Peerless Killing God

Chapter 284 Put it to death and then live!

Chapter 284 Put it to death and then live!
Stretching out his hand, Chu He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. At this moment, his eyes looked at Long Feng without the previous sense of contempt, and a trace of solemnity and silence floated in the other's eyes.

However, Chu He in this situation is even more terrifying. After restraining his arrogance, it will be difficult for Long Feng to seriously injure the opponent by surprise!
"Very well, I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be able to use the reincarnation fall. It seems that I can't deal with you without using some means!" Looking at Long Feng, Chu He stretched out his tongue to lick the blood on his fingers , the voice fell, the palm suddenly fell, the space moved slightly, and his figure gradually became unreal.

The moment Chu He's figure dissipated, Long Feng's expression froze, and with the sole of his foot stepping into the void, hundreds of figures moved towards all directions at once.

"Small blindfolds, how can I stop me!" At the moment Long Feng used his myriad illusions, Chu He's sharp claws like knives directly tore through the void, and those avatars outside Long Feng's body collapsed and turned into pure energy. void.

"Then try this!" Suddenly, Chu He felt his head go dark, and suddenly raised his head, he suddenly found that Long Feng was holding the earth seal and carrying the force of suppression, coming towards him from above the sky.

"You are not the only holy soldier!" Chu He's expression sank, and a huge black shield appeared in his hand with the palm of his hand. Then, with the power rolling, the giant shield suddenly became as huge as a mountain.

The violent collision of the two collided together again in mid-air, and the entire Nether Hall trembled suddenly under this collision, and space cracks continued to spread from the collision to the surroundings.

"Sun Luo Slash!"

Just as the terrifying power collision swept out, Chu He's icy voice sounded, a dark black long knife cut through the void, where the long knife passed, the space collapsed in an instant, pieces of space fragments continued to break apart The void emerged, and then the black long knife turned into a sharp blade of a hundred feet, piercing the space abruptly, turning into a bolt of lightning and slashing down towards Longfeng.

"The Overlord's second form! God-killing shattering!" Above the sky, looking at the long knife coming through the sky, Long Feng danced the square halberd in his hand, and an extremely strong murderous aura swept across the sky from his body , this murderous aura actually made all the slaughterers who were able to enter the Tao look sideways!

Fang Tianji smashed the space with a terrifying killing spirit, and collided heavily with the long knife. In such a short time, the battlefield between Long Feng and Chu He has been fought from the square to the void, and every collision It is the broken space, and the terrifying power is enough to crush and kill ordinary strong people in the holy spirit realm.

It is also fortunate that this is not the outside world, otherwise the mountains and rivers would have been shattered, and the world would have been punched into a huge terrible hole.

Seeing that his own blow was strongly resisted by Long Feng, Chu He's expression was gloomy and frightening, and he felt a burst of emptiness in his body, and the sequelae of the secret method to improve his cultivation had gradually revealed at this moment.

This is something he never expected, after using the secret method to raise his cultivation level to the Immortal Realm, he still couldn't defeat Long Feng.

Above the void, Long Feng, whose face was a little pale, immediately took out a few pills to restore his strength and took them. After such continuous battles, the strength in his body was somewhat exhausted, and even the power of the small world had been used a lot, otherwise How could he fight Chu He, who had already reached the Immortal Realm, until now.

It was also fortunate that Chu He's cultivation was not in the real Immortal Realm, otherwise Long Feng couldn't guarantee that he would be able to defeat the opponent if he kept fighting.

"You forced me to do this!" Looking at Long Feng floating in the void, Chu He gritted his teeth and said, the words fell, only to see him wave his palm, a dark and strange eyeball appeared between his brows, and then a gust of engulfing force Attention suddenly spread from Chu He's eyebrows.

"It's actually the Eye of Devourer!" In the distance, a strong man suddenly noticed this scene, and lost his voice in disbelief.

"King Chujiang is such a big hand!" Seeing this scene, everyone's expressions turned serious. The ghost-eating eyes are the most important treasures of the ghost-eating beast, and the ghost-eating beast has the terrifying power of claiming to devour everything. , This kind of monster is extremely rare in the netherworld, and ordinary ghost-eating beasts are equivalent to the existence of immortality, and the stronger ones can even compete with some underworld kings.

And the ghost-eating eye in the center of Chu He's brow is the ghost-eating eye formed by the devouring power of a reincarnation-level ghost-eating beast after its death. I don't know how King Chu Jiang got this rare treasure, and passed it on to Chu He. heh.

As soon as the Devouring Eye appeared, a terrifying huge devouring vortex was constantly circling and growing in front of Chu He. The terrifying devouring power emanating from the vortex seemed to swallow the world, even the energy of the world in the void was here. Every moment was consumed by madness.

Looking at the huge threat radiating from the terrifying eye that devours the world, Long Feng's expression turned cold, and he stared at Chu He and said coldly: "I want to see that everything is devoured!"

At this moment, Long Feng was also cruel. With an enemy like Chu He, it could be said to make people restless. In this case, with Long Feng's character, he would naturally not leave any way out for him.

