Peerless Killing God

Chapter 617 Strong crush!

Chapter 617 Strong crush!

Just when everyone thought that Long Feng would be killed with one blow, Long Feng's body that had been split in two twisted and recovered as before, and the bloody crack that split in two from the center of his eyebrows disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Hiss! Immortal body!"

When many powerhouses noticed this scene, they all gasped. Immortality is not a skill that everyone can master.

And Longfeng Dacheng's Immortal Demon Art and the body of Hunyuan, it can be said that he is an immortal existence, unless the powerhouse of the Supreme Domination Realm suppresses him with the sub-universe, otherwise the Supreme Domination Realm No one can kill him.

"A strong blow is even enough to kill an ordinary mid-stage Heavenly Dominator!" Nodding his head, Long Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. It seems that he still needs to use some strength to defeat the Heavenly Yaopeng. .

"No wonder you are so arrogant. It turns out that you have an immortal body, but this is not the capital of your arrogance. Even if you have an immortal body, I will smash you to ashes, and see how you survive!"

Behind Tian Yaopeng, the golden wings spread out, the golden light spread, and the power of the avenue rolled, and between the words, the figure turned into a golden light again. This blow was more terrifying than the previous one, and it definitely had the power to destroy the sun and the moon. The terrifying power of the collapse of the universe, even the space will be shattered!
"Good come!"

With a loud shout, Long Feng will perform the second transformation of the Hunyuan Nine Transformations.

"Hunyuan Palm Hongmeng, I respect the universe!"

In an instant, Long Feng seemed to be transformed into an eternal and invincible supreme being, with a billion-foot-high Hunyuan avatar standing upright, with a pair of eyes looking down on the world, as if everything was a creature crawling under his feet.

Under this terrifying coercion, the powerhouses of the minor masters and the great masters can only prostrate themselves on the ground, even the masters of the heavenly masters are shivering, with an irresistible force in their hearts, and their expressions are extremely horrified , looking at Long Feng's hundreds of millions of Hunyuan real body, as if seeing an eternal supreme standing in front of their eyes.


The earth-shattering roar sounded, the whole world trembled, and the 99 soul burial platforms seemed to vibrate accordingly. I saw the golden wings of the sky demon peng cutting directly on the body of Long Feng's hundreds of millions of Hunyuanzhen. Power poured out continuously, but no scars emerged.


The majestic voice of Long Feng, who was incarnated as the supreme being, sounded like a slap of the palm of a pillar of the sky, and Zai Tianyaopeng's expression changed suddenly.He only had time to feel a terrifying and boundless force emanating from Long Feng's body, and before he had any time to defend himself, he flew backwards, and the moment he flew backwards, a blood mist was created!
"It's too scary! Is this really just a human race in the small ruler realm? Why do I feel that he is one of those monsters from the Chaos race!"

Seeing Tian Yaopeng being shot flying without any resistance, many powerhouses looked very exciting. After all, no one thought that the sudden burst of strength from the existence of a small ruler would be so terrifying. It is inferior to a full-strength strike of a late-stage master of heaven, and even stronger!

And Jun Qingkuang and Long Di were already used to Long Feng's sudden explosion of thousands of times in strength, and they knew it very clearly.

But this is still Long Feng's real strength, how strong his real strength is, even the two of them don't know.Some people even said that Long Feng could resist an existence of the Supreme Master Realm, and they would believe it, because Long Feng was a miracle-creating existence!

"It turns out that he is not arrogant, nor is he looking for death, but he has real materials. It seems that Bai Tianjiao will have one more person." Many old and immortal beings' eyes flashed, and they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.It is said that green is better than blue because of blue, and in their eyes, these young evil descendants may surpass their older generations in a short time.


Just when many strong men were sighing, suddenly there was a sound of fury, and when this sound sounded like the roar of a giant beast, the whole world suddenly went dark, and a terrifying figure covering the sky and the sun appeared on the Burial Soul Altar sky!
"Kunpeng, the beast of chaos, oh my god! The legend is true, and the family of the golden-winged Yaopeng is the descendant of Kunpeng's blood." Looking at the Sky Yaopeng who has transformed into an unknown number of thousands of miles of Kunpeng, the eyes of an unknown number of powerful people suddenly shrank , a look of horror appeared on his face.

Kunpeng, a monster of chaos, was born when the chaos first opened. It is said that it can soar over half of the universe with a single fly, and can destroy hundreds of millions of stars with a single blow.It is a truly supreme existence, only a little weaker than the first-generation supreme dominator, and the ordinary second-generation supreme dominator is not even his opponent!

And although the Kunpeng transformed by Tian Yaopeng is not a real chaotic monster Kunpeng, it is also extremely terrifying. Under the pressure of that terrifying power, even some existences at the peak of the Heavenly Lord Realm have extremely dignified expressions on their faces.

Tian Yaopeng, as one of the Hundred Heavenly Talents, naturally has his reasons. After all, the entire universe does not know how many billions of living beings, and there are so many evildoers, but there are only ten evildoers and Hundred Heavenly Talents in the entire Burial Soul Tower. What a terrifying hole card and talent.

It can be said that those who can become the top of the hundred are not only judged by their cultivation base, but also by their unimaginable hole cards and real strength.

"Good guy, you can actually make Tian Yaopeng show his hole cards so quickly, you are indeed a man with unlucky luck!" At this time, Yun Feiyang also looked at the two people who were fighting on the funeral platform with a serious face. It can be said that he The shock in Long Feng's heart was no less than that of others.

