Peerless Killing God

Chapter 282 Ask!Or seal the demon?

Chapter 282 Ask!Or seal the demon?
Seeing the young man with dark blood and long hair stepping forcefully into the Monument of Inquiry, many people's eyes flickered, the young lord of the Buddha Sect slaughtered him!
"Conquer my way of ghosts!" After the slaughter, the figure of an extremely gloomy white-haired man landed lightly on the questioning tablet, and his snow-white slender palm without a trace of blood lightly landed on the questioning tablet.

In an instant, thousands of ghosts roared out from the monument of asking questions, and then under the horrified eyes of everyone, ghosts with ferocious faces flashed out of the monument of asking questions, as if they were going to tear them apart and devour them.

I saw a strong man being rushed between the eyebrows by countless fierce ghosts, and immediately looked terrified. Under a scream, the power of space flickered on his body and disappeared directly on the spot.

"Hmph!" There were also countless ghosts trying to get in between Long Feng's eyebrows, Long Feng snorted coldly, and those ghosts dissipated into the air before they got close.

Thousands of ghosts roared, fierce ghosts entangled, and several people were eliminated in just a moment, and those who could persist were undoubtedly those whose own way was extremely stable.

As time passed, one figure after another asked again, but the number of people who failed was also increasing. If their Tao could not affect others, they would be eliminated by the Asking Monument and continue to move forward.

"Ask with death!" Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, and I saw Chu He pointing a point on the monument of asking questions with a pen in his hand, and the monument trembled suddenly, and the way of death directly overwhelmed Chu He and rushed towards the crowd .

At that moment, a dozen or so figures fell down and closed their eyes forever. They all comprehended the way of death, but before Chu He used the way of death of high-ranking holy soldiers, they could not resist at all. , but was backlashed by his own way of death.The soul was instantly wiped out, and the vitality was wiped out in an instant, and there was no chance to leave Hell.

"Live!" Facing Chu He's domineering way of death, Long Feng knew that the other party also had intentions against him, so he gave a light drink as the vitality in his body surged, and the way of death fell on him did not cause him any harm. discomfort.

Of course, apart from those who died, many of the remaining people are also struggling to persevere. Their cultivation base is similar to Chu He, but the other party has used the high-level holy weapon of Hades' Judgment Pen to suddenly put his own death to death. Dao has doubled and more than doubled, which makes them a little bit unable to resist.


Under Chu He's terrifying way of death, a small piece of Bailaidao's figure in the entire space was instantly emptied, and at least more than 40 strong men gave up and insisted on being teleported away from the spot by the Asked Monument.

In front of the Monument of Asking Questions, Chu He saw that Long Feng was still standing on the spot safe and sound, then he snorted coldly with a gloomy expression, and stepped into the Monument of Asking Questions.

"The way of cursing! Cursing to kill the common people!" After Chu He, many people tried again, but there were not a few who failed, and very few who passed.

At a certain moment, Long Feng moved, and a curse force emerged continuously from his body. His palm suddenly fell on the Wenwen monument, and an aura belonging to the way of curse instantly permeated from the Wenwen monument. The rest of the people at the moment were all His expression suddenly changed.

It turned out to be the way of the curse, the way of the curse is extremely weird, if one is bad, all of them will be cursed, and when the time comes, they will be entangled with bad luck, and if they drink cold water, they may be choked to death.

The way of the curse swept out, and many people backed away with horror on their faces. Once they retreated, it would naturally mean elimination, and the spatial fluctuations directly distorted their figures and disappeared in place.

Without looking at the fate of those people under the way of the curse, Long Feng stepped into the Monument of Questions with the soles of his feet, and with a flash of light, an identical scene appeared in front of Long Feng's eyes again.

However, this time, there were no other people, even the stele of asking questions disappeared, and there was another him, a self exactly like him with a smile on his mouth.

