Peerless Killing God

Chapter 247 Refining Pozun Pill!

Chapter 247 Refining Pozun Pill!
One must know that even when he first came into contact with alchemy, it took him three years to successfully refine the barrier-breaking pill, but it took Long Feng ten times shorter than him to reach this step. His aptitude is far more monstrous than him, and I'm afraid there will be hope to surpass him in the future.

"Hehe, Mr. Dan is over the top. By the way, Mr. Dan, the Pill Artifact Fair is about to be held. Why do you and Mr. Huo always look a little bad?" Smiling, after spending three months with Dan Chenzi, Long Feng arrived There is no need to call seniors, it seems that there is only one teacher missing now.

"You kid, you have good observation skills. Alas, you actually mentioned this matter. Let me just talk about it. Anyway, you have to participate in this alchemy meeting. If you can then, maybe the alchemy hall won't be too big. Shame." After scolding with a smile, Dan Chenzi said slowly with a sigh.

"Why?" Hearing this, Long Feng frowned and asked.

"The original intention of this alchemy meeting before was to communicate with each other, but it gradually became a competition for fame and fortune later on. The alchemy meeting is hosted by the alchemy hall every five years. In addition to participating, alchemy masters from all corners of the world will also come to participate, and those who can enter the top [-] will not only get a generous gift from the alchemy hall, but also become famous and well-known. "

After a pause, Dan Chenzi stroked his silver-white beard and continued: "In the past few decades, every time the Pill Artifact Conference has been held, it has attracted many people to participate, even some old immortals Master Qi will also pretend to be young people to sneak into the conference, and they only want to win the top ten."

"Win the top ten? Is there any reward for the top ten? Even some masters can't help but offend the Alchemy Hall and sneak in?" Hearing this, Long Feng's heart jumped suddenly, and he vaguely felt something was wrong.

"Hey, it all starts with the Fire Soul Sword!" With a wry smile, Dan Chenzi's words made Long Feng's heart sink suddenly, and it really had something to do with the Fire Soul Sword.

"Although our Alchemy Hall discovered the Fire Soul Sword, and even sealed the Fire Soul Sword. However, this news still leaked out, and naturally the many forces in the Ten Directions Region will not just watch the Alchemy Hall get the Fire Soul Sword and thus greatly increase their strength. They are above all the forces. Therefore, they made a request that the top ten people who make alchemy or weapon refining in the alchemy conference every five years can enter the world where the Fire Soul Sword is sealed."

And this is why the alchemy hall has attracted countless alchemists to participate in the alchemy conference every time it opens the alchemy conference in recent decades.

The Fire Soul Sword, one of the Nine Great Divine Weapons, is said to be the source of all fire, and for alchemists, fire is the most important thing, so the attraction of the Fire Soul Sword is absolutely fatal to them lure.

"Top ten?" Hearing this, Long Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and a steadfast gaze flashed through his eyes.

"Little guy, could it be?" Suddenly, seeing Long Feng's expression, the old and mature Dan Chenzi said suddenly.

"It seems that Elder Dan is still not enough, that's right, the boy entered the Alchemy Hall because of the Huo Soul Sword." Hearing this, Long Feng said frankly with a wry smile, after spending three months with Dan Chenzi Ouyang Huo, From the bottom of his heart, Long Feng actually regarded the two elders as his teacher, so he didn't want to deceive them.

"Little guy, although the Fire Soul Sword is coveted by countless people, I don't think you are like those greedy people." Hearing this, Dan Chenzi didn't say anything to scold him. He entered the Alchemy Hall for such a purpose, but now Long Feng is his disciple is enough.

"Old Dan, I am here to save people. I heard from my friends that it is said that the dead can be resurrected by gathering the nine great warriors." Hearing this, Long Feng smiled wryly, and slowly touched the dragon soul on his chest with his palm. Yu said with a nervous expression at the moment.

"Gathering the Nine Divine Soldiers to resurrect the dead? Who did you hear the legend about?" Hearing this, Dan Chenzi's expression suddenly changed. With the gathering of the nine great warriors, the Qiankun Continent will be turned upside down and terrible things will happen.

"Could it be that the nine great warriors can't resurrect the dead?" Hearing what Dan Chenzi said, Long Feng's face suddenly turned pale.

Hearing what Long Feng said, Dan Chenzi shook his head with a complicated expression and said, "Not really, but it's just a legend, and no one has realized it for thousands of years."

Of course, there is another legend. Dan Chenzi didn't tell Long Feng that once the nine divine weapons unite, it will be the time of catastrophe for the continent, and the person holding the divine weapon will become the absolute ruler of the Qiankun Continent. It's just that this legend and the previous one have never been realized.

"Hey, Long Boy, don't listen to Dan Chenzi's nonsense, the Nine Great Divine Weapons are too far away from us, come and have a sip of Huolong Shao first, let's talk about the completion of your Hanfeng sword today. "Just as the two were chatting, Ouyang Huo's voice sounded, and then a fiery red figure appeared in front of the two of them.

In three months, Long Feng has advanced by leaps and bounds in alchemy. Naturally, he has not fallen behind in weapon refining. Even under Ouyang Huo's hands-on guidance, Long Feng can now forge a sixth-grade sword weapon of the heavenly rank by himself. up.