You know, Long Feng's real cultivation is only at the small master level, he asked himself, if he had only the small master level, he might not even be qualified to fight against Long Feng.

"Monster, this is the peerless monster. The top ten monsters and the hundred geniuses have to stand aside. If he has the cultivation level of the master of heaven, the ten supreme monsters are probably not his opponents. As for the hundred geniuses, I'm afraid None of them are his generals!"

With this kind of thought in his heart, the eyes in Yun Feiyang's eyes kept flickering, and he secretly mourned for the Sky Yaopeng and the Golden Winged Yaopeng clan in his heart. To be the enemy of such a peerless monster, when he grows up in the future, the ending can be imagined Know.

At this time, the two gigantic monsters that covered the sky and the sun by hundreds of millions of feet faced each other, causing countless eyes of the entire Burial Soul City to fall on the void of the Burial Soul Terrace.

Of course, more attention was paid to Long Feng's strange face. He could fight Tian Yaopeng to such an extent. Maybe there will be a new Hundred Talents.

"It's just an image transformed with blood. It's just a superficial appearance. Let me tear you apart!" Long Feng's incomparably majestic Voice of the Great Dao rolled, a pair of eyes turned blood red at some point, and the power of Hunyuan was running crazily , the third transformation of Hunyuan Nine Transformations was directly displayed.

"The third change of the nine changes of Hunyuan, the limitless Hunyuan, lawlessness!"

Nine changes of Hunyuan, one change is more terrifying than one change, if the second change of Hunyuan gives Long Feng the strength to fight against the peak powerhouse of the Heaven Dominant Realm, then the three changes of Hunyuan are enough to give Long Feng a half-step Supreme Dominant Realm The terrifying strength of the strong!
When this terrifying force between the Supreme Ruler Realm and the Heavenly Ruler Realm swept across, the entire Burial Soul City fell silent, and many strong men of the older generation immediately locked their eyes on the dragon. front.

Compared with these strong men of the older generation, Yun Feiyang, who was originally sitting, stood up directly. At this moment, even he couldn't help shaking his palms slightly.

He didn't release the power of half a step to the highest level of dominance, but it was enough to hit him with all his strength. However, today a human youth with only a small level of dominance released a strength comparable to him.

How inconceivable this seemed to him, even his self-confidence, which had always been extremely confident, was completely ruthlessly shattered by Long Feng at this moment.

"Hunyuan Wuliang, destroy!"

The blood in the eyes flashed, and Long Feng's palm suddenly pressed down. This blow contained immeasurable power. This blow was enough to destroy all things and the universe, even if it was in the space of Burial Soul City, in Longfeng This pressure actually makes a slight sound, and the crazy twisting room seems to be broken at any time.

"No! I am the pride of the hundred heavens, and I am the young master of the Golden Winged Yaopeng clan. How could I die!"

Under the pressure of Long Feng's Hunyuan Boundless, the Kunpeng transformed by Tianyaopeng was directly distorted and fragmented, and like Kunpeng, Tianyaopeng's body was also twisted crazily and seemed to be fragmented at any time. Full of ferocious and unbelievable look.

"Brave maniac, don't try to be fierce!" Suddenly a voice sounded like the voice of the supreme avenue, the golden light flashed past, and Long Feng's immeasurable blow that was originally capable of destroying everything collided with the golden light.

Then, under countless horrified gazes, the space in the sky shattered, and two storms of power that could destroy everything erupted, and the entire Burial Soul City trembled under these two storms of destructive power.

Countless buildings made of extremely precious sacred stones were immediately torn apart, and the entire Burial Soul City was in a mess, as if the entire Burial Soul City would be destroyed accordingly.

"It's the old immortal of the Golden Winged Demon Peng family who made the move!" Some strong men stared at the sky, where a figure in a golden robe with a pair of golden wings on his back stood proudly.

And it was the nine pairs of golden wings of this figure that resisted Long Feng's boundless blow. The cultivation base and strength to step up to the high dominance level.

Each of the nine pairs of golden wings seems to flow with countless laws of the supreme avenue. Although each of the laws of the avenue is as thin as silk, it seems that the laws of the avenue as thin as silk are condensed to form a supreme avenue If you look carefully, you will find that there seem to be three thousand worlds circulating on the nine pairs of gold wings, and the three thousand worlds gather together to form a phantom of the real universe!

"Nine-winged Yaopeng, one of the ancestors of the Golden Winged Yaopeng clan! Unexpectedly, it is him, and he is not dead yet!"

Looking at the nine pairs of golden wings behind the visitor, many of the powerhouses in the realm of masters suddenly lost their voices. The nine-winged demon peng, famous for its nine pairs of golden wings, is an extremely ancient existence of the gold-winged demon peng family. Second to the first ancestor and holy ancestor of the Golden Winged Demon Peng clan, it is a genuine existence of half-step supreme dominance.

Rumor has it that his nine pairs of golden wings make him unparalleled in speed, defense, and attack.It is said that he even survived being hunted down by a strong man in the supreme domination realm. One can only imagine how terrifying this nine-winged demon roc is!
Moreover, the current Nine-Winged Demon Peng is only half a foot away from entering the Supreme Dominator Realm, and his strength is far superior to some half-step Supreme Dominator Realm powerhouses with the same cultivation level. I understand, Long Feng is going to be in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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