Peerless Killing God

Chapter 288 Scared!

Chapter 288 Scared!
In Ghost City, people come and go like normal people in the past, but everyone is talking about the horrible doomsday punishment before, and everyone felt their own insignificance and helplessness when it was punished that day.

As for Long Feng entering Ghost City quietly, he still knew that he killed Chu He on the battlefield of Hell, and as the most beloved son of King Chu Jiang, he was killed by him now, if the other party knew that he entered Ghost City It is strange that there is no action after the city of the underworld.

Of course, although he is not necessarily afraid of the other party now, he does not want to make this matter a big deal. After all, King Chujiang is backed by the terrifying power of Ghost Underworld Sect, and Ghost Underworld Sect is not only Chu Jiang Wang is such a strong person in the reincarnation realm.

The first hall is still located in the central area of ​​the vast ghost city. After the Hell Battlefield ended, the First Hall was bustling for a while, naturally to celebrate the powerhouses who returned victoriously from the Hell Battlefield.

It was beyond everyone's expectation that Long Feng's subordinates could survive to the end, but no matter what, they would be reused by the ghost sect from now on, and the road ahead would naturally be bright.

However, it was precisely because of this that a pair of vicious eyes were always staring at the first hall. All this was because Long Feng killed Chu He. As Long Feng's subordinates, King Chu Jiang naturally did not want to let them go.

It's just that they have the protection of King Qin Guang, and these people are the ones who survived the battlefield of Hell, so they must be reused by the Ghost Sect. Will definitely be sanctioned by the sect.

However, King Chu Jiang never expected that Long Feng had already become the person that all the high-end powerhouses in the entire Netherworld would least want to offend, including Ghost Youming Lord, the suzerain of Ghost Underworld Sect.

However, King Chu Jiang was immersed in grief and hatred during this period of mourning, so he didn't care about the terrible punishment of heaven at all. Although he knew afterwards that the terrifying punishment of heaven was caused by a person against the sky, he didn't know that People are Long Feng.

"Long... Feng!" Suddenly, a roar of incomparable venom came out of the space, and a cold gaze penetrated the void and landed on a tall and straight figure in a long robe.

The revenge of killing a son is irreconcilable, the spirit of King Chu Jiang always remembers Long Feng's figure firmly, and now when he sees this figure, King Chu Jiang's eyes turn red instantly.

In front of the gate of the first hall, Long Feng seemed to feel the incomparably cold gaze behind him, and hearing the resentment and hatred of the other party's words, Long Feng couldn't help but raise his brows, he knew that trouble was unavoidable and came to the door.

The roar of King Chujiang also shocked the strong men in the first hall. The expression of King Qin Guang who was dealing with the objects couldn't help changing, and his figure disappeared in place in a flicker.

As for Qin Wushuang, who was doing nothing in the first hall, when he heard the roar of Chujiang King, his beautiful eyes could not help but shine, and his body skills worked, and the beautiful shadow disappeared directly in place.

Outside the gate of the first hall, Long Feng turned around slowly, looked at the middle-aged man who was floating in the void with a pair of blood-red eyes fixed on him, and then slowly said: "The second hall master, King Chujiang!"

"Very good! It really is you, give me my life back!" Hearing this, the extremely cold-looking King Chu Jiang's pair of bloody eyes were extremely cold, full of extremely strong hatred and murderous intent.

"King Chujiang, stop!" Suddenly, there was a wave in the void, and the figure of King Qin Guang appeared in the sky and shouted at King Chujiang.

However, as soon as King Qin Guang's words fell, King Chu Jiang moved, as if he didn't listen to what King Qin Guang said at all.

"Kill!" King Chu Jiang yelled loudly, and suddenly it was as if the heavens and the earth were screaming together. A terrifying killing spirit swept out of his body crazily. A large area was broken, and the entire world was submerged!
"You are not the only one who knows the law! Death!" Looking at the terrifying power of the law that swept over him, Long Feng gave a soft shout, and the meaning of death in his pair of dark eyes continued to flow out, and his palm suddenly turned towards the void. Slapping it away, the law of death emerged and turned into a series of death swords that pierced the sky towards King Chu Jiang. At that moment, the air of death filled the sky, and everything died silently!

"Father, how did he become so strong all of a sudden?" Qin Wushuang, who appeared next to King Qin Guang at the moment, stared at Long Feng with shining eyes and said in disbelief. She felt very strange about Long Feng, after all he was The first person of the younger generation to defeat her, and precisely because of this, Qin Wushuang unexpectedly left Long Feng's figure in the center unconsciously.

"It's not just strong!" Hearing this, King Qin Guang just shook his head with a wry smile and didn't speak. He witnessed the scene of Long Feng crossing the catastrophe with his own eyes, and even the terrifying level of Long Feng today. No less than him.

At this time, King Qin Guang looked at King Chu Jiang with pity. Originally, he reminded each other for the face of their old friends for hundreds of years. Now it seems that the destiny cannot be violated. It will soon spread to Ghost Underworld Sect. If those old guys know that King Chu Jiang dared to attack Long Feng, the consequences...

Thinking of this, King Qin Guang sighed helplessly in his heart, all this was only because of that phantom, that supreme and terrifying existence.

