Peerless Killing God

Chapter 265 Desperate!

Chapter 265 Desperate!

"I have to say, you have really moved this old man to kill me, even if the price is to completely tear my skin off with the God of War Palace." A cold gaze looked at Long Feng, the space fluctuated slightly, and the Taiyang Palace Grand Master in the golden robe of the sun Elder Yanlie appeared not far from Longfeng.

The moment the other party appeared, Long Feng clearly felt that the temperature of the whole space had risen hundreds of degrees in vain, and even the power of death condensed around him was quite sparse.

"What a shameless old guy, thanks to you, you are still a strong person in the reincarnation realm!" Feeling the changes in the laws of the world, Long Feng couldn't help but sink his eyes. The gap between the three realms of the life and death realm is extremely huge, even far more than before. the boundary gap.

From Dan Chenzi, he has long learned the three realms of life and death, immortality, reincarnation, and immortality.The three realms are divided into three phases: front, middle and back. In Long Feng's opinion, the strong man from the Sun Palace in front of him should be in the mid-stage of reincarnation, much stronger than Dan Chenzi.

And such a move, even if he lays down the [-] million life-and-death formation, it will not be able to do anything to the opponent. If it is replaced by a strong person in the immortal realm, he can give it a go. Now it seems that his chance of escape will be extremely slim!
"Boy, do you give up resisting obediently, or do I personally take you back to the Sun Palace!" Looking at Long Feng faintly, Yan Lie said unhurriedly. In his opinion, Long Feng's cultivation base was nothing more than a head. It's just a stronger ants, one thought can decide his life or death.

"I want to try how the reincarnation-level powerhouse's methods can shock the world!" Hearing this, Long Feng's gaze calmed down. He was destined to die, so he would not even try to avoid it. He had no fear of death, but... …

Stretching out his hand to touch the Dragon Soul Jade on his chest, Long Feng didn't hesitate at the moment. He swung his palm suddenly and the death formation fully unleashed its power at this moment. The endless power of death condensed into a death line around him. The ocean roared fiercely.

"The impure law of death may be a little troublesome if it is replaced by a strong person in the immortal realm, but for this old man..." Before the words fell, Yan Lie sneered disdainfully, stretched out his palm like a young man, Void suddenly grasped, and the terrifying Law of Fire oscillated around his body.

The law of flames burns the sky and boils the sea!The sea of ​​death that Long Feng had just condensed quickly dissipated under the Law of Fire like ice and snow under the scorching sun, and in a short while, Long Feng's Liangyi Life and Death Formation was destroyed.

Even under the Law of Flame, even the sea water of the endless Dead Sea evaporated in an instant, and the entire sea level unexpectedly dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And as Yan Lie casually grasped it, the void fluctuated, and a big fiery red hand condensed by the Law of Flame directly grabbed Long Feng.At this moment, the power of the space surged with the waving of his big hand.

Long Feng looked at the huge palm coming towards him, his expression sank immediately, the thick power in his body rolled and moved, his body skills were used to the limit, and in a blink of an eye, the whole person turned into hundreds of figures and disappeared in place, but the law of flame The condensed fiery red giant hands shook the void.

Suddenly accompanied by a crisp sound from space, Long Feng's other avatars were all shattered at this moment, only Long Feng's body froze suddenly, and he felt that the space around him was completely imprisoned at this moment, and his whole body was shattered. The huge palm condensed by the Law of Flame tightly held it.

At this moment, Long Feng's expression instantly turned ugly. In front of the strong man in the reincarnation realm, he felt a sense of powerlessness from the bottom of his heart. It is an absolute gap in strength.

"Ants are ants after all!" Looking at Long Feng who was struggling helplessly, Yan Lie chuckled, and pulled his palm back violently, Long Feng's body uncontrollably turned into a stream of light and flew towards him.

However, just when Yan Lie was about to hold Long Feng's body, an equally violent law of flame burst out from the space instantly, and the Law Yan Hand that Yan Lie had condensed was shattered in an instant.

"Huh?" His expression sank, and his fierce eyes suddenly looked at the master of the Law of Flame.

Feeling the familiar aura, Long Feng, who got away, couldn't help but feel happy, it's Elder Dan!
"Sun Palace, is that enough? Thousands of holy spirits have a half-step life and death, and a strong man in the mid-samsara realm wants my disciple's life. Your Sun Palace is simply deceiving people too much!" Following the rolling voice of Dan Chen, the others That figure also floated above the void, so it turned out that along the way, Dan Chenzi also followed Long Feng secretly, but because of the agreement, he naturally couldn't make a move, but Yan Lie took the lead, so he naturally wouldn't be polite.

"Dan Chenzi!" Looking at the person coming, Yan Lie's expression could not help but sink, no wonder he sometimes felt a faint aura along the way but it was not clear, it turned out to be Dan Chenzi.Although the other party's cultivation base is not as good as his, but the soul power is much higher than his, no wonder he didn't find the other party's figure.

