Peerless Killing God

Chapter 272 Round and chapter decision!

Chapter 272 Reincarnation Judgment!
When Qin Wushuang saw that Long Feng was slowly starting to read the martial arts, he curled his lips impatiently and said, "Hey, I said idiot, your previous move was not very powerful, why do you still want to read here?" Martial arts."

"Idiot?" Hearing this, Long Feng frowned, and immediately put the scroll in his hand back into the Juan Pavilion and said slowly: "My name is Long Feng, and I am not some idiot. My knowledge is superficial, so naturally I need to learn more, unlike Wu Shuang. Miss, I'm afraid you've read the scrolls of martial arts here several times."

Hearing this, Qin Wushuang did not refute it, this place is like her back garden, she can come and go as she pleases since she was a child, naturally she has seen all these martial arts and even practiced them.

Seeing that Long Feng looked at the martial arts scroll again as if he was a transparent person, she could only stamp her feet helplessly, then turned and left. She didn't have so much free time to stay with Long Feng in this scripture pavilion.

As for Butler Qin, he didn't speak when he saw this scene, he just squinted his eyes and smiled, and his whole body didn't move like a statue.

As for Long Feng, he concentrated his attention on choosing each martial skill. To be honest, he really didn't master many martial arts. Apart from those ancient Chinese martial arts, the only ones he could master were the four moves of Qian Kunjue.

In addition, Long Feng only mastered the top-level martial arts of Tiandiyin, but as his cultivation base is getting higher and higher, the martial arts of the earth-level are already somewhat useless.

"Huh!" Suddenly, when Long Feng's divine sense entered a heaven-rank martial skill scroll, he found that his divine sense was directly swallowed.This made him a little surprised. It was the first time he encountered such a strange martial skill, and he would swallow his spiritual thoughts on his own.

"This is?" He stretched out his hand to take the pitch-black scroll, and glanced over, there were three large characters written on it, Reincarnation Judgment!

The Samsara Jue, a high-level martial art of heaven, was created by the Lord of the Tenth Hall, the King of Reincarnation. It is said that the King of Reincarnation is a strong man in the first life of reincarnation.

Looking at the above introduction, Long Feng became a little interested, and immediately stretched out his hand to slowly open the scroll, and then a black light flashed, and his consciousness was submerged in the scroll.

When Long Feng's consciousness entered the scroll, his vision gradually became blurred. When Long Feng opened his eyes and became conscious again, he found that he was in a strange space.

This space was empty and lifeless, Long Feng glanced and found a figure standing with his hands behind his back, that figure was very ordinary like an ordinary middle-aged man.There is no flow of breath or power in the body.That appearance, just like the most ordinary ordinary people!
When Long Feng entered this strange space, the figure seemed to look at him as well, but a voice as plain as water slowly sounded: "The Reincarnation Jue was created by the feeling of this king after he fell into reincarnation. Practitioners must Master the power of reincarnation! Otherwise, you are not qualified to practice!"

Hearing this, Long Feng frowned. I don't know if he has the power of reincarnation, but it shouldn't be a problem to cultivate this reincarnation with his chaotic body. After all, the power he exerted today can be called the power of chaos. strength.

"Samsara Jue is divided into three moves. The first move is Reincarnation!" Following the faint voice of that figure, he raised his palms, and the clear meridian lines on his palms appeared in Long Feng's mind.

Then a strange power emerged from the opponent's palms, and the figure turned his hands, and a black hole the size of an eyeball appeared between his hands. Just when Long Feng was puzzled, the black hole the size of an eyeball appeared. It keeps getting bigger, and in an instant it becomes the size of a millstone, and after a while it becomes several feet in size, and it seems that it will continue to grow and swallow the world.

When Long Feng saw this scene, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart. The black hole was getting bigger and bigger, and an aura belonging to reincarnation was continuously emitted, which actually gave him the illusion that his soul was about to fall into reincarnation.

"Why is this feeling so familiar?" Long Feng murmured as he looked at the black hole of reincarnation that was constantly spreading and getting bigger, and then his eyes flashed as if he thought of something.He is a reincarnated person, and to put it bluntly, he can be regarded as the first reincarnation. No wonder the power of reincarnation gave him an unusually familiar feeling.

"The second form of the Samsara Jue, Samsara falls, once it falls, there is no way out in this life!" Just when Long Feng vaguely grasped the power of Samsara, the faint voice of that figure sounded again, and then under Long Feng's gaze, his With a sudden turn of the palm, the black hole of samsara actually spun and flickered towards the front, and everything that passed along the way was swallowed by samsara and turned into a black hole of nothingness.

"Good guy, this samsara has fallen, and once samsara falls, there is no way out in this life. I'm afraid that even the strong immortals will die if they are swallowed!" Looking at the terrifying black hole of samsara that swallows everyone and enters samsara, Long Feng couldn't help but secretly said to himself. Shocked by the dominance of this martial skill.

"The third form of Samsara Jue, Samsara Mie!" When the faint figure spat out the three characters of Samsara Mie, the spinning black hole that had become huge suddenly exploded and then exploded before Long Feng returned. When the gods come, it will explode.

