Peerless Killing God

Chapter 65 Motivating Heaven and Earth!Peerless evildoer!

Chapter 65 Motivating Heaven and Earth!Peerless evildoer!
"Finally, I wish the little ones a happy life in the academy!" With a slight smile, the old man stretched out his hand and waved slightly. Everyone could feel that their spiritual consciousness on the jade card had changed, and the number on the jade card was also missing. two numbers.

Compared with the excited faces of the freshmen, the old students who came out of the secret realm on the other side were like dead parents, because the rest of the twenty teams except for the Dragon League and the Emperor League were all robbed of their points. Now the numbers in their jade cards have all returned to zero.

It's just that compared to them, the people on the Tianmeng side all looked gloomy and ugly. Lijue died, and Lijue was actually killed in the secret realm, which they never imagined.

"No matter who this person is, you must find him. Our Tianmeng must let him know what life is better than death." The cold voice spit out from the mouth of a man in black robe, making the soldiers around him The old students of the League Academy trembled slightly.

On the square, dozens of instructors walked towards their valued students with smiles. Of course, after these people were found by the instructors, they had to test whether their awakened souls belonged to that department.

After all, Zhanmeng Academy is divided into dozens of series, of which Five Elements is naturally the most popular. In addition, Fenglei Dark Light, Warrior, Assassin, Pharmacist and other various series naturally recruit the students they are paired with.

Detecting monuments can measure all-round qualifications of new students, including attributes, combat power and even cultivation talents.

The first student started the test, and at the request of the instructor, he hit the test monument with all his strength, and suddenly saw the colorful light of the monument.

In the end, the color on the monument was fixed at the medium-colored purple. The Lei Lingpo attribute awakener, 19 years old, has a middle-stage cultivation base of the Earth Spirit Realm, and his aptitude is middle-to-high.

And with the first place, there will be a steady stream of tests, of which there are all kinds, and the power of the five elements is undoubtedly the most, but some geniuses are also scrambled by some mentors, such as dual-attribute soul awakeners .

One of them is a genius with dual attributes of gold and earth, which made the metal and earth tutors fight with each other, and almost fought. In the end, the genius had better stand by helplessly and didn't know what to do. .

And the next test caused the entire Zhanmeng Academy to create the most intense record of grabbing people in history, and even some old immortal elders who had been retreating in the academy all year round were dispatched.

Looking at the testing monument, Long Feng, who was completely different from the excited freshmen who wanted to prove that he was talented, shook his head slightly and sat cross-legged in a place where there were no people.

He doesn't care about his aptitude at all. In his opinion, those so-called geniuses are just born in a better environment. If this kind of genius doesn't think about making progress, it's just a joke in the end.

In this world, there are real geniuses and monsters out there, and even if there are, none of those geniuses and monsters are trained hard.And some people, as long as you are willing to work hard, as long as you have enough perseverance, so what about their qualifications, this kind of person will soar to the sky sooner or later, and even go down in history.

However, Long Feng, who was incompatible with the freshmen, attracted the attention of several mentors. After all, Long Feng's aura was very strange. When you just started sensing it, you would find that Long Feng's aura was nothingness. It gave them a feeling that they were ordinary people. However, if you sense it carefully, you will find that Long Feng's aura seems to be everywhere, as if it is integrated with the heaven and the earth.

"Little brother, this old man is a teacher of the fire department. I wonder if you are interested in becoming a student of the fire department." Finally, an old man with long red hair and a rough face in a purple gold robe threw an olive branch at Long Feng. How about Long Feng's qualifications? After all, there are too many monks and few fleshy ones, so he can recruit one.

Looking at the old man who came before him, Long Feng who was sitting on the ground slowly opened his eyes and said: "If the teacher doesn't mind, I'm free."

"Of course I don't mind, of course I don't mind!" Hearing this, the red-haired old man chuckled, and pulled Long Feng to the bottom of the inspection monument.

"Huh? It's him! It's actually him!" Seeing the red-haired old man pulling Long Feng, the faces of some freshmen who encountered Long Feng in the secret territory and suffered a lot changed. You must know that they were all snatched by Long Feng In the end, he had to win other people's points to get into Zhanmeng Academy. Now he actually wants to test his aptitude. All the freshmen all turned their attention to Long Feng.

"Huh? Is there something tricky?" And how can these mature instructors of Zhanmeng Academy not see the changes on the faces of these freshmen and the deep fear and fear in their pupils.

present.All eyes fell on Long Feng standing under the huge black monument, they wanted to see what kind of qualifications this person had.

