Chapter 288 Mo Xiao
The female ghost is called Mo Xiaole. Originally, her parents gave her this name in the hope that when she grows up, she will understand the meaning of happiness and be happy. Unexpectedly, their surname is Mo and Mo Xiaole, which means they don’t know the meaning of happiness. .

This female ghost is also a poor girl.After death, lost in hatred again.And that gray breath may be the reason why this female ghost has become so powerful.

The RB bald officer screamed in horror at the bloody severed head of the female ghost, and the car he drove rammed to the side.

"Bang..." The huge impact made the RB bald officer feel dizzy. Fortunately, he was wearing a seat belt and was not injured, but his whole body was sore, and he collapsed on the seat weakly. There was a puff of blue smoke in front of the military vehicle.

And the bloody head of the female ghost was gone.

The RB bald officer was panting heavily, covered in cold sweat, and the panic was still spreading and hadn't disappeared.

The originally clear sky suddenly became very dark, just like the night, it was gloomy everywhere, and the smoke in front of the car was still rising, which seemed very thick.

RB's bald-headed officer got out of the car in panic and ran outside.

But no matter how he ran, he would run back to the prison.

And what made him desperate was that all his subordinates died screaming in the prison, with bloody heads hanging in the prison.The bloody severed heads screamed and stared at the RB bald officer, "Help me, save me!", which made the RB bald officer almost faint from fright, screamed, continued to run outside, and continued to pant , After a while, he ran back to the prison.

The RB bald-headed officer heard hurried footsteps behind him, and the prison boss ran in in horror, shouting, "Ah! Why did I run back to the prison again?"

Frightened, the cell boss found the bald officer of RB, and walked over cautiously, "Master... Commander!"

This RB bald officer can't speak Chinese, and he can't understand what the cell boss is saying. He said, "Bastard, what are you talking about?" (Note, RB's words can be directly translated into Chinese.)
"Big... Zuo, behind you..." The cell head saw a bloody female ghost protruding from behind the RB bald officer. The cell head was terrified, his eyes widened, and he shouted, "Ghost, just Ran."

The RB bald officer was so frightened that he peed, trembling all over, and slowly turned around to see the bloody severed head behind him, showing a terrifying and weird smile.

With a sound of "Ah!", the RB bald officer fainted from fright.

Then there is the prison boss, no matter how long he runs, he will run back to the prison.

The cell boss knelt down in the prison and begged Mo Xiaole for mercy, "That's right, I'm too lustful, I'm a traitor, I have seniors and juniors, please, let me go."

The female ghost didn't respond to him.

Doing evil and being a traitor will get the punishment they deserve, and countless terrors will overwhelm the prisoner until he faints from fright.

Then, the RB bald-headed officer and the cell leader continued to be tortured until the female ghost tortured them to death, of course she did not let go of their souls.

Suddenly, the scene changed, and a very realistic hell appeared in front of Xia Tian.

There are countless skulls floating in the countless small pools of magma, and countless ghosts are tortured in the small pools of magma, howling ghosts and wolves, which is very terrifying.

Xia Tian knew that all of this was an illusion, and the female ghost's own story was finished, so she wanted to do something to Xia Tian.

But what illusion is not difficult to break for Xia Tian.

"I sympathize with your past experience, but you were killed, your soul was trapped, and your revenge was avenged. What else is there to be dissatisfied with?" Xia Tian took a few steps back and returned to the samsara gossip circle. If the ghost head deity enters it, the strength will also be affected.

"My life is so miserable, and despair is everywhere. Ever since this red-eyed zombie came to me, he said that I was his wife in his previous life. He also said that he could help me find the corpse so that I could be a human again, with an immortal body, and then we I started to look for the most yin body that belongs to water. But then I met a handsome Taoist priest who told me not to look for any more nine yin bodies, and injured Miao Deheng. Lied to me, I don’t need the most yin The body can also save me. At that time, my heart was moved. That Taoist priest is really handsome, and it is the deadliest for a girl who has never been in love. That Taoist priest looks very similar to you and can also restrain Yin and Yang Curse, called Henry Zhang. It must be your father? He lied to me and sealed me back then."

Mo Xiaole's voice spread into Xia Tian's ears everywhere, "Isn't the greatest pain in life just being deceived by the one you love and being sealed? After I catch you, I will use your life to force Henry Zhang from."

"Your calculation is not bad, but my father passed away ten years ago, so you can go to the underworld to find him." It's sealed, it's amazing.

"No! He won't die! I can feel that he is still alive." The female ghost said in a panic.

"You don't like my dad, do you? Didn't he seal you? He also lied to your feelings. Aren't you going to kill him?"

Xia Tian’s world view has changed drastically, and the love between humans and ghosts has not ceased. “Then this zombie named Miao Deheng, don’t you want it? He doesn’t seem to be dead. Although he was chopped into pieces by me, he is still alive. How do you treat him? Don't accept a piece of true love?"

"The person he loves is from my previous life, not the current me, so instead of liking him, I have been using him." The female ghost sneered.


Xia Tian was speechless for a while, it turned out that their feelings were so complicated, "It's a pity that my father said that he only loves my mother in this life, and will not like other women, you should return to the ashes!" Xia Xia looked at it carefully with the dragon sword Looking forward and ready to fight at any time.

"Like a father, like a son, you really look alike, I don't believe it, when you are about to die, your father still hasn't appeared." The female ghost's vicious voice sounded.

The ground under Xia Tian's feet suddenly collapsed, and the magma continuously spewed upwards, and the scorching heat made Xia Tian feel like he was actually there.

"Little Mirage also wants to trap me, you underestimate me too."

Xia Tian closed his eyes tightly, and chanted the mantra of purifying the heart, "There is clearness and turbidity, there is movement and stillness; the sky is clear and the earth is turbid, the sky is moving and the earth is still. Men are pure and women are turbid..."

In the next moment, the screen changed, and it appeared outside the cave entrance of the Underworld. The three female ghost heads stood behind Nalan Ruobing, while the Miao Deheng red-eyed zombie was still screaming, and his body was divided into eight pieces. He was still able to move, and the blood flowed continuously. It was simply too miserable.

And Nalan Ruobing held the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand, stabbing at Xia Tian with a cold face.

"Scared..." Xia Tian was taken aback. When did Nalan Ruobing come back again? She was not taken away by Yang Ling, it must be a hallucination.

"It's a very enjoyable thing for people in love to kill each other." Mo Xiaole smiled cruelly.

Xia Tian didn't close her eyes again and recite the mantra of clearing her heart, but her figure flickered, and the shape-shifting movement technique unfolded, evading Nalan Ruobing's stab in an instant, and appeared behind her.

From behind Nalan Ruobing hugged her small waist.

Xia Tian put her head on Nalan Ruobing's neck and stretched it in front of her short hair, sniffing her in a hooligan way, "It smells so good."

Xia Xia knows that this is an illusion, so he can act recklessly, take advantage of it, and play hooligans.

Mo Xiaole was so pissed off by Xia Tian, ​​she didn't expect that her plan to torture Xia Tian turned into a scene of Xia Xia molesting beautiful women.

Mo Xiaole knew that Xia Tian's reincarnation gossip formation was so powerful that he didn't want to go in and fight Xia Xia, so he used illusion. He didn't expect illusion to be useless at all, "Let's go together, don't beat him to death, keep him half breathed, and force his father to come out , I don't believe that a father would be so heartless and refuse to save him."

In the next moment, three ghost heads rushed into the Bagua circle of reincarnation and surrounded Xia Tian.

"You are very powerful this time, and you have actually reduced our strength a lot." Mo Xiaole sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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