Peerless Killing God

Chapter 283 The Divine Soldier Appears, Fighting Chuhe!

Chapter 283 The Divine Soldier Appears, Fighting Chuhe!

A terrifying blow landed on that figure, but the Demon Sealing Tablet did not stop this force, allowing it to fall on top, the space cracks continued to emerge, and a ghost-like roar roared from the mouth of that withered figure.

After the terrifying blow, a terrifying aura of demonic ways bloomed from the tablet. Even though everyone was so far apart at the moment, even with the seal of the tablet, that terrifying aura was still so shocking. People's hearts, revealing a boundless and terrifying breath.

"A demonic will that is more terrifying than Demon Lord Shura! This is a sealed Demon Emperor!" Long Feng, who had sealed the demon world, had experienced the horror of Demon Lord Shura himself, but the demonic aura of this withered figure was even more terrifying. , the magic is pure without a trace of fascination, and it is not an exaggeration to even say that he is a tycoon of the magic way.

" are indeed my good descendants, and you have inherited my fine tradition!" After the terrifying blow, the space returned to calm again, but a dry laugh sounded in vain.

Everyone couldn't help but tremble when they heard the words, and stared at the withered figure, and when they saw the other's broken body, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment, the owner of this figure had a strange smile on his mouth. Seeing this scene, Long Feng's heart couldn't help sinking, and suddenly thought of something, his eyes couldn't help but change.

"All living beings are ants, and the body of the demonic way can shake the sky! You Ming can't seal me!" The thin figure exuding terror and billowing demonic energy seemed to become extremely tall at this moment, as if even the sky was trembling under his feet.

The rolling sound seemed to reveal a strange magical power. Although his whole body was sealed under the demon-sealing tablet, his body was shining with supreme magic light, as if he wanted to dominate the world.

"Haha..." The other party looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, the magic voice screamed, and the whole Nether Palace trembled crazily at this moment.

"You Ming, you have sealed me for thousands of years, and I have finally come out. When I recover, I will definitely destroy your Nether world!" The terrifying magic sound was transmitted, and under the eyes of everyone, the other party's body was directly shattered. Come, and then an extremely pure black escaped from the magic tablet and escaped into a crack in space.

Before the other party left, Long Feng and the others clearly felt a gaze, which was full of playfulness and coldness, as if it could kill people and make them stiff. They knew that the other party would not let them go so easily, maybe they would wait for another day When the other party recovers from their injuries, that is when they are buried.


At the same time that the corpse was shattered, the seal brilliance on the Demon Sealing Tablet also dissipated at this moment, and cracks continued to appear on the Demon Sealing Tablet, as if it had completed its mission.


At the moment when the Demon Sealing Tablet was shattered, a terrifying aura belonging to the heavenly way of death emanated from the jet-black long sword. Thousands of feet of black giant sword replaced the collapsed demon sealing tablet.

The meaning of death lingered in the sky, and the giant sword stood quietly in front of everyone. Everyone felt their spirits tremble, as if their lives were about to be taken away.

"It's a divine soldier! Grab it!" However, even so, everyone's eyes were still bloodshot, and their figures were flickering as they rushed toward the divine soldier recklessly.

However, before the figures of all the people got close to the God of Death, the battle was about to break out. Chu He, who looked gloomy, flipped his palm, and the Hades Judgment Pen in his hand pointed directly towards Long Feng, and the terrifying power of judgment swept out directly, as if to Determine Long Feng's life and death.

Looking at Chu He who suddenly attacked him with a backhand, Long Feng's expression turned cold, and he waved out the curse scepter with a movement of his palm, using the Wanqian Cursed Killing Art directly.

The two confronted each other at the moment, and suddenly the void fluctuated, and the energy storm scattered.Besides Long Feng and Chu He, the other eight were also fighting on their own, and no one would let anyone get close to the divine soldier.

"This time, I will definitely kill you!" Looking at Long Feng in front of him, the murderous intent in Chu He's eyes kept flickering. During the trials, Long Feng's strength was only good in his opinion. Three years after the battlefield, the opponent's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Now the other party can compete with him by relying on his cultivation at the peak of the Holy Spirit Realm. This is not a good thing for him, especially every time he thinks of Qin Wushuang's strange gaze at Long Feng, Chu The murderous intent in He's heart could not help but radiate.

"Whoever kills whom is up to you!" Hearing this, the corners of Long Feng's mouth also became slightly cold, this Chu He repeatedly made trouble for him, he really thought he was made of mud!
"Then try it!" Hearing this, Chu He raised his palm with a slightly ferocious expression, and the Hades Judgment Pen flickered out, and the curse scepter in Long Feng's hand also flickered out when Long Feng saw this, and the two fiercely clashed in the void. When they collide together, the holy soldier has a spirit, and as a high-level holy soldier, his natural spirituality is even more extraordinary, so even without the control of the master, the two will still fight each other.

