Peerless Killing God

Chapter 62 The name of Longfeng!

Chapter 62 The name of Longfeng!

After asking about some things about Tianling Pagoda and Zhenhun Hall, Long Feng touched his chin with his fingers, his eyes flickered slightly, and then asked again: "How many people have you come in this time, what is your strength, what is the golden number?" What is the use? What is your purpose?"

After finishing speaking, Long Feng took out the jade card in his hand, besides his [-] scary red number points, a golden number five appeared below it.

"We have 100 people coming in, one team is divided into five people, a total of twenty teams, there are sixteen teams with equal strength to ours, and the captains of the other three teams are all at the early stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm." After finishing speaking, Ge Tian Ba ​​looked at Long Feng with some dryness and helplessness and continued: "As for these golden numbers, it proves how many examiners you have defeated, thus proving your potential and strength. On the other hand, every old student who is defeated by you will contribute Give you half of the soul coins and spirit coins."

Speaking of this, the hearts of the five of them are bleeding. They have worked hard in the academy for a year to earn a total of less than fifty soul coins and spirit coins. Normally, they are not willing to use them, but now they pay half of them. To give it to Long Feng.

"As for the 100 of us who are old students in the assessment, the main purpose is to assess whether your strength is qualified or not. If you fail to pass the test, you will be eliminated directly. Of course, every time we defeat one of you, we can get a soul coin or soul coin." currency."

Speaking of this, the five of them felt even more helpless. In order to join the freshman assessment team, each of them paid a huge price and relationship, but now they ended up in such a miserable end.

"In this way, I can give you a chance. Of course, it depends on how you choose this path!" After thinking for a while, Long Feng asked about some incidents at Zhanmeng Academy and suddenly said.

"You said, we will try our best to cooperate with you!" Hearing this, the five people all looked happy, and they were not idiots, so they heard what Long Feng said.

"I want you to help me find the other nineteen teams. In addition, I can help you get more freshman points, which is my reward for you." There was a hint of madness in his eyes, and Long Feng said with a smile. It's a good thing, so why doesn't he get some more.

Hearing this, the expressions of the five people changed, and all of them were struggling. If they chose to help Long Feng, then the five of them from other teams would definitely be offended to death, but if Rulong According to Feng, then they might get a large amount of soul coins and spirit coins.

"Do you dare? Do it or not!" The five people all looked at each other, and Ge Tianba's scarred face showed an excited expression. He had offended many people at Zhanmeng Academy, and he was already dead. The water is boiling.

"We can agree to your request, but we can't deal with the captains of the three teams and the forces behind them." This time Ge Tianba didn't speak, and it was the blue-robed youth who spoke before.

"You don't have to worry about this, I just want to trouble them!" Hearing this, Long Feng just said lightly.Only when there is pressure can there be motivation, and only when there is motivation can one be able to continuously improve one's own strength.

Since he first came to this world, he didn't spend that day under terrifying pressure. If it wasn't like this, how could Long Feng's strength improve so quickly, breaking through from the Yellow Spirit Realm to the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm in a year, and his martial arts foundation Extremely reliable, absolutely no opportunistic tricks.

"Okay! Then we will accompany you to do it!" With Long Feng's guarantee, and in terms of Long Feng's strength, they can be regarded as having a backer when they enter Zhanmeng Academy. Although this backer is only a freshman, who is called This freshman is so perverted.

The five made up their minds and immediately swallowed a healing elixir. After adjusting their breath for a while, they took Long Feng and leaped towards the nearest team.

And less than a few thousand meters away from Long Feng and others, the five old students watched with a smile on their faces as the golden numbers on their jade cards changed from zero to more than ten, and within an hour after arriving in the secret realm, they had found Dozens of freshmen were recruited, most of them were defeated by them and lost their qualifications to enter the Zhanmeng Academy. Of course, some of them were strong, but they ran away after seeing that they couldn't beat them.

"Hey! Boss, if we go on like this, we can get hundreds of points in less than a day." With a smile, a skinny young man in black robes smiled at a tall and straight young man in a yellow robe in front of him. road.

"Huh? Ge Tianba, why are you here!" Suddenly, the young man raised his head and landed on the five Ge Tianba who appeared in his eyes, and he couldn't help but said with some doubts.

They had discussed it beforehand, each team was assigned a different direction, and how much they got depended on their own ability and luck, but now Ge Tianba, a team that was far away from them, appeared here instead.

"Hey, hand over your jade cards, and we can consider saving you from the pain of flesh and blood!" With a playful smile, Ge Tianba and the other four people looked at each other with interest in the show. Provoking these five people, in fact, they are also taking revenge on these five people, who told them to be attacked by Long Feng before.

