Peerless Killing God

Chapter 604 Disturbing the Marriage!

Chapter 604 Disturbing the Marriage!

Although Ling'er's voice was soft, but the existences present were all god-level powerhouses at the lowest level, no matter how light they were, they could all hear them, so each of them couldn't help but look weird, listening to the bride's voice, it seemed that there was something in the air. A sense of deep love.

"Ling'er, it's me, Big Brother Long is here." A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Long Feng's soft and loving eyes passed through Feng Luan through the void and landed on Ling'er.

"Where did the lunatic come from, talking nonsense here, looking for death!" Feeling that Long Feng's cultivation base was only half a step to dominate, Wujitian's expression suddenly became extremely gloomy, obviously he regarded Long Feng as someone sent by other forces to deliberately disturb him Dead man.

On the high platform of the square, Master Ziyu, the master of Shen Fuxuan, also had a cloudy expression at the moment, because she felt that the memory seal that she had set in Linger's mind had been broken.This made her extremely unbelievable. You must know that she is a strong person in the Dominant Realm, and Ling'er is only half-step in the Dominant Realm. How could the memory seal imprisonment set by her be broken through for no reason.

Unlike Master Ziyu's cloudy face, Wujixiong, the master of the Wuji Sect, changed his expression slightly, but his eyes glanced at the strong men of the Evergreen Sect, obviously he thought that the young man in black robe It was sent by the Evergreen faction to make trouble on purpose.

Long Feng, who was suspended in the void, directly ignored Wujitian's angry shout, and walked with the soles of his feet in the air, step by step towards Fengluan where Ling'er was.

"court death!"

With a roar, under everyone's eyes, a red light flickered across the void, and Wujitian's angry and terrifying punch slammed towards Longfeng.The power contained in this fist directly shattered the void, and the shattered space fragments were directly annihilated under the terrifying law power of Wujitian's fist.

"As expected of the No. 1 young generation of Donghuang, the power of this punch is enough to disdain the powerhouses of the same realm." Feeling the terrifying power contained in Wujitian's fist, many people's expressions changed drastically. With one punch, even the strong masters in the early stages of the Great Ruler dare not think that they can withstand it.

"This black-robed youth is sure to die. It seems that he has become a cannon fodder in other people's hands." Obviously, everyone thought that Long Feng was here to make trouble. Of course, even if he wasn't here to make trouble, he would surely die.

On the contrary, it was Qingyue from the Evergreen School who looked optimistic about the show, he knew everything about Long Feng, and if this evil star made a move today, the marriage between Wujimen and Shen Fuxuan would definitely be a mess.

Looking at Wujitian who was bombarded with a punch, Long Feng looked indifferent, and didn't even pay attention to Wujitian's terrifying blow at all. He opened his palm and squeezed it suddenly, and the power of Hunyuan rolled.


Two monstrous forces collided together in the void, and the shock wave of terrifying power rushed towards the surroundings. Those wedding guards and maids vomited blood and flew out, madly annihilated in the central space where the two collided. The huge black hole in space suddenly appeared above the sky.

"how is this possible?"

Feeling the terrifying force constantly sweeping over his fist, Wujitian's face changed drastically. The opposite party clearly only had half a level of mastery level cultivation, but he had a great level of mastery level cultivation. The power of the strong man's full blow, but the opponent could easily receive his own punch, and did not directly disappear under his fist as expected.

"You can actually catch my punch?" His eyes narrowed. Under the influence of Wujitian, there are not many young people who can withstand his punch so easily. Could it be that the black-robed youth in front of him is someone else in disguise? Can't do it?

The two of them backed away from each other, facing Wujitian's inquiry, Long Feng didn't even answer a word, and didn't even look him in the eye, but continued walking towards Fengluan with the soles of his feet in the air.

"Angry, you are too deceitful!"

The expression became extremely ferocious in an instant, Wu Jitian shook his palm, and a black and white long sword emerged in his hand, and then an extremely cold voice shook the entire void.

"One sword is boundless, ten thousand swords return to the clan!"

The power of the law of Wuji circulated around Wujitian, and with a wave of the Yin-Yang Sword, a seventh-order artifact in his hand, sword shadows filled the sky in an instant, and then these sword shadows all condensed into terrifying long swords carrying endless power of destruction.

"Chi... Chi... Chi!"

The endless long sword destroying all things came through the sky, Long Feng's expression turned cold, and he stepped on the sole of his foot, and the power of Hunyuan rolled.

"Nine steps to smash the sky, one step to nothingness!"


One step into nothingness, everything is gone, the sole of the foot falls, and under the countless horrified gazes, the countless long swords that emerged from Wujitian's Wanjian Guizong disappeared in an instant, and anyone with a discerning eye could see it at this moment. The strength is absolutely no less than Wujitian.

With a step on the soles of his feet, Wan Jian, who had gone to Wujitian, returned to the sect, and the figure of Long Feng walking through the air finally came to Feng Luan. The Feng Luan was equivalent to a sixth-order artifact, so the impact of the previous fighting power of the two had no effect To Ling'er in Fengluan.

"Brother Long, Ling'er misses you so much." Ling'er, who was wearing a phoenix crown and Xiapei, was wearing a happy smile at this moment, stepping from the phoenix luan to Long Feng's arms like flying jade feet.

