Peerless Killing God

Chapter 271: Sword Crazy!

Chapter 271: Sword Crazy!

Ghost Underworld Army, maybe Long Feng didn't know the meaning of these three big characters, but it didn't mean that other people didn't know, Ghost Underworld Army was an army formed by Ghost Underworld Sect every hundred years, and the reason was naturally because of Hell Battlefield.

The Ghost Underworld Army is different from the ordinary army. It does not have a so-called legion commander or regiment commander. The highest position is a centurion. A hundred people form a team. When they enter the hell battlefield, their only goal is to save themselves as much as possible. lives to the end.

Now that Long Feng has become a centurion, it means that his strength has been recognized, and he can lead a hundred people to survive to the end. Of course, things are impermanent, and it is also possible that his hundred people will be directly buried in the battlefield of Hell.

It is the most unbelievable thing that 100 people of the previous [-] ghost army can survive in the end, so no one can guarantee that they will survive to the end. In that kind of bloody battlefield, every day, every night, every moment may be Someone died.

But when Long Feng heard that King Qin Guang said that he had become a centurion, he couldn't help but feel a little weird, the world is impermanent, who would have thought that after a turn, he would become a centurion again.

"I don't know what happened to those guys." Shaking his head, Long Feng couldn't help but think of the scene when he just came to this world to lead troops to fight. Those brothers who lived and died are all right now.

However, if Long Feng returns to the Death Wasteland now, he will probably be shocked. His Ten Thousand Death God Guards has now become the first regiment recognized by the four empires, and its fighting power is unmatched. The lowest is the existence of the Spirit Realm.

This cultivation base may not be considered anything in the eyes of Long Feng today, but it is an incredible thing in the edge of the Qiankun Continent. There are tens of thousands of powerful people in the spiritual realm, what a terrifying thing this is, you must know There are not so many strong spirits in the four empires combined.

Of course, all of this was caused by the one-yuan ascending ladder. Before Long Feng re-sealed the Demon Realm and left In just one year of hard work, there are such terrifying achievements.

And today's Death Wasteland is once again glowing with new vitality, and in the center of the Death Wasteland, a colossal city was located. Countless powerful people from the Four Great Empires and even other regions came here from thousands of miles away. The most important thing is to sense the trajectory of the world left by the two peerless powerhouses after the battle.

With the help of the perception after the battle between the two, people who break through are everywhere.Naturally, as soon as this news came out, it attracted countless strong people to come, and this city is called Fengmo City, and the builder is naturally Death Guard.

Of course, all of this is something for later, after all, Long Feng doesn't know that only in the year of the monkey will he have the opportunity to return to the Wasteland of Death and return to the Dragon Empire for another visit.

After Long Feng defeated Qin Wushuang and won a hundred battles, King Qin Guang handed Long Feng a pitch-black token, which was engraved with hideous ghost characters on the front, and ghost orders with images of evil ghosts on the back.

It was also from this moment that Long Feng officially became the centurion of the Ghost Underworld Army, and he will have half a year in the next half year. After half a year, it will be the opening day of the Underworld Battlefield, when the real bloody storm will come.

At the invitation of King Qin Guang, Long Feng also sat in the stands and watched the battles in other arenas. It has to be said that there are many strong people in the Netherworld, and there is definitely no lack of some tyrannical ones among them.

After Long Feng, many powerhouses also stood out. These people are all victorious, but they are not as dazzling as Long Feng.King Qin Guang also bestows positions based on his strength. Generally, they are ordinary ghost soldiers, and those who can crush most of the same level of strength like Guixiong can get the position of Ten Commander. There is no longer a centurion now.

However, with the passage of time, a figure finally caught Long Feng's attention. The figure was as straight as a sword, with a well-proportioned figure, as if every inch of muscle was just right.

And this person's eyes are as sharp as a sword, and his aura looks ordinary, but in fact, his whole body is like a peerless sword that has not been drawn out of its sheath.

Many people know the identity of this sharp-eyed man with a thin and stern face. He is known as a sword idiot, and it is said that he was accompanied by thousands of swords when he was just born.

Now he is only 25 years old, but it is said that he has been practicing swords for 25 years.The swordsmanship in one hand is superb, and his sword is bound to be merciless. It is said that all his opponents will end up hating his sword.

From when he was on the battlefield to now, in just a short time, at least dozens of people have hated his sword, and his sword is fast enough to pierce space.The ruthlessness of his sword is straightforward, but the opponent will never give the opponent any chance.The poison of his sword is unpredictable and unpredictable.

"Quick! Ruthless! Poison!" Eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Jian Chi who no one dared to fight on the battle stage, Long Feng couldn't help but nodded, this is a strong opponent.

In the end, after Jian Chi won more than 40 consecutive victories, no one dared to attack again, because even a strong man in the late stage of Holy Spirit Realm couldn't catch his sword and was pierced through the eyebrows.

