Peerless Killing God

Chapter 266 Nether Realm!

Chapter 266 Nether Realm!

The space where the terrifying giant flaming hand passed along the way was completely shattered. Before the giant hand landed on Long Feng's body, the terrifying power had already shattered the space around Long Feng.

Feeling the horrific palm of flames that was enough to wipe him out, Long Feng took a deep breath, raised his palm, Fang Tianji appeared in his palm, and gathered all the strength in his body to prepare to perform Qiankun Slash, even if he was destined to die, he would not You will make yourself dead!
The huge flaming palm pressed down from the void, and the sea water of the endless Dead Sea was split into two in an instant, revealing the dark deep sea bottom below, and Long Feng hadn't used the Qiankun Slash before, and the whole person was under the terrifying coercion Suppressed from the void, blood spurted wildly in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, Long Feng's whole body turned into a straight line falling into the endless space crack. This scene made Dan Chenzi and Ouyang Huo's eyes freeze suddenly. The terrible space crack seemed to be connected to Jiuyou Hell. It was impossible to stop the action of the giant flame palm.

"Huh!" In the void thousands of miles away from the endless Dead Sea, a slight surprise sounded, and a middle-aged man in a sun-burning robe with a square face showed a frightened and uncertain expression on his face.

The flaming palm came and went quickly, and disappeared into the void in the blink of an eye, while Yan Lie, who was fighting Dan Chenzi Ouyang Huo, sneered at this moment, and with a wave of his palm, Yan Lie directly tore the void and fled .

"Boy Long! Little guy!" Regarding Yan Lie's departure, Dan Chenzi and the two didn't stop them, but walked towards the space crack that had gradually healed in a flickering figure.

He couldn't feel any breath of Long Feng, and it seemed that Long Feng had already died under the palm of the terrifying flame.

"The Sun Palace..." Looking up at the endless void, Dan Chenzi and Ouyang Huo clenched their palms tightly at this moment, their gazes were extremely cold.

But the two of them didn't notice that a black and white long-haired figure in the distance was holding back his palms with a strange smile at the moment, and then a deep voice slowly floated in the void: "The nether world, a memorable place!"

After speaking, his figure also slowly dissipated in place, as if he had never appeared here before.

Sun Palace!At this moment, Lord Jiuyaoyan squinted his eyes, with a strange look flickering in his eyes, and then snorted coldly, and poked his palm into the endless turbulent space again.

Suddenly, in the endless empty space, a huge and terrifying giant hand stretched out from an unknown distance and grabbed Long Feng who had passed out.

It's just that when the giant hand was about to touch Long Feng's body, there was a sudden fluctuation in the void, and a slender white palm suddenly protruded out, and that terrifying giant hand suddenly disappeared into nothingness.

"Go away! I won't kill you! It's because I don't want to disturb the fate of the Lord!" A faint voice sounded, outside the endless void, in the Sun Palace, the owner of the giant hand, Jiuyaoyan Lord, suddenly expressed his face in astonishment. Spit out a mouthful of blood.

With a mouthful of blood spurting out, Lord Jiuyaoyan finally understood who the invisible force that interfered with his killing Long Feng came from.

"Tianhun Pavilion...Ni...Cang...Heaven!" Said Ni Cangtian's life word by word, Jiuyaoyan Lord couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then seemed to think of something, his expression changed uncertainly, and then With a cold snort, the figure disappeared directly in place.

The fragmented fire realm was tossing and floating in the endless void, and suddenly a figure like a scorching sun emerged in the fire realm. With the palm of this figure waving, one after another, the remnants of Yan Yang's souls were pulled away and condensed again up.

A few days later, news of Long Feng's death spread throughout the Ten Directions.It caused countless people to sigh inwardly, it's a pity that a monstrous character who will roam the ten directions in the future is just wiped out like this.

With Long Feng's terrifying talent in alchemy and equipment refining, his future is destined to be the most dazzling existence.Many people wanted to see his future, but they didn't expect that he still failed to grow up and died halfway.

Of course, in order to destroy Long Feng, the Sun Palace spent a lot of money. Not to mention several half-step life and death outsiders plus thousands of Holy Spirit Realm powerhouses, all of them fell, even the Great Elder of the Sun Palace and the double master of the Pill Artifact Hall, Dan Chenzi Ouyang. The fire all fought together.

Even in the end, even Lord Jiuyaoyan, a peerless powerhouse who surpassed the top of the ten-dimensional pyramid, took action himself, and then obliterated Long Feng.

It can be said that as soon as this news came out, Long Feng's name spread again, but this time it was bad news.

