Peerless Killing God

Chapter 63 Fight against the Sky Alliance!

Chapter 63 Fight against the Sky Alliance!

Of course, Long Feng's current points have reached a terrifying level. The old student's points have reached more than [-] points, and the original points are as high as [-].

He can exchange one point for one soul coin and one spirit coin for the points of old students, and the ratio of one hundred for one for new students. In this way, he can exchange [-] soul coins and [-] spirit coins, and In this way, Long Feng can practice in Tianling Pagoda or Zhenhun Temple for five years each.

Of course, there are no absolutes in the world. Due to the relationship between the level of the Soul Rescue Hall and the Spirit Pagoda, the higher the soul coin, the more spirit coins are needed. If it is the highest tenth floor, ten soul coins or ten spirit coins are needed for one cultivation. Coming to Longfeng, he could only practice for half a year at most.

"It seems that everyone is very leisurely and carefree! But today you just hand over your jade cards obediently!" A sullen voice suddenly came from the dark, five of them were wearing black robes and wearing a jade badge on their chests. A purple sign engraved with the word Tian.

"People from the Tianmeng!" Hearing this gloomy voice and the sudden appearance of five people, Ge Tianba and the others turned pale in shock, and all looked at the coming people vigilantly and horrified.

The Tianmeng team consisted of five people. The leader was a black-haired young man with a thin and pale face and cold eyes. It is the existence of the top fifty on the land list.

In Zhanmeng College, there are five lists in total. Among them, the potential dragon list is prepared for new students to test their potential, and then there is the ground list. The names appearing on the ground list are all the strongest existences at the peak of the land spirit realm in Zhanmeng College. Although a cultivation base like Ge Tianba is at the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm, his strength is more than five times that of ordinary people at the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm, and a strength like Ge Tianba is only at the bottom of the Earth Ranking.

In other words, Ge Tianba's ranking is between [-] and [-] on the local list, and except for the leader of the Tianmeng, the strength of each of the other four members is more than double that of Ge Tianba.

Of course, compared to Long Feng, a pervert, they are far behind. You must know that Long Feng is also at the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm, but he is ten times stronger than them. It's as simple as adding one.

I'm afraid that No. 1 on the ground list does not have such terrifying strength as Long Feng, especially when Long Feng's hole cards are still flowing.

In addition, the Tianbang is the ranking of the strong in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and the young man who leads this team is the existence of the top [-] in the Tianbang. Although he belongs to the bottom one, his strength is also very terrifying.

And Ge Tianba and others said that the battle king list is a list to test their strength. Every year, the college competitions list this list, and not all the strong players on the battle king list are from the sky list. After all, some of the monsters in the top ten are also extremely powerful.

The last list was not established by the college, but the list was established by the students themselves, that is the list of beautiful women, so there is no need to think about why.

At this moment, Long Feng, who had his eyes tightly closed, suddenly opened them, and his gaze suddenly turned to the people who came. In his perception, these five people were not ordinary people, and the leader especially gave him a sense of crisis.

"Hmph!" Seeing that Long Feng had only opened his eyes now, and he still had a calm expression on his face, Li Jue let out a cold snort, and the sole of his foot suddenly stepped on the ground, and suddenly, there was an extremely tyrannical aura, like a shocking ocean wave, It directly swept away towards Long Feng who was sitting cross-legged on the ground.


However, when that terrifying aura descended on Long Feng's body, a soaring evil aura emerged from Long Feng's body, and the terrifying aura was instantly torn apart by the soaring aura and dissipated in mid-air .

"What a strong evil spirit! Sure enough, he has a brush, no wonder he is so arrogant!" Seeing the terrifying evil spirit rising from Long Feng's body, Li Jue's pupils shrank slightly. Feng's evil spirit was strong enough to suffocate, and he thought it was far from enough, not to mention that Long Feng was able to retract and release freely.

And how many people would have to be killed, and how cold-hearted it must be to do this, Li Jue asked himself that he would never be able to do this.

Thinking of this, Li Jue's eyes revealed seriousness, maybe this time he really met a ruthless character.

Hearing this, Long Feng raised his head slowly, glanced at the five Lijue people with indifferent eyes, and said slowly at that moment: "It's actually here, then there's no need to leave!"

"Arrogance! A freshman is so arrogant! Today I will teach you a lesson, so that you know that Zhanmeng Academy is not so easy to advance!" Behind Lijue, a burly young man with the same gloomy face said coldly out loud.

And this person's strength ranks 45th in the ground list, and he is considered one of the masters in Zhanmeng College. Of course, it is only compared to some freshmen and old students who have not entered the near future, but in front of some real strong players in the sky list, he is in the battle. Union Academy is still the bottom one.