In the void, the two forces of law strangled each other, and the energy of heaven and earth continued to oscillate and spread. King Chu Jiang felt that the opponent's law of death, which was only slightly weaker than himself, looked very ugly at the moment. The other party had just stepped into the realm of immortality. The strength is so powerful that it is no less than some existences at the peak of the Immortal Realm.

"Huh!" With a cold snort, King Chu Jiang's body was filled with a terrifying aura of killing. He raised his palm and suddenly fell towards Longfeng. Suddenly, a bloody ax full of boundless killing appeared on the sky. Only those who are strong in the reincarnation realm can control the sky-reaching means.

The terrifying killing aura on the blood ax kept vibrating, as if it wanted to penetrate Long Feng's body and will, and make Long Feng die immediately.

"Die!" Looking at Long Feng, Chujiang Wang Senhan's extremely cold voice fell, and with a press of his palm, a bloody ax fell from the sky. Under the terrifying force of boundless killing, it seemed that the world was about to be split apart. .

"Reincarnation!" Looking at the bloody ax that fell from the sky and smashed into space, Long Feng raised his palms, and the law of reincarnation emerged from his body at this moment.

Stepping into the Immortal Realm, Long Feng used the Samsara Jue again, the power was so much stronger, even the Law of Samsara was under his control, and all this was thanks to the golden blood in his heart.

"It's the Samsara Jue!" Seeing this scene, Qin Wushuang covered his small mouth with his jade hands, and exclaimed in disbelief. She never thought that he would never learn the Samsara Jue anyway. Long Feng not only I have learned it, and it is obvious from this appearance that I have used it proficiently.

It was also at this moment that Long Feng's imprint on Qin Wushuangfang's heart became deeper and deeper, although Qin Wushuang himself did not realize this.

"Samsara Fall!"

The rotating black hole of samsara rises from the ground, and Long Feng's figure rises directly from the ground. The huge black hole of samsara exudes terrible laws of samsara, as if it wants to swallow people directly into samsara.

Above the void, King Chu Jiang's expression froze when he saw that Long Feng had even performed the Samsara Jue. The Samsara Jue was a martial skill that even he, a strong man in the Samsara realm, would be afraid of. Swallowed by the law, even if he is a strong person in the reincarnation realm, he may have to cross into reincarnation and rebuild his first life. Although this is not considered a fall, he does not want to come to such a situation.


The three forms of reincarnation, except for the king of reincarnation, finally appeared in front of the world from the hands of others. The terrifying black hole of reincarnation suddenly collided with the bloody giant ax and exploded in the void. In an instant, frenzied laws were mixed with terrifying energy of heaven and earth. An energy storm is formed and swept out.

King Qin Guang's expression couldn't help changing when he saw this scene, and he let out a cold snort. The law triggered the vast energy of heaven and earth to form a huge energy barrier in front of the first hall.


A huge roar sounded, and a shock wave of terrifying power swept out from the void. The eaves collapsed wherever it passed, and countless people vomited blood and flew out. The force that swept out was stronger than resisting.

"Damn it, if things go on like this, Ghost City will definitely be destroyed. Why don't those old guys come here?" Looking at Ghost City, where buildings within tens of thousands of meters were turned into ruins with just one blow, Qin Guang Wang's expression sank immediately, if the two were allowed to fight, the entire Ghost City would be destroyed.

However, King Qin Guang didn't know it was because the master of the Ghost Sect, Ghost Youming Lord, who was rushing to tear apart the void, could be said to be very anxious.

When his divine sense detected the two people who had gone through a great battle, their expressions were startled and angry.The terrifying aura suddenly enveloped the entire ghost city, making countless strong people living in the ghost city tremble.

"It's finally here!" King Qin Guang heaved a sigh of relief feeling the terrifying aura. As for King Chujiang, his expression was extremely pale at the moment, because the terrible coercion fell on him all of a sudden, making his body The body can't even fall in a straight line even if it is suspended in the sky.

With a sound of "Boom!", King Chu Jiang was directly suppressed by the terrible coercion and knelt on the dilapidated ground.

Seeing this scene, Long Feng couldn't help but raise his brows, the originally condensed strength in his body was slightly restrained at this moment, his eyes were fixed on the distance, what happened again?

The space fluctuated slightly, and finally under Long Feng's gaze, a purple figure slowly appeared in front of him. It was a thin old man with white hair and purple robe. The old man had a very ordinary face, but the old man The aura emanating from it was extremely terrifying, it could be said that Long Feng had come into contact with one of the few peak powerhouses.

A strong man in the Immortal Realm, Lord Ghost Youming, the suzerain of the Ghost Sect.It's just that this peerless powerhouse, who is usually calm and calm, is now looking up and down at Long Feng with some shock and uncertainty, deeply afraid that that terrible phantom will appear again, if that is the case, under the other party's anger, Perhaps the Underworld Sect and even the Netherworld would directly become a piece of dust.

Seeing that there was no terrifying aura coming out of Long Feng's body, Guiyouming Lord couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. If someone observed carefully, they would find that Guiyouming Lord's forehead was covered with traces of sweat.

It can be said that now Lord Guiyouming even has the heart to strangle King Chujiang to death, and he has issued an order on the front foot, and must not offend the little ancestor in front of him. murderer.King Chujiang, you don't have to die, but you have to think about the entire Netherworld. How can you provoke that terrifying supreme existence with a small reincarnation?

(End of this chapter)

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