avenge the killer, not to mention the life and death hatred between the two.

However, when Mu Lao tore through the void and the four of them arrived in the Southern Continent, they realized that the Aurora Pavilion, which had been standing for a thousand years, had declined in just half a month.

After losing the pavilion master and the old pavilion master, Aurora Pavilion is no longer the opponent of Xiaoyaomen and Shengmozong. In addition, Aurora Pavilion suffered heavy casualties in the battle at Yanwang Mountain, and there are less than one in ten who are strong in the spirit realm.It is simply impossible to support only two strong people in the Holy Spirit realm. Therefore, in just half a month, the Aurora Pavilion, one of the three overlords in the Southern Continent, quickly declined.

When Long Feng and the others heard the news, their expressions couldn't help but change slightly.Ye Qiutian actually disappeared?Only the Supreme Elder and the Great Elder returned to the Aurora Pavilion, what this meant, they didn't need to think about it, they knew that Ye Qiutian was already in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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