Seeing the other self standing in front of him strangely, Long Feng, who had experienced the storm, would naturally not be shocked, but staring at the other self, he couldn't help frowning immediately.

"Welcome, another me. This is the final test of the Asking Monument, asking with the heart, the way of asking the heart!" The other Long Feng's indifferent eyes fell on Long Feng and said with a smile.

"Ask with the heart, ask the way of the heart?" Hearing this, Long Feng couldn't help but think about it. The words of asking with the heart are easy to understand. The way comes from oneself. After all, any way is determined by one's own heart.Whether it is the way of killing, or the way of ruthlessness...

But what about the way of asking the heart?Long Feng stood where he was, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, the way of the original heart, the way of asking the heart, the way comes from the heart, the root of the way lies in the heart.

"My way is too much and too complicated..." Long Feng seemed to be lost in the words of the other party. At this time, another figure of Long Feng gradually approached Long Feng. , at this moment the two of them seem to be one.

"Is this the way to let me feel my own heart?" Long Feng felt melancholy at this moment, and his expression became a little confused. It seemed that at this moment, Long Feng saw the fragility of his own heart, and he even felt his own weakness and fear.

Once upon a time, he was afraid of death. He continued to strengthen himself so that he could survive better in the world. However, his fear of death later was to cover up his fear.

This fear comes from love, he is afraid that Ling'er will die in front of him, and he is afraid that if he cannot gather the nine great soldiers, he will die first and cannot save Ling'er, so he keeps getting stronger.

But when Long Feng fell into confusion, the cursed scepter on his arm suddenly emitted a soft gray light, causing Long Feng who was originally in confusion to tremble, and all the confusion dissipated in an instant.

"Using martial arts to enter the Tao, control the life and death of others, and protect what I love! The way of my heart is the way of protection! Protect what I love, protect everything I care about, even if I sacrifice my life in the end!" At a certain moment, Long Feng His eyes moved, and a gleam of light shot out of them.

"People in the world, who can see through the heart and see through life and death just to protect the Dao, how difficult it is." An ethereal voice sounded, and Long Feng suddenly felt that his spirit was clear at this moment, and it was also at this time He clearly felt that his soul had been promoted, as if he had stepped into a new realm.


When this ethereal voice sounded, the scene before Long Feng's eyes shattered like a mirror, and when Long Feng saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help being taken aback, he appeared in front of a temple with a closed gate.

In front of the palace gate, apart from him, Wraith, Slaughter, Ghost Li, and Chu He were all standing there. Besides, there were several other figures. In addition, Long Feng was finally able to pass the three tests of the Asking Monument to reach this place. The number of people in the Nether Palace did not exceed ten fingers.

Seeing that Long Feng actually asked through the third question, Chu He couldn't help but a murderous look flashed in his eyes, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Guys, I won't tell you the reason why you came here. You all know it well. If that's the case, don't hide it." With a glance, Wraith smiled with a gentle smile on his face, and Long Feng If he didn't understand that Wing Soul is the kind of cold-blooded and ruthless person who kills without blinking an eye, he might still regard him as a graceful and polite nobleman like Jun frivolous.

After Wraith's words fell, he raised his palm, and Nether Realm appeared in his hand. Seeing this, many people's eyes flickered and they nodded in unison.

"High-ranking Saint Soldier! Floating Butcher's Blade!" Slaughter shouted lightly, and a blood-colored giant blade exuding a monstrous killing aura floated on his palm.

"High-ranking holy soldier! Soul-destroying flag!" After the slaughter, the gloomy Ghost Li waved his palm, and a faint green command flag was suspended in front of him. The hideous face of a ghost.

"Hmph! High-ranking holy soldier! The Hades Judgment Pen!" Seeing this, Chu He snorted coldly, not to be outdone, and pointed the Hades Judgment Pen in his hand directly towards the void.

