Peerless Killing God

Chapter 66 Vibration!

Chapter 66 Vibration!

"Could this be the innate body of the five elements in the ancient legend?" At this moment, everyone's eyes widened, and the whole square was truly audible.

I saw the stunned old ghost Huo stretch out his withered hand and pinch it vigorously, and then saw a middle-aged man with muscles protruding like rocks all over his body saying in a low voice, "Old Huo ghost, it's okay, why are you pinching me?"

"Does it hurt?" Hearing this, Old Ghost Huo subconsciously asked without recovering.

"With your hand strength, it hurts!" Hearing this, Tie Yan immediately rolled his eyes and said.

"I see, it looks like I'm dreaming." Hearing this, Old Ghost Huo murmured in a daze, because at the moment just now, Long Feng's body was shining brightly, since the sun's light above the sky was drawn into the monument.

"The power of the sun! Isn't that right? There is actually a breath of the power of the sun in it. It seems that the old man is really dreaming."

However, when everyone thought this way at the same time, everyone suddenly felt a terrifying aura emerge from Long Feng's body, and then the monument was filled with blood, and the soaring evil spirit also formed an energy bar in the air. The void danced.

"This kid, our assassin department wants it! Whoever grabs it, I will fight with whoever it is!" Not much to say, when the instructor of the assassin department saw the bloody aura rising into the sky like a murderous god descending into the world, he jumped immediately He got up and shouted sullenly.

"Damn it, I also said, our warrior department wants this kid! I don't want the other students!"


"Fuck, we secretly want this kid! Whoever fights, I will fight him desperately!"


Finally, when Long Feng finally caused the general situation of the world to shake, all the instructors in the entire square went crazy, each of them was on the verge of breaking out, the aura of everyone burst out wildly, each of them stared big, and their faces were full of anger. The flush and the saliva on the face.

Compared with the madness of the instructors, some elders of Zhanmeng Academy who were in retreat also woke up one after another at this moment, not because they wanted to wake up, but because they couldn’t do without waking up, because Zhanmeng Academy has already been detonated. power.

Ten terrifying energy pillars hovered over the monument like a tornado. The ultimate power of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and five elements, the power of yin and yang, the power of heaven and earth, and the blood evil spirit spread throughout the void.

It can be said that at this moment, all the powerhouses in the entire Zhanmeng Academy went crazy. The dean of Zhanmeng Academy who had just left suddenly appeared in the void of the square, looking at the figure of Long Feng under the monument, the dean He couldn't help but shook his head and said: "It seems that the legend has come true, I hope Zhanmeng Academy can survive this catastrophe."

Outside the Hall of Soul Rescue, a white-haired and white-bearded old man with dark and dry muscles suddenly opened his cloudy eyes and murmured, "After 500 years, the old man can finally complete the task."

On the towering spire of Tianling Pagoda, an old man who has been in seclusion all year round, with white hair, white eyebrows and white beard, opened his eyes slightly and looked in the direction of Zhenhun Di'an and said slowly: "Could it be? It's just that The millennium catastrophe is inevitable!"

In the end the old man shook his head, but still slowly closed his pair of wise eyes, everything is determined by the sky, manpower can't go against the sky, just obey the destiny.

On the square, a group of elders from the Zhanmeng Academy finally came. These elders became even crazier when they appeared, and each of them opened their mouths to accept Long Feng as their closed disciple.

"The old man has not accepted disciples for three years. This old man looks pleasing to the eye and wants to accept closed disciples."

"Fuck your mother, you accepted a dozen or so disciples last year, and this old man hasn't accepted a disciple for more than ten years."

"According to what you said, the old man has not accepted a disciple for a hundred years. This kid, the old man has changed to a closed disciple plus a direct disciple."

At this moment, the entire square went crazy, leaving only a group of stunned freshmen. Are these the legendary mentors and elders of Zhanmeng Academy?Their steeds felt like they had entered a den of robbers.

Seeing a group of elders who are hundreds of years old fighting and cursing, the mentors of various departments are also dumbfounded. These elders are all their elders, and some of them are even their mentors' mentors. up.

Seeing them getting in now, what else could they do, all of them could only shut their eyes and shut their mouths and looked at Long Feng on the monument with a wry smile on his face.

That's right, Long Feng has a wry smile and a heart full of helplessness at the moment. What are these things? He hasn't said a word yet. Fortunately, these people have already started fighting somewhere. It seems that he will immediately become their direct disciple. generally.

"What kind of demeanor!" Suddenly, a seemingly innocuous voice sounded, and all the elders present who were still arguing fell silent. Everyone lowered their heads slightly, not daring to look at the person who came.