After finishing speaking, under Li Jue's acquiescence, the extremely burly young man in black robe launched his first probing attack, only to see a violent aura emerge from his body, and then a huge and incomparably huge warhammer appeared from the young man's hand.


The huge warhammer tore through the air, like a meteorite falling from the sky, brought up an extremely oppressive wind, and slammed down heavily on Long Feng who appeared sitting on the ground.

The distance of tens of meters is only one breath. When the hammer in the young man's hand was only half a foot away from the top of Long Feng's head, Long Feng raised his eyelids slightly, but his body was as light as a leaf blown by the breeze. He took a step back, and the war hammer smashed down at a speed of less than ten centimeters in front of Long Feng with terrifying vigor and strength.The terrifying strong wind above it blows all of Long Feng's black hair into the air.

"Good strength, but unfortunately the hit rate is a bit low!" Under the dignified eyes of Li Jue and the others, Long Feng smiled lightly, patted the ground lightly with his palm, and stood up lightly like a ghost.

Before the black-robed young man could recover from his horrified gaze, Long Feng's sleeves trembled slightly, and two golden dragon daggers, about the length of palms, slipped from the sleeves into Long Feng's palms, and immediately Under the dazzled eyes of everyone, the dragon-slaying dagger silently brought up afterimages and the faint golden light lingering on the tip of the dagger, and stabbed at the young man's body dazzlingly.

"Dangdangdangdang!!!" Under Long Feng's dazzling flying, the black-robed youth couldn't care less about other things, and the war hammer in his hand stood in front of him at once.

At the moment, only a series of jingling sounds and sparks were heard, and in just two or three breaths, Long Feng had swung the dragon-slaying dagger nearly hundreds of times, and every time he swung, the black-robed youth couldn't help but sweat. It flowed down all of a sudden.

Because, from time to time, the dagger in Long Feng's hand drew a cold arc, and the clothes in the deadly places on the body of the black-robed youth would be cut, but there was no blood.

As for the other nine people not far away, cold sweat flowed from their foreheads from time to time, because under their eyes, the dagger in Long Feng's hand seemed to be alive, and they could even feel that as long as Long Feng was willing, any time If he swung the dagger, the black-robed youth would surely die.

When Long Feng stopped, the black-robed young man sat on the ground with a pale face, and the black robe on his body had turned into small mouths one after another. There were dozens of mouths on his chest. Corresponding to all the internal organs, heart, liver, spleen, kidney and so on.

There is a row of openings on the spine of the young man in black, and every part of these openings is a place where people must die. As long as a dagger is pierced in, the young man in black will undoubtedly die. , the black-robed youth could feel that he was enough to die hundreds of times.

"Arrogance also needs capital! And you obviously don't have it!" The dagger in both hands flickered and disappeared, Long Feng glanced lightly at the black-robed youth, this was to teach the other party a lesson, so that the other party would know that arrogance is also a Kind of skill.

"Crack!" Long Feng's voice fell, and the hammer in the hands of the black-robed youth directly turned into a pile of iron fragments.

"Your Excellency is a good means! I admit that your strength is really good! But that's all!" Hearing Long Feng's more arrogant words, Li Jue's expression gradually became gloomy. With the strength of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, he was afraid that he might not have the qualifications.

"Really, you should give it a try!" The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and Long Feng's eyes fell on Li Jue with a smile that was not a smile.

"It's actually like this, then let me experience your master's brilliant move!" Staring coldly at Long Feng, a cold aura slowly appeared on Li Jue's body, and then a faint blue color emerged from his body .

"The Power of Youshui!" Looking at the extremely cold aura emerging from Li Jue, Long Feng also showed a serious look in his eyes. The Power of Youshui possesses all the characteristics of water. Has extremely strong corrosive and intrusive properties.

If Youshui invaded the body, the person would turn into a puddle of pus in an instant, and the Youshui on Lijue's body would naturally be colder and more terrifying.

"That's it! I can fight with you!" Breathing out lightly, the aura on Long Feng's body suddenly changed. Originally, his body was full of evil spirits, but now it became extremely violent and hot. Afterwards, Long Feng All of a sudden, it was filled with golden-red flames.

"The power of Binghuo!" Suddenly, Li Jue's expression turned ugly, it turned out to be the power of Binghuo that restrained Youshui the most among the five elements.

"Even if you have the power of Binghuo, so what, you are only at the Earth Spirit Realm!" Thinking of this, Li Jue's aura became more and more chilly.

Long Feng, who possesses the power of Binghuo, will become his biggest enemy. At this moment, Li Jue's heart is full of murderous intentions for Long Feng.

"Want to kill me! I'm afraid you will be disappointed!" Laughing coldly, Long Feng's eyes also flashed with murderous intent, Li Jue never imagined that his own motivation to kill would lead to his own death.

(End of this chapter)

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