Peerless Killing God

Chapter 246 Alchemy!

Chapter 246 Alchemy!

As time passed slowly, Long Feng's speed of refining these elixir was naturally much slower than that of Dan Chenzi. After all, his first real refining medicine, although with the help of the Wood Soul Sword, was not so fast You will be able to control the temperature of the flame with ease.

The power of the soul was continuously released to control the temperature of the flames to refine the elixir plants. After half an hour of effort slowly passed, more than 40 elixir plants were finally refined perfectly.

"Good guy! It's much better than the old man's first refining medicine. It's really more annoying than others." Looking at Long Feng's meticulous refining of all the elixir, Dan Chenzi couldn't help admiring Nodding his head, you must know that when he refined the Anshen Pill, he didn't master the heat well, but he destroyed several elixir plants.

"Next is the critical moment for the alchemy. I don't know if this little guy can control the temperature well. Once it fails, the hard work before it will be completely in vain." Staring at Long Feng's slowly raised palm, Dan Chen Zizi couldn't help but feel a little nervous. The first alchemy is very important. If he fails, he can't bear the psychological shadow.

After that, Long Feng would have inner demons from time to time when refining alchemy. If that was the case, it would be extremely detrimental to his future achievements. After all, alchemy, once the mind is a little dazed, it will destroy people and hurt people.

I saw Long Feng's serious expression, and the huge spiritual power emerged to wrap and suspend the finished elixir products in the pill furnace, and then the true sun fire slowly ignited from the pill furnace.

As time passed, Long Feng was still concentrating on controlling his soul power to suppress the flame temperature of the sun's real fire in the pill furnace, and slowly roasting the finished elixir powders that were not bought by each other.

Meanwhile, Dan Chenzi, who was on the sidelines, had a brimming smile on his face at the moment. He really deserved to be a rare alchemist who could control the temperature of the fire to such an extent that he was not weaker than him at all.

At this moment, the temperature of the flame on the ball of elixir in the alchemy furnace fluctuated from time to time. Obviously, Long Feng was constantly controlling the temperature of the flame to carry out the final stage of melting alchemy.

The stage of melting alchemy is the most critical, if there is a mistake in this part, then the game will be lost, and the previous efforts will not only be in vain, but also destroy these precious elixir, so Long Feng can be said to be concentrating on using his soul carefully at this moment. The force constantly controls the temperature fluctuations of the flame.

"Ning!" And under such fusion, after more than an hour passed, Long Feng suddenly gave a soft drink, and the majestic spirit power suddenly poured into the pill furnace, and the medicine ball slowly spun, and the elixir in it The finished product finally blends together perfectly and flawlessly at this moment.

Looking at the round, dazzling and dazzling finished Anshen Pill in the pill furnace, Dan Chenzi nodded in satisfaction with a smile on his face.Sure enough, it did not disappoint him, and it was successful once, without any accidents.

"Divide!" At the final stage of dividing pills, it became even simpler. Longfeng's soul controlled the walnut-sized Anshen Pill, divided it into five equal parts, and controlled the flame to divide one part into five, and finally five teeth Small and large Anshen pills are slowly suspended in the pill furnace.

"Senior Dan, it's a good luck not to disgrace your life!" Stretching out his hand to wipe the sweat stains on his forehead, Long Feng smiled wryly. This alchemy is much more tiring than fighting with a strong man of the same level. It took about [-]% of the recovered soul to refine the Anshen Pill.

"Little guy, you are the most talented existence in alchemy history in the history of this old man. It can be said that there is no one before. The first alchemy can actually be cultivated into the seventh-grade Anshen Pill of the earth level. If this is said, countless people will be shocked."

Looking at the Anshen Pill that was refined by himself in terms of color and effect, Dan Chenzi immediately gave such an evaluation. One must know that the Anshen Pill refined by Long Feng was of perfect quality, not even a bit better than the one he had refined by himself. Those who are poor, but one thing to know, he is a great master of alchemy, and the other party is just a novice who has just come into contact with alchemy.

"Senior Dan has won the award, this kid is just a fluke!" Hearing this, Long Feng said modestly instead of being proud.If he didn't have the Wood Soul Sword, he might not even be able to refine a single elixir now, let alone the seventh-grade Anshen Pill.

"Good boy, it's good to be modest, but don't underestimate yourself too much. You have such a talent, so naturally other people can't envy you." Hearing this, Dan Chenzi shook his head and said with a smile, there is no fluke in the alchemy journey. explain!
"Seeing that you are quite energetic, kid, it seems that I can start teaching you how to refine the heavenly elixir. It just so happened to start with the Resurrection Pill. The Resurrection Pill is a first-grade heavenly elixir. For you It shouldn't be difficult, but this time I won't make alchemy myself, so how to do it, how to control and control the temperature of the insight fire to make the soul revival pill is up to you."