This scene plunged the entire Promise Square into a dead silence.Countless people looked at each other in blank dismay, and the newlywed bride threw herself into another man's arms under the watchful eyes of everyone. This not only slapped Wujitian in the face, but also slapped Wujimen in the face.Everyone also understood at this moment that this wedding was completely scandalous, and even the Promise Gate would become the laughing stock of the world.

"Ah! I want you to wish for death but not for survival!" At this moment, Wujitian's face became as pale as a pig's liver, and the roar of a wild animal resounded throughout the void.

Those who heard it couldn't help casting a pitiful look. From today onwards, this wedding will become a black spot that Wujitian will never erase in his life, and may even become his demon.

On the high platform of Wuji Square, Wujixiong slapped the armrest of his chair with his big hand at the same moment, his pair of tiger eyes were full of murderous intent, and the armrest he patted turned into nothingness in an instant.

Among all the people, Master Ziyu's expression is also extremely ugly, and her current situation is even more embarrassing, after all Ling'er is her direct disciple in name.

But after Ling'er forcibly broke through her memory seal, she felt vaguely that something bad was about to happen, but she didn't expect it to happen so soon.

After the dead silence, there was a lot of discussion. No one thought that a good wedding would turn into a farce, and this farce was far from over.

"Interesting, now it's finally worth seeing."

At the moment, the helmsmen of many forces have weird faces, and many of them have the corners of their mouths upturned. Among them, the strong men of the Evergreen School are undoubtedly the happiest. Get married, and may even turn against each other.

"Ling'er, Big Brother Long will let you enter a safe place first." Looking at Wujitian who looked like a wild beast, Long Feng smiled coldly.

Although Ling'er was worried about Long Feng's safety, she also knew that she was a burden, so she could only cast a worried look at Long Feng, and then nodded silently.

"Don't worry, your brother Long is blessed!" Holding Ling'er's jade hand, Long Feng's thoughts moved, the Primordial Ring flashed, and Ling'er's figure disappeared into the void.

"Tai Chi Tian Mie, die!"

At this moment, Wujitian, who was completely mad, pressed his hands suddenly, and the whole void was dimmed in an instant, and a pitch-black Yin-Yang diagram and Tai Chi diagram descended from the sky, as if to kill all living beings.This blow immediately changed the color of the world, and countless strong men were out of breath.


The power of life and death reincarnation rolled around Long Feng, and a reincarnation figure appeared behind him. The terrifying power of reincarnation rolled through the void, causing many masters to change their expressions. Under the power of reincarnation, they all had the feeling that they would be killed Swallowed by samsara The terrible illusion of escaping into samsara.

"Yin and Yang life and death, endless reincarnation!" The power of reincarnation rules is completely released from the reincarnation law, and at this moment it seems that everything will fall into endless reincarnation.

"No, it's the rules of reincarnation, one of the top ten rules!" As soon as the power of the rules of reincarnation came out, Wujixiong's expression suddenly changed and he said "no". The young men in black robes have come up with endless tricks.

When the rules of reincarnation appeared, he realized that his previous thinking was wrong, and it was very wrong.Under the rules of reincarnation, not to mention Wujitian, even an existence at the peak of the Great Master Realm would retreat by three points.

Long Feng slapped his palm, and the reincarnation method was quite powerful, and a reincarnation black hole full of reincarnation rules appeared in the sky. The reincarnation black hole rotated quietly, but as long as something fell around the reincarnation black hole, it would be swallowed and fell. Into reincarnation.

The Taiji Mietian that Wujitian condensed the power of the law in his body was completely swallowed by the black hole of reincarnation in less than a moment, and the black hole of reincarnation was getting bigger and bigger, as if it was going to swallow the whole world into reincarnation.

"Ignorant child, don't be rampant!"

A blade glow cut across the void, the shadow of the blade flickered, and the space it passed was annihilated. The power of the blade split the sky and the earth, and the law of the blade filled the sky. When the blade came out, the black hole of reincarnation was actually split into two by the opponent's terrifying blade. Full of energy.

"The power of the law of the pinnacle sword is actually shot by the existence of the half-step Heaven Dominator Realm." Looking at the terrifying sword light that seemed to split the universe, many of the Great Dominator Realm powerhouses looked shocked. They felt the threat of death in the light of the sword, and it was obvious that the person who came was absolutely terrifying.

"The Promise Sect, the Emperor of Sword Jue! One of the ten great emperors of the Eastern Desolation, the strength ranks third!" When a figure full of terrifying sword intent appeared, his whole body seemed to be like a knife about to split the world, causing a sudden commotion. sound absorption.

Among the top ten great emperors in the Eastern Wasteland, the Wuji Sect occupies three seats, and this Daojue Emperor is the best among them, and his strength is only half a step away from the Heavenly Domination Realm.

"Old Dao, kill him quickly!"

Many disciples of the Wuji Sect saw that it was Dao Jue who made the attack, and each of them said with extremely strong killing intent, and the figure of Emperor Dao Jue was floating, he was a thin old man, but he was holding a huge magic sword in his hand, A pair of pitch-black pupils shot towards Long Feng with a terrifying gaze like a blade, and a murderous intent rolled from the whole body of Emperor Daojue.

As for Emperor Daojue's actions, he was naturally ordered by Wujixiong. After all, in the supreme plane where the strong in the Heavenly Ruler Realm cannot make moves, the existence of Daojue, a half-step Heavenly Ruler Realm, is the strongest.

(End of this chapter)

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