Of Chu He's people, except for Long Feng, five people sacrificed a high-level holy weapon one after another. When Long Feng saw this scene, his heart moved. He finally understood why no one had obtained the title of the Nether Emperor for tens of thousands of years. Inheritance and the legendary magic weapon.

"Your Excellency, remember our promise at the beginning, you must help me with this favor, otherwise..." Seeing that everyone had sacrificed holy weapons, only Long Feng did not move, Wraith immediately set his eyes on Long Feng, and his faint voice was slow sounded.

Hearing this, Long Feng didn't hesitate any more. With a lift of his palm, the curse scepter exuding curse power floated out at this moment.

At the moment when the cursed scepter appeared, the other nine holy soldiers were all shining brightly, and then under the eyes of everyone, all ten holy soldiers left their original positions and flew into the air, suspended and spun rapidly in mid-air, each belonging to each other. The power intertwined to form a strange energy and then directly bombarded on the huge gate of the Nether Palace!
"Boom!" That energy fell, and the roar sounded. Under the gaze of everyone, the gate of the Nether Hall, which had been covered in dust for tens of thousands of years, finally opened slowly again at this moment, revealing the inner scene of the Nether Hall to the world. in front of you.

The deep and huge palace seemed extremely empty, far from the scene full of treasures that everyone imagined. At this moment, the ten holy soldiers fell from the void again and returned to the hands of their respective masters.

Seeing this, everyone no longer hesitated, and their figures turned into an afterimage and disappeared in the Nether Hall, afraid that they would miss something if they were half a step too slow.

However, after walking around the entire Nether Palace, everyone's expressions were not very good. There was nothing in the empty Nether Palace, not to mention the legendary inheritance of the Nether Emperor, not even a single ordinary treasure was left behind. There is nothing left outside the empty hall.

"No, I should have left something behind, otherwise the Nether Emperor would not have taken time and effort to build this Nether Palace as an achievement, and he even issued an order to open the Nether Hell Battlefield every hundred years." After wandering around the Nether Palace, he was also empty-handed Long Feng glanced around and frowned.

However, in the end, his eyes suddenly froze, and his eyes fell straight on the asking monument outside the Nether Palace. The huge asking monument is thousands of feet high, straight into the sky, even a few meters higher than the Nether Palace. No matter how you look at it, it's not right.

"No, why does this stele of asking questions look more and more like a huge sword!" Looking at the stele of asking questions that went straight into the sky, Long Feng felt that something was wrong the more he looked at it, because when his eyes fell on the stele of asking questions, , he will find that the other nine great weapons in his body will tremble inexplicably, and he thought it was an illusion before.

Now it seems that this is not an illusion, there is a big problem with this monument!

Just like Long Feng, other people are gradually turning their attention to the Asking Monument at this moment, which seems to be a bit abnormal now.

"Everyone, let me give it a try!" Wraith's eyes flashed, and he immediately cast out his ghost mirror, and a faint light shone on the questioning tablet, and then everyone saw that the questioning tablet was trembling slightly !
"There's something going on!" Everyone was overjoyed when they saw this scene, and as they flipped their palms, their respective high-ranking holy soldiers sacrificed energy again and landed on the questioning tablet!

As the energy of the ten high-ranking holy soldiers bombarded the Asking Monument, under the staring eyes of everyone, the back of the Asking Monument actually began to shatter, with tiny cracks all over the place, and mysterious and incomparable lines on the top. The pitch-black lines trembled and flickered with jet-black awns.

"Monument to Seal Demons!" When the ten high-ranking holy soldiers stopped their power fluctuations from the void, everyone's eyes shrank slightly, and there were three big characters of Sealing Demons engraved on the back of the Asking Monument!
One is to ask questions, and the other is to seal demons!What is the connection between the two?At this moment, everyone slowly stepped forward with the soles of their feet towards the magic tablet.