"Huh? You're looking for death, don't you know that we are members of the Earth Alliance?" Hearing this, the young man's expression darkened and he said in a cold voice. Did these people take the wrong medicine and dare to offend them?
"Sweeping thousands of troops!" However, a cold and indifferent voice responded to the young man, and then a series of terrifying and low-pitched sonic booms sounded, and an extremely cold light flashed before the eyes of the five of them. It was a strange weapon. The weapon has the shape of a long spear, but it has a double moon cold front, which is much more powerful and domineering than a long spear.

However, this was their last gaze, because under Long Feng's horrific blow that swept thousands of troops, the five of them vomited blood and flew backwards without any reaction, and then fell heavily on the ground, rolling their eyes and passing out.

"As expected of a monstrosity, I'm afraid it will be more difficult for the strong in the Heavenly Spirit Realm to strike this blow." Ge Tianba and the other five couldn't help trembling when they saw the five people who passed out after a single blow.

"You can take half of the points on their cards. By the way, what kind of force is the Earth Alliance they are talking about?" Long Feng put Fang Tianji away, leaving a series of afterimages in the void, and finally left behind himself.

"Boss, the Earth Alliance is formed by our Zhanmeng students. We don't have to be afraid of the Earth Alliance, but we have to be careful about the Sky Alliance, the backstage of the Earth Alliance." After happily dividing the points of the five people, the blue-robed youth Liu Zhu finally explained.

"Tianmeng? What kind of organization is this?" Long Feng frowned and said involuntarily.

"Hey, boss, this is related to the ranking on the battle king list. Generally speaking, the strong on the battle king list can establish their own power organizations. Of course, everyone also depends on the situation to join their own organizations to seek asylum or earn souls together." Bi and Lingbi are like this, and Zhanmeng Academy has three strongest organizations, the strongest of which is Longmeng, their boss is the young master of the Long family, recognized by the Dragon Empire as the number one evildoer and number one powerhouse of the younger generation! The second is the Imperial Alliance, the members of this faction are all relatives of the Dragon Empire, and their boss is the Crown Prince."

"As for the boss of the Tianmeng, it is established by the young lord of the Tianming Sect, the third largest force in the Dragon Empire, and these three are the most evil and strongest of the younger generation."

After finishing speaking, Ge Tianba and the others still had respectful and admiring expressions on their faces, just because the three of them were all favored by the heavens, regardless of their background, power or talent, and they, who are commonly known as geniuses outside, were not worthy to lift shoes for these people.

"The strongest three?" The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and Long Feng's eyes flashed with a strong fighting spirit. Sooner or later, he would fight these three people, and he believed that this battle would not be too long.

And if Ge Tianba and the others knew what Long Feng was thinking, they might secretly sigh at this master's boldness. You must know that these three people don't talk about their background and background, but their aptitude. They are less than 25 years old, and everyone has the lowest level of cultivation They all have the cultivation base of the late stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm!And the strongest dragon alliance boss is said to have stepped into a higher level with half of his feet.

"Let's go, go find the next team!" Putting half of the numbers on the jade card into his own jade card, the six people disappeared in place in a blink of an eye.

"This Long Feng! He is so brave. He dared to fight against the old students. I'm afraid it's a thorn in his head. It seems that this freshman class is interesting!" Looking at the golden number behind Long Feng's name on the Qianlong list, it changed to more than 60. , suddenly caused some commotion.

Every year, there are quite a few freshmen who fight against old students, but it is really rare for Long Feng to rob two teams in one day, and it is obvious that the opponent is not giving up.

When one day passed, all the Zhanmeng students who were waiting and watching under the hidden dragon list were silent, because seventeen of the twenty freshman assessment teams that entered the secret realm had all been wiped out.

"Long Feng! Who is this Long Feng? Could it be another evil genius from the Long family?" Looking at this scene that had appeared for a long time, everyone's eyes were fixed. They were able to do such a thing back then. I'm afraid they are the three on the list of kings of war.

"There are still three strongest teams. If these three teams are defeated, then this Long Feng will probably be a new legendary monster in our Zhanmeng Academy, no! Now this Long Feng is already a monster." Looking at the dazzling golden name of No. [-] Longfeng on the Qianlong list and the terrifying row of numbers behind him, the corners of everyone's mouths twitched slightly.

"There are the last three teams!" In the dense forest, Long Feng sat with his eyes closed, while the five of Ge Tianba were all excited. There are more than [-] points on the selected card.

These points are enough for them to cultivate in Soul-Suppressing Hall and Tianling Pagoda for nearly a year, and they have never dared to think about such benefits before. After practicing in these two places for a year, I am afraid that some of the battle kings list None of the students on the campus can meet this requirement.

(End of this chapter)

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