Looking at the black monument, a gleam flashed in Long Feng's originally indifferent eyes. Now that he was standing here, he wanted to see what kind of physique he had. Unawakened soul.


A flash of extreme fire suddenly appeared from Long Feng's palm, and under the eyes of everyone, Long Feng slapped the monument with his palm.

"Crack!" All of a sudden, the huge, pitch-black monument was suddenly enveloped in golden-red flames, and under the light of the flames, everyone's faces were illuminated and flushed.

"Haha! Did you see that, the old man's vision is not bad, it really is the fire soul!" Seeing the raging fire on the monument, Huo Laogui laughed, but the next moment, not only his eyes but also everyone around him They all rushed out, looking at the monument in horror.

I saw that the raging fire was still burning on the monument, but an unknown attraction suddenly struck, and suddenly countless open flames flocked here. The fire spirit power in the body was about to fly out of the body uncontrollably.

"Oh my god! Thousands of fires worship! Mobilize the power of heaven and earth! This is the purest power of Binghuo!" Someone roared angrily, and the whole square boiled. The purest power of Binghuo, this is not a dream, right? ?You must know that there has only been one student with the power of Binghuo in their academy for thousands of years, and that person is the elder of the five elements, Elder Binghuo, the founder of the fire department.

"Haha! It really is the purest power of Binghuo! Let it go, our fire department is about to rise, haha!" At this moment, Huo Laogui laughed wildly, and because of his excitement, he didn't know When did he pull out a lot of the fiery red beard on his chin.But Old Ghost Huo didn't feel any pain at all.

Looking at the power of heaven and earth triggered by the soaring pillar of fire, some instructors present looked at the old ghost Huo with envious expressions on their faces. What kind of luck did this old ghost have, to be able to find even such a genius and evildoer? Why didn't I Such luck.

Long Feng, whose palm was pressed against the monument, changed slightly because he found that his palm could not be pulled away. Originally, he planned to show the power of Binghuo, but now he couldn't help himself, because the five elements in his dantian are constantly emerging.

At this moment, when everyone was still envious and jealous of the old ghost Huo finding a good college, who would have known that a sudden change would occur on the monument, and the raging fire above the monument was still burning, but a wave of green was silent at some point. all over the monument.

"Look, it's so full of vitality! No! This is the purest power of Otoki! My God!" Suddenly a scream rang out, and everyone in the square hadn't recovered their senses. They all fell on the monument again.

"This... Could it be that this is an evil genius with dual systems of fire and wood!" Looking at the surrounding flowers, plants and trees bending towards Long Feng's direction, the instructors all lost their voices.

"This student, the old man wants it! Who is fighting with the old man! Who is the old man fighting for!" Suddenly two voices sounded at the same time, and everyone looked at the reputation, and they all had weird expressions on their faces. The two people looked the same, but The systems of the two are completely different. One of the two is a tutor of the wood department, while the other is a tutor of the pharmacist department.

"You two are shameless, this is the old man's student, and you heard it clearly!" Hearing the words of these two old immortals, Old Ghost Huo's nose was twisted all of a sudden, and he roared angrily Then he stood up, and the violent aura on his body could be seen at a glance.

You must know that this is a peerless evildoer with two elements of fire and wood, and fire is third fire and wood is second wood, and wood makes fire. If such an evil genius learns from him, he will surely cultivate a generation of legends in his hands in the future.

"What you said is yours is you, what is the evidence? No matter what this student is, our wood department (pharmacist department) wants it." After the words fell, the two old men looked at each other, and then they both snorted coldly .

"You guys don't want to argue, I didn't see that the monument has changed again!" Suddenly, I didn't know that the mentor spoke first, and everyone's eyes focused again, only to find that the original two colors on the monument had changed. Adds a burst of ultimate gold.

"This is the power of the Five Elements Gengjin! This..." Seeing that the metal weapon in his hand was trembling and about to fly out, everyone was shocked at the moment, and they were almost numb. Also let people live.

At this moment, the mentor of the gold department, a middle-aged man with a burly figure and golden skin and a resolute face, immediately stood up and said loudly: "This student, I want the gold department. If you don't agree, I can practice with him!"

"Okay! Strength determines who belongs, who is afraid of whom!" Hearing this, Old Huo, who had already bristled with anger, couldn't care less about it, and the crimson fire-elemental spirit power burst out of his body all of a sudden.

"No! Also! Oh my god, it's already the power of Guishui and Maotu at this moment, my god, the ultimate five elements are available!"

"Hiss!!!" Hearing this, there were countless gasps in the entire square. Undoubtedly, a truly peerless evildoer was born out of nowhere.

(End of this chapter)

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