When everyone came under the Demon Sealing Tablet again, their soles couldn't help but stop. Long Feng stared at the boundless and huge Demon Sealing Tablet, and the three large characters on the Demon Sealing Tablet were extremely terrifying.

He just stood outside and looked at the three big characters on the Demon Sealing Tablet, and he actually had the feeling that he would seal and suppress the Demon Sealing Tablet.Every stroke of the three big characters on the Fengmo Monument seems to contain infinite Dao textures, and every point has a terrifying Dao rhyme.

However, what shocked Long Feng even more was a scrawny figure inside the monster-sealing tablet. Before everyone approached, there was actually a figure sealed under the huge monster-sealing tablet.

This figure was as skinny as a skinny skeleton, and it seemed that it had been dead for a long time without any aura on its body, but the faint aura exuded from this figure made everyone's hearts palpitate!
However, what moved everyone's heart even more was that this withered figure held a long sword as black as ink tightly in the palm of his hand. This long sword was sealed by the demon-sealing tablet together, but the purest avenue of death law that also flowed slightly on it made people Everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

"Inheritance of the Great Emperor? Divine Weapon? Could it be..." Looking at this withered body, everyone looked at each other, and then a look of shock appeared on their faces.

Everyone was trembling at this moment, their eyes fixed on the withered body, and there was an unbelievable thought in their hearts.

Didn't Emperor Youming disappear at the beginning? Could it be that he was sealed and kept alive in this magic tablet for tens of thousands of years?
"No, something is missing, this is not the Emperor Youming!" Suddenly, Long Feng looked at this withered figure and muttered in his mouth, this person is definitely not the Emperor Youming. He knew that the other party was not Emperor Youming himself, but he knew that this figure definitely had a lot to do with Emperor Youming.

Just when everyone was stunned, the eyeballs of that withered figure seemed to move. They were a pair of dark eyes without any emotion, just like the eyes of a demon, who regarded the common people as ants!

"This gaze is so terrifying! It actually feels like my mind has been absorbed!" Looking at the withered figure, Long Feng couldn't help but gather the strength in his body secretly. There is no way to kill them.

After all, even if this person is not the Nether Great Emperor, he is probably at that level of terror, otherwise the Nether Great Emperor would not have to seal him here for ten thousand years without directly killing the opponent.

Great!That is a terrifying existence that is still above the Immortal Realm. This kind of existence wants to kill them, these so-called Holy Spirit Realm powerhouses, maybe one look is enough to wipe them out.

"After a long time, someone has finally opened the Demon Sealing Tablet!" The withered figure suddenly spoke slowly, his voice was not hoarse, but there was a hint of indifference.

"Senior, I don't know you?" Compared to Long Feng's vigilance, the others didn't have so many thoughts but asked excitedly one by one.In the Nether Realm, the Nether Emperor is the god in everyone's hearts. They have grown up listening to the myths and legends of the Nether Emperor. Now that they can see the emperor's majesty, their excitement is naturally beyond words.

"Yuyou Wanzai, who still remembers me? My name is Youming!" Hearing the words, the withered figure slowly opened his mouth, and everyone heard the words, although they had been prepared in their hearts, their bodies still couldn't help but tremble.

"Greetings to the Great Emperor!" Hearing this, except for Long Feng, everyone else knelt down and bowed down. In the Nether Realm, the Nether Great Emperor is the founding god, the only god in everyone's heart.Naturally, it was not surprising for them to kneel down immediately when they saw the Great Emperor himself, but Long Feng was not from the Netherworld, so he would not kneel down. If the Nether Great Emperor was replaced by Pangu Great Emperor, he might consider it!

"Unexpectedly, after ten thousand years, my name will still be remembered!" Wen Yan's withered figure seemed to show a gratified smile, although the smile was extremely ugly.

"Emperor, I don't know you?" After some excitement, one of the powerful ones looked at the Emperor Youming who was sealed under the Demon Sealing Tablet and asked respectfully in a low voice.