When the sword comes out, the person dies, and the cracks appear in the space.So who would dare to go up and seek death? Some people with insufficient cultivation bases don't even know when Jian Chi made the sword, how can they fight?
In the end, although Jian Chi didn't fight Baichang, he still won all battles, and King Qin Guang once again announced a centurion.

With the end of Jian Chi's battle, the sky gradually dimmed, and when the battle ended, Long Feng and other strong men who became ghost soldiers would naturally leave with King Qin Guang.

Ghost City, a huge and majestic palace, engraved on the palace are the three simple characters of the first hall, the handwriting is thick and powerful, and it looks like it was written by a strong man.

Entering the hall, Long Feng and the others felt as if they had entered another city, with people coming and going, and gorgeous and yet gorgeous attics sitting there.

"When you come here, you can treat it as your own home. I have told Steward Qin to arrange the residence. You can stay as long as you want. As for the first hall, you can come and go freely with the ghost order."

Bringing everyone back to the first hall, King Qin Guang smiled and said to everyone, finished.His figure left, and he was replaced by a white-haired old man in black robes, who was also known as Qin Butler in King Qin Guang's mouth.

"Everyone, if you want to rest or visit the first hall, you can tell the old man!" The black-robed old man smiled and said kindly to everyone, just like an ordinary old man.

However, when Long Feng's eyes fell on the old man, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart, strong man!Moreover, he still belongs to the kind of strong Immortal Realm with profound cultivation, worthy of being the first temple, even an inconspicuous butler is actually a peerless strong in the late Immortal Realm.

It was said that most of the people chose to rest, only a few people were curious and wanted to visit the legendary first hall. You must know that they had never entered this place before.

As for Long Feng pondered for a while, he smiled and said: "Senior, I wonder if I can borrow some martial skills!"

Hearing this, Butler Qin looked at Long Feng in surprise. Not many people could make such a request when entering the first hall for the first time. Unexpectedly, this young man would actually make such a request. It seems a bit difficult.

"Hmph! Uncle Qin, he is the one who bullies me!" Hearing that Long Feng wanted to borrow martial arts, Qin Wushuang snorted coldly and stood beside that Butler Qin, staring at Long Feng with his beautiful eyes.

Hearing this, Long Feng couldn't help laughing bitterly. Sure enough, it was reasonable for him not to hit women. This is what he fears the most. Women love to hold grudges. Sometimes she will remember a little thing for years. This troublesome thing is what he hates the most. I don't want to touch it.

Hearing this, Butler Qin looked at Long Feng even more curiously. It was the first time he had heard of someone who could bully Qin Wushuang in Guiming City, let alone such a young man.

"Hehe, that's natural. You can borrow the Sutra Pavilion in the first hall, but you need to use your ghost order." Hearing this, Butler Qin said with a smile.

Hearing what Butler Qin said, Long Feng immediately took out the Ghost Token, and Butler Qin took the token and looked at Long Feng with an elevated look. It was actually the Order of the Centurion. It seems that this It's not easy for young people.

Thinking in this way, the movements in Qin Butler's hands did not lag behind. Immediately ordered, a beautiful maid led everyone to rest and visit the first hall, while he led Long Feng and Qin Wushuang Go to the Sutra Pavilion.As for why Qin Wushuang wanted to go to the Sutra Pavilion together, Long Feng was a little confused.However, he was a little depressed. If he offended this woman, he might have more troubles in the future.

Not long after, Long Feng followed Steward Qin to a Buddhist scripture pavilion that looked like a pagoda. The entire Buddhist scripture pavilion was as dark as ink, but it was quite lively and people often came in and out.

"Most of the scripture pavilions on the first floor are Xuan-level exercises and martial arts, most of the second floor are earth-level exercises and martial arts, and the third floor is heaven-level exercises and martial arts. All the martial arts on the third floor can be borrowed." Arriving at the entrance of the Sutra Pavilion, Butler Qin explained to Long Feng with a smile.

Hearing this, Long Feng nodded, and then stepped into the Sutra Pavilion. The first floor is the martial arts of the Xuan level. With his current cultivation base and strength, he naturally can't use it. After reading a few at random, Long Feng is quite Can't help but nodded, it is indeed the collection of the first hall, compared to the ordinary black-level martial arts, the martial arts here are all a bit more powerful, and they are not even inferior to the ordinary ground-level martial arts.

The second floor of the Buddhist scriptures Pavilion naturally stores the martial arts of the ground level. Long Feng picked up a book and looked at it for a while, but nodded slightly. However, although this kind of martial arts is not bad, it is still somewhat useful to him today. Look at it It turned out that only the day-level martial arts were useful to him.

The third floor was as dark as ever, but both the number of people and the number of scrolls of martial arts were pitifully small. Long Feng glanced at it, and there were probably dozens of scrolls of sky-rank martial arts.

Of course, don't look at the martial arts here, if they are placed outside, I am afraid that the immortals will fight for their blood and fight for their heads.

(End of this chapter)

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