Peerless Killing God

Chapter 267 Hell Battlefield!

Chapter 267 Hell Battlefield!

"It seems that I still have a long way to go!" Breathing out lightly, Long Feng realized that with the continuous breakthrough of his cultivation base, his vision was constantly opening up. There are so many strong people in just one Shifang domain. How wonderful the Zhongzhou Continent in the central region of the domain will be, and how many strong people will be there, maybe in the future he will come into contact with them one by one.

But now he still needs the world he is in. Maybe he has to figure out how to return to Qiankun Continent. After all, Qiankun Continent has his relatives and friends. That's right.

Thinking of this, Long Feng's expression suddenly changed, no, the demon world has a blood sword, one of the nine great magic weapons, could it be that this world like the underworld also has a magic weapon?
Thinking of this, Long Feng's heart couldn't help but feel cold, he found that he really couldn't get rid of that invisible black hand, and even the other party was holding each other tightly, so he had to continue walking according to the other party's plan.

Taking a deep breath, Long Feng stepped heavily on the pitch-black ground. No matter what the purpose of that black hand was, as long as Ling'er could be resurrected, he would not hesitate to let the world's blood flow into rivers.

His eyes were as black as ink, filled with death energy, Long Feng wearing a black robe looked like he was from this Nether world's native world, no one would believe that he would be a strong man from an outside world.

Ghost City, an ordinary city in the vast realm of the Netherworld, looks ordinary, but today it welcomes the first human being from an outside world.

Walking on the bustling street, all Long Feng's eyes could see were dark buildings and services, but the human beings here were exactly the same as those in the Qiankun Continent in terms of eating habits and culture, and even the language was almost the same.

Walking in front of a restaurant named here is a restaurant, Long Feng paused, no matter which world, this kind of place is probably the best place to inquire about news, but Long Feng knows nothing about this world, so He stepped in right away.

There are people coming and going in the restaurant, except that their skin is darker, everything is no different from the human beings outside, but the dishes and wine they eat are as dark as ink, and people in this world seem to have long been accustomed to these .

Ordinary people are surrounded by a faint breath of death, but like Long Feng, who is surrounded by a strong breath of death, he quickly attracts respectful eyes. The strong are welcome in that world.

There shouldn't be any strong people in this Ghost Domain City, and it's probably considered a remote place in this world, similar to the Spirit City of the Dragon Empire.

This city is not very big, and Long Feng's soul power can sweep across the entire city in an instant. According to his perception, the strongest existence seems to be only equivalent to the existence of the late stage of the Venerable Spirit Realm, even a semi-sage not on.

So he felt relieved, facing everyone's incomparably respectful eyes, Long Feng didn't care too much, but went into the third floor of the restaurant and found a separate place to order some dishes and a jug of fine wine.

Long Feng picked up the jug casually, took a sip of the fine black wine, and swallowed it in one gulp, Long Feng immediately discovered that the wine had the power of death eroding his internal organs.

"Good guy, I'm afraid this fine wine is a life-threatening wine in the Qiankun Continent!" After drinking a glass of wine, Long Feng smiled bitterly. The difference between the two worlds made him a little uncomfortable. Fortunately, he has formed a chaotic body that can accommodate the world. With all the power, this is not afraid of the power of death. If it was changed, even a strong man of the Holy Spirit Realm with the same cultivation level would not dare to drink this glass of wine.

Drinking the fine wine condensed with the power of death, Long Feng also felt quite a different sense of taste, but while drinking the fine wine, his soul power was also exploring the surroundings.

From those people's mouths, he understood the name of this world, Nether World!A truly big world on one side.

The entire Netherworld is extremely vast, no less than the Qiankun Continent. Here, all forces are also fighting endlessly with each other, and the degree of belligerence here is much stronger than that of the Qiankun Continent.

The entire nether world is firmly controlled by the ten major forces. These ten forces are like the top ten overlord forces in the ten domains. The big forces have a longer history, and the number of strong people is also more.

Under the top ten forces, there are countless large, middle and low-level forces intertwined, and these forces will destroy old ones and new ones will appear every day, and the hatred between them is even more complicated.

Of course, Long Feng is not interested in these things. What he is interested in is how he can return to the Qiankun Continent. This is quite a headache for him. If he comes in, he can definitely go out. The question is, how can he leave this world?
"It seems that we have to ask those powerful fighters in the Netherworld!" From Long Feng's point of view, it is impossible for these ordinary people to know how to return to the Qiankun Continent. Those who are taller than him, maybe they know how to go to another world.