In an instant, the space around Long Feng collapsed like glass that was forcibly shattered...,
The terrifying power of samsara swept across in an instant, Long Feng couldn't avoid it, he just felt his consciousness go dark, as if his whole body had stepped into samsara...

After an unknown amount of time, Long Feng, who was standing with his eyes closed, opened suddenly in the Scripture-Depository Pavilion, and a drop of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

"What a domineering Samsara Jue!" Looking at himself still standing in the Sutra Pavilion, Long Feng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. The three Samsara moves together might be as powerful as his Slashing Heaven and Earth, even Immortal. Those who are strong in the environment will be caught off guard by this move.

His eyes flickered, Long Feng clasped his fists at the scroll of Samsara Jue, then turned around and left. He will start to practice this Samsara Jue from now on.

"Good guy, you even learned the art of reincarnation!" Looking at Long Feng, who seemed to have learned the art of reincarnation, a gleam of light flashed in Qin Butler's old eyes. This art of reincarnation is the famous skill of the king of reincarnation. I don't know how many geniuses want to learn it, but it's a pity that there are still very few beings who can finally display the three forms of reincarnation.

Now Long Feng seems to have learned the Samsara Jue, but he doesn't know if he can use it successfully in the end. After all, the training conditions required for the Samsara Jue are too harsh.

And Long Feng's ability to learn reincarnation so easily has a lot to do with his rebirth. After all, he and the reincarnation king have similar experiences, so he is naturally the best one to learn this reincarnation.

However, Long Feng did not spread the word everywhere, not to mention that he only mastered the release method of the Samsara Jue.As for when the full power of reincarnation will be released, that's another matter.

With Long Feng's current cultivation base, being able to perform reincarnation is already very reluctant. As for the latter two forms, it is absolutely impossible to do without even thinking about it.

After obtaining the Reincarnation Jue, Long Feng did not hang out in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion anymore. He still understands the truth that he can't eat too much. Now it is best to be able to master the first form of the Reincarnation Jue before entering the Hell Battlefield That's it.

Under the arrangement of Butler Qin, Long Feng actually got a separate courtyard, and naturally there were everything in the courtyard, even the maids alone had hundreds of people.

Regarding this, Long Feng didn't say anything. In the world of martial arts, the strong naturally have privileges and resources that ordinary people don't have. Otherwise, why are there so many people struggling to pursue higher martial arts and cultivation.

After being comfortable, took a hot bath and changed into a brand new black robe and brocade clothes. In the room, Long Feng's mind fell into the sea of ​​consciousness. At this moment, he kept recalling the scene when the King of Reincarnation performed the reincarnation.

Finally at a certain moment, Long Feng's palm suddenly lifted up, the power in his body turned into the power of reincarnation at this moment, and the aura of reincarnation constantly emerged on Long Feng's body at this moment.

The meridians in both hands began to slowly circulate along the memory meridian routes in his mind. At the beginning, the power in Long Feng's body was not consumed quickly, but when a pitch-black black hole of reincarnation the size of a pinhole appeared in Long Feng's body. When he was between his hands, Long Feng's expression suddenly changed.

The moment the black hole of reincarnation the size of a pinhole emerged, Long Feng felt the power in his body flowing like a tide, and then the pitch-black black hole of reincarnation quickly changed from the size of a pinhole to the size of a fist Then it continued to grow wildly.

When the black hole of reincarnation became the size of his head, Long Feng could clearly feel that the originally thick power in his body had disappeared by one-third, and it was still disappearing rapidly. The terrifying power of the reincarnation black hole in the universe is brewing.

And when the black hole of reincarnation became bigger and bigger, Long Feng could feel that the spatial fluctuations around him became more and more terrifying. At this moment, even the space couldn't bear the terrifying energy of the black hole of reincarnation, and it seemed to be fragmented.

"What a terrifying power of reincarnation!" Looking at the growing black hole of reincarnation in front of him, Long Feng could feel that if he let this black hole of reincarnation just ignore it, it would explode by itself later. When he fell, he was afraid that hundreds of miles around him would be reduced to ruins, and there would be no survivors left.

Taking a deep breath, Long Feng forcibly suppressed the energy circulating in his body while waving his palm, and then suddenly grasped the terrifying black hole of reincarnation. After trembling, the power of reincarnation quickly dissipated. Then, under Long Feng's gaze, In the next reincarnation, the black hole finally gradually shrank.

In the end, the black hole of reincarnation turned into nothingness again, but Long Feng's room was in a mess. At this moment, his room was fragmented as if it had experienced a tornado storm.

The thick power returned to his body again, Long Feng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, this round of reincarnation was more energy-intensive than Qian Kun Slash, I'm afraid he couldn't easily use it until the moment of crisis.

The Qiankun Slash uses the power of the heavens and the earth to unleash a tyrannical blow that destroys everything. This reincarnation decision actually needs to use his own power to perform it. With his current cultivation base, he may be exhausted after performing a complete reincarnation. Alright.

(End of this chapter)

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