Peerless Killing God

Chapter 287 Supreme Existence!

Chapter 287 Supreme Existence!

Under the punishment of the blood-colored thunder cloud, that phantom seemed to have no emotion in its cold and arrogant eyes. The dark eyes were filled with peace, and the snow-white hair was casually draped over his shoulders.

That perfect face is so handsome that people can't help but secretly marvel. Although it is only a phantom, the faint and terrifying aura around him is enough to make all living things surrender.

"Little heaven dares to touch my lord?" Xu Ying raised his eyelids, a icy light flashed across his cold and arrogant eyes, and then he saw this icy light pointing directly at the punishing blood pupil that day.


It seemed that a roar sounded above the sky, and the hand of God stretched out frantically to block that cold light!Seeing this, the corners of Xu Ying's mouth raised slightly, that cold light actually pierced directly through the hand of God carrying the power of destroying the world, and suddenly golden blood fell continuously from the void, and then all of them were submerged in Long Feng's cultivation as Xu Ying waved his hand. In the body that all dissipated.


In the void, there seemed to be a painful roar, and the hand of God began to dissipate slowly, and a look of panic flashed in the blood pupil.

"Scatter for me!" I saw Xuying's soft words falling, and the thick blood-colored thundercloud that spanned a hundred thousand miles in the void disappeared in an instant, and the entire void was left with a bare spot in less than a quarter of an hour. Only blood pupil.

"This is just a small lesson for you! For the sake of order, I don't have to argue with you! But if there is a next time, I don't mind letting order replace the executor of heaven's punishment!" Xu Ying's indifferent voice When it sounded, the blood pupil of Void turned into nothingness with a bang.

The heavenly punishment dissipated, and the sky was clear for thousands of miles. There were only a series of shattered and ferocious cracks and the distant mountains turned into a plain, which proved how fierce the previous battle was.

And the illusory figure that was extremely terrifying turned his head and gave Long Feng a deep look at this moment, then submerged into the Heavenly Soul Sword and disappeared above the sky.

The phantom disappeared, and the five great soldiers also returned to Long Feng's body at this moment, and all this happened like a dream.

"Cough cough..."

With the sound of a light cough, Long Feng, who had been severely injured and fell into a coma, slowly opened his eyes, looking at the cloudless sky with a little confusion, and then his palms moved slightly.

"I'm still alive?" Long Feng, who gradually came back to his senses, couldn't help but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but all kinds of doubts and puzzles followed, because under the terrible punishment of heaven, he should have died without a life. Yes, why can survive.

"By the way, my cultivation level!" Suddenly thinking of something, Long Feng's expression couldn't help changing, but when the palm of his hand was slightly squeezed in the void, the space was distorted and cracks appeared, and an unbelievable expression appeared on his face.

"What's the matter? Not only is the cultivation level not fully dispersed, but it's much more stable than when it just stepped into the Immortal Realm, and it's even easier to use the laws of heaven and earth." After grasping his hand, Long Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. , something must have happened during his coma that he didn't know about, and this matter was vaguely important to him.

With his mind submerged in his body, Long Feng realized that his chaotic body was much stronger than before, every muscle and blood was filled with terrifying power, it seemed that these terrifying powers would burst out and destroy him in a single thought. Heaven and earth.

And what shocked Long Feng the most was his heart, and now his heart was flowing with golden blood, every drop of this blood was full of a kind of aura in Long Feng's eyes, every time his heart beat, It seems to coincide with the principles of heaven and earth.

And this kind of golden blood is completely incompatible with the blood in his body, but it has occupied his heart, and the original normal blood circulation was abruptly interrupted at this moment. Fortunately, Long Feng is a martial arts expert. People are probably already dead.

"It seems that this golden blood should not be a mortal thing. I may be able to understand the laws of heaven and earth more clearly because of this blood."

Withdrawing his mind, Long Feng pondered for a while, and immediately he knew that the golden blood was definitely related to his restoration of cultivation.He could clearly feel the terrifying power in that golden blood, and even in his opinion, if all the energy stored in that drop of golden blood exploded, it would be enough to explode him alive.

And if Long Feng knew that the golden blood came from the hand of God, I'm afraid he wouldn't be so puzzled.

Compared to Long Feng's doubts alone, the entire Netherworld was in shock. The shock brought to them by the phantom before was absolutely incomparable. A sound of Heaven Punishment and a glance of Shattering Heaven's Hand, how terrifying and infinite Such a supreme existence might just wave his hand, and the nether world might be wiped out from this world directly.

At this moment, an unknown number of strong men in the Undying Realm of Reincarnation were wiping the cold sweat from their foreheads in secret, and at the first moment, they all issued a supreme order, no matter who encountered the young man who had crossed the tribulation, he must go around. , must not be offended.If anyone offends the other party, the consequences...