"Hey! Have you heard that the Hell Battlefield is about to open. I don't know who will be lucky enough to survive until the end. It is said that there are relics left by the Nether Emperor in the Hell Battlefield, which contains the inheritance of his old man and the legend. In addition, there are still many relics of ancient strongmen." One person picked up a glass of black wine, took a sip and said with a smile.

"Then who knows, the hell battlefield opens every hundred years, and that time it didn't flow like a river of blood. Although some people got the treasures or inheritance of some ancient powerhouses, it's a pity that no one seemed to have the luck to get the inheritance of the Nether Emperor for tens of thousands of years. , not to mention the Death God Soldier that can dominate the entire Netherworld if you get it." Hearing this, the next person curled his lips and said indifferently.

"That's true, but those strong men who can survive in Hell Battlefield will all be cultivated by the top ten forces, and some of them even become the top ten powers today." The former agreed immediately after hearing the words Nodding his head, he thought of something and said enviously.

"Come on, with your cultivation level, I'm afraid you'll become a dead bone within a second of entering. Let's forget about this kind of thing. Let's not talk about it and continue drinking."

"That's right, come and drink! Don't get drunk!"

The jokes between the two in the drinking room may not matter to others, but to Long Feng it was extremely shocking.

"Battlefield of Hell, Great Emperor Nether! Divine soldiers?" His eyes flickered, and Long Feng suddenly realized that he couldn't leave this Nether Realm in a hurry. There might be one of the Nine Great Divine Soldiers in this Nether Realm.

"Hell! It seems that I have to go to the top ten forces!" Frowning, Long Feng immediately understood that he would not be able to leave the Netherworld in a short time. No matter what, he had to prove that the magic soldier in the Hell battlefield Is it the Nine Great Divine Weapons? If so, he will get it no matter what.

The top ten forces closest to this Ghost Domain City are Ghost Underworld Sect!There are tens of thousands of ghost sects in this world, and there are so many strong people in the sect. Every day, I don't know how many strong people hope that I can join it.

In addition, the Hell is about to open again, and the powerhouses of the entire Netherworld are flocking here. Of course, the powerhouses here refer to the existence of the Holy Spirit Realm, and the powerhouses above the Immortal Realm are restricted from entering the Hell. battlefield.

Of course, as the powerhouses of the Immortal Realm, there is no need for them to enter the Hell Battlefield, because the powerhouses of this level are the top existences no matter which forces are placed in that world, even if there are not many top ten forces in the Nether Realm. Such a strong man.

If a powerhouse of this level is willing to join the top ten forces as enshrined or elder seats at will, he will naturally not participate in this Hell Battlefield.

Of course, due to some reasons, powerhouses above the Immortal Realm cannot enter it, and only those at the Holy Spirit Realm or below can enter it to participate in the battle.

And the entire nether realm is vast and boundless, and there are naturally many strong people in the holy spirit realm, so the top ten forces will not just recruit some strong holy spirit realms into the sect. The last sect will get more rewards.

And there is a reason why the Hell Battlefield opens every hundred years, because it is opened by the strongest force in the Netherworld that surpasses all forces and transcends all forces for a lifetime, the Nether Palace!The absolute ruler of the Nether world, it is said that the Nether Palace was created by the Nether Emperor himself and has been passed down, and the Nether Prison seems to have been built by the Nether Emperor, and even the order to open the Hell Battlefield every hundred years was issued by the Nether Emperor himself.

Of course, no one knows exactly why Emperor Youming did all this, because after finishing all this, Emperor Youming disappeared from the Netherworld, and has never appeared since the beginning.

Some people speculate that he may have long since fallen and will never return to the Netherworld.However, the Nether Temple has still carried out that order for tens of thousands of years. Every hundred years, the Hell Battlefield will be opened, and the powerhouses of the Holy Spirit Realm in the entire Netherworld will enter the battle for three years. core exists.

And the sect forces with more surviving powerhouses will get richer rewards from the Nether Temple, and those rewards will even envy the powerhouses of the Immortal Reincarnation Realm.

Of course, the rumors about obtaining the inheritance of the Nether Emperor and mastering the divine weapons of the Nether World have never been confirmed. Even tens of thousands of years have passed, and no one has any news about the inheritance of the Great Emperor and the divine weapons.

However, not many people dared to question this legend, because this legend was told by the Nether Palace himself.

It is precisely because of this news that every time the underworld is opened, there will be a large number of underworld powerhouses flocking to it. They are for this legend, and they all hope that they will be the luckiest existence.

In the restaurant, Long Feng, who had inquired about the news he wanted, was about to call for the bill, only to realize that he didn't seem to have the currency of this world, and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, this was not a difficult task for him, he condensed an energy bead formed by pure death force to pay the bill directly, and then walked out of the restaurant under the respectful eyes of the restaurant owner.

(End of this chapter)

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