"Boy, now I want you to understand that my strength is far beyond what you can match!" After the voice fell, Chu He's robe was indiscriminately automatic, and his aura suddenly burst at a rocket-like speed. Soaring, after a while, finally stopped slowly, and at this moment, his aura has reached the level of a real immortal early stage powerhouse!
"Secret method to improve cultivation!" Seeing this scene, Long Feng couldn't help squinting his eyes. At first, Qin Wushuang seemed to use the secret method to fight him, but was finally stopped by King Qin Guang. It's not surprising that Jiang Wang's beloved son knows the secret method to improve his cultivation.

"Hooking souls, eating souls!" Feeling the incomparably majestic power all over his body, Chu He glanced at Long Feng with disdain, and with one palm, a chain of soul-hunting energy formed directly flew towards Long Feng viciously. .

Before the chains of hooking soul fell in front of Long Feng, Long Feng felt his soul moving faintly, as if he was about to be hooked out of his body.

Feeling this, the sole of his foot stomped the void, and the purple-black chaotic fire swept out from Long Feng's body overwhelmingly, and then collided with the oncoming soul chain, and at that moment, there was a horrific scream from within the soul chain. cry.

"Vicious and vicious people!" With a wave of his palm, the chains of ecstasy turned into nothingness, and Long Feng's gaze at Chu He was filled with murderous intent. The chains of ecstasy were actually condensed by the resentment and souls of tens of thousands of people who died. Cheng, no wonder it can make his soul feel throbbing.

"A dead person is not qualified to comment!" After the cold voice fell, a terrifying aura shook Chu He.

"Sen Luo Hell!" The cold voice fell, and in an instant Long Feng found that his world had directly turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, just like being in the real Sen Luo Hell.

"The world of laws!" Seeing this scene, Long Feng's expression couldn't help sinking. This Chu He is indeed the leader of the younger generation. Not only can the secret method improve his cultivation to enter the immortal state, but he can even use the power of the law proficiently. Incomparable.

"Sen Luo Hand!" With a sneer, Chu He firmly grasped Longfeng Void with the palm of his hand, and the entire space of Sen Luo Hell immediately distorted. Grabbing directly towards Long Feng, where the terrifying giant hand passed, all the space collapsed, revealing a large black space and turbulent space outside the black hole.

The terrifying giant hand grabbed him head-on, and the terrifying power of law completely locked the space around Long Feng, making it impossible for Long Feng to use the void robe to escape.

Looking at the oncoming giant hands condensed with law, Long Feng waved his hands like lightning, and a force of reincarnation slowly circulated around him.

"Samsara Art's first form, Samsara Presentation!" As soon as the Samsara Art was deployed, Long Feng instantly felt the power in his body drain rapidly, and a walnut-like black hole of reincarnation continued to grow in size between his hands.

"The reincarnation of the reincarnation king!" Not far away, Chu He saw that Long Feng had actually used this move, and his face couldn't help shaking. He naturally knew the reincarnation, and he even tried to practice it, but he failed in the end. , but he never expected that Long Feng, who came out of nowhere, had learned the reincarnation art that everyone wanted to learn but couldn't, and even used it.

"It's still not enough!" Feeling the growing black hole of reincarnation in his hand, Long Feng shook slightly. Although this reincarnation is now powerful, it is almost impossible to devour the opponent's Sen Luo hand. The good result is that both sides will be hurt. If it is not enough, his injuries may be more serious. After all, the two forces exploded in front of him.

Taking a breath, Long Feng's eyes flickered with madness, the power of reincarnation in his body emerged continuously, and at this moment he waved his palm.

"Samsara Falling!" With Long Feng's slightly ferocious voice, a reincarnation black hole with a size of tens of feet spun and devoured Sen Luo's hand, leaving behind a shocking space black hole along the way. Vacuum tunnel.


When the two exuding two terrifying forces collided together in the void, terrifying energy ripples swept away like turbulent waves, and the terrifying energy storm instantly tore the Senluo Hell condensed by Chu He's law power.

At the center of the collision between the two, a huge pitch-black space black hole burst out at this moment. The deep and deep darkness of the space black hole made people feel cold all over.

However, Sen Luoshou and Samsara Xian collided frantically and annihilated each other. Every time they collided, a terrifying force swept out. Long Feng and Chu He spurted a mouthful of blood, and took several steps backwards with the soles of their feet.

The terrifying battle between the two also attracted the attention of other people at the moment, but those people just sneered, their eyes full of indifference.

Let's fight, the crazier the better, it's best to hurt both sides, and then they will finally reap the benefits of the fisherman!
(End of this chapter)

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