Thinking of this, these old and immortal beings in the Nether Realm couldn't help but tremble with fear. From this moment, all the rich and powerful dudes in the entire Nether Realm were all locked up.

Even those playboys were ordered to stay at home before they understood anything, and they were even guarded by strong men 24 hours a day.

Naturally, Long Feng didn't know about this, and now he really wanted to know what happened at the last moment when he crossed the tribulation, but no one could give him an answer.

"Forget it, now I can only take one step at a time. The nine great magic weapons are all five, and the remaining four hopes can all be gathered together!" Thinking like this, Long Feng stroked the Dragon Soul Jade in his heart, Rescuing Ling'er has become his last wish, no matter how much he pays for it, he has no regrets.

Whenever he thinks of the scene where Ling'er tried to save him from dying, Long Feng's heart would tremble, and even traces of demonic energy would appear in his eyes. Although it dissipated quickly, Long Feng understood that , this has become the only demon in his heart that he can never get rid of.

Taking a deep breath, Long Feng stepped on the void and flickered towards the distance. The Death Soul Sword was in his hand, it was time to leave the Nether Realm and return to the Qiankun Continent, where there was still a debt waiting for him to settle.

Of course, if it comes to the Sun Palace, he might have to thank the other party sincerely. If it wasn't for the other party's pursuit, he would not be able to enter the Netherworld to get the Death Soul Sword.

But in any case, there is a life-and-death hatred between the two of them, which cannot be reconciled. Even now he doesn't know whether the Palace of Pills will be targeted by the Sun Palace after helping him. After all, he also understands that Palace of Pills not only has to face the sun Gong also had to face a Black Fire Sect.

With the targeting of the two major forces, the Hall of Pill Artifacts may have been really uncomfortable in the past few years.And just as Long Feng thought, the Alchemy Hall was constantly suppressed by the Sun Palace and the Black Fire Sect. Many alchemy masters of the Alchemy Hall would sometimes disappear for no reason when they walked outside, and they would be killed in a few days. People found the mutilated body.

The Alchemy Hall naturally knew who did it, but they had no evidence and could not openly arrest the murderer, not to mention the suppression of the Sun Palace and the two overlords of the Black Fire Sect, the Alchemy Hall was really exhausted.

This is also the case, today's alchemy hall has even shrunk its sphere of influence, and even many alchemy masters are huddled in the alchemy city or the alchemy world, and never dare to step outside the outside world, let alone how useless they are .

Coupled with the swallowing of the alchemy hall, many alchemy masters who were originally attached to the alchemy hall were disappointed, and in order to avoid their own deaths, they all left the alchemy hall automatically, and even some alchemists who were originally attached to the alchemy hall All the alchemy and alchemy families planned to leave the alchemy hall.

The double attack inside and outside caused the entire Alchemy Hall to suffer, not to mention that it was even turbulent inside. Some high-level elders even thought that it was the fault of the two hall masters, and even requested to re-elect the hall master.

In addition, the Liu family has also become the most unstable internal factor in the Alchemy Palace, because the Sun Palace married the Liu family again, and when everyone was still wondering about this, they suddenly discovered that Yan Yang, who was supposed to die, not only did not die, but instead He was resurrected again, and his cultivation level broke through the Holy Spirit Realm and entered the Immortal Realm in one fell swoop, making him the No.1 of the younger generation.

Countless people were amazed by this, and it also became an interesting talk after the meal. Of course, in the past four years, Long Feng's deeds will naturally not be forgotten, but every time someone mentions it, they feel regretful and amazed.

Especially after Yan Yang died and came back to life, Long Feng's fall seemed even more regrettable to them. Of course, regret is one thing. For the dead, they will never treat the living as important. After three years of painstaking training after resurrection, they will break through the realm of immortality. Yan Yang once again became the object of everyone's attention.

And his marriage to Liu Xu'er, the eldest lady of the Liu family, who is known as the number one goddess in the Ten Directions, was also widely rumored, and countless people felt that the two were a match made in heaven.

Of course, Long Feng, who was in the Nether Realm, knew nothing about all of this, and now he was darting towards the Ghost Nether City in a flickering figure.

The three years of Hell Battlefield haven't changed much for Guiming City, but Long Feng, who came out again after entering Hell Battlefield, seemed quite moved.

In the blink of an eye, he has been in this Netherworld for nearly four years, and his cultivation has stepped from the original semi-holy realm to the current immortal realm in one fell swoop. The gap between the two can be described as nothing.

The reincarnation-level powerhouse who could kill him with a single gesture at the beginning is no longer so superior to him now, and he is not even afraid of such a strong man with all his cards.

Of course, if there are some Immortal Realm powerhouses, I am afraid that he is still far from being an opponent. After all, there are two big realms between the two, not to mention, the difference in the application of laws is also huge.

If the power of law that he can master is like a river, the opponent is like a vast ocean.The gap between the two is too huge, I'm afraid it's useless for him to play all his cards.

(End of this chapter)

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