Chapter 603

"Having this Tai Chi Eight Diagrams Formation saves me a lot of energy." The Tai Chi Eight Diagrams Formation was laid down by the Emperor Fuxi who realized the Dao of the Universe, and it already contains the power of the Supreme Dao. It is also necessary to use the power of thousands of avenues to induce the power of the universe.

The Hunyuan Ring Spirit is not too polite, with a wave of the palm, formation patterns emerge one after another, and with the emergence of each formation pattern, the power of the cosmic avenue contained in the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams formation will be extracted and injected into the god-slaying and demon-slaying formation. In the pattern.

As for the existence of the Hunyuan Ring Spirit, it is simply a breeze to set up a formation in the void, without the so-called formation flag formation base.Taking heaven and earth as the formation, and the avenue as the foundation of the formation, directly above the void of Tai Chi City, this supremely powerful formation of killing gods and demons was laid.

Although the Tai Chi Bagua formation that lost the power of the Dao is still superficial, it is already strong on the outside and has no effect.But as long as the big formation is not opened, no one will find that the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams big formation has completely lost its effect.

It took a full two days and two nights for the Ring Spirits to deploy the God-Slaying Demon-Slaying Formation. The formation was complete, and only Long Feng could clearly see that there seemed to be countless divine weapons floating in the sky above the entire Tai Chi City. And the terrifying and vicious aura and power fluctuations contained in each of these divine weapons caused Long Feng's expression to change suddenly.

Because he found that even if he used the fourth transformation of the nine transformations of Hunyuan, he might not be able to resist the power of the master's divine weapon, and he would definitely be smashed to pieces.

"These god-slaying and demon-slaying soldiers have a total of 99. Once activated, they will surely slaughter gods and kill demons. But my lord, you must remember that the more divine soldiers you activate, the greater the backlash you will have to bear." Strong, once you can't bear it, you will definitely be smashed to pieces. And this time is also the time when the formation is weakest, and it is also the time when you are the most dangerous. Once you, the leader of the formation, are wiped out, the formation will also collapse without attack."

The ring spirit couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief after finishing the God Slaughtering Demon Slaying Formation. It was not an easy task for him to set up this large formation. After the formation was completed, he immediately told Long Feng to pay attention.

"Well, I've already been prepared for this." Long Feng didn't think it was a surprise, but he had three avatars and Jun frivolous Dragon Emperor and his guardians, so his safety shouldn't be a problem.

"Hey, by the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you, my lord. After the massacre of gods and demons is opened, it will shield the law and order of the universe. That is to say, the strong in the realm of heaven can also make moves at will, so I Lord, you'd better seek your own blessing."

When the ring spirit showed a malicious smile, Long Feng couldn't help but sink.After the ring spirit finished speaking, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching slightly, as expected, nothing good happened.

"My lord, I'm afraid there will be a change this time. I have secretly changed the Tai Chi Bagua Formation. I hope it won't be needed by then, otherwise..."

When he returned to the Hunyuan Ring, the Ring Spirit couldn't help but blinked slightly. Since the last time everyone gathered and left, he became a little restless, as if he had been targeted by something somewhere.

In the world, those who can escape his detection, except for those creatures at the beginning of the universe, other people can't do this at all, so he has reason to believe that someone is definitely planning something, it may be the Emperor of Heaven, but it is also possible It's someone else.

In short, he knows that someone must be planning something secretly, because only he knows what the taboo carries. Once someone kills the taboo, then that person will succeed the taboo and become the new taboo, that is, the master of the universe in the future.

And such an opportunity is placed in front of those existences, and whoever is not tempted is probably a fake, the supreme lord of the universe.

What a lofty existence that is, now that such an opportunity to become the master of the universe is so easy, anyone will be moved.

But it is not so easy to kill Taboo. Taboo is the inheritor chosen by the universe.

If the unlucky person becomes the enemy of the taboo, it is not impossible for the light one to die, and the serious one to even implicate the destruction of the family and sect behind him.

In the world, if you want to find the existence whose luck can match the taboo, there is no other existence except those creatures that have existed since the beginning of the universe.

The Ring Spirit returned to the Hunyuan Ring, but Long Feng did not leave in a hurry, but his mind was firmly bound to the Great Formation of Slaughtering Gods and Slaying Demons, and the circulation pattern of the entire Great Formation kept appearing in his mind.

"Enlightenment!" Long Feng shouted softly, and in an instant, the latitude and longitude lines were intertwined to form countless formations and appeared above the sky of the entire Tai Chi City.At this moment, the sun, moon and stars in the universe are revolving, the universe is shaking, and the power of thousands of avenues induces the power of the universe to descend from the universe.

At the moment when the formation was activated, all the powerhouses in the Taiji City Dominion Realm felt extremely uneasy for some reason, as if a catastrophe was coming, and the higher the cultivation base, the deeper the feeling.

However, this feeling came and went quickly, and the extreme sense of crisis dissipated in an instant, and from the beginning to the end, no strong person found that the entire Tai Chi City had been shrouded by a new large formation.

"Good formation, worthy of the name of slaughtering gods and demons!" After trying to activate the large formation, Long Feng's eyes flickered instantly.