The three-foot cold front sword is as thin as a cicada's wing, the blade is as cold as ice, and the chill invades the heart. It took half a month for this cold front sword Longfeng to make it, and it is only two weeks away from the final complete product. But the last hundred refining procedures are left.

"Old Huo, you're here too." Long Feng was relieved when he heard that Dan Chenzi did not deny that the Nine Great Soldiers could resurrect the dead. With a smile on his face, he reached out and took the dragon burner and drank it in one gulp.

No matter whether the legend is true or not, as long as there is a glimmer of hope to restore Ling'er, then he will never give up.

"Calculating the time, there are still ten days before the Pill Artifact Conference. I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to advance to the top ten." After Dan Chenzi and Ouyang Huo left, Long Feng looked at the Han Feng sword in front of him. He Pozhang Dan exhaled slowly and lightly.

Then he immersed himself in alchemy and weapon refining, but this time, his level of impact was much higher.

Break Zundan!Heaven Rank Ninth Grade Heavenly Pill!It is the highest level among the heavenly elixirs, and it is the most complicated to refine.Ordinary alchemy masters can't say that they are sure to refine this level of pills, only the great masters of alchemy can refine them with absolute certainty.

"Then let's start with you!" In his mind, he kept recalling the elixir and refining techniques needed for Po Zun Pill, and Long Feng's soul fell into his own small world of dantian.

In the small world of Dantian, the Mu Clan is still thriving, but today's Mu Clan is constantly emerging. All of this is naturally due to the skills bestowed by Long Feng.

Of course, ordinary Mu people don't know that the world they live in has changed. They still live carefree, never knowing that they are living in other people's small world.

The soul fell into the small world, looked up at the tree formed by the wooden soul sword that supported the world like an Optimus Prime, and Long Feng's figure disappeared in place.

"The elixir needed for Po Zun Pill is Tiandao Tea, Washing Marrow Ginseng, Linglong Fruit, Qianjin Vine... Zhixuecao, Yunlin Flower..." Counting hundreds of elixir needed for Po Zun Pill, Long Feng could only give a wry smile helplessly.

Fortunately, there are many elixir in the small world of Wood Soul Sword, and most of the elixir needed can be found, so Long Feng asked Mu Lao to let the Mu people to find these elixir.

But with the innate characteristics of the Mu people, finding medicines was easy, so in less than a day, Long Feng gathered more than ten sets of Pozun Pill's elixir in front of him.

"Huh, I'm afraid there aren't many prodigals like me, right?" Looking at the more than a dozen pairs of incomparably precious Poison Pills and elixir in front of him for training, Long Feng could only smile wryly. Alchemists really burn money. Bottomless pit.

A pair of elixir for this Pozun Pill is probably worth tens of millions or hundreds of millions of spirit stones. Of course, if a Pozun Pill is successfully refined, it can be auctioned for a sky-high price of hundreds of millions. money-making role.

However, Po Zun Pill is extremely harsh to successfully refine, and the chances of an ordinary alchemy master trying to successfully refine it are almost less than three layers, and if Long Feng wants to successfully refine, I am afraid that he will really have to be hard-hearted and suffer a lot. .

Of course, if this level of elixir is refined by a master alchemist like Dan Chenzi, it will naturally have a 100% success rate. Long Feng was only three months old.

With a flick of a finger, a ball of real sun fire fell into the alchemy furnace, and then Long Feng grabbed it with his palm, and threw a Linglong fruit directly into it. Soon, under the refinement of the real sun fire, the Linglong fruit was completely transformed into a pill furnace. A mass of snow-white viscous liquid, as the liquid circulates, it exudes extremely rich and pure medicinal energy.

After the refining was completed, Long Feng spent a little more time to refine it.Then without resting, with a movement of the palm, he threw another marrow-washing ginseng into the pill furnace again...

Time passed slowly, and in Long Feng's room, the elixir placed in front of him decreased one by one, and a strong medicinal fragrance mixed with each other lingered in the room like a white cloud.

More than 100 kinds of elixir, it took Long Feng a day just to refine them, and the next step of melting alchemy was the most difficult stage.With Long Feng's alchemy technique now, it is not a big problem to refine some ordinary heaven-rank sixth-grade pills, but this Pozun Pill is not an ordinary thing. Even with the help of the Wood Soul Sword, he can refine The success rate of getting up is probably not more than [-]%.
After all, this is the Pozun Pill that even the masters of refining medicine have a headache, even though Long Feng can be regarded as a master of refining medicine now.

While flipping his palms, Long Feng's soul power wrapped the Linglong fruit and the marrow-washing ginseng and slowly fused together, but just as the two elixir were fused together, the real sun fire in the pill furnace fluctuated violently, and then Under Long Feng's gaze.

With a sound of puff, the incomparably precious Linglong fruit and marrow-washing ginseng were directly reduced to a pile of useless black ashes.

"The temperature is too high!" Shaking his head, Long Feng can only re-refine a Linglong fruit and marrow-washing ginseng. Fortunately, Long Feng has a treasure house of natural elixir in the small world of Wood Soul Sword. How can there be such a waste of such a precious elixir?

(End of this chapter)

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