Peerless Killing God

Chapter 616 Soul Burial Platform, Life and Death!

Chapter 616 Soul Burial Platform, Life and Death!
"Hehe, it's fate to meet by chance, can the three of you do me a favor and have a drink together!" Yun Feiyang said with a smile, but the three who had a good impression of Yun Feiyang did not refuse.

It didn't take long for the four of them to drink and talk happily, as if they were very familiar old friends.

Of course, it is not unreasonable for Yun Feiyang to put down his body and make friends with the three, because he has practiced a secret method, which can observe other people's luck in an extremely subtle manner, so in the Burial Soul Tower, Yun Feiyang Feiyang has made many friends.

But there was never a time when he was so shocked, because under the exploration of his secret method, the power of Long Feng's luck was like an endless ocean roaring, and the luck of other people was just a small stream that was insignificant compared to them .

Especially Long Feng, the terrifying luck soared straight into the sky, it seemed that even the gods couldn't resist it, this kind of luck seemed to go against the sky, even the sky couldn't suppress it.

Although the luck of Jun Qingkuang and Dragon Emperor is boundless and boundless, he vaguely feels that their luck is driven by Long Feng. It can be said that the first time he felt Long Feng's earth-shattering cry After the terrible luck, Yun Feiyang was really scared. In his cognition, there is no one whose luck can match Long Feng, not even the powerhouse of the Supreme Domination Realm.

Therefore, he resolutely put down his body to make friends with the three of them, and even had a very heart-to-heart chat with the three of them, and followed the acceptance of the three of them by Long Fengjun's frivolous Dragon Emperor.He even found that his luck was actually boosted, much more majestic than before, and this made Yun Feiyang even more want to make friends with this seemingly ordinary three people.

"Brother Jun, Brother Long, and Brother Emperor, I am very happy to meet you. This is my warrant. If you encounter difficulties in the Burial Soul Tower, take out this warrant and ask for help. The strong men of Lingtianzong will definitely help you if you see it." !"

Yun Feiyang smiled, waved his palm, and one side of the white jade token emerged, on the token was written Ling Tian's two big golden characters, and on the other side was written a cloud character.

"You're too polite. Brother Yun takes care of us like this, which makes us a little flattered." I have to say that the first impression of Yun Feiyang by Long Feng and the others is indeed very good at the moment, and they really want to make such a friend in their hearts. After all, relying on friends when going out, and having friends to help in this Burial Soul Tower, some things may go much smoother.

"Haha, meeting is fate, not to mention we hit it off right away. If there is a chance, I would like to explore the Burial Soul Tower with the three of you. Maybe we can meet our own great opportunities." Yun Feiyang laughed, but it was extremely said boldly.

"If there is a chance, we will definitely call Brother Shang Yun." Nodding, Long Feng did not refuse, and his first impression of Yun Feiyang was still very good.

After Yun Feiyang bid farewell, the three of Long Feng also got up and left the Imperial Building. After walking on the streets of Buried Soul City for half an hour, Long Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly to show a hint of indifference.

"Some troubles have to be resolved after all!" A faint voice sounded, Long Feng and the three turned around, Tian Yaopeng led more than a dozen strong men from the Golden Winged Yaopeng clan, looking at them with murderous expressions.

"Ants, don't think that you can be safe and sound with the protection of Yun Feiyang. Today I will let you die and not survive!" The idea came from Tian Yaopeng, and many strong people immediately watched the good show.

After all, the name of Bai Tianjiao is extremely resounding in the entire Burial Soul Tower. Everyone is a son of Tianjiao, and they are the most monstrous peak existences of the younger generation in the entire universe. It is impossible for such an existence to attract attention.

"Hey, these three human boys are going to be in bad luck, who is not good enough to provoke the evil star of Tianyaopeng!" Seeing this, many strong men cast sympathetic glances at Long Feng and the three of them, burying their souls. There is no good fruit for offending Tian Yaopeng in the tower.

"Why so much nonsense, the battle at the Burial Soul Terrace is enough!" Rolling his eyelids, Long Feng said lightly, although Tian Yaopeng is one of the hundred talents, but he has not been placed in Long Feng's eyes.

"Arrogance! Arrogance! Courting death!" Many strong men around heard the words and immediately changed their expressions. They all secretly thought that Long Feng was overestimating his capabilities. I'm afraid Peng won't be able to take any move in his hands.

At this moment, countless experts thought that Long Feng was already a dead man, but Tian Yaopeng was taken aback when he heard this, and then an extremely cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said: "Since you want to seek your own death, I will help you."

And Tian Yaopeng naturally has his unparalleled self-confidence. You must know that he is a mid-stage master of the sky, and he is also a royal family of the Golden Winged Peng clan. He is top-notch in terms of speed, attack, and defense.

Even against other races who are strong at the late stage of the Heavenly Dominator Realm, they can fight evenly, let alone Long Feng, who only has the early stage of the Little Dominant Realm.