"Hey, it's a long story, I'm only blamed for being blind and trusting Emperor Fengmo! It turns out that the other party has been greedy for me in the Netherworld for a long time, and deliberately made friends with me, but secretly set up this big array of sealing demons to use it to seal the demons!" The stele suppressed me for thousands of years, but that's all. I also desperately injured it and escaped into the endless void."

Hearing this, Emperor Youming seemed to recall what Youyou said at the moment, and after his words fell, everyone immediately gritted their teeth.

As for Long Feng who was not far away, he couldn't help but sneered in his heart, his eyes fell on the figure under the magic tablet, and his mind began to work at this moment.

"What a despicable Emperor Fengmo, you have wasted your trust!" Hearing this, everyone became excited at the moment, as if they were gnashing their teeth and wanted to kill Emperor Fengmo.

"My lord, how can we help you break through this magic tablet and see the light of day again!" After a while, one person said slowly.

Hearing this, Emperor Youming suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth and said slowly: "This demon-sealing tablet is an extreme holy weapon, and it is the core of the Demon-Sealing Emperor's Great Formation. Zhan Luan texture, I can break open this magic tablet. At that time, you will become my direct disciples and get my inheritance!"

Hearing this, everyone was overjoyed. They entered the Hell Battlefield to fight on the battlefield. Isn't it for this moment? Once they become the direct disciples of the Nether Emperor, they will not be under one person and above ten thousand in the Nether Realm in the future.Even after receiving the inheritance of the Great Emperor, it might be possible to break through to the supreme realm of the Great Emperor in the future.

Thinking like this, everyone is gearing up, but No.1 did not make the first move, because they also have faint doubts in their hearts, but doubts are doubts, and some people can't help but tempt to be the first to do it.

The first one to do it was Killing. He held the floating butcher's blade in his hand. With a step forward, his figure rose into the air, and then a strong murderous aura swept out from the opponent's body, like a roaring wave, like a wave. Thor roared.

"Hum!" Slaughter held the Buddha Blade, his killing power flowed to the extreme, a terrifying bloody aura shot up into the sky, and the Buddha Blade slashed across the void, splitting the space inch by inch!

This blow seemed to destroy everything, but before the Buddha Blade in Slaughter's hand landed on the seal, a terrifying sealing force swept out from the Demon Sealing Tablet and collided with Slaughter heavily.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Slaughter was powerless to resist under the magic-sealing power that would seal even the heavens and the earth. He spit out a mouthful of blood even with a blade, flew upside down, and rolled out, and finally took dozens of steps in the void and spit out again It stopped after the blood.

"It's impossible to break the Demon Sealing Tablet like this, only the ten of you can use the Ten Nether Weapons together!" Emperor You Ming seemed to be not surprised when he saw this scene, and continued to speak slowly.

Slaughter Wenyan above the void couldn't help but froze immediately, and swallowed a few pills to restore his injuries directly with his backhand, and his figure slowly fell from the void again.

"Everyone, you have also heard the words of the great emperor, let's do it together!" Hearing this, everyone nodded immediately, but Long Feng frowned, his eyes fell on the figure, his eyes flickered, and there was a hint of playfulness at the corner of his mouth. smile.

"The Nether Mirror!"

"Buddha Blade!"

"Dementor Flag!"


Ten people sacrificed ten high-level holy soldiers again, and the terrifying aura continued to sweep out from their respective bodies. The vast power gathered in front of their respective holy soldiers, and then roared and condensed into a wave in the void that could kill the immortal realm. A terrifying blow!
"go with!"

Everyone shouted in unison, the power of the ten high-level holy soldiers poured out, and the space where the terrifying blow passed was shattered inch by inch. However, a strange scene happened at the next moment. On the seal of the demon tablet, it was bombarding towards the withered body instead.

And all these accidents happened in the blink of an eye, and the withered figure couldn't help but show an incredulous expression on his face at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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