Chapter 276 Go Down
These blue-eyed female zombies are not intelligent. Although they are still trapped by Xia Xia's red rope, they still want to bite Xia Xia, and keep roaring, looking very scary.

Qi Zihan above was a little pale with fright at the terrifying roars they made.

Seeing that the red rope was about to be broken in summer, I circled them a few times for safety.

Qi Zihan looked a little puzzled. Last summer, he used red rope and painted runes to deal with the lowest-level white-eyed zombies. But this time he faced six blue-eyed zombies alone. Zombies are stuck, so she asks the question on her mind.

Summer laughed and said:

"Isn't it the first time I encountered a zombie last time? Be careful and draw a rune on the red rope to deal with the zombie in the most conservative way. After the experience last time, I also have a general understanding of the strength of the zombie. After a while, the red rope can still trap the blue-eyed zombies. Didn’t Xiao Yang be there last time? He often said that he wanted to learn from me, so I told him some simple ways to deal with zombies by the way. I bought the date sword, in fact the best date sword is the one made by lightning splitting the date tree, last time the date was too thin and broke immediately, of course the reason for the break is that the white-eyed zombie is mutated."


Qi Zihan was confused when he heard it, so he nodded his head, pretended to understand, and changed the subject:
"Then binding these female zombies won't solve the problem?"

"The treatment is very simple, burn them with gasoline." Xia Tian said.

"We didn't bring gasoline!"

Qi Zihan said, "There is no other way?"

"Of course there is, but it's very laborious, and I don't want to use it."

Xia Tian said, "Don't you have spare gasoline in your car, just go and get it."

"Uh... how did you think of it, I often drive without thinking of it."

Qi Zihan was embarrassed for a while, "I'll call them right now and ask them to bring it."

"You don't need to call, you go get it, there is no signal here." Xia Tian said.

Qi Zihan took out his mobile phone and looked at it, but there was really no signal, "How do you know? It's amazing."

"Your mental retardation is caused by the horror factor of the surrounding scenery. You will get used to it after more experience. Think about it, this is a mountain, and it is still in a cave in the mountain. There will be signals transmitted here?"

Xia Tian laughed.

"You're still right. My heart beats a little fast, a little tense, and my thinking is messed up. I'm going out now." Qi Zihan turned around and walked outside.

"Hey..." The faces of these female zombies changed from pale to blue, then white, and they were still roaring and shouting. Xia Tian felt very noisy, so she took out six purple corpse-suppressing charms and pasted them on. It feels like the world is quiet and a lot more comfortable.

After a while, Qi Zihan and a male criminal policeman walked in. The male criminal policeman was carrying a barrel of gasoline, while Qi Zihan walked in front of the pothole with ease, and said to the male criminal policeman:

"Xiao Nan, tie a rope to the handle of the gasoline and place it below for Consultant Zhang."

"Yes, captain." Xiao Nan replied very forcefully, tied up the gasoline with a rope, put it underneath, Xia Tian walked over, and took the gasoline.

"Well, you can go out now."

Qi Zihan didn't shine a flashlight under the pothole. If Xiaonan saw the horrible situation below, he would be terrified. He didn't speak so loudly just now, and he might even pee in fright.

After Xiao Nan went out, Qi Zihan said, "Why didn't they bark?"

"Don't you know by looking at it yourself?" Xia Tian said while holding gasoline.

"I don't look at it, their eyes are uncomfortable."

Although Qi Zihan has seen many lives and deaths, this is the first time she has seen this kind of zombie. It is extremely powerful and more terrifying than wild beasts and criminals, so she dare not look at it.

"It's okay, their eyes are closed."

After Xia Xia finished speaking, seeing that Qi Zihan still didn't use the flashlight to look at it, he stopped talking. Then he thought of a question and said:

"I don't smoke, I don't have a lighter, have you brought it?"

"No, when I went out, you didn't say you wanted a lighter. Don't you know the fire talisman? Is it the ghost-catching move that burns up when you throw it out?"

Qi Zihan said.

"Thank you for the reminder, I actually forgot." Xia Tian poured gasoline on the six female zombies.

Then there was the sound of footsteps above, and the light of the flashlight, "Captain Ganchai has brought it."

Qi Zihan walked forward for a certain distance, praised the two police officers carrying four bundles of firewood, and then said:

"You turn off the flashlights, and put the firewood aside."

Qi Zihan took a flashlight to shine on the ground, but the pothole was not illuminated, because he didn't want the two police officers to see the situation below.



Xia Tian praised Qi Zihan when he received the dry firewood:
"I didn't expect you to ask them to find dry firewood. So many zombies really need some dry firewood to burn them thoroughly, and they won't jump out halfway through the fire."

After Xia Tian received the dry wood, he piled the dry wood around the six female zombies, took out a purple fire talisman, and threw it out.

In the next moment, the fire talisman turned into a ball of fire, igniting the female zombies, and the fire started.

Soon the fire became bigger and bigger, and Xia Tian didn't explore the deep and unknown tunnel leading to it, because the fire ignited and the air inside was not smooth, and if he stayed for a long time, he would suffocate to death.

So Xia Tian climbed up the pothole with the rope, and walked out of the hole with Qi Zihan.

"Wait until the burning inside is finished, then go in." Xia Tian said while sitting on the grass under the shade of a tree.

"Hmm! I didn't expect you to know so much. It would be a pity not to be a policeman." Qi Zihan said.

"I don't like being a policeman. I don't like being restrained everywhere. I like a free life. I can play games when I want, exercise when I want to exercise, and watch TV when I want to watch TV. And I have to finish my grandfather's life. My wish is to go to the University of Chinese Medicine.”

Xia Tian said.

"Well, I can see this. It is impossible for you to accept this kind of institutionalized life. That's why I say it's a pity." Qi Zihan laughed.



After a while, the smoke in the cave disappeared, as did the screaming and roaring.

And Xia Tian's cell phone rang, it was Xiao Yang calling, he must have found him, Xia Xia answered the phone, "I'm here, where are you?"

"In the mountains, where are you now?" Xia Tian said.

"I'm walking towards the mountain behind Sunny Pharmacy." Xiao Yang said.

"Well, you just go straight to the side of the mountain, there are a few police cars there, and then you can walk along the mountain road in front of the police cars, and you can find us."

After Xia Tian finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"How do you have a signal? What is Xiao Yang doing here?" Qi Zihan said.

"I'm also speechless, the sudden signal is gone now! This guy can't be chased away, we can only let him follow, otherwise, it may be dangerous to let him run around." Xia Tian looked at the signal with his mobile phone, He was speechless for a while, how could he be able to talk on the phone suddenly, which puzzled him.

(End of this chapter)

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