"Yan Lie, thanks to you being the Great Elder of the Sun Palace, a generation of samsara realm powerhouses, you actually personally took action to arrest a junior, how shameful are you!?" Dan Chenzi shielded Long Feng behind him as soon as Dan Chenzi appeared, Although his cultivation base is also in the reincarnation state, but it has only reached the initial stage. With the cultivation base in the middle stage of the fiery reincarnation, if he violently kills people, he may not be able to stop him.

Hearing this, Yan Lie's face couldn't help shaking, originally he didn't intend to make a move, but after the group of idiots and trash all fell after Long Feng arranged the death formation, he had no choice but to make a move.

His personal face is of course important, but the face of the Sun Palace is even more important. If outsiders know that the Sun Palace has sent so many strong men to arrest a Long Feng, not only will no one catch it, but the entire army will be wiped out, then the prestige outside the Sun Palace will be in the air. Suddenly dropping to the lowest point in an instant, that kind of result is not what he Yan Lie or the entire Sun Palace would like to see.

"It's up to you if the old man wants to be shameless! No matter what today, the old man is destined to capture him and bring him back to the Sun Palace to be sanctioned!" Things have developed to this point, and Yan Lie has no choice but to tear himself apart with the other party. It's useless to stop.

"Hmph! You can try it!" Hearing this, Dan Chenzi's expression turned cold, and with a wave of his palm, the Law of Flame rolled and moved in front of him.

"By you?" Hearing this, Yan Lie sneered, they were also practicing the Law of Flame, but his cultivation base was one level higher than the other's, how could Dan Chenzi be his opponent.

"And what about the old man?" Suddenly a violent voice sounded, the temperature of the space rose again, and a fiery red figure tore apart the void and appeared on Dan Chenzi's right hand.

"Ouyang Huo!" Seeing the person coming, Yan Lie's expression couldn't help but change, although the other party's cultivation was not as good as his, but the two joined forces, even with his cultivation, it was impossible to resist.
"Boy Long, with us here, you don't have to be afraid! Today I want to see who dares you!" Ouyang Huo, who followed Dan Chenzi, smiled at Long Feng.

Seeing that the second elder came to rescue him at the first time, Long Feng couldn't help but feel warm, and buried this kindness deeply in his heart, and waited for the opportunity to repay the second elder in the future.

"Danchenzi Ouyanghuo, don't you want to start a war with my Sun Palace?" Looking at the two of Danchenzi with gloomy eyes, he said Yanlie and coldly, while speaking, the Law of Flame around him twisted and emerged continuously.

"It's not that we want to go to war with your Sun Palace, but that your Sun Palace is so deceitful that you want to go to war with my Pill Artifact Palace!" Hearing this, Dan Chenzi also said fearlessly. Who is it to save face.

"Okay! Very good! I hope you two don't regret today's decision, let me test your strength now to see if you have the right to say this!" Yan Lie, who was laughing angrily, swung out his palm suddenly, terrifying The Law of Flame vibrated, and the entire space was distorted and broken at this moment, and dark cracks in the space continued to emerge.

The Law of Flame came head-on, Dan Chenzi and Ouyang Huo's expressions also sank, and the Law of Flame that belonged to them also emerged from their bodies at this moment, and then the three of them collided fiercely in the void.

In an instant, it seemed as if a round of scorching sun erupted in the Dead Sea. The terrifying law of fire collided with the central area and caused the space to collapse in a large area. Suddenly, the sea water of the endless Dead Sea poured into the broken black hole of space, forming a black hole that seemed to swallow everything. horrific death vortex.

Just as the power of the three laws was contesting, a crack in the space shattered silently, and a terrifying giant flame hand with a size of [-] zhang unexpectedly came out of the space and grabbed Long Feng.

"No! It's Lord Jiuyaoyan who made the move!" Dan Chenzi shouted in shock, feeling the terrifying giant hand that he couldn't resist, and immediately shouted at Long Feng: "Little guy, run!"

However, at this moment Long Feng could only give a wry smile, and ran there. The owner of this giant hand was definitely an existence at the peak of the Immortal Realm. If such a strong man attacked him, he would have no possibility of escaping at all.

So far, he has only seen two such strong men. One of them is Demon Lord Shura from the Demon Realm, and the other is naturally Emperor Tathagata from the Buddha School. When they fought, the entire Wasteland of Death was almost destroyed. However, the strong people in the Holy Spirit Realm who were thousands of miles away from the fight only died directly.

Now the cultivation base of Lord Jiuyaoyan is at least on the same level as those two terrifying existences, and his cultivation base of the holy spirit realm is not as good as an ant in the eyes of such a strong man, and even a look is enough to shock Kill him, not to mention that the other party did it himself.

Seeing this scene, not only Long Feng, but also Dan Chenzi and Ouyang Huo were in despair. They never thought that Lord Jiuyaoyan would personally deal with Long Feng!

At this moment, Long Feng is really in a desperate situation, and this desperate situation is still the kind of death without life, unless there is a miracle.

(End of this chapter)

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