Lifting the palm of the hand to hold the Fang Tianji, the Qiankun Jue began to operate at this moment, the Fang Tianji buzzed in the hand, the energy of the world in the entire Hell Battlefield was completely fluctuating at this moment, the Styx river roared, and the earth trembled !
Once the holy rank martial skill is used, the power will be devastating. With Long Feng's current cultivation base, he will perform the terrifying blow of Qian Kun Zhan, which is enough to directly penetrate the small world of Hell Battlefield, and maybe even shatter it.

Wraith and others who were fighting each other in the square felt the drastic change in the energy of the heaven and the earth, and their expressions were all startled at the moment, their eyes fixed on the man with black hair who was tall and straight like a spear and dancing wildly above the void.

"Madman!" The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and Wraith slowly spat out these two words. He could foresee this terrifying blow. I am afraid that this hell battlefield that has existed for tens of thousands of years will no longer exist. This is what the strong are not allowed to enter the hell battlefield to beware of.

It's just that no one would have thought that Long Feng, whose cultivation base was only in the Holy Spirit Realm, would actually perform a terrifying blow that would shock even the strong in the late stage of the Immortal Realm. I must be able to force myself to continue.

As for Long Feng's crazy behavior at the moment, not only Wraith, but also the corners of the mouths of other people twitched slightly. They could foresee that under that terrifying blow, everything here would cease to exist. If they didn't leave I'm afraid it will be buried here.

"Go! If you don't go, you will stay here forever!" He fixed his eyes on the magic soldier, and then the next person waved his palm fiercely to smash the void in front of him, and the figure disappeared directly on the spot.Compared with one's own life, no matter how good a magic weapon is, one must give it up. Dead people don't know how to use magic weapons.

The rest of the people also immediately chose to leave the Hell Battlefield, but when they left, they looked at Chu He with pity.

At this moment, Chu He, who had been firmly locked by Long Feng with his soul, looked extremely ferocious. When Long Feng unleashed that terrifying blow, his heart trembled suddenly, and his expression instantly became extremely pale. Unexpectedly, Long Feng would display a holy rank martial skill that even Mingjun might not master!

"Roar! If you want me to die, you have to pay the price!" With a roar, Chu He, whose face turned blood red, roared and waved his palms frantically. Actually, at this moment, all of them were forcibly used by him.

Chu He, who was obviously crazy, already had the will to die, but even if he died, he would let Long Feng be buried with him.

Self-destruct!This was the only way Chu He could think of in the end. He waved the Yan Wang Judgment Pen and appeared in his hand, and carefully touched the Yan Wang Judgment Pen with his hand.Then with a sudden swipe, the Hades Judgment Pen leaped thousands of feet away, tearing apart the space and disappearing into the turbulent space.

"Let's die together!" Chu He, whose blood-red eyes could bleed, looked at Long Feng, who had already condensed a blow that could destroy the world, and shouted angrily, his swollen body flew into the air, and finally grew bigger and bigger , and finally formed a giant of thousands of feet, but the terrifying power emanating from the giant made space cracks appear in the void.


Above the sky, a gleam of light flashed in Long Feng's eyes, and Fang Tianji, which had gathered endless power in his palm, was finally cut out at this moment. The ten thousand-foot halberd fell from the sky with monstrous power, and the sky collapsed in an instant. In a roaring sound fragmented.


The huge collision roared and exploded in the distant sky, the Netherworld Hall was shattered at the first moment, and then directly turned into nothingness under the terrifying energy storm, the whole world was like the end of the world in an instant, the space was annihilated, and the entire Hell Hell was shattered in an instant , The space storm swept across the entire small world in an instant.

Chu He died directly from this terrifying blow, and as for Long Feng, his flesh and blood disappeared immediately, even the golden bones condensed by the Golden Soul Sword were cracked all over in an instant.

This blow was the most terrifying blow Long Feng had ever released. The powerful destructive power was beyond Long Feng's own imagination, and he did not expect that his own blow would actually put him on the verge of dying.

Now even Long Feng's soul, which had condensed the flames of chaos, fell into a coma under the terrifying bombardment, and his body full of cracks unconsciously escaped into the turbulent space.

When his body escaped into the turbulent space, the dead soul sword that had been motionless trembled slightly, and then turned into a black light and landed between Long Feng's eyebrows.

The moment the black light fell into the center of Long Feng's eyebrows, Long Feng's whole body was wrapped in a torrent of death, and the meaning of death sank into Long Feng's mind crazily. meaning shrouded.

However, at the same time, the leaves of the big tree transformed by the Wood Soul Sword in Longfeng's small world suddenly swayed slightly, and an extremely strong force of life spread all over Longfeng's body, and then poured into Longfeng's mind, soul and death. intent against each other.

In the endless space, there is no concept of time, and a month passed slowly. In Long Feng's unconscious state, his body returned to an intact state again, and the aura of life and death around his body continued to cycle and alternate.

The way of life and death forms a cycle of reincarnation. Only with life can there be death, and only with death can there be life and death.
The cycle of life and death, the cycle of heaven and earth!At this moment, Long Feng's small world underwent earth-shattering changes. If Long Feng's previous small world was a dead place, today's small world is a living world.

All things revived, flowers, trees, and even the original energy life forms began to multiply and be born independently in Longfeng's small world. Although their lifespan was very short at the beginning, they became stronger and stronger in the continuous cycle of life and death. It is becoming more and more intelligent, and as time goes by, it may one day become a human-like existence.

(End of this chapter)

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