"This kid, you don't need to fight for the time being, it's decided like this. When this kid is willing to join that department or become a disciple, then it is his own wish. What are you fighting for here?" After finishing speaking, the courtyard With a wave of the long-sleeved robe, all the elders and mentors disappeared in place.

Seeing this miraculous hand, all the freshmen present widened their eyes in disbelief. They had never heard of such a supernatural trick.

"It's so strong! With the power of heaven and earth in your hands, this dean is definitely one of the strongest people in the world!" Long Feng looked at the dean who moved everyone to where he didn't know. The pupils shrank slightly, this method is already comparable to the gods' moving mountains and filling the sea.

"Okay, little guy, now you can go to the exchange office with your jade tokens to exchange for your own accommodation." After finishing speaking, Cang Ming waved his hand helplessly and disappeared in place.

Facing this sudden scene, everyone gave a helpless wry smile, and then walked out of the gate of the square curiously holding jade plaques.

As for the elders and mentors before, they walked back to their residences with bruises and swollen noses. They knew that they had no chance to take that kid into their pocket today, so they had to find a way after a while.

But they didn't know that as soon as Long Feng came in, he offended the Tianmeng to death, and the Tianmeng had always been in charge of the freshmen's residence and the right to explain the rules.

"New freshmen, you put the jade badge on this jade platform, and you can use the points to get the equivalent of your own residence. Ten points are the usual eight-person dormitory, thirty points are the single room, and one hundred points are the Luxury Courtyard."

After glancing at everyone indifferently, Xiao Yuan continued: "Which one of you is Long Feng? We arranged a special residence for him."

"Huh?" Hearing this, Long Feng in the crowd immediately raised his brows. From Xiao Yuan's voice, he heard a faint killing intent. Although it was not very strong, he felt it keenly.

Seeing Xiao Yuan pointing out names, everyone stepped aside one after another, and Long Feng was the only one left in the crowd.

"You are Long Feng? Very good, you come with me!" Sweeping Long Feng with indifferent eyes, Xiao Yuan took the lead and walked away from here.

Hearing this, Long Feng raised his eyelids, and a cold sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.Without the slightest hesitation at the moment, he followed behind Xiao Yuan with strides.

Due to the vast land of Zhanmeng College, it can be said that the entire Zhanmeng College has the architectural format of the main hall. Of course, apart from the main hall, there are inferior houses and competition platforms that can be seen everywhere. In addition, hills and rivers abound, and Zhanmeng College The strength of spiritual energy inside is two or three times as strong as that in the outside world.

In Zhanmeng College, there is Soul-Suppressing Hall on the left, Tianling Terrace on the right, and the center is the teaching place of each department. Of course, apart from these three places, the most popular place in Zhanmeng College is the arena, where there are every day There are more than a thousand battles, and every battle is a contest between students, and under this kind of competition, the strength of each student can be improved rapidly.

Of course, the arena also has some other functions, such as earning points to exchange for soul coins or spirit coins, etc. These are naturally private gambling matches.

The student's residence is at the back of Zhanmeng Academy, which is also full of halls, but Xiao Yuan led Long Feng farther and farther, and finally stopped in front of a dilapidated and smelly latrine hut.

"Long Feng, due to the rapid enrollment of Zhanmeng Academy in recent years, the dormitory is full. Although it is a bit broken, it is still quiet. And it is a single room, so we don't count your points as a gift for you to live in." Finger Pointing to the dilapidated hut, Xiao Yuan said with a cold smile.

"It really is a good place, thank you senior!" Hearing this, Long Feng raised his eyelids, and a cold voice sounded slowly.

Hearing this, Xiao Yuan's face sank slightly, but he still showed a smile and said: "This is the best, by the way, as for your school uniform and student rules, you will go to my place to get it tomorrow, and you forgot to bring it today."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yuan smiled mockingly, waved his big hand and gradually walked away. He originally thought that Long Feng was still a man, but he was so weak. He didn't make a move after repeated provocations. It seems that he was arrogant. look at him.If this guy dares to come to pick up things tomorrow, then tomorrow he will know what it means to regret coming to Zhanmeng Academy.

"Are you going to pick it up tomorrow? Are you qualified?" Hearing this, a harmless smile slowly appeared on the corner of Long Feng's mouth. This Xiao Yuan was already on his must-kill list, and if Xiao Yuan wanted to blame him, he would offend him. A killer.

Along the way, didn't Long Feng know that some halls or residences were empty, and his last sentence was even more nonsense, and there were a bunch of school uniforms on his freshman hostel.

The sole of his foot slightly stepped on the ground, Long Feng's figure turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the spot, and the direction he left was exactly the same as Xiao Yuan's. up.

(End of this chapter)

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