He could feel how terrifying the cosmic power he aroused after activating the grand formation was simply supreme power.

From Long Feng's point of view, under this great formation of slaughtering gods and killing demons, even the existence of the ruler of heaven will be killed wantonly, let alone the strong ones of the master realm, I am afraid that even the power of the formation will not be able to withstand it If you live, you will be instantly killed.

"Is there another day? I hope you don't want me to turn this Tai Chi City into a dead city with blood flowing into rivers and corpses everywhere!" Looking at the fiery red and festive Tai Chi City, Long Feng's expression gradually turned cold.

This matter involves Ling'er, he has absolutely no room for concessions, if Shen Fuxuan and Wujimen really want to make the matter go to the point where there is no room for it, then he doesn't mind killing them once.

After Long Feng closed his eyes and rested his mind for the whole night, on the second day, the Wuji Square in Taiji City was already crowded with people. Countless people rushed to watch this rare big wedding.

Wine tables full of color, fragrance and taste were placed around the entire square, and the people who could sit there were all powerful people.

The suzerains and patriarchs of various factions in the Eastern Wilderness, and the heroes of the human race from all over the world, many gathered here. Everyone talked and laughed with each other, but the smiles had their own deep meanings.

Among them, although there were smiles on their faces, the Evergreen sect powerhouses who were already extremely depressed in their hearts wanted to leave here immediately.

The three sects of the Eastern Desolation, originally the Wuji Sect was the strongest, followed by the Shen Fuxuan Evergreen Sect, and the three sects have been fighting each other for hundreds of millions of years. Now this balance is broken, Shen Fuxuan and the Wuji Sect are married, and the situation of the Evergreen Sect will be in the future. It's extremely uncomfortable, and I'm afraid it will be in jeopardy under the joint efforts of the two families.

Therefore, the Evergreen Sect is most reluctant to see the marriage of the two factions, but whether they have the ability to prevent the marriage of the two factions, just like the Evergreen Sect, the elders of the sects who are affiliated with the Evergreen Sect look quite ugly .

"Yue Hao, are you sure that Long Feng will make a move?" Qingyue frowned and asked at the wine table where the Changqing faction was.

"Yes, it will, and it will definitely turn upside down!" Hearing this, Yue Hao said with great certainty.

Up to now, he still clearly remembers that millions of years ago, Long Feng became mad because of that woman, causing a great war among hundreds of clans. It was almost destroying the entire Great Desolate World directly.

Therefore, he believed that the opponent would definitely make a move today, even if the opponents were Shen Fuxuan and Wuji Sect.

"This old man has to wait for a miracle to happen!" Long Feng is a murderer, if he really wants to intervene today, the wedding between Shen Fuxuan and Wujimen might really be messed up.

While everyone was chatting with each other, countless petals fell from the sky in the void of Taiji City, and under the countless gazes, a group of figures in red robes walked slowly in the air.

The golden lanterns on both sides of the crowd opened the way, the colorful sun was shining brightly, and the phoenix chariot carved with countless phoenixes flying high slowly came slowly.All eyes stared away.

"The bride has come out! Where's Xinlang?" When everyone stared at him, a golden light flickered on the other side of the void, and a group of figures also came from the void.

At the forefront of the crowd, imposing and handsome, the young master of the Wuji Sect, Wujitian, dressed in a red groom's robe with dragon patterns, was slowly riding a dragon horse through the air.

"He is the No. 1 Wujitian of the younger generation in the Eastern Wasteland. As expected, being famous is not as good as meeting each other. He has the supreme cultivation level of the Great Dominator at a young age. He must be the overlord in the future." Wujitian has only cultivated for a thousand years, but he is already far away. Far surpassing many strong men of the older generation.

After practicing for thousands of years, he has the cultivation base of the early stage of the Great Master Realm. Although he has countless resources from the Wuji Sect to cultivate, this kind of talent can still be called a supreme evildoer.

Inside Fengluan, Long Ling'er was wearing a phoenix crown and xiapei, her skin was as snowy and glamorous, but for some reason, there was always a voice in her heart that stopped her. Wishing to marry this so-called Wujitian.

But under the pressure of her master and the entire Shen Fuxuan, she couldn't resist, even her master personally sealed her cultivation just in case.

On the high platform of the Wuji Square, Wujixiong, the head of the Wuji Gate, said to Master Ziyu, the master of Shen Fuxuan, with a smile on his face: "After today, our two sects will be married without distinction."

"Hehe, that's natural. It's a blessing that my beloved disciple can marry your son-in-law!" Master Ziyu said with a slight smile when she heard the words. She is very satisfied with this marriage, because it doesn't matter Whether it is of great benefit to Shen Fuxuan or to her.

"Really?" Why do I feel that someone's shamelessness has reached a supreme level, I really feel ashamed! "Just before Master Ziyu spoke with a smile on his face, an incomparably cold and extremely mocking voice slowly resounded throughout the void of the Promise Square.

And the moment the familiar words sounded, Ling'er in Fengluan suddenly trembled, and a memory that had been sealed for a long time broke through the confinement with an unstoppable force and emerged in her mind.

"Feng!" Suddenly, Ling'er's tears were blurred, and a figure that was too familiar to him filled her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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