Soul Burial Platform, located in the central area of ​​Soul Burial City, has a total of 99 circular battle platforms, each of which is extremely blood-red. It is unknown how many strong people have been stained with blood, and how many strong people have fallen on the Soul Burial Platform for hundreds of millions of years.

Once on the soul burial platform, life and death are at the mercy of fate. Only when one party dies completely, the soul burial platform will be opened to allow the winner to leave, and the loser will have to pay the price with life and all soul points.

Therefore, if it is not a life-and-death battle, few people will choose to compete on the soul burial stage. Of course, if some strong people are extremely confident in their own strength, they can naturally go to the stage to fight to the death and steal other people's soul points.

However, at this moment, many powerhouses are secretly surprised, because there is actually a powerhouse in the small master realm of the human race who wants to challenge Tian Yaopeng, one of the hundred heavenly prides, and it is a life-and-death battle on the Burial Soul Stage!
"I really don't know how to live or die. Although Tian Yaopeng only ranks seventy or eighty among the hundred Tianjiao, even the strong men of the older generation may not be his opponents, let alone this brat who knows nothing about the heights of the human race. Does he think that Is this the supreme plane?"

In the Supreme Plane, the existence of the minor master may be regarded as one of the characters, but in the Burial Soul Tower, the existence of the minor master is just the bottom of the existence.

The 99 soul burial towers occupy the central area of ​​the soul burial city in a circular shape, and in the center of the 99 soul burial towers is a blood-colored lotus battle platform, while the other 98 towers seem to be guarding!
And this bloody lotus burial tower is different from the other 98 towers. For thousands of years, there have been many speculations that this bloody lotus soul burial tower may be the treasure of the first floor of the soul burial tower. Unfortunately, for hundreds of millions of years, No matter whether it is a small ruler, a big ruler, a heavenly ruler, or even a strong person in the highest realm, they can't help but get this soul burial platform!
In the past, there were even existences in the Supreme Master Realm who tried to forcibly seize this soul burial platform but failed. Therefore, for thousands of years, everyone has given up their hearts.

However, speculation about this blood lotus soul burial platform has never stopped, and many strong people even think that this lotus soul burial platform is an innate treasure.Otherwise, how could even the existence of the Supreme Master Realm have no way to deal with it? Obviously, the treasure has a spirit, and it is not yet time to recognize the master.

Therefore, for hundreds of millions of years, this blood-colored lotus burial platform has seen the most life-and-death battles. I don't know how many strong people have fallen on it, and how many strong people hope to be recognized as the master of this lotus burial platform.

Just when the news spread that Long Feng was going to fight Tian Yaopeng on the soul burial platform, a life-and-death battle had just ended on the blood-colored lotus soul burial platform. In the first battle, one person fell and the other was seriously injured!
Before the crowd of spectators left, they saw the figures of Long Feng and Tian Yaopeng falling on the blood-colored lotus soul burial platform in a blink of an eye!
"Don't worry, I won't kill you directly, I will make your life worse than death!" After stepping on the lotus burial platform, Tian Yaopeng immediately grinned, and on the burial platform, Long Feng's life and death are at his mercy up.Similarly, in the eyes of other experts, Long Feng was simply seeking his own death!
"That's a lot of nonsense!" Long Feng's black hair and black robe billowed, the power of Hunyuan circulated all over his body, and the aura of Hunyuan Dao emerged, and many strong men shrank their pupils suddenly.

Under the coercion of Hunyuan Dao, they were shocked to find that the Dao of Law in their bodies was suppressed uncontrollably, as if they had met an absolute nemesis.

"Hmph! Pretending to be a ghost!" With an angry snort, Tian Yaopeng's whole body shone with golden light, wearing golden armor on his body, and a pair of golden wings emerged behind him. They will all be pierced and broken!
"It's scary, the great way of gold is great, you are indeed one of the hundred talents!" Under the flash of golden light, all the strong men felt tingling all over their bodies, and they all looked horrified.

A strong person in the Heavenly Ruler Realm is in charge of the Dao, and a total of four realms have just reached the peak of small success and great success, while Tian Yaopeng is only in the middle stage of the Heavenly Ruler Realm, but he has already mastered the Dao of Dacheng Gold. Those who compete with each other.

Although Long Feng's Hunyuan Dao is a small success, he still can't suppress Tianyaopeng. After all, Tianyaopeng is not just as simple as mastering a kind of Dao, otherwise he will not become one of the hundred talents. They are so young A generation of evildoers and strong men don't know how many cards they have, so it is impossible to look at them with the eyes of ordinary strong men.


A golden light swept across the void, and a black space crack emerged. The speed of this blow was so fast that even some of the existence of the ruler of the sky could not detect it. traces of blood.


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Long Feng's whole body was split into two, without even the slightest ability to resist, he fell on the spot.

"Hiss! As expected of the Sky Yaopeng, it's really terrifying!" The sound of gasping kept ringing, and many strong men showed extremely fearful expressions, because they thought that they would not be able to take the slaying of the Sky Yaopeng. Blow, this blow has reached an incomparable level of perfection both in terms of speed and attack power!

(End of this chapter)

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