In Danxuan Pavilion, Liu Xu'er heard the news of Long Feng's death, spewed out a mouthful of painstaking effort, and then passed out.

Of course, there were many people who were secretly happy, and the happiest of them was undoubtedly Liu Tian, ​​who had the deepest feud with Long Feng. Apart from him, the two Black Demon brothers of the Black Fire Sect were also very happy, without such a serious worry, In the future, the Pill Artifact Hall will not be able to do anything to them.

Nether world!A world independent of the great world of Qiankun, in the world of martial arts, people can create a world, and there are many worlds that can exist independently like the nether world, but some of them disappear in the space cracks of the vast universe , and some are dependent and wandering around the world of Qiankun.

It is rumored that the nether world is hell, and people enter the nether world after death, but this statement is not correct, after all, it is a legend.

This netherworld is a real world, and it is said that it is a great world formed by a powerful man in ancient times who comprehended the purest way of death in the way of heaven.

In this world, there are also human beings, but they are different from normal human beings in the big world. They can only comprehend and use the power of death. In addition, they also have to eat like normal human beings. Sleeping will also cause old age and death, but ordinary humans in their world cannot survive.

In the space crack, a figure stumbled through the numerous space barriers, and finally at a certain moment, the figure passed through a space crack and fell heavily from the sky towards the ground on the void of the nether world.

At a certain moment, the fingers of the figure that slammed heavily into the black ground and left a human-shaped pit moved slowly.

pain!Long Feng who woke up from the coma only felt that he had no other senses except severe pain, but being able to feel pain meant that he was still alive.

Thinking of this, the corners of Long Feng's mouth in the deep pit suddenly raised slightly. He never thought that he could survive in such a desperate situation.

"Where is this place?" Struggling to get up slowly from the human-shaped pit, looking at the pitch-black earth and then at the black sun emitting the light of death, Long Feng frowned immediately. .

After closing his eyes for a while, sensing the breath and energy of the power of death in the surrounding space, Long Feng's expression couldn't help but change.

Turning his head and looking around, Long Feng frowned even more when he saw the dark trees and flowers exuding the aura of death.

Could it be hell here?Or the underworld?Could it be that he is already dead, and now he is just in a state of mind and soul?
Thinking like this, Long Feng discovered something was wrong again, he was clearly a complete body, even the storage ring was well worn in his hand, a person has a soul after death, it is impossible to even have a storage ring.

"Looks like I need to find someone to figure out what kind of territory this is!" Laughing wryly, Long Feng struggled to sit up from the ground. His injuries are not serious now, perhaps as long as a strong person from the Heavenly Spirit Realm could kill him deadly.

Under the horrific attack of Lord Jiuyaoyan, his bones made crackling sounds. If it wasn't for his bones but the golden soul sword, his bones would have been turned into powder at that moment.

Of course the bones are fine, but his internal organs are in pieces. If it wasn't for his advanced cultivation base and the terrifying aspect of the Chaos Body, he wouldn't have died directly.

But now he doesn't have the ability to fight with others. With a thought, Long Feng took out a healing holy medicine from the storage ring and took it. Immediately, he was running the Hunyuan Yijue to absorb the power of death around him and nourish his body. A body that is about to be torn apart.Half a day's work was fleeting, and feeling the injuries in his body gradually recovering, Long Feng also heaved a sigh of relief.

With a powerful Chaos Body, Long Feng recovered from his injuries and strength much faster than the others. After such a short period of time, he could feel that his injuries had already healed.

Standing up slowly, looking at the dark sky, and then at the sun emitting black sunlight, feeling the strong power of death around him, Long Feng's eyes narrowed slightly at this moment.

"This should not be the Ten Directions Domain, or even the Qiankun Continent. It should be a world of the Hemu Pojian Small World. Judging by the stability of this space, it is probably a world that is not inferior to the Qiankun Great World." Palm of the hand Grabbing in the void, grabbing the strong power of death, Long Feng couldn't help murmuring in a low voice.

Thinking of this, Long Feng's heart couldn't help but tremble slightly. This world should be created by a peerless powerhouse, just like the small world in his dantian that is getting bigger and bigger. One day, maybe his small world will become There is a big world on one side, and a big world on the other side that is as big as the Qiankun Continent.

In this way, doesn't it mean that the Qiankun Continent was also created by a peerless powerhouse?Thinking of this, Long Feng's heart couldn't help but fluctuate slightly, he felt as if he had come into contact with the core secret of the martial arts world.

The real dao world is far more exciting and complete than what he saw, and the real strong is far from those strong men he saw. Perhaps a complete cosmic world composed of all the big and small worlds is the real martial arts world.

(Second more dedicated)

(End of this chapter)

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