Chapter 275
"What's important?" Xiao Yang continued to ask.

"It's nothing, it's just that the six missing girls died in the mountains, so I want to go and see now." Xia Tian said.

"The six missing girls are all dead?" Xueba asked.

"Yes, they're all dead, let's not talk about it, I'll go down first." Xia Tian said in a message.

"I'm going too!" Xiao Yang said in a message.

"You have to go by yourself, I won't take you, flash!"

Xia Tian immediately turned off the laptop, put on the black backpack, walked out of the house, locked the door, took a taxi, and ran to the town.

"You bow your head without saying a word, you walk towards the gray, you live in the chaotic deep sea, you start to wait hopelessly, you bow your head without saying a word, you walk towards the gray, you live in the chaotic deep sea, you start to wait hopelessly... "

Xia Tian's cell phone rang, it was Qi Zihan calling, she said:
"These girls died in a cave that was three meters deep, five meters wide, and six meters long. There was also a circle with a diameter of four meters drawn on the open space. There were many hideous patterns and patterns drawn in the circle. runes, and those six girls died in that circle in various poses."

"Don't go into that pit, and don't move those corpses. The circle may be an evil formation, which may be dangerous. You go out of the cave first, and wait until I come."

Xia Tian said.

"Okay, we're not going to go down, it feels quite eerie." Qi Zihan said.



Half an hour later, Xia Tian came to the front of the mountain 1000 meters behind the sunny pharmacy.

Looking at this mountain in summer, it is continuous, like a green dragon coiling around the Yin of the earth, very dangerous like a situation where the green dragon seizes the shade.

When I come to the mountain, I feel much cooler in summer. The mountain is surrounded by green shade. In summer, I saw a few police cars parked outside the mountain road, so I walked along the dark mountain road. After a while, I went around a small hill and came to a valley. , there is a relatively high mountain in the middle of the valley, which is where the cave Qi Zihan mentioned before is located.

The mountain is surrounded by lush trees and vines all over the mountain, which looks very cool in such a hot summer.

Qi Zihan and several policemen were at the entrance of the cave not far away.

Seeing Xia Tian coming, Qi Zihan waved to him and shouted, "Xia Tian is here."

Xia Tian responded and walked over.

"How did you find this place? Weeds and trees are overgrown here. It's hard to find a cave here!"

Xia Tian walked to Qi Zihan and said.

"I sent a hundred police officers to search the mountain and found this place." Qi Zihan said.

"Okay, let's go in and have a look, you follow me, others don't come in." Xia Tian directly pushed aside the green vines and walked in.

"Don't you need a flashlight? It's very dark inside. The cave is more than ten meters deep. It gets darker as you go inside, and you can't see anything," Qi Zihan said.

"I can even see ghosts, you can use it yourself, follow me closely, don't be scared and cry for a while, just hug me, then I will be very embarrassed."

Xia Tian laughed.

"Tch, you can be obsessed. Anyway, I have the amulet you gave me, so I'm not afraid of anything, and if there are zombies we just entered, the zombies would have eaten us already."

Qi Zihan said.

"It makes sense. Of course, you didn't move the corpse inside. Otherwise, the zombie might have jumped out from a certain corner of the cave."

Xia Tian laughed, scaring Qi Zihan.

"I'm not afraid even if zombies come out. You saw it when you entered the cave just now. We brought heavy weapons, and a scud is enough for him to eat."

Qi Zihan said.

"Let's not talk about Scud, even if you use ten bombs, it may not be useful to this red-eyed zombie, unless you use missiles." Xia Tian said.

"Uh... Missiles need to be applied to the higher authorities. I am the captain of the criminal police in a small town, and I am not qualified to apply at all."

Qi Zihan followed closely behind Xia Tian.

The cave was very humid, and a few bats were frightened by their footsteps in summer, and flew out of the cave with a "squeak".

And Qi Zihan was also taken aback, and hugged Xia Tian. The two groups of softness behind him pressed Xia Tian's back tightly, feeling very elastic. I'm so tight."


Seeing the bat flying away, Qi Zihan snorted coldly, pushed Xia Tian away, and stopped talking. Xia Tian turned to look at Qi Zihan, only to see her face was extremely red under the flashlight's peripheral light.

"What are you looking at, don't hurry up." Qi Zihan felt guilty and shouted to Xia Tian.

"Of course you have to go, otherwise, when a few more bats come, you will throw yourself into your arms again."

After Xia Tian finished speaking, she ran forward, fearing that Qi Zihan would use force.

At the end of the cave, Xia Tian stopped, and saw a three-meter-deep circular pit in front of him, in which six girls were lying in a strange formation in various strange postures, as if the six girls were lying in a strange formation. The girl as a sacrifice just seems to have failed.

Xia Tian directly slid down the rope that Qi Zihan and the others were preparing to descend, "The beautiful policewoman is on it, I'm afraid there is danger here, and I won't be able to take care of you then."

"Okay! Be careful." Qi Zihan said.

"Hey! There's a hole underneath!" Xia Tian said.

"Is there? I didn't see it when I stood on it." Qi Zihan said.

"The wall of this hole slopes inward. Of course you can't see it when you stand on it. You don't know where the hole leads to."

Xia Tian looked at the deep hole for a while, then turned and walked towards that strange formation.

Seeing those girls all turned pale and died.

Summer squatted down and checked a girl's body, and saw bite marks on her neck:
"Since they are used as sacrifices, they must not die to be sacrificed. If the formation fails, the red-eyed zombie will bite them to death."

Qi Zihan looked at the pale and dead faces of the six girls below, looking very creepy, and asked in a low voice, "Then will they become zombies?"

"Yes, and they are blue-eyed zombies, they must be burned now."

Just as Xia Tian finished speaking, the girl next to him suddenly opened her eyes, her blue eyes, like stars in the dark, looked dazzling and weird.

"Roar" The girl let out a zombie roar instantly, opened her ferocious mouth, and bit Xia Tian fiercely.

"I wipe!" Xia Tian took out a fire talisman and stuffed it into the mouth of the female blue-eyed zombie.

With a sound of "Phi, the fire talisman exploded from the blue-eyed female zombie's mouth in an instant, and her nose should have been so painful that smoke was coming out of her nose.

But they didn't die, and the other five girls also opened their eyes at the same time, they were all blue, stood up abruptly, and rushed towards Xia Tian.

Xia Tian kicked a blue-eyed female zombie away, took out a red rope from her body, threw it at one of the blue-eyed female zombies, and then performed the shape-shifting movement technique, with a "whoosh", six The blue-eyed female zombies were circled several times by Hong Qiang, and the red rope rose brightly. Those zombies struggled screamingly, and almost broke the red rope circle.

[There is a reward, there is an update, hurry up and give me the recommendation ticket, hurry up and give me a reward]

(End of this chapter)

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