After finishing speaking, Dan Chenzi gave Long Feng a white pill recipe scroll, on which were recorded the elixir and precautions needed for the refining of Soul Resurrection Pill.It's just that the temperature that Rong Dan needs to control can be written, which means that Long Feng has to keep trying through failures before he can finally successfully practice the Soul Resurrection Pill.

Alchemy refining and cultivation both lead to the same goal. They are all guided by masters, and cultivation depends on the individual. There are several masters of alchemy, great masters of alchemy, or real superpowers who are guided by other people. It was I who continued to search and grow on this road alone, and finally became a master or a peerless powerhouse.

After all, a young eagle hiding under the wings of a mother eagle has always been difficult to truly fight in the sky. Only by adapting to survival alone can it unleash its potential and finally be proud of the sky.

And after Dan Chenzi left Long Feng about fifteen copies of the elixir of the Soul Resurgence Pill, he left alone. Long Feng is here.

And the elixir of [-] copies of Soul Resurrection Pill is enough for Long Feng to refine for five days, which means that in the next five days, Dan Chenzi may come over to take a look, but he will definitely not intervene during the period, and will not say anything more , everything can only depend on Long Feng himself.

In the end, if Long Feng could refine the Soul Resurrection Pill with his own ability, it would mean that Long Feng had truly become a qualified alchemist.

It is not so easy to become a real alchemist, otherwise the number of alchemists in the Qiankun Continent would not be so rare, and some alchemist masters would be so sought after by people.

After Dan Chenzi left, Long Feng carefully looked at the recipe of the Soul Resurrection Pill again, stretched out his palm, and the power of the soul emerged again, and began to refine the first elixir of the Soul Resurgence Pill.

And under such boring refining, the sky gradually dimmed, and finally at the moment when the sky was completely dark, Long Feng refined more than 60 kinds of elixir of the Resurrection Pill into finished products without failure. The essence of medicine.

After successfully refining all the elixir, Long Feng immediately closed his eyes and recovered about half of the spirit power that had been consumed.

Two hours later, Long Feng finally opened his eyes slowly again, a flash of light flashed by, it was obvious that his soul power had returned to its peak state.

"Now it's the first time to melt pills!" Looking at the finished elixir in his hand, Long Feng took a deep breath, and as he waved his palm, these elixirs were wrapped in the power of his soul and slowly fused together in the pill furnace.

This time because there was no demonstration by Dan Chenzi, Long Feng naturally didn't know what temperature was best to control, so everything was based on feeling to refine the Soul Resurrection Pill.

The power of the soul is constantly controlling the temperature of the flames, and Long Feng is now planning to start merging the finished elixir plants one by one.

"Wood spirit grass fused with flower ice pod fruit!" When Long Feng controlled the temperature and slowly condensed the two elixir at a relatively low level, the two elixir hadn't fused together for a long time after the real fire of the sun. signs of being together.

"It seems that the temperature is low!" muttered, Long Feng slowly raised the temperature of the real sun fire a lot, but just as the temperature increased, the finished products of the two elixir fluctuated violently, and finally they went straight with a puff. Turned into a pile of black useless powder.

"It seems that the temperature should be between these two." Long Feng didn't show any frustration when the fusion failed for the first time, nor did he have any thoughts of giving up.After all, the word "give up" is not in his dictionary.

"Come again!" Taking a deep breath, Long Feng took out the elixir of Wood Spirit Grass and Ice Soul Fruit and refined it again.

Time passed slowly, and once again Longfeng began to fuse Wood Spirit Grass and Ice Soul Fruit again, and after the last failure, this time Longfeng's flame temperature was controlled at a fixed value and continued to increase slowly, finally Emperor Tian paid off, at a certain moment when he was slowly controlling the temperature of the flame, the Wood Spirit Grass and Ice Soul Fruit finally slowly fused together.

"It seems that the temperature is here." With a light breath, the first step is considered to be taken, but there are still many steps waiting for him to experiment.

As for the more than 60 kinds of elixir, Long Feng finally fused more than 30 kinds of elixir together before the dawn of the second day after continuous trial and error, but the result was obtained after countless failures.

"It seems that the rest of the fusion can only wait for the day after tomorrow. I don't know what kind of problem will senior Ouyang encounter today." With a wry smile, Long Feng couldn't help stretching out his fingers and rubbing the center of his brow. Such a life is really difficult.

Of course, this has an advantage, that is, Long Feng can feel that his soul power is slowly increasing every day, maybe one day his soul power will break through the current state.

And not long after Long Feng had just put away the pill furnace and the elixir, Ouyang Huo's figure arrived as promised, but even he came from a huge stove, which still had a trace of heat on it.

Looking at the huge stove and the huge iron hammer, Long Feng's face suddenly stiffened. No matter how you look at it, he didn't seem to be entering the alchemy hall that everyone envied, but the devil's cave that never had peace. Woolen cloth?
(End of this chapter)

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